Author Note:
The fic is ranked no.45(power stone) all round and no.7(power stone) on the monthly(<30 days) ranking.
Let's make it reach under 5 in monthly of course! We cAn Do thiS !!
"Why are you guys wasting time even after knowing everything?" Jin-ah inquired.
"W-Will your team go inside to assist Azaroth?" It was Song-Yi who asked.
"I'm afraid not. After reviewing the details, Master Baek determined this dungeon contains threats.... ehm* far beyond our abilities as a C and D-rank team." Lee Junghook said in a tone filled with pity.
Upon hearing the captain's words, Jin-ah and the other schoolgirls began panicking, worried whispers and cries filling the air.
"What if he's hurt in there?", "Why did he have to go alone?" Many classmates shouted.
But Jun-ah remained silent, deep in worried thought.
'Why did he have to do that?'
She recalled how when her whole class including her were panicking due to the sudden Gate Break Azaroth had calmly controlled the situation.
How he stepped in fearlessly to defeat monsters and protect her.... and the others.
That evening, after Azaroth dropped her off, the mysterious enchanting boy occupied Jin Ah's thoughts.
She quickly changed and plopped onto her bed, pulling up articles and podcasts discussing Azaroth on her phone.
Through the night she consumed any information available, watching clip after clip of his appearances.
While the media portrayed him as an arrogant rich brat, she had seen his calm intelligence and selflessness firsthand. He had saved their lives at the cost of himself, now entering an unknown danger without backup to keep them safe.
She didn't seem to know herself but Jin Ah was fascinated by his calm yet resolute demeanor, how he helped others without thought for himself.
Yesterday absorbed in watching all she could, Jin Ah almost forgot her plant watering chore. She hurried through the task, too engrossed to pay full attention.
Returning to bed, she replayed their conversation in her mind, analyzing each word. Though brief, Azaroth had entrusted her.
Today, Jin Ah was excited about the movie outing, a chance to spend more casual time with Song Yi and Azaroth and hopefully learn more about him.
Jin Ah couldn't understand why, but she felt intensely drawn to him like no other boy before.
Now, all her hopes lay in peril behind that misty veil. Why did this sudden dungeon breach have to occur, endangering Azaroth's life when he'd done nothing but help others? It wasn't fair.
Jin Ah fought back tears, thinking of how Azaroth entered alone to protect her and the other students. Once again, he selflessly put himself in harm's way without a second thought.
As Azaroth's classmates continued fretting, a few suggested the White Tiger Hunters should still offer support.
"He's alone in there! They need to help somehow."
'Ah!' Jin-ah's eyes fell upon Song Yi, who stood apart in silence. She recalled what Mrs. Soo Jin had confided - that Song Yi had developed feelings for Azaroth.
Seeing Song Yi's ashen face and trembling hands, Jin-ah's heart sank in understanding.
Maybe beyond everyone here, Song Yi cared for Azaroth the deepest.
She must be near paralyzed with worry for his safety.
Jin-ah approached Song Yi gently. "Song... He will be okay. Azaroth is strong."
Song Yi didn't look at her, eyes fixed on the misty barrier. Her tone was small. "What if something you think he will die?"
Jin-ah had no reassurance, only gripping Song Yi's cold hands supportively. At that moment, she knew - if Azaroth did not return, Song Yi's world would shatter.
"What if...he never comes back?" Song Yi whispered, eyes resembling dark voids and lips slightly twitching.
The words sent a stab of panic through Jin Ah's heart. Song Yi's mental state was clearly deteriorating the longer they waited helplessly.
Jin Ah grasped Song Yi's shoulders firmly.
"Hey! Don't say that. A-Azaroth will return safely... I know it." She wished she felt as confident as she sounded.
Turning to the captain with newfound resolve, Jin Ah said, "Mister, please. Time may be running out... for him, as we speak. I..Instead of waiting, your team should go now and offer support! please!"
It seemed like the fear of losing him.. NO, the fear of her best friend losing her sanity had started to cloud her thinking and the stench of rotten monster flesh as well as the smell of blood made it even worse.
The captain hesitated, but the other students rallied behind Jin Ah's plea. "She's right, every second counts! Azaroth risked his life for us."
And at that time—
"What the fuck is wrong with me!" Song Yi plopped down due to her mental breakdown.
