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12.94% Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF) / Chapter 11: Morning Surprise

Capítulo 11: Morning Surprise

"Damn it." 

Arthur cursed, observing half the contestants rushing Edric Storm.

"I remember you." 

A figure blocked the way.

He had his own battle to fight... a fight with Thoros of Myr. Arthur had lost his mount to his flaming sword while Thoros lost his to Arthur's lance. Running across the field wasn't exactly practical, especially with a hardened mad warrior blocking the way.

"You're that boy who cried about my flaming sword."

"Cried? Hardly. You should feel some shame for being dishonourable." Arthur countered with a tone of disdain.

"Feel shame for winning? Or should I feel shame for the Lord of Light's blessing? If your false God could give you power, would you feel ashamed?"

"A fool's trick is hardly a blessing."

"I pity you Westerosi who serve false Gods. If it was but a trick, why am I the only one using it? Open your mind and soul to the truth, little knight. The Lord of Light's flame burns bright while your Seven are no more alive than golden statues."

"Keep that same belief when you open your eyes to the Seven Hells." 

"True hell is when the darkness covers our world from east to west, north to south."

"Is that so? And how are you fighting this darkness, drinking to the point of laying in your own piss?" Arthur raised an eyebrow in doubt. "Don't jest me with your 'faith'... you are no priest."

"The Lord provides." Thoros of Myr grinned slightly. "Does he not?"

As they clashed blades, the melee raged on with one half competing fairly while the other was focusing on one person. 

Then… the first sound of thunder broke.

Smoke rose from the explosion.

Thousands of eyes turned to where it struck first, nearly at the centre of the stage. From its violet lustre emerged a stag-horned demon holding a warhammer. Lightning cracked around his body… emitting a terrifying aura as he stepped forward.

Lightning cracked across the city, eventually covering it in a hazy fog where men could barely see their own hands.

"I… I…"



Wherever the demon walked, followed the sound of a thunderous warhammer breaking against armour.

The sound of cracking plate armour led to fear.

The screams of fear led to terror.

Terror led to submission.

"Edric…" Arthur muttered, observing the intense fog and distant cracking lightning. The rain was heavy, muddying the field severely. Even the wind was unforgiving… such weather conditions were nearly impossible to fight in.

"Storm… Storm…" Thoros muttered, his eyes widening as he looked up at the tumultuous. "R'hllor's Storm. Do you see his power?"

"... The Lord of Light is the Lord of Lightning now?" Arthur scoffed, although his eyes were wrought with concern.

"The sound of thunder leads to fire."

"I yield… I-"


"..." Arthur frowned deeply as he stepped forward. "Edric… is that truly you?"

Thoros of Myr raised an eyebrow as Arthur ran past him, the rapid sound of feet breaking into mud following him.

"... A wise man does not confront calamity."

By now, almost everyone had either ran away and conceded or been beaten to death.

Clang… Clang.

"I… Edric… forgi-"


'Another Frey bastard…'

Edric Storm stood over him, caving in Robert's warhammer right into the knight's chest. 

His eyes shined with a violet hue as he saw through the fog as if it hadn't existed in the first place. He saw across the entire field, noticing someone familiar approaching him. He raised his warhammer from the corpse, resting it on his shoulder.

"Arthur, how's it going?"

"... I heard someone continue to be beaten until they couldn't scream out anymore."

"Crazy." Edric Storm chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "Some people are ruthless, huh."

"Is that person… breathing?" Arthur hurried over, kneeling beside Emmon Frey. He checked his pulse and his eyes widened further the more time passed. "He's dead…"

"Seems so." Edric Storm nonchalantly remarked. "What a pity."

"What do you mean? You… fought him last." Arthur frowned, standing up. "You killed him."

"He didn't say 'I yield'... so I kept bashing him. It's not my fault he was so stubborn."

"So you used that as an excuse to kill him?"

"In tournaments, accidents do happen occasionally." 

"I can't believe you… that cutthroat changed you more than I thought."

Edric Storm raised an eyebrow. "Life isn't always fair, Arthur. It wasn't fair when half the contestants charged me and it wasn't fair when my warhammer broke their fragile bodies to pieces either. What are you going to do, cry for those cowardly weasels?"

"Is this really how you want to win, by killing everyone? The Edric I knew was kind, even to those who sided against him… until they couldn't help but acknowledge him. You've shown your true self today."

Arthur dropped his sword, turning away with great turmoil in his heart.

"What are you doing?" Edric Storm frowned. 

"I concede… go on, win your way. I hope you grow to be ashamed of your murders. Better yet, I hope that you are punished for them."

"Arthur… it's really not that serious." Edric Storm stepped forward, catching up with him. "Come on, you're just mad that I'm going to win over you, isn't that right? Well, that's fine… we can just beat up the rest of them and I'll let you have the prize."

"You've misjudged me." 

Arthur did not turn around, continuing his walk to the edge of the stage.

