Frisk -" What does it matter they won't get the chance to try again"
Chara-"Your not that naive to think this is the best of the underground right? "
Chara smirked and walked close to them.
Chara-"Well let's just say it'll be fun once you step out"
They wrap their arm around their neck.
Chara-"after all I don't know what's gonna happen either but one thing you should do is leave the ruins"
Frisk-"why would I do that?.....I just got here"
Chara-"relax you have every right to take your time just like you had the right to defend yourself.....I wonder what will you say once your questioned on your actions :)"
Frisk pushed them off and glared at them.
Frisk-"I'm not going to be mocked what do you even want?"
Chara-"I don't really know I'm just stuck with you instead of...."
They frowned slightly.
Chara-"....nevermind just figuring it out it's up to you stay or go I don't care but just one warning though "
Chara grabbed them by the shirt.
Chara-"You who you cut down....not every monster will be as kind as Toriel or not notice any disappearances"
Chara looked deadly serious making Frisk tremble a bit.
Frisk-".... R-right.... D-don't worry I'll be careful"
Chara smiled and gave a thumbs up.
Chara -"Glad to hear it pal I can't wait to see how far you can go with this approach...and... remember to Stay Determined"
The area lit up blinding Frisk.
Frisk opens their eyes and rolled out of bed right next to a slice of pie left by Toriel They grab it and store it.
Frisk-".....I don't know what to do..... maybe I should go I can't stay here..... I've definitely dusted enough for anyone to notice even a little.....Yeah it's best I go do what I need to"
Frisk slap their cheeks Determined to go along with their plan as they got up and walked out though they took a look in a mirror.
*It's You!
Frisk walked away and entered the living room seeing Toriel reading a book. They sucked up some air before walking up to them.
Toriel looked up and smiled.
Toriel-" Yes my child "
*You can tell it's not fake which surprises you*
Frisk-"I...I have to leave"
Toriel's smiled wavered a bit.
Toriel-" a-are you sure how about you and I read a book together.....Or we can talk about something on your mind? "
Frisk shook their head.
Frisk-"I need to leave"
Toriel looks upset and closes the book.
Toriel-"Is it because of what you did?"
Frisk shook their head.
Frisk-"I.....I want to leave"
Toriel got up and walked past them.
Toriel -"Stay here I have to do something"
Frisk watched Toriel rushing towards some stairs so they followed after them catching up with Toriel.
*she can here your footsteps so she slows down*
Toriel -"When I first found you I thought that you'd be different"
*there was no avoiding this*
Toriel-" fortunately, yet unfortunately you were different.....I trust I don't need to spell out your actions?"
Frisk didn't say anything.
Toriel -" guess not.....but I can't stop myself for caring about you child....You defended yourself but..... you went too far.....but I'm sure there was something else that made you lash out"
They arrived at the door as Toriel turned to look at them.
"I know you have what it takes however I still cannot let you go.....if you leave there is no chance against the king..... Asgore he will kill you rendering your journey meaningless..... please turn back and I'll forgive you...and we can be happy together..... You won't kill out of fear..... I'll be by your side more..... Please turn around"
*Toriel is blocking your way*
Frisk-" I won't.....if I go I'll make things better for you once I leave"
*You spared Toriel*
Toriel -"That's not good I don't want to let out another child to their death despite your actions.....please.....Please turn around!"
*Toriel is conflicted she doesn't want to fight you or let you go*
Frisk-"I'm sorry.... I'm making this so difficult for you aren't I...but please trust me things will be different once I get back to the surface.... I'll find a way to free everyone...for you"
Toriel-"I don't need that I'll be fine with you and me in the ruins there's plenty of resources for a human lifetime...Just go back"
Frisk-" No... I want to do this Toriel please.....I know I'm being selfish but..... it'll be better for both of us if I do what I have to"
Frisk walked up and hugged her.
Toriel-"....You...You.....who am I kidding with.....I know I can't keep you here"
*Toriel hugged You*
Toriel -"the rest of the underground will not be easy to go through even if your more violent than anyone will like they want your soul.....Your the last one he needs, so you'll have the worst time than.....the others so....I know this sounds hopeless.... promise you'll come back"
Frisk-" I'll do my best mom... I'll be back for matter how long it takes"
The 2 separated as Toriel walked back before stopping.
Toriel -"when you leave that door won't open again unless I leave out myself so....are you sure you have all you need?"
Frisk -" don't worry I'm gonna be fine"
Toriel smiled softly.
Toriel-" alright see you soon my child "
Toriel walked away out of view Frisk turned and pushed the door open walking through the hall before coming across Flowey again with that same smile.
Flowey -"Heh aren't you clever you didn't even have a fight with Toriel even though you killed those monsters...that Froggit..... Moldsmal.....Vegatoid.... Those monsters had families yah know.... Their Dust is on your hands"
Frisk gave a blank look and tilt their head.
Frisk-"Stop trying to rub in something you clearly don't care about.....or....You can die next"
Flowey flinched slightly but gained a wide smirk.
Flowey -"What about you though was all that guilt in your voice fake"
Frisk-" I'm sorry I was genuinely guilty...of having a tainted image for someone I love..... So your right and wrong "
Flowey gritted their teeth.
Flowey -"What kind of weirdo are you!?"
Frisk pulled out their toy knife and took a step forward.
Frisk-"the same weirdo who wouldn't mind hurting a weed"
Flowey -" heh oh don't you worry this isn't over Pal"
Flowey sunk into the ground.
Frisk -" welp I guess I'll deal with him some other time "
Frisk walked forward through the door as they were blinded by light.
To be continued....
well I hope you all enjoyed the first volume I wonder if there will be more undertale content on the platform because of this I doubt it but I wish someone will be inspired till next time comment vote and peace
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