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32.5% Still Defiant! SI-OC [Marvel/DC] / Chapter 12: 12: Fly Me to the Moon

Capítulo 12: 12: Fly Me to the Moon

12: Fly Me to the Moon

March 1, 2007

"Time to eat!" The words took a young woman, who couldn't have been more than 25 years old, by surprise, pulling her out of her concentration as she glanced up from the papers in her hands towards the door of her new office.

There her colleague, a woman in her 40s, looked at her with a friendly smile while waving a lunch bag.

The young doctor checked the clock on her desk; she had become so absorbed in her work that she had forgotten about lunchtime.

She quickly stood up, stashed the papers in a drawer, and grabbed her bag.

Soon the two women arrived at the area where most of the staff had their lunches.

Sitting at a table with a beautiful view of the sea, the 40-year-old woman continued talking.

"There will be some new transfers this month"

"New transfers?" That was unexpected. She hadn't heard anything about that, although she supposed it was normal; she hadn't been at Rykers for long.

On the other hand, the woman in front of her, named Isabella, was one of the most established psychologists and therapists on the island. She wasn't the oldest, but she had certainly gained some renown among the staff and was one of the few people authorized to work with Rykers' most dangerous inmates.

Since arriving at Rykers and meeting her, it was clear that her knowledge and contacts within the facility were extensive. She also seemed quite enthusiastic about sharing information with people she liked, and fortunately for her, she seemed to have taken a liking to her.

Isabella seemed somewhat pleased and continued talking as she unpacked her lunch.

"Do you know about that old asylum in Gotham?" The mention of Gotham made her pause for a second—her old home, the place where she grew up and never wanted to return to.

She nodded, with some discomfort perfectly concealed.

"I heard it's going to be demolished, something about irreparable structural damage" It was hard not to hear about the news, even if she hated it; home was always home, and knowing what was happening there was something she couldn't avoid.

"Exactly, it seems the city government decided it was time to get rid of it. I suppose it's natural; the crime rate in Gotham has never been lower, there haven't been any major criminals born there in some time, and there really isn't any reason to maintain a place like that now" It was easy to connect the dots.

"So, are the transfers going to be from that place? Are they sending us the inmates here?" Isabella nodded, and the smile on her face visibly faded.

"It seems they'll be our problem now..." Her concern was evident, though she couldn't quite understand it all.

Of course, prisoners previously confined in an asylum could be somewhat troublesome, but Rykers was not lacking in such individuals; that's why Isabella and she were there.

Noticing her bewilderment, Isabella could only give a bitter smile.

"You youngsters really do forget the past, huh... but I don't blame you. Nobody wants to remember those times" Isabella drifted off for a moment, gazing at the horizon before continuing to speak.

"Listen, Harleen, you're young, so you probably don't know, but Gotham was a horrible place. I'm not just talking about gangs or common criminals. A long time ago, madness literally ran through its streets. Arkham Asylum was the place where all that rot and darkness, where the true monsters, were dragged to never see the light of day again and rot there" Her words were solemn, and Harleen couldn't refute them even if she wanted to.

Having been born and raised in Gotham, even if she was born during a time when things were different, there were still traces of what was once the most dangerous city in the United States. Things improved over time, of course, but she could still remember the old stories, although nobody went into exact details. The fear in the words of those brave enough to remember the past was evident.

Of course, most of those born after the city's darkest years thought that much of what was said was an exaggeration. There couldn't possibly be such a horrible place in the world... could there?

"What changed?" she couldn't help but ask. How did Gotham transform? Even if she was born there, she did so when everything was already different, so she was curious.

Isabella pondered deeply on it before continuing to speak.

"I'm not sure exactly. Those were very chaotic times, and everything seemed to keep getting worse. The news media weren't much help either; very few journalists dared to venture into the streets of Gotham, and those brave enough to try ended up six feet under shortly thereafter. I ran from there when I had the chance and only heard what happened afterward once it was all over" She took a sip of her water and continued speaking.

"It was like hell, that's what everyone said. The streets were ablaze, and bodies piled up in heaps. The largest gang war the United States had ever witnessed took place there. The city was nearly destroyed, and the local government collapsed. If it weren't for Wayne Enterprises taking the reins of what was left and investing in the reconstruction, Gotham wouldn't exist anymore" Harleen could believe the latter. Wayne Industries... saying it owned Gotham wouldn't be a lie. Gotham might have its own government, but everyone living there knew that without Wayne Industries, the city would collapse.

