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39.13% The 100: AllFather / Chapter 8: Chapter 6: Love the Light and Fear the Dark

Capítulo 8: Chapter 6: Love the Light and Fear the Dark

AN: a reader suggested I put a number beside the name made up for unnamed 100 characters. I will do so, but tell me if you want me to stop.

Travelling time will be different between now and later chapters. The reason is Characters have no clue of the geography (hills, rivers, thorn bushes, etc) Also since they are now on earth they will marvel at the views, adding time to the travel.

Also please be aware that Octavia will be Written as extroverted but also socially inept at times, since she spent most of her life under the floor

Day 2 Earth

We start off Back at the Shuttle, when the Groups are heading on their way.

Angus to search for a home, and Clarke looking for the Mount Weather Bunker.

This Chapter we join Clarkes group.

POV: Clarke

As I am setting out, I can't help but notice how close Angus's group is. Wells even seems to know him. I remember Mom telling me about a boy my age losing his eye once, and personally, I am very attracted. Who knew? I don't like fully intact people.

 My Group contained the following people; Monty, jasper, Finn, Nathan Miller (Miller) and Sara(#13).

I am feeling a mixture of emotions. Anger at Wells, and the others who do not see the importance of contacting the Ark. Happiness, that I am on earth and can now see my dreams for real. Amusement, at Finn who would not stop flirting with Sara(#13) (picture Katy Leung at 18)

Sara(#13) was a pretty little brunette from Mecha station, Her Father was right under my dad before he died.

POV 3rd

As the group was marching, following the Directions of the GPS, soon Monty who was at the Front waved everyone to stop and pointed off to the left.

When everyone looked, they saw a pretty Doe grazing (female deer), which they were in awe to see such a pretty sight with the sunlight seeming to make a spot light from the canopy of trees.

All of a sudden A bird startled the doe, causing her head to turn. Thus, showing a second deformed head protruding from her neck.

Seeing this, the Ark group recoiled in horror, and Jasper shrieked as if he was a banshee. This caused the Doe to dart away.

Jasper in Fear: Will we start to grow an extra head?

Monty, just patted his shoulder: NO, you don't need to worry, you only have enough brain power for one.

 Jasper: thanks…. Hey! I am very smart.

Laughing the rest of the group kept on trudging through the under brush.

They Finally Came to A beautiful spot. A little Bay jutting off from a river.

Sara(#13) was very Happy: Hey Clarke lets stop for a moment and go for a swim.

As she said this, she started taking off her garments, much to the excitement of the young men looking.

Clarke tried to get everyone back on their task but was unsuccessful

Sara(#13), jumped into the Bay, causing a great big splash. After doing a few underwater spins, she surfaced and shouted to the others to join.

As jasper was about to jump in, 

Miller Noticed something moving in the water

It was a large 10 ft snake.

Miller and Monty Started Yelling at Sara(#13) to get out of the water. Due to confusion, she instead turned around to see what was happening.

At that very moment the snake bit Sara(#13)s' arm. When the Scream was heard.

Finn Immediately Jumped from above with a large rock, and smacked the snake's head.

This caused the snake to flinch and swim away.

Once Finn and Sara(#13) were out of the water, Clarke immediately took a look at the bite wound.

Clarke: Miller! Start a fire, and boil some water.

At the same time, she was cleaning the wound with her own water. Once the water was boiled, Clarke stuck some ripped fabric from her shirt in to sterilize. Once they where ready, Clarke cleaned the wound again, and put the makeshift bandages on Sara(#13)s arm.

All the men were impressed.

Monty: wow princess you sure know what you are doing.

Jasper: yeah, if I ever get a papercut, I will go to you.

Clarke: Before I was arrested, my mother Dr Abbey Griffin was teaching me all I would need to know to become a doctor. 

Miller: this will be needed often, if we meet more creatures as Angus said we would.

Finn: yeah, I was not really believing him then, but now I am just worried that there will be worse things.

Sara(#13) leaned into Finn: wow you are my hero! I will have to make up to you later when we are alone.

This made Finn Grin.

Miller: So, Clarke, will we continue on or go back?

Clarke: I think we should rest the night, since we have rations and then continue tomorrow, hopefully we will reach the bunker.

That night, as it got dark, the Arkers noticed glowing specks descending from the tree canopies.

A few started circling the group and one landed on Monty's head.

Miller: wow look at these. Are they Fairies?

Sara(#13) was playing with a few: I do not know but they are very playful.

The group spent the next little while playing with the faeries of a multitude of colours, until one with a plum like glow landed on Sara(#13) Bandage. 

