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45.45% I AM CID KAGENOH FEAR ME ANIME VERSE / Chapter 5: Bandits Are Nothing But Walking Treasure Troves

Capítulo 5: Bandits Are Nothing But Walking Treasure Troves

Ten years have gone by.

Magic is amazing. With it, I can easily make movements far beyond human limits.

Crushing rocks? Easy.

Are you running twice the speed of a horse? Totally.

Jumping higher than houses? You bet.

But I'm afraid a nuke is still beyond me. Magic can up my physical resistance, but mighty are Earth's weapons. The thought "that there is no nuke in this world, so isn't it fine to drop this?" crossed my mind. But what worth is there in an eminence in the shadows who attained his position by compromising?

none absolutely zero 

Thus, I strive to achieve a body that can win over a nuke. To that aim, I have poured my days into research and training. Recently, a particular possibility has surfaced, and I'm currently experimenting. 

Oh, and by the way, the family I was born into is a noble house. It's a lineage that has continuously spat out knights that fight while using magic to strengthen themselves – so-called magic swordsmen. And I was brought up as the family's heir with sky-high expectations and respect... or not. No, they just treated me like any other apprentice swordsman.

The eminence in the shadows reveals their true strength only to people and places of their choosing until that moment.

Though I am holding back, the training for apprentice swordsmen is helpful. I can learn how this world fights with magic, which is also a chance to review my fighting style.

To be blunt, the fighting techniques I had learned in my previous life are several folds more polished and rational.

This could be easily seen just by watching any modern martial arts match. Useless techniques and unnecessary movements have all been weeded out, and different schools have taken and adopted other schools' very best. That melting pot effect was indeed bringing all those schools towards the path of being perfected.

Of course, modern martial arts have boundaries called 'rules,' but that does not change the fact that their various techniques are being polished against each other and undergoing the process of selection.

But this world, in comparison. Firstly, there is no way that a technique crosses between countries. Neither would a technique cross school. There are techniques that only disciples can learn and are forbidden from leaving the school grounds. Even if a method gets publicized, there is no media to spread it. In other words, there is no melting pot, selection, or polishing. If I had to sum them up in a single word, it would be "crude."

But this world's fighting is fundamentally different from my previous world because of magic.

Due to magic, the basic physical stats of this world's people are different.

For example, physical strength. People can lift someone else with a single hand. Just because of that, all grappling techniques become obsolete. Even if I mount someone, they can jump into the sky by flexing their abdominal muscles. Even if I put someone into the guard position, they can send me flying with just a single leg. So yeah, grappling techniques are all out the window.

People fight the way people fight, and goblins fight the way that goblins fight. That's all there is to that.

Furthermore, the speed and distance of step-ins are different, so maai/interval is considered differently. And this is the most important one.

(T/N: Maai, translating simply as "interval," is a Japanese martial arts term referring to the space between two opponents in combat; formally, the "engagement distance." It is a complex concept, incorporating not just the distance between opponents but also the time it will take to cross the distance, angle, and rhythm of attack. After factoring in the above elements, It is the exact position from which one opponent can strike the other. For example, a faster opponent's maai is farther away than a slower opponent. ~Wikipedia)

Martial arts are, in essence, a fight over maai. Distance, angle, positioning, these are all what the fights are all about.

It took me quite some time to determine my maai in this world. I mean, this world's people's maai are so far away. They start fights, standing 5m away from each other. Sure, their step-in is long, and their speed is fast, so I need help understanding. At first, I was impressed with it and thought, "Oh, so this is this world's fighting style,"... but nah, it turns out that it's only because their defense techniques are undeveloped.

We have this kind of people in our world, too – people who suck at defense, so they just meaninglessly distance themselves from their opponent as much as possible.

The opponent's attack is scary. Being in a place where their attacks can't reach you is safer, isn't it? So that's why fights become just blandless repetitions of opponents dashing in to attack and dashing right back out. Hit and run, is it? Sorry, useless and straightforward back-and-forth movements don't count as hit-and-run.

