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28.57% The Clone Commander / Chapter 4: Battle of Geonosis 3

Capítulo 4: Battle of Geonosis 3

We had taken control of the trenches 4 minutes ago. The situation had changed a lot. Our force had taken control of the trenches. Each of the Companies sent 2 Platoons to fight, 1st and 2nd company sent 2 towards the right and 3rd and 4th towards the left. The General led the 1st and 2nd Company platoons while I led the others. We had slowly cleared a long stretch of 500 meters of pure trenches. Luckily we had few casualties due to the droids not knowing of our arrival and our shots being drowned out due to the war above us.

I was currently standing in the middle of the trenches, in a bunker. The main force had arrived and I alongside my battalion retreated to our original sectors. I was standing there alongside Plo Koon. We were currently talking to our Captains about our situation. Of our original 576, 531 was left, we had lost a total of 1 Platoon and 1 Squad. 1 Squad from Rex's company, and 2 each from both of the other companies. We had transferred a Platoon and a squad from the main force. A Battalion had lost its command. It had been split between the other battalions or companies. We had just finished the meeting and the Captains left to prepare for receiving troops.

At that time, Mace Windu jumped down from seemingly nowhere, I guess he was above the trenches. At the same time Marshal Commander Ponds had arrived from the trenches.

"Greetings, Master Plo Koon, Captain." Mace said.

"Greetings, MOTO Windu." Plo Koon said.

"Greetings, General Windu!" I said.

At that time Marshal Commander Ponds arrived.

"I must say General Plo Koon, you've done a great job capturing the trenches. it has given us a foothold and resting place." Ponds said

"Thank you, Marshal Commander. However, I have barely done anything. It is all the work of Captain Dust. I have only been fighting alongside his company, he's the one who led everyone." Plo Koon said.

"I see, great job Captain. This position will be perfect for the clash with the droid forces." Ponds said.

As I was reviewing the battlefield in my mind I realised a few things. Though originally I thought it was a stupid strategic move to charge during the age of modern fire arms, it was in fact a bit of a smart move. The Confederacy is currently growing, they lack the technical advantage. If you compare them to the republic, it would be the different between crossbows and bows. They can deploy large amount of arrows, but they lack the strength and penetration of the crossbow. The famous commando droids haven't been developed so they can't fight the clones in skill. The Tactical Droids haven't been developed as well so they don't have the strategic minds of the Republic. Most of the council are governors and not military leaders. They don't have small talents like officers as all their talents become commanders and therefore doesn't have low-mid officers who can think, which is extremely important for an army, droids can't think by themselves yet. They only understand simple formations as where to go and stuff. Therefore the most logical thing to do is charge as that's what they do best.

Similarly in the air force, the Seperatist can't execute the same formations and tactics as the republic and the skill of each pilots far surpass the droid pilots. And the ships of the Republic have a gigantic advantage in terms of technology. The Seperatist barely even have an airforce yet. This can also be seen how in the movies, simple laser artillery completely obliterated a gigantic football of a ship, with it's size it should have the armor to not even get a scratch, much less fall from the sky.

We also have to look at the objective of the Concerderacy. Their objective is the survival of the Seperatist Leaders, and they can't escape if the Republic Bombers are focusing on their ships, and as such they have to lead the Republic's focus towards the ground. They do this by making a charge maximising their kill count instead of taking a long time having defensive positions and letting the starfighter corps obliterate their space crafts.

And by charging the Republic can't set up defensive positions such as their own trenches and they can get more kills. They also don't care about their own casualties as the droids will be destroyed either way. They are only buying time for the Geonosians to get underground and the Seperatist Command to escape. As such there is no better tactic.

Similarly, the reason why the republic charges back is the exact same. They need to get to the Seperatist Command Centre, so they need to charge to get there as fast as possible. So the reason for both charges are lack of information. Perhaps if the Seperatist had know the republic objective perhaps they would put up their own defensive positions but they didn't.

And If the Republic knew that the confederacy wasn't interested in putting up resistance then they would too form defensive positions and let the star fighters deal with their escape ships.

And the reason why the Republic care less about their own casualties and prefer to take the Seperatist instead is simple:

Clone are a new subject to them, the republic high command has yet to see them with their own eyes and therefore doesn't consider them as human, except the Jedi of course. It was also due to the influence of Republic Politicians that people like General Krell was born. And, in their view, if they capture all leaders now, won't the war end? And isn't it better with a large causality battle and win than a large causality and long war and maybe loose? Either way, back to the war.