There was a quick glow on the arm before the Faery, got up and left.

Sara(#13) noticing her arm felt weird took off the bandage and saw her wound was healed.

Jasper: wow magic is so cool! I hope I will learn some, maybe Crucio or Expelliarmus.

Finn: would be cool, but I don't think magic works like Harry potter, I think there are differences.

Miller: Clarke if you get a chance, you should learn healing magic, it would extremely valuable for us.

Clarke: Yes, I will try, it is really impressive magic. That bite wound should have taken a few weeks to heal up. Now there is no scarring.

Suddenly there was a loud Shrieking coming from the mountains.

Hearing this the Arkers tensed up, and the Faeries immediately flew away.

Finn Grabbed a rock, and Miller a large Stick.

Nothing appeared

But this did not calm the group

The rest of the night was restless.

So, when the light appeared, the Arkers were glad even though they had bags on their eyes.

After leaving the camping spot they travelled until they got to a cliff drop before a river, and Clarke took a look at the scenery and the GPS.

Clarke: Dammit All! You see that large mountain at least another day's travel? That is Mount weather! They DROPPED us on the wrong damned mountain.

Finn: No big deal, lets cross the river first.

Jasper: how will we do that?

Miller: we can use a hanging Vine to swing across.

When the group prepared the vine Jasper decided to go first

Jasper was clutching the Vine, suddenly rethinking his choice.

Then Finn pushed him

After a few moments Jasper found himself on the other side.

Realising he was still alive, Jasper got up and started waving his arms while shouting out in excitement.

Everyone was excited to go next.

Finn was getting ready to swing when

A spear was thrown from out of nowhere and got Jasper in his chest.

This caused Jasper to Scream in pain, while the others ducked for cover.

After a few moments the Screaming jasper stopped.

When this happened, everyone looked out and found Jasper missing.

When they realised this the whole group Sprang into a run back to the shuttle to warn everyone and to get help.

1 hour later of nonstop running.

They arrived at the Shuttle

Clarke immediately Tracked Bellamy and Angus down.

Clarke Frantically: Bellamy! Angus! You need to help us. You were right there were people. They kidnapped Jasper after throwing a spear at him!

Bellamy: Princess Calm down tell us calmly and we will try to help.

Present time day 3, slightly past Noon.

After the Mount Weather group finished explaining everything. Angus Started asking for volunteers to go on a search and rescue.

None of the people who stayed at the shuttle wanted to go. It ended up only being Angus's and Clarkes Group who went on back to the spot Jasper was attacked.

Miller: The vine is gone? How will we get across to the other side now?

Angus: Magic

Then he made an earth Bridge across.

Angus: alright folks do not separate from the Group too far, and keep your eye out for any trails.

Octavia: Over here, the Branches are broken and have blood on them.

The group started following the trail.

After a while it started getting Dark.

Wells: we should head back or set up camp here.

Clarke: NO! we will find Jasper, please just wait a little longer.

Angus just shrugged to Wells: Alright, we will continue, but soon we will have to stop everyone is looking to be tired.

Soon enough they Heard Shouting

Monty: hey that's Jasper!

He immediately took off ignoring the warnings of Angus.

They Found Jasper.

Drugged and Tied to a tree.

When the group approached, there was a rustle in the bushes when a big black feline lunged out


Immediately Bellamy shot the panther.

Angus: where did you get the gun?

Bellamy: the ark, don't ask more.

Wells and Finn untied the groaning jasper.

Bellamy: I will carry Jasper, Angus you take Point, we do not know what else will attack, or ho did this to Jasper.

The Group Started on the run back. Jasper was switched From Bellamy to Wells when Bell got tired.

Once at the Bridge that was made, they were attacked by an Owl the Size of a Bear.

Angus instantly sent out an Earth Spear. Killing it.

Thinking it would be a waste Angus Carried it with them.

There were no more problems on the rest of the way.

Back at the Shuttle

Clarke took Jasper into the shuttle and Started making Bandages with the Help of Wells

While this was happening

Angus Started Cleaning and plucking the Owl (size of a bear)

Angus then asked Bellamy to Start a Fire and to find a Sticks to roast the Owl meat on.

During this Finn noticed something strange

Finn Stopped Steve(#25): why are you guys missing your Bands?

Steve(#25): Why Should we care that the Ark thinks we are dead! If they want to see if they can live here, they should Check themselves.

Monty: What about family, are you really wanting them to die?!

Bellamy: There is no point in Arguing they are already off. We still have ours though. So that should be good.

With Angus

As Angus was cooking Harper and Octavia Sidled up to him.