To me, 5m and 100m are equally worthless. After all, proper attacks can't be launched from either distance. It's all the same: 6m, 7m, 10m. There's no point to it, so let's walk closer together and close the distance, shall we?

But at a certain distance, there is an enormous meaning between the difference of 1mm, which is maai. Whether my attacks will hit, whether my opponent can react in time, considering the angle and other things, gaining or losing advantage by moving half a step sideways or tilting a certain degree. By no means is it just running 5m to attack before jumping backward 6m.

All my preconceptions about another world and magic confused me for quite a while, but I was finally able to determine my maai recently, so all's good.

So yeah, that's how my daily training at home goes. There's only me, my older sister, and my dad – my dad teaches my older sister and me, and my older sister and I spar. My older sister of 2 years above seems to have quite the talent and will most likely become the heir of the house. In this world where magic can be used, even girls can become crazy strong, so girls becoming the head of their families is not that uncommon.

And because of that, I get beaten up by my sister pretty much every day. I mean, I can't win. After all, I have to act out my everyday life as an unremarkable Mob A to become the eminence in the shadows.

This is why I spend every day going, "fueee, onee-chan, you're so strong~" while getting beaten up.


So, such is my daily life. During the daytime, I also have studies related to being a noble and various other tasks that I need to carry out as Mob A, so I don't have much free time.

Therefore, my training naturally has to be carried out at night, after everyone else has gone to sleep. Of course, that means decreasing my sleeping hours. Still, by combining the effects of meditation and magic's recovery powers, I developed a unique sleeping style that is super short but super effective.

Well then, let's work hard at training today as well. For today, I have a bit of a special menu after the usual running in the forest.

As of late, some ruffians have taken to occupying a nearby abandoned village. Upon investigation, they turned out to be a bandit gang of quite some size. Yep, they make for perfect Tameshigiri targets.

I kill randomly scattered brigands whenever I come across them, but the level of a full-fledged bandit gang is like a once-in-a-year event, so I'm pretty excited. I lack a proper sparring partner all year long, so I love these kinds of criminals. Aah, can the local public order go down, please?

In the rural areas of this world, criminals can generally be killed without a trial. It's more like only the large cities have judges, so those in the rural areas aren't too fussed about this, which is why I will judge you all, kekeke.

Today commemorates a new weapon I have recently tried – the slime bodysuit.

Allow me to explain what the slime bodysuit is.

This world has magic. This world's people fight using that magic to strengthen themselves and their weapons. However, there is always some degree of loss when they use magic. For example, a standard iron sword would only have 10% efficiency – you pour in 100 points of magic, but the effect only boosts 10 points, meaning that 90% of the magic is lost. Even for mithril, a metal lauded for its high conductivity, a sword capable of 50% efficiency would already be considered a high-grade item. So, in short, there is always a tremendous amount of loss.

Then, I came to consider slimes. Slimes are, well, true to their appearances, magical beings. They change form and move around using only magic. When I studied them further, I realized their magical conductivity is a mind-shattering 99%. Furthermore, they can freely change form as they are in liquid form. So, I hunted slimes, crushed their cores, and experimented on the leftover slime jelly. The number of slime cores I have crushed is easily in the thousands. It was to the degree that the local area began suffering from a slime deficiency, forcing me to go on expeditions further afield.

The slime jelly was relatively easy to process. After strengthening and compounding it, I eventually made a full-body bodysuit out of it. Unlike armor, it makes no sound, is comfortable, and even supports any movements I make. And, of course, its defensive capabilities are also guaranteed.

At the moment, I'm wearing a completely black bodysuit made from slime jelly mixed with black pigments. There are no unnecessary adornments, the suit fits my body perfectly, and my vision and breathing are unobstructed. I pretty much look exactly like the villains in a certain detective manga.

I should also consider a more appropriate design for the day when I shall intervene as the eminence in the shadows.


