(Gatusso Town)
Just like how the WhiteSabers had pulled away their soldiers from their usual stations for the decisive war at Bernabeu, the DarkSky guild had too, leaving only a small regiment behind to keep law and order.
Currently, only 3600 soldiers were left to defend Gatusso town of the usual regiment of over 15,000, with the rest being drafted for war.
"Man I'm so glad I did not get drafted for war…. I'm one of the weakest members in the guild, which is why they always put me in the vanguard for the cannon fodder wave. If I would have been drafted, I was pretty much guaranteed to die early and lose a couple levels" A DarkSky member said, as he expressed his satisfaction for not being drafted to his colleague.
"Naww… I'm pissed they didn't draft me, I'm lagging behind and the dream to become a top 10,000 ranked player is slipping away. I need a big war to hopefully have a good performance and progress.
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