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90.9% Starscourge Radahn in ATG / Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Capítulo 20: Chapter 20

Heavenly Sword Mountain Range.

The continuous rise and slope of the famed mountain range stretched for hundreds of kilometers. Billowing clouds swirled around the sky-scraping peaks, among them was a spectacular mountain several thousand meters tall that looked like a sword reaching for the sky, Besides the beauty of the lush greenery, a vast sea of trees covered the base of the region. But what gave the region its heavenly sword naming was the sword energy that penetrated every inch of the land, forever cementing the status of Heavenly Sword Villa as the number one sect in the Blue Wind Empire.

At the moment Radahn was floating in the sky beside him was T'iam, who was clinging to his arm in a daze looking as if not used to spatial traveling, he took a breath of fresh air while enjoying the feeling of flight as the wind whipped their hair about. No matter how much time passed no one could ever get sick of this feeling for it signifies freedom, and more importantly, power.

T'iam looked at the mountain and the sword terrace beneath them, she sensed the dormant sword energy in the region and understood how old this sect must be for the region to transform into something that reflected their arts. She looked at Radahn Fascinated by the mysteries this world hid and asked curiously 

'' Do you have any business with this sect? '' 

Radahn shook his head and replied '' No, I have no business with the Heavenly Sword Villa, but there's a fool I know since we were young, I remember him coming to our mansion to play, and the bastard almost managed to marry my sister, I heard that he died here, So I thought that the least I can do is give him a proper burial, and more importantly he hides a lot of secrets that I disdained to take from him when he was alive but with his death… ''

Radahn looked at the formation on the sword terrace while spreading his senses deep inside, a second later, he looked baffled.

'' But it looks like his luck really defies the heavens. No matter, let's descend there's another business I have with him. ''

They descended and stood above the formation, from the back, a few disciples who saw them appear from nowhere hurried toward them.

'' Hey! Who are you? This place is forbidden for outsid- ''

But before the leader of the group could finish his word they all fell unconscious. T'iam looked back and forth between her companion and the sleeping disciples, She seemed to understand a bit of his personality with this action ' He doesn't appreciate nonsense, just like father used to be… '

Radahn spread his spatial power, above the formation and they descended unhindered, without raising any alarm or making a scene. Once they descended they found an old disheveled man chained to a huge sword, but the weird scene in this gloomy hole was the young man was shaking on the ground as if he was resisting an enormous torture.

He looked at him weirdly ' Why is it that I always find him spasming on the floor? Is this his way of training? But this feeling… Great Way of the Buddha… How did it land in his hand? '



The sound of chains stretching taut sounded as the old man with the faded white hair roared. 


T'iam was shocked by the sudden old man's rage, she closed her eyes startled, and went behind Radahn, she had never seen torture before due to her being a unique existence in her clan, but the old man's state, his darkening scars, his empty patches of hair, the blood falling from where the chains held him in place, spoke clear about the torture he used to experience.

Radahn didn't react at first, he let the old man scream and shout all he wanted, the power emanating from him and the cyan hand that suddenly materialized was weak, he just conjured a barrier covering him and T'iam, and waited until the old man's voice grew hoarse then he slumped weakly to the ground. 

He removed the barrier and patted T'iam's head, as she looked a bit shocked about what happened. ' She has immense power, but she doesn't use it, is it her nature?... I don't know if it's good or bad. But I certainly don't mind it. ' 

After approaching the old man, he sensed the defeat and the resentment hidden behind his old weary eyes. 

'' I'm not from the sacred grounds. '' he shortly replied

The old man glared at him '' Like I'd believe any one of you bastards, you've got no honor ''

Radahn's eyes shone dangerously for a moment but he still held himself, it wasn't in his nature to bully the weak.

'' I don't know what you're talking about old man. I come from Frozen Cloud Asgard and I have no relation to the sacred grounds, but if it'd make you feel better, I'll tell you that I destroyed one of them a month ago. ''

The old man's head snapped up as he looked at Radahn's eyes trying to sense any falsehood from him, and he didn't, his weary eyes shone for the first time in a hundred years, he asked with excitement building up in his voice.

'' Which one? Tell me which one did you destroy? ''

'' Sun Moon Divine Hall. '' 

The old man, although at first looked happy, however after hearing his answer, his excitement deflated a bit as he murmured 

'' Why couldn't it be the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region?... Why?... '' 

'' I went to the sacred ground you're talking about, but I didn't kill everyone there, only the one who offended me in front of their eyes as a warning. ''

Yun Canghai once again looked at the young man, his rage that took hold of him, led him to make a mistake, which was that he didn't notice; from the beginning to the end, he didn't sense a wisp of energy from both of them, which meant only one thing to an old Peak sovereign like him.

'' You've stepped past the limits, both of you… '' he said in a matter of fact.

