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70.62% Trials of the Multiverse / Chapter 111: Farewell

Capítulo 111: Farewell

(WARNING!! This chapter is 11k+ words)

--- Eta ---

...Where is Shadow-sama?

That question has been plaguing me for quite a while.

Even if he's gone out for some mission, it doesn't make sense to leave not a single trace for us to connect.

As I lazily sat on my couch, I analyzed the map I had drawn on the wall listing all of Shadow-sama's activities before he 'went to complete a mission'.

Usually, there is a clear trail you could trace, as even though none of it made sense, there was still a physical recognition of him existing, doing something behind the scenes, all for the sake of his plans.

But this time, that trail does not exist.

The others does not seem to care, as for them whatever Shadow-sama wants to do, it's impossible for him to be either defeated or captured, but I had a different view on that.

What if the force that took Shadow-sama is... something beyond our understanding?


As I read the word out loud, it still sounded silly.

Could a possible 'God' really act and take Shadow-sama with him?

If that was the case, why now, and most importantly, how?

I'm sure if 'God' took Shadow-sama, the latter wouldn't just comply.

No, even if the supposed 'God' was so strong that Shadow-sama could not do anything, why not directly erasing all our memories of him? 

Isn't that more convenient?

It made no sense.

Something else was at play here.

This entire situation had someone or something else placed directly at the center, but I have no idea who or what that is.

Even though such thoughts consumed my mind, I had faith.

Rather than a blind one, though, I kept my objective understanding of Shadow-sama.

No matter what happens, he will return to us.

That is my arrogance, my pride, and the reason I am not furiously researching more into this.

Just as I was about to surrender to the sweet embrace of slumber, seeking solace in a peaceful nap to untangle the knots of my thoughts, the tranquility of my room was shattered.

The door was flung open with such force that it slammed against the wall, the loud bang echoing through the room and startling me out of my reverie.

It was clear that whoever was behind this abrupt entrance had something of utmost urgency to attend to or communicate.

...What a pain in the ass.

Annoyance flickered within me, my relaxation replaced by a sudden jolt of alertness. I turned my head lazily towards the door, my eyes narrowing slightly.

However, when my gaze landed on the figure standing in the doorway, my irritation was swiftly replaced by surprise.

Despite my desire to sink back into the comfortable embrace of my couch and enjoy the rest I so desperately craved, I found myself rising to my feet.

My body moved on autopilot, driven by the ingrained habit of showing respect to those higher in rank.

"Alpha-sama," I greeted, my voice betraying none of the weariness I felt. "What brings you here in such a hurry?" I asked, my tone respectful, yet tinged with a hint of curiosity. The sight of Alpha-sama rushing into my room was unusual, to say the least.

What could possibly warrant such urgency?

Alpha-sama's gaze was intense, her words tumbling out in a rush. "It's Fray Von Garoff,"

She said, her voice laced with urgency. "He's suffering from a strange occurrence. Numerous wounds of all types have unnaturally formed over his body. Since Magic doesn't work on him, I thought... perhaps you might be able to find a way to save him."

'So, he's that man, huh'

Fray Von Garoff.

The man who was said to be an ally of Shadow-sama, huh.

From the information I had on him, I was already quite interested in the way his body worked.

But there was another reason driving my desire to meet him.

Maybe, just maybe, he could assist me in piecing together the map I'd been crafting to trace Shadow-sama's movements from three years ago.

That's why I had a personal stake in saving him too.

My focus shifted to the man in Alpha-sama's arms, and I couldn't help but take in his condition. Despite Alpha-sama's support, I could still see the numerous unexplained wounds marring his body. It was a strange sight.

There wasn't any obvious residue of Magic, nor did it seem like conventional weapons caused those injuries.


After a moment of contemplation, I nodded, making up my mind. "Let's take him to the laboratory," I said, leading the way.

I needed to get to the bottom of this.

Analyzing his body, I started to grasp the principles behind his exclusive use of his own Magic, rejecting all others. This understanding opened up possibilities for replicating it, enabling us to create Anti-Magic barriers or more.

Just the thought of it made my mouth water.

This man had a certain charm about him. No matter how you looked at him, he exuded a handsome and intriguing aura.

He's the second man to ever evoke such feelings in me.

Could he possibly be a lost relative of Shadow-sama or something?

But Claire Kagenou is not nearly as interesting...

Mhm, it's still a possibility I cannot ignore.


Just one word: Amazing.

This man's body is...amazing!!!!

I'm not saying this just to repeat myself, I promise.

His body's structure, tissue composition, even his DNA seem tailored for constant adaptation, always ready to mutate for more strength.

And there's more to it!

His Magic Power is so pristine, so flawless.

It rivals Shadow-sama's!

A perfected being, where every aspect serves a purpose.

If he hadn't been introduced to me as a human, I might have mistaken him for some higher being disguised as one.

As I cautiously probed one of the wounds on his arm with my finger, I was mesmerized by how it was sliced through as if it came into contact with a sharp blade.

Even more astonishing was the fact that my attempts at regeneration proved futile, regardless of how much Magic Power I infused into it.

I found myself slightly breathless, heart racing with excitement.

Oh, if only I could continue to study and experiment on him like this, unraveling the mysteries his body holds...

"...What are you doing, Eta?"

I shook out of my thoughts.

Fuck, busted.

"Nothing of importance, Alpha-sama. I was just evaluating how deep the wound was, so that I can better understand the cause of it."

Lies, I already know the cause.

This man played with fire and ended up with third-degree burns. It's that straightforward. But what baffled me was how he pushed himself to such limits.

I couldn't fathom what he did or how he did it, but he subjected his body to immense stress, reaching a breaking point. And even then, he persisted, only worsening the damage.

In fact, these wounds were not actually wounds in the traditional sense.

They were more like penalties for abusing his body to a point where I was tempted to call him a masochist.

There was no other explanation for how he could have endured such pain.

To put it simply, imagine a runner pushing themselves to run faster and faster, ignoring the signals their body was sending them to slow down.

Eventually, their muscles would start to tear, their lungs would burn, and their heart would race dangerously fast. But instead of stopping, they kept going, pushing themselves beyond the limits of their body.

After they win the race, they finally relax, allowing their body to catch up to the irreversible damage done to it as the adrenaline wears out...

That was what had happened to this man. He had pushed himself beyond the point of no return, and his body was now paying the price.