As we were talking about which ship to enter as there were multiple, a Lieutenant arrived.

"Master Windu, I have gotten a report from one of my squads!"

"You may speak, Lieutenant" the always stoic Mace said.

"Thank you, General. A squad in my platoon spotted a hidden tunnel in the trenches. They sent in a droid detector to find where it led. It apparently leads to one of the Seperatist ships. Similarly, I was ordered to send a report from the Forward Command Centre. Grand Master Yoda has left it due to some circumstances and Green currently controls it and they found some information from the droid Captain Dust sent. It is a custom made droid, it is a prototype and it is currently used to guard the Seperatist Council. There currently exist 19 other Commando Droids. The reason that one was there was because one of the Council Members was there alongside 3 commando droids. Once you guys attacked he was ordered to lead troops to defend the secret tunnel."

"Hmm, and which secret tunnel did he protect?" Plo Koon asked.

"The same my squad spotted." The Lieutenant said.

"Hmm, Master Plo Koon, seems you found your target." Mace said.

"Indeed, that ship should be the one we're looking for." Plo Koon said before turning to me.

"Captain Dust, call for your Battalions and inform General Mundi about the situation."

"Understood, General." I said before walking off.

I turned around a corner before turning on my comlink.

"All Captains, get your Companies ready and meet up at sector 4,7,2"

"Understood, Captain." Came a unified notice from all the Captains.

I then changed the comms to my company.

"We have found our entrance, meet up at sector 4,7,2. Lieutenant Tyr you are again in charge."

"Yes, sir" Came another unified response.

I then changed my comlink to the one with General Mundi.

"General, we have found our entrance to the Seperatist Council ship! General Koon instructed me to give you the coordinates, the entrance is at sector 4,7,2."

"Thank you Captain, we shall be there soon." Came the response.

I then decided to check out my new sword.

I took it from my back and checked it. Even though it was meant for a droid it fit me well. The handle was similar to my own size due to it being bigger than the hand of a commando droid. The Sword also weighed very little, around half the weight of my DC15A. Another good thing is that it could be on my back alongside my DC15A. I currently had it on my back going straight down from my right shoulder being flat on my back. The DC15A would go from my top left shoulder to my bottom right waist. The sword would fit between the end of the DC15A and my back. However I could also have it from my top right waist to the bottom left, going 25 degrees from the right to left.

I also just realised I still haven't gotten a new DC15A. I quickly began moving towards the trench armory. Even though we just took it, the main force had quickly taken the weapons from dead clone or reserves and put them in a armory for troops who lost their guns.

Arriving I quickly went towards the part where they had put the weapons in reserve, that hadn't been used. I found a DC15A from the rows of guns. I quickly took it on my back alongside my sword. I then went back to the command centre.

Luckily when I arrived everyone was there. Our two battalions had been right beside each other and it only took 3 minutes before everyone was there.

Just as I was about to arrive, and explosion happened Infront of me. A spider droid had arrived at the trench and shot a bullet into the trench before jumping down. All the clones began firing however nobody managed to penetrate his armor.

"Everyone stand down!" I shouted.

"Focus on the droids on top of the trenches!!"

As I said that every clone stood still for a few seconds before acknowledging the order and climbing peaking over the trench. The main wave of the droids had arrived. Though it seemed peaceful while I was thinking, it was in fact not. There were clones and droids firing above and dousing out all sounds except those close to you. This had continued for a long time with breaches all the time.

Focusing on the Spider Droid I took out my sword before running towards it. In all technical aspect the Vibrosword should be able to penetrate the armor.

The Spider Droid spotted me and quickly turned the barrel towards me. I saw a small red light growing in the barrel and I quickly threw myself to the side. A millisecond later a laser flew by and hit the wall by a corner. Luckily there wasn't any clones there.

By the time he could fire another laser I had arrived at his barrel, a quick upwards slash from the side cut the barrel in two and the laser flew off target hitting another spider droid about to enter the trench.