'' Yes ''

'' How does it feel? What's it called? ''

'' It feels the same way as when you stepped into the elementary profound realm, it's a transcendence, but in the end, it's just power… it's called the divine origin realm. ''

'' I see… if you don't have any business with me, why come here? Do you know me? ''

'' No, I don't know you, old man, I came for the one on the floor… and how should I call you? ''

'' Yun Canghai, I come from the Demon illusory realm. But as you see the sacred ground bastards, sealed me here for a hundred years… '' 

' Yun Canghai, Yun Che ' Radahn looked thoughtful for a moment then started speaking once again.

'' Are you perhaps related? Is he your descendant? ''

'' No, why would you say so young man? '' Yun Canghai looked puzzled and baffled by the sudden question.

Radahn also didn't know but he was merely curious while on the other hand, T'iam looked as if she had something to say but didn't know how to say it.

'' I was just curious, the boy's original name is Xiao Che, but I heard that he started calling himself Yun Che nowadays. ''

Yun Canghai remembered his son and his wife, grief got a hold of his heart as he answered 

'' No, me and the boy have no relation… I regret acting rashly that day and dooming him to a fate no worse than mine. ''

Having been listening and contemplating in silence, T'iam gathered her courage and spoke for the first time since they came here 

''Um, Excuse me, but you might be related after all.. ''

Yun Canghai turned his head to the girl and thought that it wouldn't be an understatement if he called her the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He shook his head and replied.

'' No impossible, I don't have another son nor a grands- '' When he was about to say the last words he froze.

''My eyes are different from other people, I can see what people can never see in their lifetime, and when I look at you too, I see some similar kind of power inside both of you… '' T'iam quietly explained what she was puzzled about since she saw them both, the power that was sleeping in the boy and the cyan strong power she felt from the man, was something she had never come across before.

Yun Canghai slowly turned his head to the boy, he had no high hopes for her words to be true and if she was, he would be a grave sinner to let his relative or descendant fall to such state. He inspected his figure, face, and thought about what the girl had said ' Indeed he does look quite similar to my son, and the power she's talking about, is it the profound handle?... what an absurd idea '

Seeing the old man lost in his thoughts, Radahn turned his head to Yun Che and asked 

'' How long has he been like this? ''

'' I don't remember exactly the time, but it should have been many days since he fell into such state. '' 

Radahn nodded and brought two chairs from his spatial storage for him and T'iam, then sat waiting, for he felt that the Great Way of the Buddha cycle was about to finish. 

After an hour, Yun Che stirred and sat up, the first thing he saw was an angelic face, one like he had never seen before, but beside her was a face he could never forget.

'' You have a penchant for sleeping on the floor, don't you? " The sound came from his ex-brother-in-law.

Yun Che awkwardly got up and patted the dust from his clothes

'' It's not like I'm doing it on purpose. It just happens. ''

Radahn looked at him knowingly then he unleashed his vast presence on him, and said slowly word by word.

'' Where did you get the Great Way of Buddha? "

Yun Che's eyes widened in shock that he recognized and knew about the technique, he gritted his teeth resisting the pressure and answered truthfully because he knew the guy in front of him could go to any length just to get the answer from him, moreover, he knew too many secrets about him that it didn't matter if he told the truth now.

'' It was my master who passed it on to me… you've met her before. ''

Radahn remembered the little girl he saw before and he didn't expect that she had the rage god's technique as well.

'' No matter, since you've begun practicing it, I won't stop you, but you should know that if you divulge it to anyone, no matter how close they are to you I'll wring your neck, the same goes for your master, pass on the word to her. As I'm the rightful inheritor of the Rage God ''

Suddenly the pressure disappeared leaving Yun Che gasping for breath, he nodded.

'' I swear, I won't give it to anyone else. ''

'' Good '' Radahn shortly replied 

Yun Canghai had been listening to them but his head was filled with too many thoughts, that he didn't register the mention of the technique or the rage god. He turned to the boy and asked.

'' Tell me, who are your parents? ''

Yun Che didn't know what was the old man's purpose in asking this question but still, it made him remember. He conjured a pendant from the sky poison pearl inside his sleeve and brought it in front of his eyes.

'' I don't know. I was raised by my father's sworn brother, they switched their child with me since my original parents were being hunted down for fear that their line would end that day. ''


The chains stretched as the old man starred, shocked at the presence of the pendant, here in all of the places.

'' Where did you get it? Tell me who gave it to you? '' 

Yun Che was almost frightened by the man's tone of voice but he still replied.

'' It was the last thing my parents left for me. ''

Yun Canghai's eyes seemed out of focus while muttering '' A young child, the pendant, the Yun name. ''

'' Come here young child let me inspect your hand for a moment, don't feel afraid, you know I didn't do anything to you during this whole period please come closer and show me your hand. ''

 Yun Che felt suspicious at first, but he still advanced and stretched his hand for the old man.

A moment later a gentle cyan light emerged from Yun Canghai and touched his hand, and before long a sword-shaped symbol appeared on Yun Che's hand.

Yun Canghai looked at the mark, his eyes couldn't help but water seeing their clan's bloodline mark.