To be able to ignore all the pain, and push on, I can't think of anything but a monster.

But he is a human being, whose rationale should be there.


I seriously want him for myself, but...

Glancing at Alpha-sama's expression, I could tell. 

There's no way I can keep him.


"Is there anything you can do?"

Easy for you to ask.

Well, since I have a sterile environment, I can certainly close most of his wounds, but I wonder.

What are the chances of him waking up from this?

Honestly, they don't look good.

His body endured so much stress that even his Perfect Body couldn't handle it.

If he were a regular person, they might've exploded instead of just getting wounded.

As I geared up for the surgery, my mind was flooded with questions.

I couldn't help but wonder if his brain was damaged, but the only way to be certain would be to dissect him. What a mess. I wanted to ask him so many things, but it seemed that would have to wait.

Just as I was about to make the first incision, the door to my laboratory burst open once again. I couldn't believe it. This was the second time in a row that someone had interrupted me like this, and I was starting to get tired of it.

I angrily turned to see who was responsible for the interruption, ready to give them a piece of my mind.

But what I saw was something entirely different from what I had imagined. Standing in the doorway was a woman with silver hair and red eyes, her upper body covered in bandages.

...Alexia Midgar? Isn't she supposed to be in critical condition right about now?

She was surrounded by other Shadow Members, all of them pleading with her to go back to bed. But she ignored them all, her cold gaze fixed on my hands as they hovered over Fray Von Garoff's body.

How did she wake up, and how did she manage to move all the way here with 7 Shadows blocking her?

She shouldn't even have the strength left to talk, and yet...

"Get your hands off my husband," she said, her voice icy.

Why is everyone so fucking edgy? Chill.

It's not like I was planning to steal him, or something...

I distanced myself a little from Fray Von Garoff's body.

I felt if I didn't, the woman would've jumped on me. Scary.

As Alexia approached him, her injuries were evident, but her determination was akin to a monster's.

She moved slowly, each step a struggle, but she refused to give up.

Is it a common traits of the Garoffs? I'm terrified if that's indeed the case...

"You're so handsome, even when you're asleep," she murmured, gently stroking his cheek. But despite her tender words, there was a hint of worry in her voice. "But you can't keep sleeping like this, Fray. Please, wake up."

She placed her hands on his chest, closing her eyes as she tried to channel her Magical Power into him.

It's useless, girl. I already tried in 10 different ways.

But even as she did, I could see the strain on her face, the way her body trembled with the effort. And when her magic failed to take hold, she didn't falter, didn't give up.

I saw some of her injuries act up again.

Of course it would happen, since she's forcing her body to channel Magical Power even though she shouldn't even be moving around...

Instead of stopping, though, she tried again, it didn't work.

And again, and again, and again, and again...

Most of her wounds were opened back now.

A twinge of guilt invaded me as I realized that I had been treating this whole situation a bit too lightly.

If it was not Fray Von Garoff, but Shadow-sama on this table....

Would have I been able to accept someone with a clear intention to toy with him instead of doing anything to save his life?

I felt like I was eating shit, my face ashen.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to say something, anything, Alpha-sama stepped forward, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's best to let someone who understands how to work with medicine do her job," she said softly, shaking her head. "We'll do everything we can to save him, I promise."

Even after I had been doing whatever I wanted, Alpha-sama still trusted me enough to leave this man to me.

From the moment I realized this, something small, inexplicable, slowly changed within me.

But Alexia just shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes as she clung to his body. "I believe in him," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I know he can pull through this."

I wanted to tell her that I would do everything in my power to save him, that I wouldn't rest until he was back on his feet. But just as I was about to do so, I stopped.

Looking more closely at his body, I could see it.

Even though his body did not accept the Magic in the true sense of the word, I could see it.

Something had changed!

Even if it felt like it wasn't working, it was in fact working!

How? Magic!

No, seriously now.

How is that possible? Even when I did anything that came to mind to make his body accept Magic Power, it didn't work at all.

Even now, it isn't working, but at the same time, some part of him is still accepting it.

Could it be...that his Magic Power actually has a will of its own?

Is it recognizing it's the Magic Power from a trusted source, so it's allowing it?

Or is it something grander within him, that is actually the one with a will, commanding it to accept the Magic?

I don't know, but if it indeed works that way, then everything would finally click.

But even so...the implications are a bit...

Ughh, fuck! Screw theory! I don't have the time to be fascinated right now!

"Oi! Alexia Midgar, don't stop talking to him and use your Magic! His body is responding to it!"

I roared, shocking everyone present in the room as they stared at me in disbelief.

Hey, I also have feelings, okay?

Even though I was kind of unserious about it before, he IS dying.

To get rid of my guilt, I owe them my seriousness.

I won't rest until this man is fine.

After that, I won't guarantee anything.

--- Akira ---

As I drifted through space, I was vaguely aware that something was off. But at the same time, I found myself accepting this strange place without question. It was as if my mind was too exhausted to care.

I had done my best, but now I was tired. So incredibly tired.

All I wanted was to rest, to let myself be enveloped by the comforting embrace of this space. It was the best sensation I had felt in a long, long time, a welcome respite from the constant trials and tribulations that had plagued me for what felt like an eternity.

But just as I was about to surrender to the allure of this place, a feminine voice interrupted my thoughts. [Don't you have something you need to do out there?] it asked, its tone gentle yet insistent. [Is it really alright to stay here?]

I hesitated, the voice's words stirring something within me. But the sensation of liberation was too strong, too intoxicating.

I felt myself slipping further and further away, the voice growing fainter and fainter.

But it was at that moment, that another voice cut through the silence.

"You're so handsome, even when you're asleep,"

It was a voice I knew all too well, one that sent a jolt of recognition through me. As she spoke, I felt cracks forming in the space around me, but I didn't care at all.


I murmured, suddenly remembering something.

That's right. She is waiting for me.

If I rest in here without caring about her at all, she will be sad.

She's a strong woman, but even she is allowed to be weak.

I should not put her through pain, if I can avoid it.

Maybe because I was still caught up in my emotions, my thoughts felt unusually straightforward.

With a surge of effort, I forced myself to snap out of it. I gritted my teeth, my mind racing as I tried to make sense of how to escape. The first voice spoke up again, its tone relieved.

[I'm glad you came back to your senses]

[I'll have to thank Alexia later] it gently muttered, almost as if she, or whatever it is, will be able to meet her.