Sliding under the spider droid I stabbed the sword into spider droid after sliding under and lying still. ( this ain't no lightsaber )

It quickly began malfunctioning, seems I hit his clitoris. [ for those who knows :) ]

I quickly began rolling out from the other side of the droid. I quickly got up and jumped around the corner. As I got around a explosion happened and a red fire came from where the droid was before.

I quickly got up and put the sword on my back. As I looked up I realised that the entire command centre was looking at me. What a way to make an entrance.....

I quickly got out of it and went up to them.

"Eh, there was a spider droid in the trench." I quickly explained.

"*Cough* *cough* Well, good job." Marshal Commander Ponds said.

"Either way, now that everyone is here we will move onto your duties." Mace said.

"The exploration droids entered the tunnel and found out that there were multiple tunnels within the tunnel. Each entering into different sectors of the ship. One led to the armory, another to the ship core, a third into the barracks and the last into the hallways of the command centre." Mace said. Plo Koon then took over.

"Captain Jet and his unit will enter the armory and transfer a sample of each weapon back to high command for study. He will also quietly move all the guns into the tunnels. After that he will move to General Mundi and assist him. General Mundi will take his unit into the ship core/reactor, he will quietly disable its flying options to keep it on the ground. Once done you are to set up a defensive perimeter to keep them from re-enacting the flight ability."

"Captain Dust will enter the hallways of the command centre alongside his unit. He is to take control of the command centre and fortify it. You are also to capture any Seperatist council there. I will enter the barracks. Currently the droids are deactivated but they will be activated once fighting start. I will remove their ability to enter the battle. After that I will move to the barracks of the Seperatist Council to find and capture any of them while also searching for information."

As he said that Plo Koon pressed a button on his communication device.

"However, we will also have an addition to our unit. Commando Squad Delta, led by Sergeant Boss." As he said that they entered through one of the corners.

"Greetings." We all said.

"Greetings, Generals" He said, we all silently noticed how he didn't acknowledge the other clones.

"Sergeant Boss and his squad will join Captain Dust in his battle of the command centre. Luckily it will be a battle in small areas and therefore the Commandos can be fully used to their potential. They will also slice into the command centre for any information." Plo Koon said before finishing.


"Yes, Sir!" We all acknowledged.

I then began moving towards Sergeant Boss.

"Greetings, Sergeant."


It seemed this guy either didn't like to talk or he thought he was above me.

"Alright so, I wanted to discuss how we were going to go forward, I was planning on having you guys in the front along side my gu-"

"I'm gonna stop you there, *Captain*" He said in a somewhat insulting way.

"My men will move Infront, your guys can follow behind, your *soliders* will just get in the way."

I was quickly starting to get pissed but I kept it in.

"I assure you, Sergeant. My men will not disrupt or get in the way of your squad in any way."

"Oh believe me, they will. I've worked alongside regulars before and I do not like what I see." Boss said.

Seeing this was a lost cause I decided to just let it go.

"Fine, have it your way. But I will say, if there are any signs of your men failing or causing more problems than benefits, I will step in. And let me remind you, I AM you superior, you are to listen to me if necessary. You may be a Commando, but I am a Captain and the unit commander."

"That's fine with me, you won't have any opportunity to step in." He said as he left.

I simply shrugged as I got my Company and Rex's company together. 292 Troops in total with the Commandos. The trench was small and dangerous so I decided to go into the wider tunnel. The first 20 meters of it was gigantic, like a small hall. But then it was divided into 4 entrances where only 4 could walk in 1 line. They quickly formed W

2 squares of 11 lines and 13 men each with 1 squad off to the side.

"Alright, firstly. I will be the commanding officer of this unit and we will have 3 executives. The first will be Captain Rex, in charge of the 2nd Company. Lieutenant Tyr in charge of the 1st Company. And lastly Sergeant Boss of the Commando Squad. Our formation will be; The Commando Squad Infront, then me alongside the 9th squad of the 1st Platoon with the Sergeant and Lieutenant walking alongside me and then 4 people each row in a total of 2 rows. We will follow that formation with 1 Sergeant alone in a row Infront of their squad and after that there will be 2 rows of 4 each before another squad. The Lieutenant will walk alongside the Sergeant of his first squad in the formation and the Captain in the his first Platoon. Understood?"

"SIR, YES, SIR!" They all exclaimed.

I then ordered them to prepare and gathered the Lieutenant and above and Sergeant Boss.

