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80% Strike the Blood: The 4th Primogenitor / Chapter 43: The Waltz

Capítulo 43: The Waltz

Third Person PoV

Surprising everyone, Kojou knelt beside Aya and raised her head, with two fingers on her chin.

Kojou's blood-red eyes pierced her pink ones and he saw her tears, still trapped in her eyes.

And he then put his head in the crook of her neck and gently bit her, and thus gained his eighth familiar and another blood vassal.

Once again, his mouth was filled with blood, and his nose with a nice rosy smell.

And his magical energy boosted even more, and he gained control and acknowledgement of one more familiar.

His actions shook everyone present, Aya didn't make a little sound, as if the pain didn't mean anything to her.

He felt her legs twitch but that was it, and the process was over in a short amount of time.

The time was short enough that Natsuki-chan wasn't able to do anything, her mind was too shocked by the actions of Kojou.

'Did Akatsuki just-?'

"Akatsuki, what are you doing?"

Natsuki-chan said with anger palpable in her voice. Kojou left Aya on the ground and stood while turning towards his English teacher.

"Well I didn't want her to go to the Prison barrier, and I did what I needed to do to prevent her from going in."

"She will still be going in, Akatsuki. And you and I will be having a long talk about what you can do and what you cannot."

Kojou only grinned at that and said.

"So you are saying that you will be imprisoning one of my blood servants at any cost?"

"Yes. I will."

"I see that leaves no choice to me but to destroy the prison barrier to protect my blood servant."

Kojou said, spreading his arms wide and smiling at Natsuki-chan, with his teeth on full view, along with the enlarged canines.

"After all, the Japanese government can do nothing but suck it up, if an angry Primogenitor destroyed the prison barrier to save one of his blood servants, right?"

Kojou said, showing the true extent of his plan which he had made when confronted with Aya just after meeting Yuuma.

"You-You! Are you really going to do this?"

Natsuki-chan asked with frustration in her voice rather than anger.

"Yes, I would," Kojoj said without any wait.

"Even if the attacks on the prison barrier would hurt me?"

Natsuki-chan used her last emotional weapon. But it would seem that Asagi had rubbed on Kojou and he was getting smarter and retorted.

"You know Natra-Cinereus's mist blocks many things right?"

And with a snap of his fingers, a faint layer of mist covered the petite body of Natsuki-chan.

And with that Kojou also vanished to finish what he started.

"It really blocked my connection with the prison barrier."

The Witch of the Void muttered in shock. While the others could only watch as Kojou did the unthinkable for the umpteenth time today.

"Hahahahah! How does it feel to be on the receiving end of that, Natsuki?"

Aya said her eyes were still watery but her face distorted in glee.

The witch in question only huffed and looked in the direction of the prison barrier, from where huge waves of magical energy were coming.

"Aya's daughter, take us near Akatsuki."


Yuuma said in shock and teleported all of them present here to near Kojou. And just as they arrived they saw a mind-boggling scene. Only one word could describe what lay in front of their eyes.

Carnage, pure unbridled carnage.

And a single man-no, a single vampire was the cause of it.

Kojou PoV

I reached in front of the prison barrier, my mind was filled with a multitude of thoughts.

But the most predominant one was definitely my hunger for violence, recently I have had that urge more often.

The situation today and yesterday didn't really help me, some low-life criminals threatening me, a witch trying to kill me, some gold metal bastard calling himself perfect.

All of that took a really heavy toll on me, even though I know I am a Primogenitor, the subconscious urge to be human is there. I always try to be more vampire-like, more monstrous but I always stop at the last step, today I take that step.

I fully let myself fall into the bloodlust I feel, all that urge of violence, war, and death consumes my very being, and I call on my powers to start this massacre.

Today is the day I transcend humanity, no reject my humanity. Vampires are naturally beings of war, violence, and death, and that shall be what I represent today.

"Come, Regulus-Aurum!"

With a primal roar that resonated with my very soul came from the Lion of Gold, and one lightning strike broke all the remaining barriers on the spell.

Faces, more faces appeared in my vision, some confused, some elated, some scared, some familiar, some unknown but all that matters is what I say.

"Welcome you all, to your funeral!"

With that I let loose, my feet moved themselves and my vision blurred for a moment, I felt the air hitting my face and then warmth splashed on my hands.


And a scream tore from the unfortunate soul I ripped in two.