"The exit is to your left… if you walk straight, you'll hit a wall." Edric jested. "Seriously, you can't be conceding in such a boring fashion. At least fight me!"

"... What, so then you could kill me as well?"

"I'd never do that, you dolt."

"I've conceded already… don't bother."

Edric Storm stopped going after him… his glowing purple eyes returning to their usual deep blue colour. The rain kept pouring but the sound of thunder had ceased. Lightning had struck no more for that day.

'Who gives a shit about some bought out knights?'

He wondered, shrugging his shoulders.

Slowly but surely, however… the rage consuming him faded away.


After Arthur had walked away, I felt weird. Guilt? Shame? I didn't care for any of the people that I killed. Was it weird… that I didn't care? Would it have been better if I pretended to? However, I did care for one thing.

Arthur's reaction. He had been my best friend, after all. 

Did I just lose him… just like that?

Was he even my friend to begin with? Or did I truly do something wrong?

I mean, the mountain did kill someone in the joust and no one gave much of a shit.

These thoughts sucked away my energy. The adrenaline faded. The power faded.

I felt beatable again, weak even… I felt pain coursing through my body.

I picked up Arthur's sword, observing it as the memories of its creation flooded back.




I had spent days hammering it into damn-near perfect shape, forming my very first castle-forged and highly refined longsword. It was my finest masterpiece at the time. Keenly, I went to the yard to try it out against some armour. It cut almost as well as Storm's End's blacksmith's finest blade.

I was proud of it, for sure.

"You made it?" Arthur asked, his eyes widening. 

"Yeah, straight masterpiece." I nodded proudly. "Though, I can make it look far better."

I refined its appearance, adding a rare natural brown gemstone to its pummel alongside a nice golden spiral pattern to its handle. 

"What do you think?" I recall asking once it was finished

"It's brilliant. Honestly… is there anything you can't do?" Arthur chuckled. "You'll be the best blacksmith, a better swordsman than the Sword of the Morning and well, you're probably already the best archer to ever live."

"Heh… I try my best." I shrugged, moving the sword closer to him. "I made this one for you, by the way."

"Me…? Are you certain?"

"I heard you needed a nice sword…"

"Thank you." Though his words were simple, he took them to heart. "I'll wield it with honour and pride."

"I'm sure you will."

"Raiden… did I do anything wrong?" I dropped my warhammer into the ground, no longer having the power to casually wield it as I questioned my own actions. "In my fury, I didn't have a care for any of them."

"Your fury was justified." Raiden Shogun replied, descending before me. She raised her hand to grab my chin and raise it… but her hands went through me as a ghost's would. Though, I did raise my head slightly as I looked into her eyes. "Keep fighting or else all you have accomplished in this melee would have been for nothing."

"I… don't really care about winning."

"Do it for me… you are a victor, are you not? As my only retainer in this world, you have a standard to upkeep. Equally, the gold would only aid you in your journey. It would be wasted on anyone else."

I didn't feel up to it, even if it was Raiden Shogun herself who was pushing me for it. 

"What about your former friend?" She questioned, knowing exactly what had deterred me. "For him to walk away in such a manner only means that he didn't care enough about you from the very beginning. If he had been true to you, he would have made a greater effort to make things right. Will your sorrow return him to your side… will it do anything for you but make you weak? Never forget who you are!"

"You are Edric Storm… my sole retainer, the warrior who carries my blessing and the one who will master this world. Raise your head and fight!"

Something snapped deep inside of me. Her words were like swords which pierced my very soul. It was like a tidal wave of newfound energy rushed inside of my body. 

Raiden Shogun was right… what the hell was I doing!?

I had to win!

And after that… I was going to knock some sense into Arthur. 

I refused to leave the sword in the mud, picking it up and tucking the blade under my belt. 

Winning was easier said than done, however. The weather had become normal again as the fog dispersed and rain ceased. The sun shone onto the field as a rainbow appeared in the sky. A grand total of seven contestants had remained including myself. While normally this wouldn't be an insurmountable battle, I was by far the most exhausted and wounded of the lot.

Not only had I suffered from the beating from earlier (which I started feeling now), the whole empowered by lightning thing seemed to have sucked out everything I had. My legs were dead, I could barely raise my arms and even my vision was slightly blurry.

And yet… my spirit burned like a raging fire, still.

I knew there wasn't a chance in hell I could perform well in the joust like this… so I had to put everything I had left into winning this melee!

I took out my goldenheart bow, preparing three arrows.

I saw an opening… a horse, roughly seventy metres away. It looked similar to Arthur's horse but I couldn't quite tell. The good thing was that only two other contestants stood between me and the horse, though they were both mounted.

One prompted to charge me.

Fuck you then.

I loaded the arrow with every ounce of strength that I had…

Lightning sparked as I fired it…


The knight was shot straight off his horse as the arrow penetrated right through his armour and into his chest.

"I yield!" He screamed, blood pouring out of his chest as he ran. "I yield!"

My eyes widened in disbelief.

I still had some spark left…

I left him, turning to the next knight.

