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Oliver vs Vulcan vs Tarn the uncaring(chapter 70)

previously in chapter 69

"Well, let's hope this one is more sunny," Oliver thought to himself as he activated the chrono nexus, stepping into the swirling portal. In an instant, he found himself inside what appeared to be an arena, surrounded by thousands of spectators eagerly watching a fierce match. Two figures were hurtling towards each other at breakneck speed when Oliver materialized between them, catching both off guard. The figures, one with grey mud-like skin and flappy elephantine ears, and the other a mutant in a tight red costume, were about to collide when Oliver's hybrid form intervened.

As the two figures' fists collided against Oliver's hybrid form, he effortlessly caught them both, bringing their powerful momentum to a dead stop. However, to his surprise, the hand that caught the humanoid with grey skin started to grow exponentially, tumours spreading rapidly. Oliver's healing factor quickly countered the aberration, returning his hand to normal. Meanwhile, the mutant in the red costume, known as Vulcan, with bright orange-glowing eyes and hands, attempted to unleash an attack. Before he could, Oliver sent him flying with a powerful swing, crashing into the arena walls.


Chapter 70

A giant eyeball above the arena announced in a booming voice, "Interfering in a challenge is a punishable offense!" It was then that Oliver realized where he was, looking around at the grand spectacle of the arena. "Sorry, my teleportation malfunctioned. I'll get out of your hair. Continue," Oliver offered, wanting to leave the two challengers to their duel. However, Tarn the Uncaring, the grey-skinned humanoid, had other plans.

"Oh, there is no need for you to run. I will melt you down and make a coat out of your skin!" Tarn threatened, his voice echoing through the arena. As Oliver attempted to leave, Tarn unleashed his mutant ability, attempting to change Oliver's DNA. Oliver's limbs greyed, growing tumours rapidly, causing excruciating pain. "NO, HE IS MINE!" Vulcan roared, launching himself at Oliver, who was still recovering from Tarn's attack. Vulcan's strike sent Oliver crashing into the ground, the impact reverberating through the arena.

"You should have checked your equipment before teleport—" Vulcan's taunt was cut short as a large black symbiote hand covered his mouth, silencing him. Oliver, now in his symbiote form, emerged from the crater, slamming Vulcan into the ground with the same force he had just experienced.

Tarn, undeterred, prepared to use his mutant abilities again, but Oliver, reacted swiftly. The stone ring on his finger glowed purple, transforming into the impressive armor made from black dragon scales, harvested from the slain dragon Oliver had vanquished with the Valkyrie. The suit bore a pulsating red sphere on its chest, solidified blood of the black dragon, with red lines growing along its surface.

[ Name: Dragonforge Exosuit ]

[ Grade: Purple (Peak) ]

[ Description: Crafted from the smelted scales of a dark dragon, this full-body suit exudes a formidable aura. The solidified blood of the dark dragon forms a pulsating sphere at the center of its chest, casting a fiery glow that illuminates the suit's interior. The chest cavity reveals a dark void, and the suit's fire-like hair adds an eerie yet captivating aesthetic. ]

[ Option 1: Dragon's Ember Core (Rank: D) (Passive) - The solidified dragon blood at the suit's core automatically gathers energy from the surrounding air and incoming damage, converting it into power to enhance the suit's capabilities, granting the user superhuman physiology. The enhancement can reach a maximum of 100%. (0%) ]

[ Option 2: Autonomous Sentinel (Rank: D) (Passive) - This option grants the suit the ability to act independently, allowing it to carry out basic commands and movements without direct input from the wearer. ]

[ Option 3: Dormant Resonance (Rank: D) (Passive - Ring) - This option enables the suit to enter a dormant state when not in use, preserving its energy and minimizing wear by taking the form of a stone ring. ]

[ Durability: 100% ]

Tarn's mutant abilities were psionic in nature, targeting DNA alterations, but the Dragonforge Exosuit was not living tissue and thus unaffected. Instead, the suit absorbed the psionic energy, strengthening itself. Oliver watched as the suit acted autonomously, engaging Tarn in a fierce battle. Meanwhile, Oliver himself was locked in combat with Vulcan, trading blows while secretly collecting Vulcan's blood.

"Kneel before your rightful King, Symbiote pest!" Vulcan taunted, only to find himself interrupted as Oliver speed-blitzed him, driving him into the ground with a powerful knee strike. Dust kicked up around them, the force of the impact echoing through the arena.

In the crowd, two figures observed the spectacle. One was a human male with brown skin and dark hair, dressed in a sleek black suit. The other was a woman in a striking gold and red armor, the armor seeming to meld with her skin.

"Well, that was quite a strike," the woman, Isca, remarked. She was known as the undefeated mutant, possessing the power to remain undefeated in battle. Beside her, the man, Sunspot, nodded in agreement.

"Well, Vulcan deserved it," Sunspot replied, watching as Oliver launched Vulcan into the air with a flurry of strikes. Vulcan, absorbed in his own power, absorbed a dark pulse of energy, laughing madly as he absorbed it.

"I absorb all kinds of energy—" Vulcan's boast was cut short as Oliver, with a swift move, drove him back into the ground with incredible force, the ground itself seeming to wince at the display of power.

Meanwhile, the Dragonforge Exosuit pounded relentlessly on Tarn the Uncaring, each strike only serving to empower the armor further. Oliver, holding Vulcan by the throat, remarked, "You know, none of this would have happened if you had let me walk away. You both could have continued your match." With Tarn now brought close, lightning crackled overhead as a familiar voice echoed, "Enough, Oliver."

Turning to the source of the voice, Oliver was relieved to see Orora Manroa. "Hello, Orora," he greeted, still gripping Vulcan and Tarn. "Could you please let them continue their match? It's important," she requested politely. Sighing, Oliver relented, "Sure, I can, but that would make us even." Releasing Vulcan and allowing the Dragonforge Exosuit to let go of Tarn, they both slumped to the ground. "Since when do you owe me a favor?" Orora asked, clearly surprised.

"Well, you and Wanda helped me return to New York, so I did owe you a favor. And just so you know, you could have used that favor for better things than them," Oliver explained, gesturing to the two unconscious men.

"Is that so?" Orora smiled, walking out of the arena alongside Oliver as the crowd erupted into cheers. "Yes, you could have asked me to create a bolt that enhances your power or something else," Oliver suggested, making a throat-cutting gesture. Orora chuckled, "Well, it looks like I missed out on a big opportunity."

"There are more than one ways to earn my favor," Oliver replied, causing Orora to give him a side-eye. "Really? I mean, Kitty has told us things, but I do appreciate the gesture," she said, prompting Oliver to frown. "Whatever she said to you, it's not true," he muttered under his breath, cursing Kitty Pride silently.

"Okay, enough of that. Why don't you tell me about this dimension? I'm currently on a journey to visit as many dimensions as possible," Oliver suggested.

"Well, if you want to visit different dimensions, then welcome to Arakoa, formerly known as Mars. Why don't I give you a tour, and we can talk then?" Orora proposed, surprising Oliver, who agreed to follow her.

(Scene Change)

Out in the Martian mountains, the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow across the landscape as Oliver and Orora watched. "And yeah, that's how I was elected as the ruler of Mars, now known as Arakoa," Orora explained, detailing the transformation of Mars into a green, habitable planet.


A/N what oliver is current seeing right now.


and she is a queen!!!!! i know I would fold.

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