I was confused.

Even though I just spoke of her name, the tone of voice was way too affectionate for it to belong to someone who did not know her at all.

Now that I was kind of awake, I asked myself such questions, even though right now there is no way to get an answer.

But at least, I knew that the voice was on my side.

It was trying to wake me up, after all.

"How do I get out of here?" I asked, my voice strained. I could feel myself slipping again, but I clung to the thought of Alexia, of the pain I would cause if I gave in. I couldn't let that happen. I had to fight.

[The easiest would be to use your Authorities to breakthrough this realm, but right now, you do not have the strength required to do that. In addition, if you try to use your powers right now, you'll immediately die. As such, I recommend trusting Alexia. Keep thinking about her, and you will be fine]

Does it really work that way? Wow, quite convenient.

Strangely, even though what the voice said was kind of ridiculous, I accepted her words as the truth.

As I fought against the strange space pulling me towards the unknown, I clung onto my thoughts with all my might. The more I resisted, the more cracks appeared in the hazy space around me. It was as if the very fabric of this place was growing unstable, unable to handle my defiance.

Suddenly, with a loud shattering sound, the space around me cracked and broke apart, shards of it flying in all directions. The force of the explosion sent me tumbling through the air, and I had to close my eyes against the overwhelming brightness that filled my vision.

When I finally opened my eyes, I found myself staring up at a ceiling. For a moment, I was disoriented and confused, unsure of where I was or how I had gotten there. But then I felt someone crying on my chest, their body shaking with sobs.

Looking down, I saw Alexia's tear-streaked face, her eyes squeezed shut as she clung to me. Instinctively, I raised my right arm and hugged her, patting her head gently as I whispered

"It's okay, I'm fine now," I said, trying to reassure her.

She lifted her head to look at me, her eyes filled with fear and relief. "I was so scared of losing you," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Even though she was a strong woman, the thought of me almost dying must've been a huge blow to her.

I wanted to make it up to her, to show her that I was okay.

I tried to lift my left arm to hug her more tightly, but found that I couldn't. Looking down, I saw that my arm was still charred and damaged, the wounds cleaned but the tissue still raw and painful. With my current rate of regeneration, it might take months to fully heal.

Damn you, Lilith. You left quite a scar on me.

"...You're finally back to the world of living, Fray Von Garoff. I thought you were a goner!"

Brown hair, purple eyes, unique characteristic of wearing a labcoat.

Eta, huh.

Even though my body's seen better days, my mind's still sharp.

I can instantly recognize one of the Seven Shadows. I may not have officially met each one, but I know them like the back of my hand by now.

"Honestly, I thought I was a goner, too."

Looking down on my body, though, I could see that most of the wounds I had were gone.

"How was I treated? It should've been impossible to use Magic on me."

The one trait anyone would love to have, where Magic from someone else actually cannot interfere with my own flow of Magical Power.

It sounds amazing, but in situations when I need healing, it's a nightmare to deal with.

Had Eta figured something out and managed to find a way to heal me anyway?

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised.

Eta is an absolute genius who would stop at nothing to get to the bottom of what interests her, so if she got interested in how my body worked, it's quite possible for her to develop a way to heal me, even if it's deemed impossible.

"I considered closing your wounds using 'surgery' techniques taught to me by Shadow-sama, but before I could, your wife here burst in the operation room and demanded me to get away—"

Alexia, who was hugging me, suddenly screamed

"S-Stop! Stoop! Shut up! If you keep talking, I'll slice you in two!"

Eta raised her hands in 'defeat'

"Okay, Okay. Anyway, the point is, I didn't do anything to you, if that's what you're asking."

Judging from the way she was looking at me, it seems she wanted to assure me I was not used in some sort of experiment of hers.

...So she knows I'm aware of her true nature.

To establish some sort of amicable relationship, she wants to make that clear.

Well, she's a smart one, after all.

I'll take your offer.

"I see. Anyway, Alexia," I said with a light chuckle, "you know, I was able to hear what you were saying while I was out, so there's no point in forcing Eta to keep quiet."

As soon as the words left my mouth, Alexia froze, her eyes widening in shock. Then, her face turned a deep shade of red, and she looked away, her expression adorably embarrassed.

"I-I didn't mean for you to hear that!" she stammered, burying her face in her hands.

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight, feeling my heart swell with affection. "You're so cute," I said, reaching out to pat her head gently. "It's all thanks to you that I'm still alive, you know."

At my words, Alexia's stopped hiding her face, as her eyes welled up with tears.

She smiled weakly, her fists clenching at her sides. "I'm just glad you're okay," she whispered.

Before I could comfort her a little more, Eta chimed in then, her voice stern. "I am glad you lovebirds got back together and all, but you should know, she's been by your side for three entire days without sleeping, and she's still recuperating from her own wounds. She needs to rest."

I was out for that long!?

Now that I look at her, I can actually see dark circles under her eyes, with bandages barely covered by the clothes she was wearing.


I immediately scooped Alexia up, ignoring the protests she let out as I gently placed her on the bed next to me. "You heard Eta," I said, my voice gentle but firm. "You need to rest."

Before she could retort more, Eta's voice chimed in again, this time with a hint of excitement that was impossible to conceal. "But how is it possible? Anytime I even tried to touch you, I would be left with my fingers cut, my Magic not being able to travel for more than a millimeter inside your body before it lost its effects..."

Oi, Eta...

I coughed, trying to let her understand she should've told me this kind of stuff when we were alone, but she acted as if she didn't see me at all.

Do you have a death wish?

Don't you see how Alexia has been staring at you!?

"Yet all of a sudden, you were able to let Alexia heal you. It's incredible! I've tried my best to patch up some idea as to why that happened, but none of them seem to perfectly match, other than the fact you might actually have a Magic Power with a will of its own...! " she exclaimed.

I could almost see the gears turning in her head as she started to form her own theories, her voice growing more animated with each word. But before she could go on, I let out a sigh and raised a hand to stop her. "Hold on a moment, Eta," I said, furrowing my brow.

"To tell you the truth, I...."

I was about to explain, but then I paused.

How was I able to hear Alexia in the first place, if I was unconscious?

It was as if I had forgotten something important, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't recall anything about what happened. "I... I don't know," I finally admitted, rubbing my temples.