"I yield!"

He didn't think it was worthwhile, running away as well. He even left his horse in the process.

I smiled… little did he know, I was weak as fuck. Honestly, though, I couldn't blame him for running… the lightning shot was terrifying, even to me. 

Right after, I loaded the next arrow and scanned the field for my next target.


He, too, fell off his horse with a near fatal wound.

"I yield!"

"I yield!"

Before I knew it, only two guys remained standing. Some fat guy with a flaming sword… Thoros, to be exact, and another knight from the Vale. Just two arrows and this was all over.

Thoros was the furthest from me, standing still. Was he grinning?

My arm twitched… I fired my third arrow.



It struck the wall, penetrating into it while Thoros remained standing only inches away.

I frowned… my blurry vision and weakening arms had gotten the best of me.

What was a simple shot from two hundred paces before became as difficult as firing from a thousand paces. 

It was impossible for me, as I was now.

Thoros seemed to know that almost as well as I did, patiently waiting for me to engage him in single combat. Meanwhile, the Vale knight jerked off in his corner (figuratively, of course.).

I went with my original plan, slowly walking towards the closest mount. 

There were several mounts for Thoros to choose from as well… and he didn't waste the opportunity, finding one for himself. I quickly familiarised myself with Arthur's mount and took it for a spin around the block.

My greatest advantage was range, clearly. 

I focused on the charging Thoros… while remaining still. 

He really thought I'd charge him?

I loaded an arrow, firing straight for his mount. That way, he'd most certainly fall and be easy to finish off…

Alas, that would have been too easy.

My sorry ass had to miss by only a few inches… cutting the horse's side!

Fury lit up in its eyes as it sped up towards me.

I had only made it more pissed!

Before I knew it, it was right there… I tried to fire again but Thoros' flaming sword led to my horse panicking. It rose up, leading to my aim completely fucking up as Thoros smashed his flaming sword against my arm. My horse fell, leaving me in disarray as I panicked to release myself from the saddle.

Its weight kept me down… but I turned it over with a sudden burst of strength.

Though, Thoros already swung his sword against my helmet, cutting off one of the stag horns clean off as he rode off before circling back.

"You forgot how to aim a bow, Edric Storm?"

I heard his taunt loud and clear as I got up, drawing my sword.

"Why don't you show me how formidable you are and fight me on the ground?" I countered, stumbling back till I hit the wall. I noticed a javelin on the ground along the way… so I took it.

'Damn it. Man's two steps away from going to sleep.'

"What good would that do? You've already lost."

"Charge me, then."

Standing right against the arena walls meant that if he missed, his horse would have to recover to turn around. That would give me plenty of time to dismount him.

He got close enough… leading to me readying the javelin…

And then he dismounted, to my surprise.

"What now, Edric Storm?" He questioned, stepping forward with rather fresh legs. "You bet on the chance that I'd fall… but what will you do now?"

"Defeat you." I answered, throwing the javelin straight for his legs. He managed to step to the side and evade… while he was distracted, I ran straight for him.

And tripped…

Falling face flat into the mud.

I felt more than embarrassed. 





Yes, the right word was crushed. Crestfallen, even.

I turned myself around, spitting out and trying to clean away the mess. Yet, everything around me was dirty. There was nothing to clean it away with. I smelt like complete and utter shit. Felt like it, too.

To make it even worse… Thoros was walking straight towards me.

I mustered the strength to get up, using my sword as a walking stick. I drew Arthur's blade as well, using it for a similar purpose.

Thoros, fortunately, wasn't a man who wore heavy armour. He had no helmet at all… so, if I could trap his head, he'd surely yield.

"You don't fear fire?" Thoros swung his sword around as I paced forward. "You ought to. Wildfire burns through steel no different than flesh"

"You don't fear the Storm?" I questioned, copying his provoking tone. "You ought to."

"The Storm, you say? The Storm seems to have faded into a warm wind."

"And your fire is burning out."

"Come and see, bastard."

"Bastard… true, I am a bastard." I acknowledged, smiling slightly. "What does it matter, in the end? Even if I am a bastard, that never stopped me from doing what I wanted nor did it define me as a person. In truth, being a bastard is being free. Is freedom a sin?"

"Fuck being a lord and fuck being a prince… I want to be the best warrior that ever lived!"

I was waffling my ass off… in truth, I wanted a little break to gather my energy!

"... Well said." Thoros nodded. "However, between the cunt taking a piss in his corner and you hanging onto your swords, it seems that your day of glory isn't today."

"My most glorious day will be the day that the Great Other falls beneath my feet."

'More like he gets sniped from 10km.'

"The Great Other?" His eyes widened with intrigue. "You've studied the faith of R'hllor?"

"I only know a little bit." I chuckled, shaking my head. "Though, I'd love to know more. I believe there is power in his flames…"

"Why, of course… R'hllor is the Lord of Light. I can teach you a thing or two after your defeat today."

"Oh, I wouldn't be so confident."

"One strong push and you go tumbling down."