"SongYi!!" As Song Yi broke down sobbing, Jin Ah hugged her tightly. They had to act before it was too late for their friend still fighting alone inside.
But someone was watching them- it seemed Sung Jinwoo, after listening that his sister was in danger finally reached there.
As Sung Jin Woo approached the mall, he spotted Jin Ah's distraught face from afar.
'Thank God, everything is fine.' Relief flooded him to see she was unharmed.
Drawing nearer, he subconsciously enhanced his hearing to eavesdrop on their conversation. What he heard gave him pause - Jin Ah and others were pleading with hunters to save someone inside.
♠Sung Jinwoo's POV♠
I exited the swamp dungeon, triumphant after defeating the powerful boss.
My level had risen to 18, and new skills and abilities were awakening within me. For the first time, I truly felt strong - strong enough to protect those important to me.
But as I emerged from the train station, a soldier spotted me and started escorting me toward the other hunters fighting a Boss monster which had emerged in downtown.
But then—
I overheard a frantic call on the soldier's walkie-talkie.
"Gate breach reported at Seol City Mall...requests immediate backup!"
My heart seized in my chest.
The mall - that's where Jin-ah had said she was going after school. If a dungeon had opened there, she would be right in the line of fire.
Adrenaline surged through my veins, drowning out all other thoughts. Jin-ah's safety was the only thing that mattered.
I took off at a sprint, ignoring the soldier calling after me in confusion.
Faster and faster I pushed myself, drawing on every ounce of strength. The city streets blurred around me. It was a 1.5-hour ride but I reached there in just 5-6 minutes and the mall came into view ahead.
Through the crowds, I spotted Jin-ah's distinctive hair.
Relief washed over me to see Jin-ah unharmed, but the alarm quickly replaced it. Why did she look so distraught, hugging her crying friend tightly?
I think I have seen the crying girl somewhere, Ah! I remember from Jin-ah's Instagram photos that she is her best friend, so why was she crying?
I subtly enhanced my hearing to catch what was wrong. Something about..." boyfriend", "Classmate" "Saved" "inside", "alone" and "no word". My blood ran cold as I pieced it together.
Her classmate's boyfriend had gone into the dungeon alone to buy the arriving hunters some time.
But now contact was lost, the Gate showed sudden changes, and backup was refusing to intervene, judging it too dangerous. No wonder her friend was inconsolable with grief and worry.
Overhearing their desperate pleas, I learned of the enhanced boy Azaroth risking his life within an unknown dungeon to protect my sister and others.
A selfless act, but a foolish one if aid did not arrive.
'Nobody cares for another..... those who are righteous and selfless always end up receiving the shorter end of the stick... ' I thought, remembering how everyone in the end had left me alone inside that damned place.
My protective instinct flared as I hurriedly made my way towards her.
"What's happened?" I asked, trying to sound as gentle as possible, I don't like seeing my cheerful sister in such a state.
"Ah!" Jin Ah spun around, eyes red-rimmed. Relief briefly flashed before renewed grief.
I crouched down and she instinctively hugged me, still supporting her sobbing friend.
"O-Oppa, Oppa," Small tear drops started emerging in the corners of her eyes, maybe she was tired from acting tough all this time in this kind of situation.
As Jin Ah sobbed, recounting how Azaroth had bravely saved her and the others, my respect for the boy grew.
While I've seen how every person will try to stab you in the back if it meant saving their own lives... which is not a bad thing to do, but this boy...
Anyone who risked their life for my sister... for my family was noble in my eyes.
I listened intently as the grateful survivors corroborated Jin Ah's story. It seemed this Azaroth was selflessly defending others with his abilities. Not for personal gain or reputation, but simply because it was the right thing to do.
When the hunters refused assistance, claiming it was too dangerous, rage swelled within me.
When someone helped them, they all acted as if they were grateful, but if that someone needed their help..?
This kind of fuckers... Jinwoo hated those.
They would stand by idly while an upright man fought alone against who knows what threats?
I had battled and slain a C-rank monster, no, a C-rank Boss Monster, which would take a party of D and C-rankers, and I've killed it alone!...
My blade was also shattered.... I killed it with my bare hands!
Gained levels, skills, and a potent weapon.
If I could not kill the monster, I could surely try to help him.