I tried to rack my brain, to recall anything that might explain what had happened, but it was like trying to grasp at smoke. The more I reached for it, the more it slipped through my fingers. 

Eta must have noticed my discomfort, because she gave me a nod.

"Alright, I'll let you rest for now," she said. "But I'll be back to ask more questions later..."

It's strange, no matter how I see it, though...

I wanted to ponder more about it, but I remembered there was something important I had to do.

I had to check the huge amount of prompts that I couldn't quite check before.

[For now, the Skill [Overload] will be considered an [Absolute Skill]. As such, the strain on the body will exponentially increase]

[Note: The consequences may include: Death, Body Recovery -250% for 1 month, All Skills and Talents partially sealed for 2 weeks, Body Strenth -500% for 1 week...

Additional Note: With a huge risk comes a huge reward. If you survive, your skill [Perfect Human Body] will be able to evolve into [???]. (It is impossible for this Skill to evolve in the 2nd Trial. As such, it will formally evolve in the 3rd Trial)




[A ??? Achievement! Your newly formed Authority has begun to manifest into the real world]

[A ??? Achievement! You are the first Trial Taker to manifest an Authority in this World]

[A Legendary Achievement! You have killed a being whose Combat Prowess exceeds [Extreme]]

[An Epic Achievement! You have created a ripple in space using sheer strength and speed, without using any Skill to distort reality]




[The Authority of Lightning has absorbed the memories of the previous owner. They will be added to your Mind Library for you to see. Some information is forbidden to see until the Trial Taker has ??#!#!_-.]

[You Spoiled on me? It's Mine Now  Quest Complete]

[Evaluation: SSS]

[As a result of your Evaluation, the rewards have been adjusted.]

[You have leveled up] x50

[You have acquired the Passive Skill [Killing Intent]]

[You have acquired the Growth-Passive Skill [Weakest Magic Generation]]

[You have acquired ??? (Will be useful for the 3rd Trial)]

[You have been given [Lv. 100 Skill Ticket] x2]

[Lv. 100 Skill Ticket]

[Description: Jackpot! You can raise one Passive or Active skill to level 100]

I don't even know where I should start...

 "...Hey, are you alright?"

I was pulled back by Alexia, her voice still concerned about me.

Well, I guess I can't do much about it.

For now...

I'll enjoy the peace.

--- Alpha ---

It's been over a year since that day, and I still find it hard to believe.

Our main objective has been accomplished.

As Shadows born to hunt other Shadows, particularly the hidden evil in the world, we've successfully wiped out all the members of the Cult of Diablos.

As I stepped out onto the balcony, the cool night air greeted me, and I took a deep breath, letting it fill my lungs.

The sky above was a canvas of darkness, dotted with countless stars that twinkled like diamonds. The beauty of it all was breathtaking, and for a moment, I allowed myself to get lost in its majesty.

But as I gazed at it, my determination only grew sharper.

Greed was an intimate part of human nature, and it was impossible to eradicate it completely. Shadow-sama knew this, and that was why he had created our organization, to keep it at bay.

But even though one threat had been eliminated, I knew that it was only a matter of time before another one emerged.

The world was a constantly changing place, and evil was an ever-present force that always sought to corrupt and destroy.

I wondered what kind of evil would be born next, and what we would have to do to eliminate it. But no matter what, I would stop at nothing to protect this world, to hold it up from the shadows for as long as our organization could keep standing.

--- Akira ---

[Welcome to the Second Trial of Fate]




As I re-read once more the Trial Quest, I sighed.

Everything... was complete.

The only thing missing is use the [Lv. 100 Skill Ticket] to raise 2 of my skills to Lv. 100, and I'll be officially done with this Trial.

The reason I was not already gone, you must know it.

Even after I steeled myself at the beginning of this Trial, it still hurts.

None of the pain I felt when my body was ripping itself apart could even compare.

But even so, I must go on.

Even though my love is real, this peace isn't.

Staring at the prompts appearing in my sight, I sighed.

[Warning: Prolonged stay recognized]

[Your Sixth Sense has passively activated]

[If you stay in this World for a day longer, you will face the Second Penalty #_??_!#]

[Evaluation: Danger]

[Additional Note: It is time to let go.]

Whenever my Sixth Sense tries to peek into the System, it's ruthlessly shut down, leaving me with just a few clues to work with.

As I strolled through the bustling streets of Midgar, my mind drifted back to the countless memories I shared with Alexia in this very city.

Every corner seemed to hold a special significance, from the small bakery where we used to buy our favorite pastries, to the few clothing shops we visited together.

I couldn't help but smile as I passed by a certain lively tavern where we shared a drink with some of the local townsfolk, and where I once complained about Alexia to a certain tsundere old man.

The only one who had the audacity to call a Duke a brat, which only made me like him even more.

I wonder... how is Gideon doing?

Knowing him, he might still be back to that garden his wife cherished so much, and to be honest, I understood why now.

If I was in his shoes, I'd defend it with my life as well.

The sound of laughter and music spilling out onto the streets brought back vivid memories, and I found myself humming along to the familiar tune.

But as I continued on my way, the scenery began to change. The crowds thinned out, and the bright lights of the city gave way to the quiet darkness of the outskirts. The buildings became fewer and farther between, replaced by the towering trees of the nearby forest.

Before I knew it, I had reached my destination: a desolate forest not too far from Midgar. The moon cast an eerie glow through the trees, illuminating the twisted branches and casting shadows on the forest floor.

Despite the ominous atmosphere, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. This was the very forest where Alexia and I had conducted some of our most feared experiments on bandits, where she understood her own path, and where she eventually formed her [Thousand Sword Art].

I sighed. This is not the time to get lost in the past.

Right now, the present is calling.

As such, I released my new passive Skill, [Killing Intent].

In an instant, a chillingly intense aura radiated from me, spreading throughout the entire forest.

Every intelligent creature within a radius of more than 10 kilometers felt sheer terror, fleeing for their lives.

Even if they've caused trouble for others, they still deserve a chance to survive.

But standing near me now might mean instant death for them.

That is because, my actual plan today is to...

[Your Talent [Sword] is excited. It tells you that no matter what you will go through, it will be by your side]

I smiled.

"Thank you, Sword."

This conversation wouldn't have been possible without my awakening rate.

It increased by a significant 5% during my visits to my consciousness, bringing it up to a total of 15%.