So with that, I arrived at the abandoned village. Despite the late hour, they've got torches lit up all over the place. Apparently, they've just successfully assaulted a merchant caravan, so now they're having a feast. Yep, my luck is pretty good. Bandits generally have zero planning skills, so they have a strong tendency to immediately use up whatever they get their hands on. It's only right after an assault that they actually have things worth anything.

What belongs to the bandits belongs to me. This is how I'm saving up capital for becoming an eminence in the shadows in the future.

With maximum tension, I crash into the feast. I don't play the stealth route because then that wouldn't count as practice.

"Hyaha~! Bring out all your money and valuables!!"

So I yelled, standing smack dab in the middle of the camp.

"The fuck is with this little squirt?"

I'm ten years old, so I guess the 'little squirt' comment is not entirely undue.

"Oraa, I said to bring out all your money!"

After I kicked away the rude guy who called me a squirt, the other bandits finally took up their weapons.

"Oi, if you look down on us too much, don't think we'll go easy on you just 'cus you're a...!"


That guy's lines were just too cliche that I couldn't help but cut off his head first. Naturally, my weapon is made of slime material; it's an exceptional weapon that I can take out only when needed. Furthermore, this slime sword still has several more handy functions.

Handy Function 1: it stretches.

"Ora ora ora ora oraaaAAA!"

I stretch the slime sword and swing it in a horizontal arc to take out all the nearby bandits.

The elasticity of mochi paired with the sharpness of an actual sword. It's the first time I've used it in real combat, so I had been slightly apprehensive, but it turns out it performs quite well.


After getting caught up in the moment and cutting every which way indiscriminately, I suddenly realized that the surroundings had become really quiet. Eh, there's only one guy left?

"Y-you, who the hell are you...?"

"Sigh, no other choice. I'll test Handy Function 2 on you then."

"Wha-, what are you saying...!?"

"It seems that you're a bit stronger than all those other guys, so you're probably the boss or something, yeah? Unfortunately, there is zero possibility for you to win against me, but if you agree to be my practice partner, then you can probably live for two more minutes. Try your best, alright?"

"Fuck you, making light of me! I'll have you know, I'm...!"

"Unnecessary comments are unnecessary, seriously."

"FUCK YOU!!!!!!"

Boss A charges at me in rage. In the face of that dull slash, I... choose not to evade.

So Boss A's sword smashes into my chest, the shock causing me to roll onto the ground.

"Haha, this is what happens when you make light of me! I have completely mastered Royal Capital Bushin Style... wha-WHAT?!"

"Hmm, not even a scratch."

I stand back up as if nothing had happened.

I am completely satisfied with the suit's defense capabilities. Seems like it can completely negate at least something on the level of Boss A's attacks.

"Ooo, Royal Capital Bushin Style? Isn't it the school that has been pretty popular in the royal capital of late? Hey, show me more!"

"Shit, you asked for it!"

Boss A attacks.

Er, um, yeah, easy. He's giving his very best in trying to cut me, but I don't even have to hold up my sword. Just with positioning and stepping alone, handling him is easy.

But this Bushin Style? I think I quite like it.

Uncommonly so for this world, I can see that this style is not one bound by idealism or trite traditions but takes direct and rational ways to get close to the opponent. I can recognize that even from Boss A's crappy swings. Instantaneous acceleration, pressing forward by half steps, and the variety of other methods to press toward the opponent resonates with me.

But, well, Boss A is really just too crappy at it.

The moment when Boss A's attacks let up, I easily step out of his maai.

"My, my sword... why didn't you get cut!"

"I mean, you're weaker than my dad. You're probably stronger than my older sister at the moment, but she'll probably overtake you in one more year or so, I think?"


After parrying Boss A's reckless swings, I lightly kick his shin. Light but snappy, it was a kick from below the knee.

At which...

"Gu, aa, why...?"

Boss A crumples into a kneel, pressing down on his shin. Red blood gurgles through his fingers and makes a stain on the ground.