He stepped forward, I kept still. I kept tabs on the third participant, who was very likely looking for a suitable time to third-party both of us. 

Thoros struck forward, his wildfire sword missing my head by inches as I tilted it to the side. He stumbled forward due to his lack of fitness and the muddy ground… I used that moment to strike at his swordhand, disarming him and placing my other blade against his neck.

"Yield." I suggested, pressing the blade closer while the other was stabbed into the ground.

With a lightning fast elbow, he almost broke my balance… I would've certainly fallen if I wasn't holding onto my other sword. 

Thoros quickly retrieved his sword and started slashing at my armour consecutively, blow after blow.

Meanwhile, I was barely blocking half the blows, relying on my armour to do the rest as it burned with every slash.

As the duel raged on, he managed to force me onto my knees.

Then I saw it… the light of hope.

The knight charged down… but Thoros ran away, leaving me as the sole target.


The knight lanced me straight in the chest, breaking his lance and dropping me straight to the ground.

Even better… the horse kicked down onto my head.

My head was buzzing after that…

I couldn't even clench my fists.

I thought I was finished.

Meanwhile, I heard sounds of clashing swords in the back… the horse made a sound of terror… someone fell to the ground…

'Get up…' I tried to drag myself out of the mud. 'Get up… one more time…'

The crowd seemed to boo…

The sun shone over me as I opened my eyes… not it wasn't the sun, it was Raiden Shogun.

 I felt like going to sleep, resting my eyes and body. It sure as hell would've been nice to take a long break from fighting.

"You are so close… rise one last time and victory is yours."

But… the job wasn't finished.

I had beaten over forty contestants single-handedly, directly or indirectly… but for what, if not to win!?

'Job's… not finished.'

I clenched my fist as I grasped my blade, stabbing it into the ground and using it to uplift my self. I did the same with my other hand… rising to the occasion.

As I looked up, I saw only one contestant remaining.

The bald priest.

I heard the crowd cheer, to my surprise.

I could barely walk in my armour… so I made the wild decision of discarding it. Piece by piece, I took it off until I was in my black garments. I felt like a massive mountain had been lifted off my back… I could move.

I could move well, at that.

This was my second wind.

I stepped forward, both swords in hand.

"You can still stand?"

Blood dripped from my head, down onto the field. I smiled slightly as Thoros questioned my resolve.

"I'm a hard bastard to break." 

"It would be a shame if I burned you."

"You won't even touch me." 

I promised, my eyes focusing right on him as I took a deep breath. I threw Arthur's sword… a throw which confused Thoros as he blocked the blade and tossed it to the side with ease. Following that, I threw a throwing knife and cut through his left eye.

His eyes widened as blood poured down from one…

"You bastard…"

"That's for not yielding earlier, you fat cunt." I frowned, channelling all my anger into my blade as lightning sparked. "Now we're even!"

I paced forward before charging him, clashing my sword against his.

The loss of an eye had clearly weakened him… so I took advantage, slashing at him like a mad man.



"I will…"

Clang… clang… clang… clang.



With each blow, I stuck with even greater force… eventually managing to break his hold on his blade and swiftly grasping it with my free hand. With a few strong hits, I got him to his knees and made a cross with both blades, keeping his head in between. All it took was some force and both blades would clash against his head.


The flames on the burning sword suddenly burned with greater ferocity and I roared, leading to Thoros panicking slightly.

"I yield!"

I kicked him down, letting go of both swords as I looked into the sky.

I could… finally rest.

The crowd cheered, not even caring for the bodies on the ground. They probably assumed they were all unconscious.

I spread open my arms, raising them pretty high and made the gesture of 'come here' as I flapped my hands.


The crowd roared so loud I thought my ear drums would explode… well, maybe not that loud. But it was the greatest cheer I've ever heard in my life.

Despite being a loner, I always wanted to be a star on the highest stage. It's why I looked up to guys like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James… they were basketball players, yes, but they were also superstars who almost seemed like gods at times. Not only with their on court dominance to the point of owning the court at times but also the adoration they gained from others, their fans especially.

Today, I was the star… the fucking man. That guy. I was HIM… and I fucking loved it.

I couldn't help but smile… even if my body was absolutely finished from head to toe.

Jaime Lannister drew his sword, stepping down from Robert's side and eventually making his way to me. I almost couldn't believe it… I was going to be a knight. A real knight.

"Gods, you stink like fleabottom." Jaime Lannister remarked, scoffing slightly. "First thing you should do is get seven straight baths with all that gold."

"Is it that bad?" I managed a chuckle.

"Worse, probably."

"How… do I do this?"

"You've never seen a knighting?" Jaime Lannister raised an eyebrow. "It's quite simple… I will do it the formal way. All you have to do is kneel and rise."


I kneeled, using my sword to keep myself from falling on the standing leg.

"Suppose that works… Edric Storm, in light of your performance in this tourney, I, Ser Jaime of the House Lannister, hereby declare you worthy of knighthood!" 

