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Chapter 15

Pv Xiao Feng


All right, let's see what I say.

"I heard about you when I was in the library, they said you had created some theories, but I couldn't find any books. "

That's not entirely true, I looked for a book on the great master's theories, but I couldn't find anything, I tried asking a few people but no one knew the great master, not even Yu Xiaogang, that's also why I don't know if the great master really came up with his theories.

"Oh yeah, it's amazing that someone from such a remote place knows me, after all I haven't published any books. "

She looks at me with a totally expressionless face, I can't tell what she's thinking.

She looks around, it's only for a brief moment but I see her eyes stop on the silvery blue grass of little Lian, my grandfather and old Jack explain the situation to her, but I don't pay attention, my mind is working at high speed.

The grand master has become a woman, this caught me off guard, I had already thought about the possibility of other characters becoming women, but for some reason, I never thought that the grand master would be one of them.

Maybe it was because I thought that characters who were important to Trema wouldn't be changed, but now I'm going to have to think a bit more: does the grand master still have links with Bibi Dong? And what about Liu Erlong, do they have a relationship?!

Also, does this version of the grand master have the same knowledge as the original?! 

While I'm lost in thought, my grandfather and old Jack have already finished explaining everything to the grand master, my grandfather approaches me when I'm distracted and holds me by the shoulders

"Kid, remember everything you learned at home, now you're going to be a spiritual master, but that doesn't mean you should become arrogant, and forget your roots, remember to protect yourself, beware of people who might deceive you, and if one day it becomes difficult to continue, go back home. "

As he says this, he hugs me.

"Don't worry, I won't forget, I've already told you, I'm here to guarantee our family's future. "

As I say this, I look towards little Lian, she smiles and comes closer.

"Don't worry Grandpa, I'll keep an eye on him. "

As soon as she gets close, she's pulled into a hug.

"The same goes for you girl, don't get all cocky out there, be careful, there are a lot of ill-intentioned people trying to take advantage of you, if things get bad, smash my stupid grandson's head in and go home, understand?!"

She is surprised by the sudden hug, but smiles and hugs him too.

"I understand, we'll come home whenever we have time. "

Old Jack approaches me discreetly, speaking in a low voice, just for me to hear.

" Kid, I'll wait for your letter, as soon as you've taken care of the details here, I'll bring the goods. "

Smiling, I just nod, I've already got some products ready to start my business.

After a farewell, the grand master escorts us into the academy, there's not much to say, the place is incredible, it looks like a medieval fortress, but not quite the same, the place is huge, it really is an exaggeration, I don't understand why everything has to be huge, a mountain can't be normal, it has to be so big that it reaches the clouds, even the distances of everything are exaggerated, they are always thousands and thousands of kilometers away.

After a walk around the place, we go to the grand master's room, she seems very interested in little Lian.

"After introducing the whole academy, I think it's time to introduce myself properly, my name is Yu Meiling, but because of my studies of spiritual masters, everyone calls me Grand Master. "

She introduced herself with a small smile, which is a bit strange, when we were walking around the academy her face was totally expressionless.

Come to think of it, in the book, the only person who really respected the grand master in the academy was the right, the other staff only showed respectful appearances in front, but spoke ill of him behind his back.

"Tang Lian, you have a twin martial spirit, right?!"

Hearing this, little Lian was a little surprised.

"There's no need to deny it, your blue silver grass martial spirit can't allow you to possess full innate spiritual talent, I've already researched almost a hundred blue silver grass martial spirits, and only a few of them had spiritual energy.

But even those who had spiritual energy were only at the first level, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't evolve beyond that, which means that you, who have innate full spiritual talent, must have twin martial spirits."

 Little Lian's eyes shine with admiration, it seems that things are heading in the same direction as I know.

The two begin to talk, but when little Lian shows her the hammer, the grand master's eyes widen in amazement.

The grand master tells little Lian that she shouldn't use the hammer and explains her theory, how she should absorb the spirit rings.

"Tang Lian, if you are willing, I want you to recognize me as your master, I promise I will help you until you reach the Entitled Doulou. "

"Ah! I... Brother, what do you think? "

Honestly, I'm already glad she asked, just by looking at her expression, she's ready to recognize the great master.

"Do what you want, it's not like it's a bad thing, right?! "

She smiled and knelt down, acknowledging the great master.