"Upon reaching the hallways we will quickly secure both corners. The first 2 Platoons will equip muzzles to remove all sound and secure both corners. We will then get all troops in before continuing. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." They all said.

"Alright dismissed, Commandos you may begin entering."

I had already prepared the 8th Squad and the 1st Platoon, so by the time we entered the 2nd and 3rd platoon should be ready.

When I arrived at our entrance I saw that Mundi already had 30% of his forces inside, seems he skipped a talk with commandos and a briefing. Jet had also entered but barely. I met General Plo Koon there.

"May the force be with you, Captain." He said

"Thank you General. Good luck." I said.

"There is no such thing as luck." He said before entering.

I turned around and saw that the commando squad entered, I signalled for my people to do the same. As I entered I realised that I couldn't communicate with the outside world and only with the ones already in the tunnels. Well it didn't matter, we only had one objective.

We began walking through the tunnels. They were moving slow. After 7 minutes I spotted the entrance, I prepared my troops and I took out my DC15A, the only one with a muzzle on currently. The 9th Squad and The Delta Squad also prepared themselves. I went up to right behind the Commando Squad. They were leaning against the door walls. I ordered the 9th squads first row to crouch and aim and the second stand and aim. I then heard a..

"Breach!" It was Boss.

As he said that, Boss and Sev entered, they crouched at the entrance of the door on the other side. The other two quickly entered as well and I heard around 14 muzzled shots. I went to the door entrance and peeked through.

Delta Squad had quickly entered and killed a squadron of 14 droids. I signalled for the 9th squad to enter. I also signalled for Boss to take his squad to the right corner. It only had 1 entrance that went towards the left. They quickly began moving silently. Once the 9th squad entered I signalled them to take the left corner, this one had 2 different entrances to it, one to the left and one to the right. I gave the command to take on positions alongside the right wall aiming towards the left. 5 seconds later they were moving towards the corner and the 6th squad entered, I sent them towards the left corners as well but alongside the left wall. After that the 7th and 8th also arrived and I sent them towards the left. The next was the 2nd platoon, I sent them towards the right, 3rd to the left and so on.

3 minutes later we were all through. 292 troops. The corners quickly being secure and the rest having taken up fighting formations which included squares of 3 lines of 11 with the Lieutenant at the back. I had 8 such formations, alongside a formation of 24 normal troops and 4 commandos. The normal squads was the, 7th, 8th and 9th, the 3 most skilled of my Company. This last group would be in the front.

We then began moving, the special unit in front, and the 8th Platoon securing the back of the formation. We were not marching but instead jogging. We were movin through the hallways, we had met a total of 4 patrolling squadrons. Each had 14 Troops.

We were quickly advancing, the Seperatist had spread their numbers. As we were about to turn around a corner Boss made a signal to halt. I quickly went up to him and peeked around the corner. We spotted a large unit of droids still going around the corner. I quickly realised it was above the usual squadrons.

"That should be a Squad or two" I said to Boss.

"Yeah, should be easy enough." He said as he began moving forward and signalling to his squad.

"Wait Boss, stop. Stand down" I said in a hushed voice. However he ignored me.

I cursed under my breath before signalling the rest of the first unit. We followed them as they sprinted towards the back of the Droid Squad, however instead of fighting from a distance they decided to engage in close combat, the B2 Super Battledroids was in the back and they took out their vibrio knifes and each quickly killed 4.

They then took our their own personal weapons and began firing. Even though it was muzzled the B1's quickly turned around and by the time the Commandos killed the droids that didn't turn around the corner in time m and entered the next hallway to fight the next, they saw, not 2 squads, 4 SQUADS. They were quickly suppressed and was barely able to jump behind cover.

I saw them jump back into the hallway they just slaughtered all the droids in and shit ton of laser fire coming from the enemy droids.

I cursed under my breath before saying into the comms.

"All troops move forward to engage."

I also turned to the front unit.

Create two lines, first one crouch second don't. Lay suppressing fire until the rest of the force can come. They quickly formed the formation, a bonus of spending hundreds of hours doing formations with your platoon.

Just as we finished the formation, the droids turned around the corner and the battle began.

** Author speaking

Was bored so decided to do another chapter, lucky you guys fr

Another 3.7k words long chapter

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