Perhaps I couldn't guarantee victory, but I would be a far better ally than no aid at all.
Wiping Jin Ah's tears gently, I caught her eyes with a resolute smile.
"Don't worry, I'm strong now," I said, maybe it's an arrogant decision, maybe I would have just ignored it and looked the other way... but..
I couldn't ignore the person who had saved my sister.... I don't wanna be that kind of a person.
Advance Chapters-
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Author Note:
Thanks for all your love and support guys! At first, I thought I would just write a knockoff of Sex System in COTE in SoloLeveling and it'll be just that- But you guys.....
OMG!! You guys gave me all this Love & Support!! I really-really-really LOVE you all<3 #NoHomo
Wiping Jin Ah's tears gently, I caught her eyes with a resolute smile.
"Don't worry, I'm strong now," I said, maybe it's an arrogant decision, maybe I would have just ignored it and looked the other way... but..
I couldn't ignore the person who had saved my sister.... I don't wanna be that kind of a person.
—3rd POV—
Wiping Jin Ah's tears, Sung Jin Woo flashed her a resolute smile. "Don't worry, I'm strong now. I will help him."
Before she could respond, he whirled around and dashed towards the misty gate at lightning speed, leaving everyone stunned.
"Hey! Where the fuck are you going!!?"
"Who is that boy?!"
"That place is off limits?!"
"Is he an A rank?"
The White Tiger Hunters stared at each other in disbelief.
But he had disappeared into the veil without a trace, ignoring their calls.
Jin Ah gasped in horror. "Oppa, wait!" She cried out, but he was already gone from view.
Confusion and fear gripped her heart. Why had her Oppa rushed inside so recklessly? He didn't even have weapons or training. What was he thinking?!
"Oppa!!" She quickly stood up, ignoring SongYi, and tried rushing to the Gate in order to make him come back.
(A/N: from this point on—>WTG= White Tiger Guild, HG= Hunters Guild, Association= Hunter's Association.)
But all the WTG hunters stopped her, "Hey! what's up with all of you trying to go inside!! That's a B-rank gate, A fucking B RANK GODDAMIT!!"
"No! Oppa.. my oppa ran inside!! Let me go!" "Get off of me!!" Jin-ah yelled but they didn't listen to her cries.
Some female hunters came to escort her from that spot and her friends also came to console her.
"Oppa, please be safe..." She whispered after calming down, clutching her hands tightly till her knuckles turned white.
The thought of losing Azaroth was still bearable but losing her beloved Oppa- that was too much to bear.
inside the White Tiger Guild headquarters, Master Baek Yoonho was anxiously pacing his office.
As one of the largest hunter guilds in Korea, it was his duty to coordinate responses to gate breaches and disturbances. But this latest situation had him thoroughly stumped.
His muscular physique and sharp features usually struck fear in others at first glance. But right now, Baek was sweating bullets with a tense expression as he ended another frazzled call with his team on site.
With an audible sigh, he hesitated before dialing another number, dragging a beefy hand down his face in frustration.
The caller ID displayed "Choi Jong-In", Korea's no.1, and the strongest Guild's Guild Master.
As the phone rang, he scowled out at the skyline, as if willing the answers to materialize before his eyes.
'Sigh, Just what the fuck I've gotten myself into...?' He thought grimly.
It wasn't like he feared Choi Jong or something, but rather ignored talking to him. That man is a sly psychopath inside his well-crafted calm and kind demeanor.
But this time family was involved.... 'I don't know how to explain....'
♪♪♫—"Oh, if it's not my dear friend Baek, what's this emergency 'friend'?" Came Choi Jong-In's sly voice.
Baek sighed. "....We've had a gate breach in our jurisdiction. It's..a sudden Gate break without pre-warning, And...and it's more serious than we realized."
"A Gate breach without prior warning haa? That's new. Don't tell me that you need our help~ After all, it's inside the jurisdiction you fought tooth & nails to get from us~" Choi Jong said.
'This motherfucker!' Thought Baek while gritting his teeth. But what Jong-in said was true, it was indeed Baek's fault, he had fought with the Hunters Guild for that location, but now was not the time to bicker.
He had already sent a group of A-rank and B-rank hunters, they would reach there in under 5 minutes, but he needs to tell Choi about....
