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My New Life(2)

As I laid on my bed watching paint dry probably the most boring activity anyone could do, at least that is what it looked like from the outside. I couldn't help but remember the past 8 months of academy 'training' I had been through.

The first memory that popped up was when our class went to train our shuriken and kunai throwing I had slowly been building it up over the excersices during the first month giving the impression that I was a prodigy and today was when I was gonna excell completely.

 Kazumo threw a 6 shuriken that somehwat hit the target and missed the other four, the others continued throwing theirs and when it came to my turn I closed my eyes for special effect and put all 10 shuriken between my fingers and threw them, each shuriken flew and hit the bullseye on each target a rising cheer came from all the other children. "Good job." Mizuki said while clapping his hands.

 The next memory that came to mind was a basic three ninjutsu training. This one had been less than two months into the ninja academy training.

 " Ok, today we will be revising just in case the three basic jutsu that you will need to perform for your examination. Hitoshi you are the first one since you are the first in the class ranking right now."

 I stood up from my seat and walked to the front of the classroom I first performed the subsititution jutsu switching with another classmate who was on the first row, after that I performed the transformation jutsu and truned into the third Hokage an almost perfect replica to be exact and finally the clone jutsu with three clones appearing beside me in a puff of smoke.

 "Excellent job as always, Hitoshi." Mizuki said.

The third memory that came to mind was probably the most important one in my jounrey to get noticed and graduate early, and that was the final year tournament.

 The atmosphere in the training grounds was electric, buzzing with anticipation as the tournament was about to commence. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden hue upon the sprawling arena.

 The boys' tournament boasted a total of 48 participants, each one determined to prove their worth. Among them were Kazuma, Mitsumano, Doshiro, and Shosho, my closest friends from different classes in third year - 3B, 3A, and 3C. All nine years old, we had formed an unbreakable bond within the walls of the ninja academy.

 There were eight platforms were we 5 of them were for the boys and three for the girls. Most of the fights were boring and one sided the first one of our group to go up was Shosho who won his fight agaisnt another of his classmates.

 Then it was Kazuma who in the name of gender equality beat his opponent though that didn't make a lot of sense since it was another guy. Doshiro and Mitsumano also won their first rounds and finally my name was called up.

 I faced another kid from class 3B his name was Yanoma he had brown hair and green eyes. So, when the instructor said begin Yanoma dashed at me at full speed. Still even while limiting myself the most I could it seemed painfully slow.

 Then I noticed something through my Kagura's Mind eye in the crowd, a huge amount of chakra actually two huge amounts of chakra.

 I smiled and closed the distance between the two of us circling Yamano and leaning on his back I whispered in his left ear "Sorry dude, I gotta show off a little in front of the Hokage."

 After that I spun around again and hit him in the face with a slap sending him flying when Yanoma got up I was already in front of him, then swept his feet and while he was still in midair I punched him and sent him flying out of the ring. "Hitoshi wins" the instructor anounced as a medic nin came and got Yanoma.

 And so the next rounds continued I beat most of my opponents some of them resigned. Kazuma was the first to be eleminated in the quarter finals with Shosho. Doshiro being beaten by Mitsumano in the semifinals. Finally me and Mitsumano arrived in the finals and the instructor announced "Mitsumano against Hitoshi."

 "Well, looks like you are doing pretty well if you wanna become Hokage." I exclaimed.

 "Yeah still need to beat you though." Mitsumano said.

 "Well then I guess we should start." I said "I guess we should." Mitsumano replied.

 Mitsumano dashed at me much faster than Yanoma although still painfully slow. I blocked his first punch to my face and dodged the next few, Mitsumano punched again and I let it fly past me, I grabbed his arm and said "Sorry dude this is gonna hurt."

 After which I slammed my left hand on his shoulder while still grabbing his arm. It made a small crack sound and Mitsumano fell to the floor with a scream.

 I looked at him my yellow eyes staring at his slumped form, but after his first scream he shut up and started standing back up.

 But to my surprise, he stood back up with determination in his eyes. Between ragged breaths, he declared, "I am going to be Hokage."

 Impressed by his resilience, I used my speed to appear behind him and delivered a karate chop to the back of his nape. Unconsciousness claiming his body, but just before he could touch it I grabbed his unconscious body and said "You did good pal." and handed his body to a medic nin.

 Then a sudden noise interrupted my daydreaming, I stood from my bed and went toward the door where I heard the knocking sound. I opened the door and an anbu with a dog mask stood there waiting. "Follow me." the anbu said and so I did.

 We walked around Konoha and headed to the Hokage's office once again, we passed the secretary and walked into the office with the anbu who had been quiet after his first line. "Hokage I brought you Hitoshi." the anbu said "Thank you Dog you may leave." Hiruzen replied after that the anbu disappeared.

 "So Hitoshi, I saw your tournament and you have improved a lot even if you didn't get a full year of academy training." Hiruzen said.

 "Yeah, I guess I am just talented, hahaha.." I replied akwardly while scratching the back of my head.

 "That's why I was thinking of giving you an early examination to become a genin. With your talent, I have a plan in mind for you - one that involves training under a jonin for a year before joining the Anbu alongside another child who is just one year older than you." Hiruzen said.

 "That is amazing, I love that idea, Hokage-sama." I declared with enthusiasm.

 After chatting a bit more with the Hokage I left his office, after I closed the door I sly grin appeared on my face and I couldn't help but think 'Mission Accomplished'.

Joanjudo Joanjudo

Second chapter today just in case i can't upload one tomorrow. Thx for reading

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