( Back at the Baron's office, Leo's POV )
Leo felt as if his mind had been cluttered by a thousand different problems at once, as running a Barony proved to be a much more complicated affair than he had first presumed it would be.
After watching the infectious joy of the commoners at getting a decent pay and a decent job, Leo started to feel a genuine connection to the people of Crest-Hill Barony.
Hiding in the shadows, Leo overheard the conversations that the common people had about him, where they genuinely praised him with all their hearts and promised to come to his aid should he ever need it.
Somehow, as Leo overheard such heartfelt comments, his soft heart felt moved as he started to take his job as a Baron more seriously than he would have otherwise.
"14,500 people have registered as factory workers.
10,000 people, which is the maximum army size currently permissible by the Empire has also been filled.
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