(Five days later, Dumpy's POV)
Five days passed in a flash, and finally the fateful day where Leo was to meet with the Demon King, arrived.
The Uprising had already prepared the meeting venue thoroughly on the edges of the Eastern Boundary and the whole area was safeguarded heavily ahead of the event.
Locals were evacuated far away and the guild was on constant lookout for spies, as there could be no outside witnesses to what was about to unfold.
Since Leo had decided to take Dumpy with him to the meeting, the frog was being prepared for the meet as well, as he was fitted with his newly custom designed armor and war paint.
"Touch me and you die human. The toxin that covers my skin is worse than the strongest acid you can imagine. So be careful when you dress me and make sure that your filthy hands don't touch my skin–" Dumpy warned, as he felt absolutely repulsed by the thought of filthy humans touching him.
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