"...That's not why I called you... The thing is..." Baek hesitated.
Silence. Then, "Speak."
Sensing the grimness in his voice, Choi Jong said.
Baek relayed the details - how Azaroth had protected civilians but gotten trapped inside. How the gate then strengthened to B-rank level.
Rage exploded from the phone. "You Fucker!! Even after knowing that the FUCKING GATE BRAKE happened just after it appeared, and it DIDN'T occur to you that Fucking Gate was an anomaly...?"
"You sent your 3rd Fucking Team there!! And now it's become a B-rank?"
"Calm down Choi, I had sent the 2nd team to a dungeon and right now, the first team is on its way to the Mall! There are many A-rankers in there, I'm sure—" Baek tried to explain.
"Shut the Fuck up!! How much time has it been since Azaroth entered!? That kid isn't a hunter Baek! even if he had awakened, he is still a newbie"
"And you said the gate changed to a B from a D right? Did you say you send A-rank hunters? WHAT IF IT CHANGES INTO AN S-RANK YOU FUCKER???" Choi continued.
Choi Jong-In seethed incoherently. Baek wisely waited until the tirade subsided.
"It's been approximately 12 minutes since he got inside, and it's been only 2-3 minutes since the 3rd team reached there. I know I'm in the wrong here but calm down man...I mean *ehm* how the hell a gate will change to an S-rank, right?—" Baek said but was quickly shut off.
"CAN YOU GUARANTEE IT WILL NOT Change Again!? I'm taking matters into my own fucking hands and if something happens to him... you better be ready for all the lawsuits!" With that Choi let out a tensed sigh, and the phone clicked off as he hung up on Baek.
His mana started oozing as he called for his secretary, "Listen, Three things. Hunter Cha is training the cadets, Something just came up, so I need to go personally, and you are in charge!" He said in a hurried tone and left the office.
"That foolish boy! He should have fled, not heroically charged in alone!" He said as he didn't bother driving his car and started running straight towards the Mall from one rooftop to another.
Although he was a Mage type, he was an S-rank Hunter, if he ran and did some parkour, he could reach there in less time than driving a car in the populated streets of Seol.
(A/N: IDK about you, but I guess someone would lose their temper if they found out information about their family like this.)
As for why he was going alone? Well, when an S-ranker moves it is comparable to a group of 100+ A-rankers moving.
(A/N: When I say inside the gate, it means inside the B-rank gate, I'm not saying inside the Dimensional Rift where Azaroth is.)
Inside the Gate...
As Jin Woo entered the misty veil, he immediately spotted a horde of Arachne monsters clustered together in the gloom.
'What are they after?' Wasting no time, JinWoo drew the dagger gifted by Kasaka's defeat and leaped into battle.
Slashing and twirling, he made quick work of the D-rank spider monsters, feeling a surge of satisfaction at how far his abilities had come.
'....It's good to be strong' He thought clenching his other fist in front of his chest.
Wondering what drew the monsters together, Jinwoo's gaze fell upon a harrowing sight.
Inside a small cavity on the barren ground, two hunters were pinned down - one bravely blocking attacks with a shield as the other healed his wounds and fatigue from behind.
'Are they the hunters that came with him..?'
Clearly, they had expended their strength aiding Azaroth but now faced being overwhelmed.
'Wait! Where is the boy!? Don't tell me he is—' He thought about the worst-case scenario.
As the last arachne fell, Jinwoo called out to the exhausted hunters. "Hey, I've dealt with the creatures. Are you the ones who entered with the boy named, Azaroth?"
The two emerged cautiously, staring in shock at the pile of spider corpses. Clearly, this new arrival was a high-ranking hunter.
"Y-Yes, we came with him," the male answered, bowing deeply. "I am Hunter Kim, and this is Healer Yoo Jin. Thank you for your timely aid, sir Hunter."
"It's all right," Jinwoo did not linger on formalities he needed to know if the boy was safe or not. "Tell me what happened. Where is Azaroth now?"
Hunter Kim rapidly explained how a strange dimensional rift had suddenly opened, pulling Azaroth inside before blinking shut.
Go to- to read ahead!
Author Note:
I think it is important to show what is happening instead of just writing chaps about MC and neglecting everything else happening in the world.
But don't worry MC is back in the next chap.... Hopefully :/
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