From then I didn't stop, my morals vanished and all that remained was a beast that thrived for violence and violence it enacted.

The 4th Primogenitor was finally unleashed onto this world. Along with it an far ancient and insidious being too made its presence known.

Third Person PoV

"What is that?"

Yuuma asked in fear, pointing her finger at the man who stood on a hill of corpses, some in one piece, others in two, and the remaining in many.

"That is the 4th Primogenitor."

Asagi said, even though her face was scrunched in annoyance at the situation.

"That is Onii-san?"

Kanon asked if she couldn't believe that Kojou could be this scary, his face was half covered in blood and he was laughing.

"Yes, he might be a bit out of line but he is Kojou."

Asagi answered again.

"Now I understand why he is called the 4th Primogenitor, it was no fluke he inherited the powers of Avrora Florestina."

La Folia said, curiosity and distaste equally apparent on her face.

Asagi didn't comment anything and looked at Nagisa, who was in shock seeing Kojou like this, Kojou had always tried to keep her away from the more gory stuff.

"No wonder the saints wanted to kill him if he decided to go rogue."

Sayaka said, but her voice didn't have any negative emotions like the others, although her eyes were heavily focused on the way Kojou fought.

"You aren't scared?" Asagi asked.

"No matter if he is a high schooler, he still is the 4th Primogenitor, this much should be acceptable when dealing with him, and it doesn't affect my job. And I doubt he would be doing this only to save the Notarian Witch."

"I see you have some brains, not all of that nutrition went to your chest."

Asagi said to lighten the mood but it didn't. She looked at the two who were the most affected by this ordeal, Yukina, and Natsuki-chan.

"Senpai isn't like that. He isn't cruel. He is not a monster, he is kind and gentle."

Yukian kept on muttering about Kojou crazily. Asagi shook her by the shoulder and said.

"He is kind, gentle and everything you have seen, but if you can't accept this side of him, then it's best to give up now, he is kind to his close ones, not everyone, he is not a fool."

Yukina didn't say anything but held her head down, her spear clutched tightly in her hands and her mind in turmoil.

"Just because he has power doesn't give him the right to do this, even if they are some of the worst criminals out there he isn't the one to judge them."

Natsuki-chan said looking at the ongoing slaughter, Kojou wasn't even using his familiars, he was just using his body to the fullest, and he was dominating.

"Yes it doesn't but he isn't judging them, he is just giving in to his urges."

"What do you mean, Aiba?"

"It's simple, he became the 4th Primogenitor almost nine months ago, and he couldn't reveal it to anyone for three months, that is three months of pure torture."

"What do you mean torture, Asagi-chan?"

Nagisa said weakly, her vampire constitution helped her not vomit but she still felt a bit nauseous.

"He had to deal with his vampiric urges to drink blood, kill and fight for three months straight, his familiar would have raged inside him as he hadn't drunk any blood, it was Hell for him, a normal human turned into the strongest vampire overnight and he can't turn to anyone for help. It was a miracle that he told me, or who knows what would have happened."

Asagi said, anger leaking in her voice as she neared her speech.

"Why didn't he tell me? I could have helped him." Natsuki-chan said.

"Because he didn't want to jeopardize his relationship with you. For all that arrogance he has, he is fairly soft once you know him."

Natsuki-chan only clenched her hands and said.

"Then why don't you stop him, he would listen to you won't he?"

"Yes he would, but I won't. I have promised to support him and I will, if I stop him now, sooner or later he will explode and it will be far more scary than now."

"What do you mean, Aiba Asagi?" Sayaka questioned.

"He has urges, and drinking blood and being horny aren't all of them, he was just beaten very badly. His instincts didn't take that very well. If he didn't get it out of his system now, he would be high-strung until he does something worse. And this handles two problems, his pent-up urges, and Natsuki-chan's imprisonment."

"Then is it necessary to be so brutal, he can use his familiars to end this easily."

Yuuma argued.

"Yes, he can, but look at him. Does that look like Kojou, no it is his instincts acting, just tell him something he will wake up, or at least he should respond."

Asagi said as she tried to follow Kojou's movements with her eyes, but even with her enhanced vision it was not clear.

"Kojou, don't kill Gigliola Girardi, she can be used as a tool for negotiating with Chaos Bride!"

La Folia screamed her curiosity getting the better of her. And soon her query was answered.

In the form of the fallen diva being thrown beside her with her limbs missing at match speed.