He placed his sword on my right shoulder as the crowd both cheered and booed. There was plenty of Kingslayer slander floating about… I guess they supported my knighting but not the person doing it.

I couldn't care less.

"In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave."

He raised the blade and moved it to my left shoulder.

"In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just."

Then the right.

"In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the young and innocent."

Then the left.

"In the name of the Maid, I charge you to protect all women."

Then the right.

"In the name of the Smith, I charge you to keep yourself strong and steadfast."

Then the left.

"In the name of the Crone, I charge you to exercise wisdom."

Finally, the right.

"In the name of the Stranger, I charge you to be dutiful and uphold these vows until the end of your days."

"Do you swear to uphold these sacred vows, Edric Storm?"

For a moment, I hesitated before nodding with complete certainty in my heart. This was what I wanted.

"Yes… I swear."

"Then you may rise as a knight… Ser Edric Storm."

I rose, slowly but steadily.

"I thought my knees would break."

"You're too young to be so fickle." Jaime Lannister chuckled, pushing me down onto the mud.

"You bastard…!" I tried to get up but I just ended up falling back down. "Are you going to leave me in the mud?"

With the strength I had (or lack thereof), I couldn't get up at all.

"A bastard calling a trueborn bastard… it seems to be your favourite thing to do." Jaime Lannister remarked, sheathing his sword as he stepped forward. He looked me in the yees, smiling slightly as he offered his hand. "Come on, let's get you up."

I raised an eyebrow, contemplating if it was a trick… but I raised my hand regardless.

He grasped it and pulled me up, struggling a little.

"Whew… you are heavy for a boy." Jaime Lannister remarked, taking a slightly deep breath as he pat the back of my shoulder. "Now don't go around acting a fool as that would dishonour you as well as myself."

"Uhuh… so you do care about honour?"

"... I suggest you don't overstay your welcome in King's Landing, Ser Edric." Jaime Lannister changed the subject, patting my shoulder. "You don't have a reason to stay in this shithole, nor is it worthwhile with all the swords that will come out at night. Go see the world, seek out adventure and build a great following while upholding all your vows… go become the greatest true knight."

"Do not burden yourself with the stink of this place… for it will either kill you or consume you in the attempt. You have a great gift… we all saw it. Whether it was the Seven, your own strength or whatever else… you truly are special, perhaps even the most special boy to ever take breath. You can impact the world in ways others cannot."

"Go and do that. Change the world and leave a legacy that no one can deny."

Ser Jaime smiled, turning away after one more reassuring pat on the shoulder.

His white cloak fluttered, the bottom half stained with mud as he walked away.

Honestly… it was great advice.

But… if I turned away now, wouldn't the Seven Kingdoms be engulfed in the flames of war?

However dangerous it could be, I had to uphold the peace of the Realm. That was what a true knight would do.

And that's… what I was going to do.

Robert Baratheon clapped like a thunderstorm, standing up as he cheered. "Ser Edric Storm, that's my boy! Today, we must celebrate in the halls of the Red Keep!"

"... The Red Keep?" I muttered, raising an eyebrow. "No, I'll be fine…"

"Ser Edric Storm will celebrate his knighthood in the halls of the Red Keep on this day. He will feast like a king… carry him, if you must!"

"Wait…" I scoffed, raising an eyebrow as people started coming down. "I…"

Meanwhile, some of the Kingsguard went down to retrieve his equipment and return them to his camp.

"You're in a rush." Dorian observed Arthur returning to the camp. "Ran away from the competition? No, you're too proud to do that. Where's your sword… eh?"

"You talk too much."

As Arthur was grabbing his stuff, Dorian aimed his dagger at his throat. 

"Now, don't be in such a hurry." 

Arthur stopped.

"You think I'm afraid of you?"

"A wise man would be… a foolish boy, mayhaps not." Dorian had another knife ready to throw. "Why are you not with Edric? Now, spill it. I'm a most curious individual."

"Edric… killed people in the melee." Arthur replied, frowning slightly. "I assume he also killed people who had already yielded… he murdered them. How could I stand beside such a person?"

"The best knights are the finest killers, Arthur." Dorian laughed, shaking his head. "Did you take the time to consider why Edric killed them or did you just storm off, like the rash boy you are?"

"Does it matter? What reason could be valid enough for murder in a melee?"

"A man so strong sometimes struggles to find the perfect balance of hitting strong enough to beat their opposition… but also weak enough for them to live. Regardless, Edric would not kill without a reason. Someone had to light a terrifying fire in him… I wonder, what happened?"

"Well… over half the participants rushed him and got him to the ground, beating him senseless."

"Ah." Dorian nodded.

"Then… thunder boomed and lightning struck him… and then the slaughter began, last I recall." 

"Ah…" Dorian laughed, sheathing his weapons. "He must have killed those who surrounded him. Wouldn't you consider them dishonourable?"

"Dishonourable… yes, but is such an act worthy of death?"