What happened was simple; there was an ice pick-like sword extending from my toes. Slime bodysuit Handy Function 2: able to to extend a sword whenever and wherever I want.

The way I thought to use this function was to kick the opponent's leg with a sword extending from my toes. It is really hard to defend against an attack aimed at the legs. Block the opponent's sword with my own, seal their movements, and then kick their leg. Bland but effective.

"Guess there's no point keeping up with this any longer."


"You didn't even last the full 2 minutes, man."

I kick upwards with the sword from my toes, skewering Boss A's head from under his chin. Death by impalement.

Kicking away Boss A's convulsing body, I search the camp for loot.

"I don't know a fence who can handle these works of art... eh, foodstuffs I don't need either... come on, where are you, cash and jewels and precious metals~."

There were several carts of loot. And also several corpses of merchants.

"I've already helped you guys take revenge, and your goods will be used for a good cause, so rest in peace, alright?"

I gathered the passable quality of loot and offered a moment of silence. If I convert all this to cash, I guess it'll be about 5 million Zeny. Oh, 1 Zeny is about the same value as 1 yen. All of this will become the funding for my activities as a power in the shadows.

If only the entire world could have worse public order such that it would overflow with bandits, maybe to the level in games where you can encounter one just by walking several steps on the road.

"Work harder in your next life and become the bandit king, alright?"

So I say to the silent Boss A... before noticing something further beyond.


It's a pretty big and sturdy-looking one, too.

"Slave? I can't fence that, so pass~"

But maybe, just maybe, there's something good in there. So, just in case, I remove the tarp covering the cage.

"This... I did not expect."

Inside is, um, how to say... a rotten lump of flesh? I can just barely make out the humanoid shape, but I can't discern the gender, age, or anything else.

But, well, it's still living. Maybe it still even has consciousness. When I peered into the cage, I noticed the lump of meat twitching.

I've heard of this before. It's called demon possession, and the Church executes these monsters. They were originally born as normal humans, but one day, their bodies suddenly began to rot away. They would eventually die if left alone, but the Church proactively buys them and executes them in the name of purification. This purification of demons is pretty much just genocide of patients, but the Church gains acclamation from the populace for "protecting" the common populace from the "demons." What can I say? It's medieval Europe, indeed.

If I sell this lump of meat to the Church, it'll fetch a price higher than the combined worth of everything I looted today. But again, I can't actually go sell it, so there's no meaning to it.

Guess I'll at least just put it to rest.

I slide the slime sword in between the bars of the cage... but then suddenly realize something.

There is an enormous amount of magic inside this lump of meat. Even though I've been training my magic ever since I was a baby, the amount I have still pales in comparison. What a monstrous amount of magic. And furthermore...

"This wave... is it magic deviation...?"

Is it possible that this lump of meat became like this due to magic deviation? Previously, I had also suffered from magic deviation. If I hadn't successfully brought my magic back under control at that time, would I have also become like this?

Magic has an undeniable effect on the physical body. On a specific day, I thought of a particular possibility. Through magic deviation, I can train my body to become further accustomed to magic, making it easier for me to control it. But purposely causing magic deviation is too dangerous, so I shelved the idea in the end.

But if this lump of meat is indeed the product of magic deviation, I can perform my experiments on this lump of meat. Then, I can get closer to the strength of an eminence in the shadows with zero risk to myself.

"This meat can be of use..."

I reach out to the lump of meat and begin to pour magic into it.

SUPERbowl_cuz_me SUPERbowl_cuz_me

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

T/N: If any case any of my readers are wondering when his template system is gonna appear it'll be soon be patience I got my own twist on how a template system will act plus this template system wont do much for now it'll basically be an ornament I mean come on guys a template system of cid kagenoh being bought for a small sum of good deed points dont you find it sus thats all I'll just leave it at that hope you've

enjoyed my fan-fic so far and have A MERRY CHRISTMAS HO HO HO xD

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