'' You're truly my grandson, My grandson… and I have doomed you here with me. '' 

Yun Che's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when he saw the mark and heard his words.

'' What do you mean grandson? What's this mark? ''


Radahn and T'iam stood silent for several minutes watching the grandfather-grandson pair meet and recognize each other for the first time, as they went through several tests to confirm they were indeed related.

T'iam eyes turned red, and tears slowly slid down her cheeks, hearing the story behind the boy, his parents, and his grandfather's imprisonment. Seeing them reunite, she remembered that she was alone, there was no relative to find. Even their graves were nonexistent, defiled by the old enemies. She reached out and hugged the side of the only person she felt safe with. Seeking comfort in his warm big hands.

Radahn looked at her actions, a complicated expression was on his face, and he couldn't help but admit the girl had grown on him, not just her beauty, but her gentle disposition that should never exist in such a cruel world. He patted her head and unfortunately had to break the Yun family reunion.

'' Yun Che, Do you know Chu Yuechan? '' 

Yun Che turned his head and fidgeted uneasily because he knew Xia Yuanba was from Frozen Cloud Asgard, moreover, they had strict rules regarding the relation between males and females.

'' Ah, I don't know her. ''

Radahn squinted his eyes and said with a deep voice '' Don't lie, not only that you know her, you've also impregnated her. ''

'' WHAT? '' 


Two completely different shouts rang out for two completely different reasons.

'' Yes, it's true. She's indeed bearing your child, but she was expelled from the sect. '' Radahn replied

Yun Che's heart started to beat faster and faster, as he felt his fears were about to come true regarding Frozen Asgard Rules.

'' Is she fine? Where's she? '' 

Yun Canghai, hearing the conversation taking a wrong turn, turned his happiness into a creeping dread. '' Where's my grandaughter-in-law''

T'iam lifted her head and looked at Radahn hoping that the matter wouldn't take a wrong turn, to which Radahn smiled a little comforting her.

'' She's safe, my sister made sure of it. And this is the second reason I came here aside from giving you a proper burial while taking those little treasures you have. But unfortunately, I can't do that now. ''

Yun Che breathed a sigh of relief, then he asked nervously '' Then where is she right now? '' 

Radahn didn't speak, he looked at him then at the old man, his deep eyes for a second shone violet after which the chain along the sword binding the old man vanished. Yun Canghai stumbled when the weight of the chains was lifted off him. 

He looked at his hands, the scars on his dirty skin, his torn clothes. He couldn't help but feel a lump stuck in his throat, but he held his emotional outburst in front of his Grandson when suddenly a golden shining palm touched his old faded hair.

'' Lord's Heal '' a soft murmur followed by a warm feeling spreading through his body made Yun Canghai close his eyes for a few seconds in comfort. When he opened his eyes he found his strength returned to its past glory, the scars on his arm vanished, his hair started to grow back although it retained the grey color. A testament to what he experienced.

He looked at the young man standing before him, the girl beside him, and his grandson who looked amazed at his recovery, he couldn't grasp the words to express his gratitude so he only said two words softly.

'' Thank you. ''

Radahn didn't reply, he merely waved his hand creating a spatial tunnel.

'' Let's go right now if you want to meet your granddaughter-in-law. '' 

Yun Che and Yun Canghai exchanged nervous glances and one by one entered the spatial tunnel, leaving the gloomy hole silent after hundreds of years of unspoken torture, none the wiser about their departure.

After a moment they appeared before the phoenix clan, where a large barrier covered the entirety of the phoenix ruins.

'' Go, she's inside. Open the seal for your grandfather to enter, only those with the phoenix bloodline may. ''

Yun Che turned to face Radahn, he bowed alongside his grandfather in gratitude. 

'' Thank you for everything that you did for us, we'll be forever indebted to you. ''

Radahn merely nodded his head as he watched them enter the barrier and begin their search.

'' That was very kind of you '' T'iam who was still clinging to his arm, said in a soft voice.

'' it's what should be done. A man must be beside his woman and child as they grow up, I hope the brat will grow a bit after this experience. '' 

He looked at her beautiful eyes and said.

 '' Let's go T'iam '' 

'' Um let's return. ''


During the following days, they resumed their normal life, while unconsciously growing closer without even noticing it, during her days when T'iam was exploring the house alone, she entered the crafting room, where she found different sketches, ores, and materials scattered over the table. She picked one sketch and noticed that the ink was still fresh.

The image depicted golden armor made of some gold-colored materials, with fur peaking underneath the arm guards, but the most particular thing about the sketch was the lion head helmet and the long red mane flowing down on the back.

She took a long look at the sketches here, then she smiled brightly as an idea crossed her mind.

Quick_Ben Quick_Ben

I know that some readers hate Yun Che to the bone, and I understand it, but he still has some redeeming qualities. I intend to steer his fate in another direction which will make the story more enjoyable for you.

Good day to everyone, Hope that you'll enjoy the chapter.

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