"If these men can act so dishonourably, plain as glass to thousands of eyes… what can they do alone, in the company of their own men against the innocent? Think, Arthur, think. They brought out Edric's fury and all that came with it. I wouldn't blame the boy."

"... Maybe." Arthur glanced away. "But…"

"Edric is a good boy with a good heart… but he has a gift that's both a blessing and curse. He is strong and full of fire. That fire can do great things and it can do terrible things when it turns to senseless fury. If you walk away now… that fury will be even more terrible."

"... Though, it's your choice, boy. Will you abandon your friendship over men who had been bought out to intentionally bring down Edric or will you understand his view and stand by his side?"

Dorian had a way with words, making Arthur reconsider his decision.

"I'll… speak with him one more time."


In the light of celebration, hardly anyone cared about the corpses on the ground. People really were feral in this land, as much as they tried to hide it. They loved death.

Edric Storm did, in fact, get carried by a massive crowd straight to the Red Keep… and, once he got there, he bathed, drank and feasted like a King. He was the happiest I had ever been. By his own words; he didn't give a fuck about anything. 

In light of the celebration, he gained a third wind… dragging his poor body along with sheer adrenaline, will and drunken fuel.

And, given that he was quite drunk… he was far more expressive with his emotions. The Rizzler within had emerged.

"My lady, would you care to dance with this humble knight?"

Edric Storm offered his hand to Sansa Stark, much to the surprise of everyone at court. She was the betrothed of Joffrey Baratheon, after all, someone many consider to be his greatest rival. Sansa Stark shyly gave her his hand, blushing slightly. In truth, she had revered his performance in both the archery contest and melee. Although he committed dishonourable actions to assure his victory, from killing horses (though plenty others did it) to throwing knives, he was irresistibly dominant and determined. Young, devilishly handsome, charming, strong… he had everything a maiden could ever dream of. Except, he was a bastard. However, even that bastardly wildness made his daring charm that much more powerful.

Joffrey Baratheon watched in the back, hiding the anger boiling within rather poorly as he crunched on a grape. 

He took his father's admiration, he took the admiration and approval of the smallfolk of King's Landing… and now he was taking his bethrothed's love!

That daring bastard… Joffrey wanted to tear him, from limb to limb if he could.

Even drunk and wounded, Edric Storm's coordination and balance was otherworldly as he matched Sansa Stark step for step and took her for a spin… moving in for a kiss when he had her leaning. As he noticed her closing her eyes, he stepped back, chuckling, and took her for another spin.

"You are too eager, my lady."

He let go, making a slight bow. 

"Thank you… for dancing with me."

Sansa Stark was red with embarrassment, Eddard Stark frowned slightly… though he was relieved while Robert Baratheon spat his drink at Edric's wildness. Edric Storm kept doing his thing… he got into a drinking contest against Thoros of Myr and won, displaying a shocking level of tolerance. He got into an arm wrestle with the Hound after Robert asked for it… and almost won! He showed off some more modern moves, getting sturdy in the royal court and getting some others to follow his flow.

All in all, he was the soul of the feast and everyone knew it.

Joffrey, despite his golden appearance, was truly outshined by Ser Edric Storm.

Later, he passed by an intrigued Cersei Lannister.

"Have you forgotten your courtesy?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow as her emerald eyes focused on him.

"Ah… I thought you'd prefer it if I ignored you." Edric Storm chuckled, scratching his hair.

"Well?" She looked down, offering her hand.

Edric shrugged, lowering himself slightly to kiss her hand. He found it weird that she'd ask such a thing of him… though, he didn't question it too much. 

"Would you forgive me, Your Grace?" Edric Storm grinned slightly, looking up. "I should have greeted you directly. A lesson for next time, no doubt…"

"You are forgiven, Edric Storm."

He rose, glancing to the side.

"I believe it's Ser, Your Grace." He grinned slightly, feeling a bit cheeky. "If you expect courtesy from me, you should act formally as well… elsewise it would be a little hypocritical, no?"

"It certainly would be, baby knight." Cersei Lannister smiled, walking past him. "Come, I'd like to speak with you."


"Ser Edric."

"Don't know what Her Grace would want from me… but I suppose I'd be a fool to object."

Jaime Lannister followed from behind, making Edric Storm start to question his decisions for a moment. With the way he was, Jaime could very easily piece him up with a few swings. At the same time… it would be far too bait of a kill. Robert Baratheon wouldn't let it go.

In the end, Cersei Lannister sat down in a nice room with a balcony while she commanded him to remain standing.

"Pour me some wine, baby knight." She ordered, smiling slightly.

"..." Edric Storm tilted his head, raising an eyebrow. "If you needed a cupbearer, you'd surely find plenty more suited to that purpose. I'm a warrior, Your Grace."

"What use is a warrior in a garden? He ought to learn to master the garden as well." Cersei Lannister remarked, smiling as she tilted her head. "Humble yourself… you are still no more than a bastard."

"It's not difficult." Jaime Lannister remarked.

Edric rolled his eyes, pouring in some wine for Cersei Lannister.