Kojou's head turned towards the grip and his eyes met with La Folia and he turned back and tore the neck of Kiliga Gilika in one swift movement.

"That was really scary."

What La Folia failed to understand that it was not Kojou nor his instincts but something far deeper embedded in his powers, a stop gap program rearing its head.

"See he can still listen, just wait for a while he will be back to normal in a few minutes. That should be all of his pent-up anger and urges."

Asagi said, and Nagisa took a sigh of relief, her skin still pale from stress. Aya was still reeling in shock.

She still hadn't come to terms with her loss and after that, she was turned into a blood servant and now she was watching her vampiric master butcher the famed criminals of the world like cattle.

She was very near fainting but still held on to see the end of this gory but beautiful waltz of the 4th Primogenitor.

Kojou PoV

"Kojou, don't kill Gigliola Girardi, she can be used as a tool for negotiating with Chaos Bride!"

My mind registered La Folia's words and my mind awoke from my slumber. I quickly threw the descendent of Chaos Bride towards her and clutched the neck of the monk, and ripped it in one swift motion.

I looked around me and saw something that made me lurch and bile rose up my throat, but I forcibly held it back, can't back down now.

'I did this? I know I wanted to go full vampire on them but this? What was that?'

To end this all in one strike I called upon my new familiar.

"I, Akatsuki Kojou, successor to the blood of "Kaleid Blood", now release your constraints. Come, Seventh Familiar, Kiffa-Ater!"

A sword appeared in the sky, darker than night while jaded with green lines, it stretched over a hundred meters and looked like a Sword of Damocles hanging over the island, only that it looked more trident-like.

Gravity changed and everyone aside from me fell on the ground, not being able to stand when gravity more than doubled suddenly and kept on rising. Till all of them turned to paste.

Finally, I uplifted the gravitational field of Kiffa-Ater and saw that I alone was the one standing here. I could still feel Asagi and the others but my eyes fell on the ruined prison barrier.

"Time to end it for good. Thirdz, Leo Pemptos!"

Third Person PoV

Kojou's hair changed to golden, his eyes also became golden, his aura became more wild, and he said in a deep pitch, his hand motion towards the prison barrier.

"Now, Fall!"

A massive bolt of golden lightning fell on the near-ruined prison barrier, and it was engulfed by it. For the next few minutes, it was continuously toasted by that bolt.

And when the light disappeared, all that was left was a massive door that looked like it came out of the age of gods.

"What was that?" Yumma asked Asagi, hoping she knew about that.

"Kojou's trump card, he can use the full power of his familiars by taking them inside him, he calls it Thirdz, and as you can see from the side effect his hair and eye color changes while he gets a strong buff, well it also is quite tiring."

"Even for him with eight familiars in control?" Sayaka asked as she had seen him use that.

"Yes, even for him." Asagi ended the conversation with that.

Kojou sensed something ancient writhing inside the gate, wanting to come out, but he thought in simple terms.

'Well one can't come in if there is no door, right?'


It seems Kojou was wrong, as the sheep bashed its horns into the gate it crumbled easily, but it brought with its demise, a spatial gate to another world.

It manifested as a rainbow-colored phenomenon like the Aurora Borealis, Kojou was shocked by that, and so was Natsuki-chan, as she understood what that was.

People dressed in white robes with goat masks with horns came out of the gate floating and began attacking Itogami island.

"Akatsuki, quickly destroy them, they are coming out of the collective subconscious of dreams!"

Kojou didn't understand what that meant but it seemed to be serious so he didn't hold back.


The massive sword swung horizontally bisecting half of the intruders with ease, and killing them.

But it wasn't that easy. The weird masked intruders kept on coming without any rest.

"Well bring it on, you goat fuckers!"

Kojou said he called upon more of his familiars.

"Come, Mesarthim-Adamas, Al-Nasl-Minium, Al-Meissa Mercury, Regulus-Aurum!"

Four familiars at once annihilated the huge force in one go, everyone breathed a sigh of relief once they saw that but alas, it wasn't meant to be the end.

AN:- Hoorah! Consecutive releases!! Anyways finally a major cannon divergence, kudos to those who stuck till now, from now on the story is totally changed. Stay tuned in for more!!!

Also some stones would be appreciated, who knows maybe one or two chapters may suddenly appear in my drive?

Vegeta_Kakarot Vegeta_Kakarot

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