It might seem small, but it's another milestone for me.

Ever since the Sword reached this rate, it's been conveying its emotions to me through slightly more intricate messages.

This allows us to have some form of communication, even if it's limited.

The Sword Talent faces difficulty interacting with the physical world due to the numerous shackles binding it.

It's worth noting that the Sword Talent sealed in my consciousness and the one currently in my hand are two different entities.

The latter is merely an extension of the former, far from its full potential.

Since attempting to communicate with me only aggravates the shackles, I can't initiate conversations with it whenever I please.

But at this time, there is no need to hold back.

Because now, is the time I finally complete the Trial Quest.

I took a deep breath, my mind focusing with laser-like precision as I willed the Tickets to activate, raising one Active and one Passive skill to Lv. 100.

As the Tickets crumbled to dust in my inventory, a brilliant light began to rapidly swirl around me.

It started as a soft glow, but quickly intensified, growing brighter and more powerful with each passing second. The air around me crackled with energy, and I could feel the raw power and Authority whatever this Light was, had.

I see, so that's how it works...

Suddenly, prompts began to appear before my eyes, their letters glowing with the same ethereal light that surrounded me.

[Congratulations on clearing the 2nd Trial!]




They read, but there was something about the messages that felt hollow, like a plain mockery.

The Light grew stronger still, threatening to transport me back to the [Rest Room].

But I refused to be taken away so easily. With a cold sneer, words left my mouth.

"As if I'd go back just like this!"



With that, I raised my hand, summoning all of my strength as I immediately forced all my Authorities to activate to their full force.

[The Authority of the Sword is fighting against the Recall]

[The Authority of Mana is fighting against the Recall]

[The Authority of Limits is fighting against the Recall]

[The Authority of Lightning has fully Manifested(Temporary)]




[The Skill [Overload] will be treated as an [Absolute Skill]...]

[Note: The Consequences...]




The Congratulations message started flickering, its blue glow shifting to a deep red.

[Warning!!! The Trial Taker [Akira Bashira] is strongly advised to stop this meaningless resistance. If it's prolonged, [Fairness] will have to step in]

You think it's meaningless, huh?

How dare you, you fucker.

If you think I'll play your game, you're solely mistaken.

"It's the second time I say it, but this time, I'm serious. 5 seconds will be enough to deal with you, System. Call upon Fairness if you dare. The moment you do so, I'll split this World's core in two."

You might wonder why I'm so confident.

Well, it's based on a few factors.

Firstly, I've come to realize that each World has something the System desires— its core.

This core is what holds the World together and even has the power to generate Magical Power.

When you combine this understanding with Alexia's theory about the existence of a general flow of Magical Power, everything starts to fall into place, like pieces of a puzzle coming together.

I worked with Eta a lot, and this is one of the results we achieved.

It's only thanks to the two of them that this conjecture could be proven.

Ironically, the place where the core was located, was exactly four kilometers below this forest.

Why this place?

It was almost too coincidental, if you ask me.

But even after consulting with Eta, Alexia, Alpha... we all reached the same conclusion.

The location was a pure coincidence.

No, it had to be.

There was no way this was intentional, because if you could manipulate what generates Magic Power in the first place, you would essentially wield infinite Magical Power.

You could as well be called God, for obvious reasons.

Anyway, back on track.

It's easy enough to guess what will happen if I break this.

The planet will likely collapse on itself, and Magic Power will cease to flow, like a puppy without an owner, just standing still.

This will lead to its own set of serious consequences, but they're not the main concern.

Even if I manage to destroy the core, it will still take at least a few seconds for everything to stop functioning.

Just like how if a car stops accelerating, its speed does not immediately drop to 0.1

I'm confident I can reach Alexia and get her into outer space during that time.

With both [Overload] and Lightning Authority Manifestation, I could probably cover the distance between us in just one millisecond.

I'd even have time to spare to grab a coffee with the System.

And as for survival, I've secretly prepared Slime suits that can store oxygen, giving us a fighting chance.

I've also packed plenty of other essentials to help her survive in outer space, but hopefully, we won't need them.

Anyway, the second reason I am this confident is simple.

The System did not expect this kind of rebellion, and that is the key behind this entire situation being possible.

Why? You may ask.

Well, I will die after [Overload]'s 5 seconds are over.

After all, my body had yet to completely recover from the previous use, even after more than an actual year passed.

That's mostly because my body was in no actual condition to endure Authority Manifestation at that moment, as it puts a great strain on the body.

And right now, I'm using it again.

If I didn't manifest my Lightning Authority, I wouldn't have been able to resist against the System for even a full second.

Although it was sloppy this time, it didn't mean it was dumb.

The System is most likely so strong I can't even wrap my head around it at the moment, but even so, it's still helpless against the laws of the Universe.

That's why I am able to toy with it like this in the first place.

In short, the System has two choices.

Either it listens to my demands, or this World goes boom.

As for my demand, you already know it.

I just want to bring Alexia with me.

That's all I ask for. The rest? I couldn't care less.

I'm not sure what consequences my actions might have from the System's perspective, but its silence speaks volumes.

This World's core matters a lot to the System. this time, there was one thing both me and the System were not considering at all.

If the System cannot ever go against the laws of the Universe, why was I convinced that I, instead, could?

As I stood there, eager to wait for the System's response, I suddenly felt a weight on my shoulders that was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. It was as if someone had placed the entire weight of the world upon me, crushing me down with an unbearable force.


This cannot be the System's doing.

I tried to move, to cry out, to do anything to escape this oppressive weight, but it was no use. My body was completely frozen, unable to even twitch a muscle. I couldn't utter a single word, couldn't move my head, couldn't do anything at all.

Even the System itself was utterly silent.

I could feel the source of this weight above me. As such, I strained with every ounce of strength I had left to move my pupils, to see who or what was responsible for this unbearable pressure.

When I finally managed to shift my gaze upward, my expression grew somber, my back soaked in sweat.

There, covering the entire night sky, was a gigantic eye.

It was a hideous, monstrous thing, with a pupil that seemed to stretch on for miles and a bloodshot iris that pulsed with an unnatural energy. 

I could sense from its gaze that it wasn't inherently hostile toward me.

It seemed that my inability to move stemmed solely from the weight its presence.

[The Eye Of Judgement has opened]

Prompts started appearing, but I noticed an obvious difference compared to the usual.