Octavia: Good work back there handsome. Will you teach me how to fight or to use magic?

Harper smirking: Yeah, I bet you want him to show you his magic fingers.

Octavia Spluttered

Angus: Hah, Now Octavia, I don't mind you hitting on me but I will not act on my thoughts to ravage you until, the blessing is given by Bellamy. He is my Friend you know.

Harper: Ravage? Will you let me join in on the action?

Angus: why not, more the merrier. Its not like we need to follow old society or Ark rules. We can make our own.

This caused Octavia and Harper to smile along with the dozens of other listening while waiting for food.

Angus: Alright Folks, Meat is ready, Harper can you Bring the Food for Clarke and Wells.

After eating everyone went on their own.

Angus went back to his campsite, and started his fire.

Deciding to practice earth sense again, his shoes were taken off and he sat on the ground.

Closing his Eyes, he concentrated on the earth in his Minds eye.

In the Sensing area, he could feel every foot step from the other Arkers. Along with those Vibrations, he felt other smaller ones scampering around the Forest floor, which Angus took as small animals, maybe a fox, raccoon or rabbit.

All of sudden he felt a group of 7 break away from the Arkers and head his way.

Waiting till they were pretty much right in front of him he opened his eyes.

This Group was

Bellamy, John, Wells, Harper, Octavia, Clarke and Monty.

Angus: join me and sit down, I believe we have much to talk about.

Monty: Yes, but first off, I want to thank you for helping rescue Jasper, we would have not made it back without you.

Angus: no problem, anyway Clarke what was discovered about the bunker? You guys were pretty far.

Clarke: We were dropped on the wrong mountain; the GPS lead pointed us to a mountain 2 days away from here. But with the Discovery of Grounders, I don't think we can make it there without any protection.

Angus: hmm That is not good, did you see any magical creatures?

Monty: Yes we met some faeries, one of which new healing magic for Sara(#13)

But we heard a Shrieking, which made the faeries run away.

Bellamy: would that be Orks?

Angus: no, Garzol said they would use horns, to announce their presence.

Clarke: Who is Garzol, and what are Orks?

Wells: Garzol and 3 others we met were Dwarves, stocky bearded old buggers who live for a long time. Orks are like the films made them to be, Big greenish savages.

Monty: Can you teach us Magic?

Angus: I will try. But first we should arm everyone. Bellamy I will take Wells, and John into the Mineshaft to look for ores tomorrow. You will be in charge of protecting the Shuttle sincw you have a gun.

Wells: Why Do you have a gun Bellamy?

Bellamy started looking guilty: I was told that I would be given a spot if I shot your Father Councillor Jaha.

Wells: we are Friends, you did not do that did you?

Bellamy looked Sad: Protecting my sister was more important so I tried to, But Guard Commander Kane, got in my way so I shot him instead. Once I did that I ran for the shuttle.

John: who hired you?

Bellamy: Kane's right-hand Shumway. But I think he was under instruction from someone else.

Clarke: knowing Kane, he is not dead. When he is on earth you might need to watch out for him.

Angus: Do not Worry Bell, you are one of my people, I will protect you.

Bellamy: thanks

Angus: anyway, how will we contact the Ark if we can't make it to Mount weather?

Monty: I can try, making a morse code communicator with the bands. Only problem is if I fail, all the Bands will fry.

Angus: I think it is worth it, since we do not want the others doing something stupid, and getting killed by something down here, and leaving us on our own. Let's do a vote since this will affect us all.

The vote was 100% yes.

Angus: Any way's Bell, tomorrow have everyone start making a wooden Wall around the Shuttle, and huts.

Bellamy: Can you not do that with your Magic?

Angus: I can, but this will be useful skill to know, and it will keep them busy. I will leave some stone axes and shovels tomorrow before going into the mine. Monty do your best on the communicator, we are counting on you.

Octavia: Should you not bring more people to the mines?

Angus: No, if we have to many, it will be hard to move around, and we do not want that in the worst scenario.

Wells: is it not better for me to help on the wall since I am learning to be an engineer?

This time John replied: Buddy everyone hates your father, they would not listen to anything you say.

Wells: My Father did not make the rules, only enforced them.

Angus: I remember reading something like that in a book about WW2. Just because he did not make the rules, does not mean what he did was okay.

But lets just ignore that until we save the people from the Ark.

I am off to bed, you others should do the same.

AN: Alright folks, when we send Angus to the Mine should there be Goblins or Reapers.

When they are down there should we have Lincoln kidnap Octavia, and them Bellamy Torture him like in the show?

Thanks for reading

I am having fun doing this, I can not wait to write more

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