After that, the grand master sent us to the dormitories, she said that she would like to study my martial soul mutants, but now it would be better to get to know our roommates.

Little Lian is holding my hand with a smile, before we go to the dormitory, we decided to eat first.

I can't help but think of the grand master, I wonder if her past is the same as the one in the canon.

I remember that on earth the grand master was as hated as Tang San, there are many fanfics created just to talk badly about the two of them, often giving the impression that the author is obsessed with them.

Many times the critics talked about how the great master was a thief, that all his theories were stolen from the Hall of Spirits, complete nonsense, I often wondered if these people had actually read the book.

Always talking about how good the Hall of Spirits is, and how BiBi Dong only wants the good of the continent, and how the great master seduced poor, innocent BiBi Dong, just to get into the Hall of Spirits library.

But the truth is that the grand master is a genius when it comes to theories, all the Hall of Spirits has are the records of spirit masters, and the Hall of Spirits wasn't the only place the grand master went to gather information, he visited several great families and even the imperial library.

It was by gathering all these records and information that he created his theories, nor is an in-depth study born out of nothing, generally theories are born from existing studies and information.

But the main criticism that the great master received was for his romantic choices, even though we believe that he is a genius in his field of research, it must also be said that he is simply terrible in his personal life.

Even so, the hatred that people have is exaggerated, I've even seen a story where the author tries to put the blame for the rape that Bibi Dong suffered on the grand master, trying to take the blame away from the master.

But I don't believe he deceived Bibi Dong, in fact, despite all the mistakes he made, at no time did he give Bibi Dong hope, in fact if he had accepted her feelings out of pity, I would have been furious.

Yes, the great master is extremely stubborn, cowardly, indecisive, as well as having extremely low self-esteem, but that's exactly what makes his character interesting, somehow I always felt he was more human than everyone else.

As good as he is, the great master has countless flaws... Thinking about it now, I always thought that Liu Erlong and Bibi Dong were amazing waifus, but now that they're real people, I feel that they're really scary.

Anyone who isolates themselves from the world and spends decades thinking about a man, waiting for him to come back, I can perfectly imagine, a woman with long black hair, standing at the edge of a river at night, with her hair covering her face, red eyes, looking at her own reflection while repeatedly speaking a name. ( Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng. )

( Shudder )

" Ah? What? Why are you shaking? "

Little Lian looks at me, a little surprised.

"Haha, it's nothing, just thinking about some random things. "

I say this and squeeze her ass, with a smile she hugs me and the two of us walk together.

"Let's go to the dorm soon, I'm so excited I need a bit of exercise. "

She starts stroking little Feng between my legs, and I keep squeezing that soft, round ass.

" Wait a minute. "

While we're talking excitedly, the grand master speaks close to us, I notice his eyes stopping for a brief moment on my crotch before continuing.

" Here I've taken some blankets, also the uniforms, they're of a better material than the ones distributed by the academy. "

"Thank you master, you're amazing. "

Little Lian took the blankets with a big smile, holding them under her arm, she returned to my side and continued to caress my crotch.

After a few words, the grand master returned to his room.

"So let's forget about the cafeteria? "

" Hmm? I'm kind of hungry, I think I'm craving some milk, hehe. "

" Well, in that case let's go to the dormitory, it looks like I need to feed my kitten. "

We're caressing each other the whole way, my pants are tight, my hand goes into her pants, I'm fucking her ass with my fingers until we get to the dorm.


Note: I have a question, what do you think about having some futanaris in the story? (Even if I did, they wouldn't be part of the harem.)

In the next chapter, you'll know who will appear.

I also wanted to say that the grand master won't be part of the harem, she'll be taking part in some orgies, I have other plans for her.

The other day I was reading a fanfic translated from Chinese, it was the usual stuff here on the site, Tang San the villain and the Grand Master the asshole, you know, the usual stuff.

But there was a moment when the author simply said that Bibi Dong's rape was the Grand Master's fault, even worse, he tried to take all the blame away from Bibi Dong's master.

I can't remember the name of the book but it's here on webnovel, I was really surprised that the author actually did that, but I wasn't the only one who didn't like it, as there were many comments complaining about it.

Probably even the Chinese readers complained, because in the next chapter, he changed his speech a bit, but still put half the blame on the great master.

I don't know why I'm writing this here, I guess I just wanted to complain a bit more hahahaha.

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