The design of the Prompt was miles apart compared to the usual.

The background was a pure white, while the letters glowed in a light yellow that screamed of regality.

[The Eye Of Judgement is staring at you]

[Question: What is the reason you, a being not of this World, want to destroy it?]

It dawned on me in that moment.

The System was taking such a convoluted route to expand its control over more Worlds because beings like this govern the Universe.

It made me feel as insignificant as a tiny ant once again.

Nothing I'd encountered thus far had left me feeling so utterly lost.

Nevertheless, I had to respond. If I didn't, I'd likely be erased on the spot.

But how could I reply, if your presence is too overbearing for me to even move a muscle!?

With great difficulty, I tried to open my mouth, but after a few tries of me hopelessly failing, I gave up on it.

But just then, an idea came to mind.

Although I could not extert any strength, it didn't mean my Magic Power was the same.

As such, I commanded it with all my might, as words slowly formed in front of me.

...Reminds me of when I lost my hearing.


Trying to create complex sentences was impossible at the moment, so the only choice I had was to squeeze in as much as I could.

I immediately realized.

Nothing else could explain my feelings better than the 4 letters I wrote.

Looking at the results right now, I feel like punching myself.

Because even though I had prepared so much against the System, I failed to consider the fact it was not the only variable.

[The Eye Of Judgement is calculating...]

[The Eye Of Judgement is curious]

[Question: Why go so far for Love? Do you plan to make that an Authority, just like your Authority of Limits, Mana, and Sword?]


My dearest wish is to never become a being like this one.

In its sights, Love cannot be seen as anything more than a mere concept to gain more strength from.

That's what made me feel sick.

The most logical choice would be to agree with it, as the more I sucked up to it, the higher the possibility of it being I will catch its interest to the point I'd be able to execute my plan, but there was just one detail that was left out.

The 3 second mark had already passed.

Even if I can act right now, It would be pointless.

I...have already lost.

["No. You would never understand even if I told you."]

Not even for a second, would I allow someone else to doubt the nature of my feelings.

Even if you're a damn God, I can't care less.

I really wanted to say more, but it was getting harder and harder. Even just those few words were enough to deplete more than 90% of my Magical Power.

It's a miracle I can even worry about expenditure right now.

[The Eye Of Judgement is calculating...]

[Truth: It is not required to understand it. As long as it brings no advantage to you, it's useless]

[The Eye Of Judgement has declared a "Truth". It will now issue the final Decision]

[Decision: Love is what you should sacrifice, instead of following a path that holds no hope. You cannot refuse the [Recall] anymore]

I would really like to ask.

Who the fuck do you think you are, to decide that for me?

If only I could, I'd do anything in my power to reply, consequences be damned.

[Your Talent [Sword] tries to—]


[Your Talent [Sword]—]


[Your Talent—]





For the first time, I felt despair.

There is no path for me to follow, and there is nothing I can do.

I am...done for.

[Decision: The Entity known as the System will be heavily penalized for endangering World#201-012-011]

At least I managed to bring the System down with me, if that can be called a situation where I should be feeling joy...

As the white light began to envelop me once again, I couldn't help but feel a sense of bitter irony.

All of my plans, my hopes, my visions for the future, were about to be snuffed out like a candle in the wind.

But just as the light was about to consume me completely, a voice cut through the dread spreading through my mind, interrupting the process.

["...Get rid of that defeated look on your face. Things are not set in stone yet!"]

But seeing who this voice belonged to, was the greatest shock.

What the fuck!?


I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper as I spoke her name in utter shock.

But before I could even begin to process the implications, I realized that something had changed. The crushing weight that had held me frozen in place just moments before was gone.

I was utterly astonished, my mind racing as I tried to make sense of what was happening. How was this possible? How could Aurora be here, and more importantly, why was she helping me?

As if in answer to my unspoken questions, her voice sounded in my head once again. ["Don't look so surprised, my dear. I have a favor to pay back to you, after all. You let a pitiful soul finally have the rest it deserved. The beating, however, was not appreciated"]

I have no idea who she's speaking about, but if she feels like helping, who am I to object?

["Just this once, I'll help you out"] Aurora replied, her voice firm but not unkind. 

[The Eye Of Judgement is calculating...]

[Surprise: Irregular Being, Aurora. You have fused with the World's Core. Does that mean it's also this World's will to let that man achieve his goal?]

Irregular Being, Aurora.

Fused with the World's Core!?

...That means she is this World's—

["...What we seek is someone able to alter Destiny. You are so high up in the Sky that you cannot understand the matters of us low earthlings. Just give up on it, and allow this World to decide on its path by itself"]

[The Eye Of Judgement is calculating...]

[Request Denied. The final decision has already been made.]

For some reason, I feel like the background character.

 ["As expected, it's not willing to back down. Well, it's not a problem"]

How can this not be a problem?

["Although the plan you had at first worked quite wonderfully, you did not know. Laws exist to govern the Universe, but it does not protect against itself, as the beings of this Universe have the right to do whatever they want, as long as they don't threaten the existence of the Universe itself."]

That means, the System...

["Yes. This loophole has been exploited by that System of yours for eons. When you enter a World, you're forced into an identity to become someone of this Universe temporarily. Only with that would the Universal Laws not be triggered. So, you must give up on the plan to destroy this world. It's a hopeless path, just as it said."]

I let out an exhausting sigh.

Once I laid my eyes on that monstrosity in the sky, there was no way I could keep thinking my plan to destroy the World would've worked anymore.

["But... I'm sure you have something else up your sleeve, am I right? You wouldn't have thrown such a huge stone without expecting it to rebound, one way or another"]

"Indeed," I said, meeting Aurora's gaze.

Although the presence of the Law of Judgement was something completely different from my expectations, I had a feeling this plan wouldn't have worked.

"I do have another way. But if possible, I wanted to avoid having to resort to it."

But if that is the only path I can follow right now...

Even if Alexia might hate me in the future for putting her through this, I'm fine with that.

Aurora nodded, understanding my hesitation. ["I know it won't be easy,"] she said. ["But sometimes, the hardest paths are the ones we must take."]


It's time to end this for good.

"...Can you buy me half a second?"

She looked up at me, her smile growing deeper.

["I can't promise anything."]

Well, that certainly puts me at ease.

In fact...