"Hm… you have rather gentle hands for a boy with giant's strength."

"Accidentally breaking things is hardly something I'd want to do." Edric replied, stepping back.

"And yet, you broke how many men… ten… twenty?" Cersei Lannister questioned. "Thirty? Every Frey participant died, I believe. Quite the vendetta you had. I would not be travelling in the Riverlands if I were you…"

"Accidents do happen." I replied, smiling slightly. "Though, I doubt nearly as many would have died if I hadn't been angered to such an extent. For that… I think I have someone close to me to blame."

"Quite the heavy accusation to throw around." Cersei Lannister chuckled, drinking her wine. "Yet, you won regardless. The sky was torn apart with lightning and rain flooded the city as men fell one by one, screaming from one side of the field to the other. How did it feel… that power?"

"Bloody amazing." Edric Storm replied with honesty. "I felt invincible."

"So it was intentional?"

"Well… I hardly know myself what happened. I just know the storm made me stronger." Edric Storm shrugged.

"Rumours have already spread that you are blessed by the Seven, a witch with the power of the Drowned God, the Warrior reborn… so many speculations. Depending on how the truth is twisted, you could be seen as the greatest hero or the darkest of demons. Men, women and children alike tend to admire or fear what they do not understand."

"I don't care what other people think." Edric shrugged. "I won… and that's that."

"If the truth is twisted with the intent of making you a demon, it does not matter what you believe. When all the men in the world draw their swords against you in fear… what can you do?"

"Kill them all." Edric Storm replied simply, a drunken tone in his voice. "Any cunt that's dumb enough to believe that deserves to die."

"..." Cersei Lannister laughed. "Are you always so amusing?"

"Only when I'm drunk… I think." Edric Storm chuckled.

"Do you ever wonder how your life would be if you were trueborn?"

"True born… natural born… shit doesn't matter. I'd still be me. Everyone must think that I give a fuck about being a bastard when I really don't. It is a blessing to me! I can marry whoever I want, I can go wherever I want all the way to the edges of the world… I can go die in some ditch and no one would give a fuck. That's freedom to me. I can truly do what I want."

"Can you, truly? Can you rule the Seven Kingdoms as a bastard? Can you bend the Realm to your will?" Cersei questioned.

"Rule…?" Edric Storm scoffed, shaking his head. "Ruling is the last thing I want to do in my life, down at the bottom with dying too soon. Imagine wasting the rest of your life leading a bunch of corrupted asshats and trying to make the Realm a better place when half the people there want the crown on your head. Imagine being confined to one hall for most of your life, unable to see the world whenever you want… it's a glorified prison, embroidered in gold and precious gemstones. I would never put myself through that shit."

"Sure, I want to make an impact on the world… but that impact won't ever be from that ugly chair." 

"You are too pure for this court." Cersei Lannister smiled, finishing her cup of wine. "Wild, but so pure. You have no desire for power… or you are a very fine liar. Though, men tend to only understand power when they attain it. You've yet to have a proper taste of it."

"I find it dull… what would I do? Make people kneel before me and shower me in praises? I don't have the time for that."

Jaime Lannister laughed. "He's just like me, sister."

"Although you are a bastard, you've quickly become Robert's favourite. Do you truly believe he'd allow you to do as you like, from now on?" Cersei Lannister questioned. "I'd imagine he might have a match for you."

"What…?" Edric chuckled. "A match for me? I'd refuse."

"You already have someone in your little heart?" Cersei Lannister tilted her head, looking into his eyes.

"Well… maybe." Edric Storm glanced away. "Regardless, I wouldn't allow him to suddenly start acting like my father and start stepping over me."

"He is the King… before your father." Cersei Lannister stated. "You've already accepted his warhammer, you've accepted his other gifts, you've accepted his praise… what choice do you have?"

"The person I decide to spend the rest of my life with is a decision for me and me alone… no one can force it on me. If he tries that shit, I'll just walk away, never to be seen again."

"... You are determined. Sweet, even. The maiden you like must be quite special. Equally, it must be wonderful having the will to determine everything for yourself."

"The beauties of being bastard-born, Your Grace. The same bastardly birth that everyone shames me for…"

"The world is ruled by men, it is the way of things… do you think a bastard girl would have your freedom?" Cersei Lannister questioned.

"Being a woman can be quite the hardship and yet it can be a blessing at other times. I don't mean to offend but I've only ever seen one lady train nearly as hard as me in my entire life. Most of them spend their lives doing gentle tasks… in the end, we each have our strengths and should never seek to compete where we lack."

"If men truly oppressed and ruled over women, shouldn't they send them to war instead?" Edric Storm pondered, laughing. "That wouldn't quite work, would it? We compliment each other in life. The man fights and provides, the woman takes care of the man's castle. That's just how it is… how most of us were born."

"... You have quite the wisdom for a boy who's one-and-ten." Cersei Lannister flicked her golden hair as she smiled. "Why don't you join the Kingsguard?"