[The Eye Of Judgement has been angered]

[Anger: For rebelling against the law, the Irregular Being, Aurora shall be purged]

As the words resonated in space, the Sky morphed into a deep, blood-red hue, as if the heavens themselves were bleeding.

The Eye of Judgment glared down at me with a malevolent glint, its pupil dilating in sheer anger. I gritted my teeth, my heart pounding in my chest as I sprinted with all my might towards my destination.

Behind me, the trees bent and twisted as if in submission to the wrath of the Sky. The ground beneath me trembled, distorting along the way.

The atmosphere was being destroyed by tornadoes that rapidly eat up anything they touched...

But even as the impossible reality-bending factors threatened to overwhelm me, I pushed through.

["You shouldn't forget about me, dear"]

Far behind me, A brilliant light began to spread, illuminating the darkness and casting long shadows on the ground. Whatever the light touched, all those natural phenomenons would meet their end.

Just how strong is Aurora...

I know she's essentially a God, since she has infinite Magical Power and all, but even so... that's so OP.

But I couldn't afford to be distracted. I had to keep moving, had to reach Alexia.

In less than a millisecond, I entered Midgar.

If only another half of a millisecond was given, I could easily reach Alexia.

However, space itself began warping and bending around me.

Even after overworking my [Mind's Dominion] to its absolute best, it was impossible to understand how to proceed.


I swore under my breath, my desperation mounting with each passing second. I gritted my teeth with all my might, my jaw clenched so tightly it felt like it might shatter. I was ready to sacrifice everything - my powers, my very being - if it meant achieving my goal. I couldn't be stopped now.

But just as I prepared to unleash a massive amount of energy, to shatter the space at any cost, a black hole suddenly materialized in the sky.

The sudden appearance of the anomaly forced me to stop in my tracks, and I could immediately sense that someone was coming through it.

My expression, once full of despair, morphed into one of sheer incredulity. "Wait, don't tell me..." I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper.

As if to confirm my suspicions, 'he' emerged from the black hole.

A man with black hair and black eyes.

He was clad in a slime bodysuit that hugged his muscular frame, complete with a hood that hid his facial features and added an air of mystery to his imposing presence. I knew him all too well.

The man began to laugh maniacally, his voice echoing through the distorted space around us. "I, Shadow, have finally returned!" he shouted, his laughter growing louder and more unhinged by the second.

But as he continued to cackle, he looked down at me, his confusion evident. He seemed unsure of what was happening, but then his eyes narrowed, his expression growing serious.

"The time has come."

...I wonder what kind of role play did he imagine right now.

He raised his hand, and the energy around it coalesced into a fiery slime sword, which he swung in a powerful arc. The space that had been holding me back shattered like glass, and I was immediately free.

"We are sides of the same coin, sharing an equal fate and destiny. The World is approaching its end. Only us, the force that hunts the darkness lurking within, can stop it."

...Bro, what bullshit are you even spouting...

That's embarrassing as fuck.

I stared at him in disbelief, my mind struggling to fit everything at this point.

He had just effortlessly torn through space enforced with the Authority of an Universal Being with but a flick of his sword.

Just from my instincts alone, I could tell his Combat Prowess would be much higher than [Extreme].

I wanted to say so much to him.

But even so, I was forced to swallow my words.

For years, I had used him, his strength, his knowledge, his connections.

It's time to give him the mantle of Protagonist back.

"You are right, Shadow. I shall do my best to stop this World from ending. Just as the Sun and the Moon are both shining at different intervals but are always present in the Sky, we will always be watching from the Shadows, ready for our time to shine."

And with that, I sped up toward my destination once again.

I could see him nodding and taking action to prevent space from distorting further.

He must've thought I was a recent recruit of Shadow Garden or something.

I was wearing a slime bodysuit, and my general techniques also involved the use of slime jelly, so it was easy for him to connect the dots.

Well, that's reassuring.

"Thank you, pal," I muttered, shaking my head in disbelief. I couldn't believe what had just happened, but I knew one thing for sure - I had to keep moving forward.

--- Alexia ---

I always knew, deep within the recesses of my heart, that this happiness we shared was temporary.

No matter how many seasons came and went, or how idyllic our life together had been thus far, I was acutely aware that our time was limited.

I had time to brace myself, to fortify my heart against the inevitable, but even so, I find myself wondering: why does gazing upon the empty side of the bed where he should be now feel like a dagger was thrust into my heart?

As I sit here, enveloped in the stillness of our room, I can't help but smile through the tears that threaten to spill over, as memories of our time together come flooding back.

We were an unconventional couple, to say the least. We didn't go on lavish dates or partake in grand romantic gestures.

Instead, we found solace and contentment in each other's embrace, in the quiet moments we shared. If you were to observe us from the outside, you might even mistake us for a pair of recluses.

Most of my fondest memories of us are not of grand adventures or passionate declarations of love, but rather of the small, mundane moments that made up our daily lives.

I remember the playful bickering over trivial matters, the impromptu food fights that would erupt in the kitchen, leaving us both breathless with laughter amidst the chaos. These moments, though seemingly insignificant, are the ones that I cherish the most.

You might think that Fray, my beloved, was a cold, unfeeling machine, and in many ways, you would be right.

In his role as a defender of the world against the forces of evil, he was stoic, unyielding, and relentless. But when the weight of the world was lifted from his shoulders, when he was free from the constant vigilance that his duty demanded, he was just a man.

A particularly curious, sly, and endearingly human.

I remember the first time I saw him truly relax, the first time I saw the mask slip away to reveal the man beneath.

The moment I felt he was beginning to trust me, allowing me in his heart.

"...I need a breath of fresh air."

I murmured, slipping out of our shared room and into the garden. The air was cool and crisp, a refreshing contrast to the warmth of our room.

As I walked through it, my mind drifted back to the countless sparring sessions we had shared in this very place.

I remembered the first time I had stood before him, my hands trembling with a mix of anticipation and fear, as I prepared to face off against him, even though he had completely outclassed me in the Training Hall.

I remembered the moment I realized that if I wanted to stand by his side proudly, I couldn't afford to be left behind.

I could almost hear the clash of our swords, the sound of our breaths mingling in the air as we danced around each other, each of us striving to land a blow, to prove ourselves to the other.

I could almost feel the satisfaction that came with each small victory, the sense of pride that swelled within me as I watched Fray's eyes light up with approval.

But as I stood there, lost in my memories, I was suddenly jolted back to reality by the sound of heavy breathing.

I turned to see Fray stumbling into the garden, his face pale and his chest heaving with exertion. My heart leapt into my throat as I rushed to his side, ready to help him inside and tend to any possible wounds.

"Fray, what happened?" I asked, my voice laced with concern. But before I could even reach out to him, he shook his head, making me understand there was no time to explain.

"We have no time, Alexia. I'm sorry for doing this to you, but it's necessary," Fray said, his voice heavy with remorse, but laced with determination.

Despite his urgent tone, I couldn't bring myself to doubt him.

I shook my head, my trust in him unwavering.

I could see the pain in his eyes, the burden of the secret he was carrying weighing heavily on him.

But I knew that whatever he was about to do, he had his reasons.

As far as I was concerned, my life was in his hands.

"Don't resist," he said, his voice softer now, pleading. I nodded, giving him my silent consent, and watched as he closed his eyes, his brow furrowing in concentration.

"[Mind Manipulation]"

He murmured the name of a skill.

I looked on in shock as Fray's hands began to glow, an orb of light forming between them. He reached up, placing the orb against his own forehead, and I gasped as the light seemed to seep into his skin, pulling something out from within him.

As the orb of light flickered and pulsed, I realized immediately it was filled with memories.

Fray turned to me, his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and resolve, and directed the orb towards me.

The moment it entered my body, a flood of memories washed over me, memories that belonged to Fray - or rather, to the man he truly was.

I caught glimpses of his past, witnessing the immense pain he endured.

As the memories unfolded before me, it felt like weeks had gone by, yet only a moment had passed.

Tears streamed down my face as I watched.

And when the final memory faded, I found myself whispering his true name, my voice choked with emotion.


The moment his name passed my lips, I saw a soft smile spread across his face, a smile that held a world of emotions that couldn't be described.

"Yes?" he asked, his voice gentle.

I called his name again, my heart broken.

He responded in kind, his eyes shining.

How could you keep on enduring with the thought that I was mistaking you for someone else?

I hugged him tightly.

Now that I knew the truth, now that I had seen the burden he had carried for so long, I understood why he had kept his distance, why he had been so guarded. And as I held him close, my tears soaking into his shirt, I asked, my voice trembling, "How didn't show me memories of your life before the trials?"

Akira laughed softly, his arms tightening around me. "I'll save that story for the next time we meet," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "Even though it might be boring, this will make it impossible for you to forget me."

It's so unfair.

You can't say stuff that only makes me want to cry even more.


I would never forget you.


At his words, I nodded, my state a mess out of proportions.

But even so, I forced myself to calm down.

"You have seen it from my memories, but this is our only option. Please, Alexia, I want you to..."


All my attention had been to him and him alone, but those prompts have been flooding my surroundings for quite a while now.

[A ??? Achievement! You have seen through the [True Identity] of Trial Taker, Akira Bashira]

[As a result, you will be able to escape fate]

[You will now have access to the System]

[You will be able to level up]

[You will be able to use SP]

[You will be able to travel between Worlds—]

[Please, Select a Class: —]




[The Trial Taker Akira Bashira will be heavily penalized for revealing his identity according to the Trial Quest...#?!?"!##]



[No Trial Quest Found]


[No Trial Quest Found]





[Penalty: None]

Just like Akira, I've become... a Trial Taker.

This path to becoming one was stumbled upon through speculation, given the context of the Limitations imposed by the System.

It seemed too suspicious for it to be a constant limitation, especially considering it wouldn't change much even if it were common knowledge.

Akira put this together by speaking with Luna, Eta, Alpha, and the System through Question Tickets.

But to act on mere suspicion and achieve all this... it's truly astonishing.

Indeed, finding out about a Trial Taker's existence is a requirement to become one yourself, if you are not summoned by God or whatever.

I'll do my hardest to ignore the being known as Luna right now, but I haven't forgotten what she did to my man.

Mark my words, you little bitch.

The moment our paths cross, you're dead.

"...Alexia? Are you listening to me?"

I blinked, shaking myself out of my thoughts. "Yes, I am," I replied, my voice steady and strong.

Sorry, my love.

I was just reminding myself of one of the bitches I must beat up in the future.

I had already shed so many tears, but now, I could see hope on the horizon.

As I looked up at him, I sensed that our time together was coming to an end.

The Light that had been barely noticeable before was now rapidly engulfing him, its brilliance almost blinding.

But even as it threatened to pull him away from me, I held on tighter, savoring the warmth of his body and the feel of his arms around me, etching them into my memory.

"I will never forget this," I whispered, my voice filled with determination. "I will keep getting stronger, for you, for us. And one day, I will reach you, and we will be together again."

As I spoke, I saw a soft smile spread across his face, a smile that held a world of love and pride. "I love you, Alexia." he said, his voice filled with emotion.

"I love you more" I replied, my heart swelling with love and hope.

We shared one last, deep, passionate kiss, a kiss that spoke of a love that will dare transcend time and space itself.


As our lips parted, I felt a pang of sadness, knowing that there was no way to tell how much time would pass until we would meet again.

But even as the Light carried him away, leaving me now standing alone in the garden, I held onto my confidence, my belief in us.

Standing by his side. 

That notion, I can finally do my utmost to prove I meant it.

This was no longer just his story, it was ours.

As such, I'll struggle, I'll crawl, I'll become so strong that the System would never dare to consider separating us anymore.

That, is my promise to you.

Farewell, until our paths will cross once more.

To my beloved, Akira Bashira.



Author's Honest Comment:


Author's Note:

Thanks to everyone that read this far. I deeply appreciate each reader.

Eta, the Shadow who was introduced in one chapter, but managed to get more than 2000 words of screentime + character development, all-in-one package.

B-But it was supposed to be less than 2 seconds, with him stuck in space, the time they had might've been even less than 1 second...

[Overload]'s side effects: I will wait

[Recall]: I will wait

The System: I will wait

The Eye Of Judgement: I will wait

Aurora: I will wait



We'll show Akira's FULL status and any leftover explanations that, for obvious reasons, couldn't be added here, by next chapter or the one after.

One small example of the leftover explanation, would be that Alpha's small POV in this chapter was overlooked and was only half-fulfilled, with the new evil being Akira. It's just a small part I was planning to include but it just didn't fit in this chap, lmao.

Just know I didn't forget anything.

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