"The… Kingsguard?" Edric glanced at Jaime who shook his head, Cersei turned to him and frowned.

"Don't discourage the boy. He could bring glory to your precious Kingsguard…"

"Bring glory to it after you brought in your dogs." Jaime Lannister remarked, shaking his head. "Ser Meryn fucking Trant and all the others not named Ser Barristan… Ser Arthur would have cut them all down with his left hand while taking a piss with his right."

Edric Storm chuckled. "Right… who is Meryn Trant?"

"Don't say I didn't attempt to recruit true talent…"

"Smear talent, more like. Edric would do far better on his own."

"Where else could he train with you?" Cersei Lannister questioned.

'Why's she backing me…?' 

"Edric does not need me to hold his hand."

"Regardless…" Cersei Lannister grabbed Edric Storm's left hand as she stood up. "If you wish to stay in King's Landing, you will be well taken care of so long as your loyalty is with the royal family. You need not fear any daggers in the night…"

"That almost sounds like I do need to fear them."

"You are too precious to kill, baby knight."

Edric Storm blushed slightly. He had a little thing for blondes… and Cersei Lannister was more than beautiful. Even though he knew she had shit for personality, her sweet words were like poison to his heart.

"Ah… hah… right. I think I should be going home-"

"Jaime, ensure he has a proper escort."

"Someone is strangely fond of her Robert's bastard." Jaime Lannister remarked after he returned, frowning slightly.

"Don't get too jealous over a boy that's one-and-ten." Cersei Lannister chuckled, playing it off. "I simply admire his strength. Wouldn't it be a shame for a talent like that to wander off into the wilds? Could you imagine how powerful he could be once he's a man-grown… no one in the field would be able to hold him, let alone at court. The Kingsguard need a person like that."

"My son would need a person like that, when Robert dies."

"Do you think Joff would be fond of Edric as his Kingsguard?" Jaime questioned, raising an eyebrow. "The first order he would give as King would be for him to jump off the drawbridge of Maegor's holdfast."

"Joffrey may be cruel, but he is not a fool. Did you not see him in the yard earlier?"

"Joffrey was practising?"

"Though he might hate him, he admires him just as much. Edric is Robert reborn." Cersei Lannister remarked. "No, even stronger and greater. He is the youngest knight… is he not? It was a well-deserved knighthood, at that."

"Younger than Daemon Blackfyre." Jaime nodded. "The boy should not rot away in a place like this…"

"The future remains uncertain… but, if you, the person he admires most, continues to turn him away…"

"My choice was made when I knighted him."

"Are you so certain?" Cersei Lannister leaned against him.

"Yes." Jaime Lannister moved her hand away from him. "I am most certain."

"Such a waste."

Cersei Lannister looked disappointed, turning away from him.

"Ned, I am the King… so I can do what I want." Meanwhile, Robert Baratheon was having a private chat with his best buddy Eddard Stark. "What if I legitimised the boy?"


"I know, The Lannisters would despise me but don't they already?" Robert laughed. "Edric would be the proper successor to me. Imagine… who would rebel against him? He'd hold these Seven Kingdoms far better than me. Forget Joff, have one of your daughters marry Edric and all will be well. If the Lannisters draw their swords, we'll smash them down together like the good old days!"

"Could you imagine my boy in the field? He'd be a terror to any man!"

"... Is this truly what you wish?" Eddard Stark questioned.

"Edric has a good heart… do you hear the stories from Storm's End? He has his own little village, made several successful investments with his winnings and turned more than half the people to his admirers. THAT is a King in the making. What has that golden-haired cunt done in his life that was worthy of note?"

"I need you to support me in this, Ned. When the day comes that I die or resign from that iron seat… I want a proper man to come after me."

"... I will support you." Eddard Stark nodded. "But you must realise the danger that you'll be throwing your boy into."

"I am aware… but this is the best step forward."


"Wakey, wakey… Prince Edric." 

Dorian threw a bucket of cold water down on Edric's face, waking him straight up.

"What the… fuck?"

"Wake up, it's morning. You're a prince today."

"You're taking the piss." 

Edric Storm shook his head, still feeling extremely dizzy from the previous night. His entire body ached from head to toe and he didn't feel like moving an inch. He was fully dressed in his black garments as he slowly sat up.

"Where's Arthur?"

The door swung open as Bryce, Rolan and Arthur all bowed down.

"Good morning, Prince Edric."

"You guys are dragging it." Edric laughed. "I'm a Ser… not a prince."

"No, it's true, my prince. The news spread this morning… you're also betrothed to a lady now." Arthur added, shrugging his shoulders.

"A what!?" Edric raised an eyebrow, struggling out of bed. "No… I need to see this for myself."

He stormed right into the Red Keep, as quickly as his body allowed him to.

"Greetings, Prince Edric."

It was like a dream… a nightmare, actually.

This was the last thing Edric wanted…

'Prince Edric? Betrothed… betrothed to who!?'

His life following that moment had changed forever.

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