Whether it was the massive job opportunities, the amount of infrastructure investment, or its community and educational support, Gotham couldn't continue to exist without any of that, at least it wouldn't have been able to survive its most turbulent and darkest years without Wayne Industries.

Even if the company didn't make as much noise now as it did before, it was still one of the most important companies in America and beyond.

Isabella seemed to get lost in memories for a moment before shaking her head.

"Back to the point, although many of Gotham's most important criminals died in that gang war, those who remained aren't any better. They're considered beyond redemption, the worst scum on earth. If the death penalty were an option at that time, they would all be dead already. In fact, when it was known that Arkham would have to be demolished, it was considered to just get rid of all of them, but you know how it is"

Harleen didn't know, although she was good at what she did, she wasn't really interested in getting involved in the more political aspects of her profession.

"Are you trying to scare me, Isabella?" If it were someone else, all of Isabella's words would have been enough to make them sweat.

The older woman laughed and shook her head.

"I just want to warn you. Although you've only just arrived at Rykers, you're undoubtedly one of the best psychiatrists to set foot on this island. Even if others say you're young, the truly important people are aware of your value. I'm sure you'll be offered to deal with the new inmates... don't do it"

Their eyes met directly. Harleen could see the seriousness in her gaze and knew she meant it. Her concern was genuine. For a moment, she considered it, but deep down, she knew that if the opportunity really presented itself, she couldn't refuse it.

As a psychiatrist, refusing a patient just because they were dangerous was absurd in her eyes. And above all that, she wouldn't deny that the challenge of treating a patient beyond the "norm" was attractive.

"I can't promise anything" she said, unable to promise to reject this.

Isabella sighed, her shoulders visibly sagging. She looked at her and shook her head.

"Young people are always so fearless" she almost seemed to pout.

Harleen laughed, and soon the conversation shifted to more mundane topics. It didn't take long for them to finish their meals, and both returned to their offices.

The blonde woman smoothed her long hair and opened the door to her office, ready to continue her work.

Distracted as she was, she still managed to notice that something was different. It was as if something had simply changed. She looked up without noticing anything strange until she saw the open window—she had closed that window.

The second thing she noticed was that her office chair was occupied.

Her pupils dilated slightly, and an exclamation of astonishment almost escaped her lips.

There, occupying her place, was a tall man. His well-built figure was notable thanks to the semi-fitted suit that covered his body completely. His black hair was slicked back, and on his face, a mask covered the upper part of it.

Still, she could clearly see his blue eyes, ones that looked directly at her when she entered. A smile formed on his lips as he stood up, the "D" on his chest almost shining with the sunlight streaming through the window.

"Doctor Harleen, I've been expecting you. I need to talk to you"




The tea was poured slowly into the cup, Daniel watched the hot liquid steam with some nervousness.

He hadn't really expected to have to do this, but recent events had forced him to make a quick decision.

He looked at the blonde woman in front of him, dressed formally. She was undoubtedly beautiful, with a unique charm. Though her nervousness was evident, she still maintained an air of professionalism that accentuated her beauty even more.

How contradictory it was; the image before him tried to overlay with the memories in his mind, and the comparison was truly striking.

How could someone like her become a crazy lunatic who smashed things with a mallet?

He wondered if he had made a mistake. Perhaps she was a different person?

Of course, while she had some similarities to the images in his memories, the reality was that there were also many clear differences. They were small differences, but when you added them all up, you could say that a completely different person stood before him.

It would be easier to say that she was like a close relative of the person he was seeking.

Of course, he knew there was no mistake. He had made sure to search correctly and verify the databases over and over again until he found her.

When he arrived in this world, he had lost some memories, but at the same time, many remained intact, or at least most of them did. Harleen Quinzel was a name and a face he remembered almost entirely.

Or more precisely, her other identity, Harley Quinn.

There were some missing pieces here and there, but he had enough information about her to know her real name and the name she would later take in life when she decided to completely lose her mind.

One of the reasons he hadn't wanted to dwell too much on her and hadn't tried to find her at first was because he didn't exactly remember what had driven her to madness.

He had a vague idea, something about a clown, chemicals, and crazy love.

But it was fuzzy and complicated, and the more he thought about it, the more complicated it became.

Harleen Quinzel from his memories and this Harleen Quinzel seemed to lead similar yet very different lives, he supposed that was what happened when the multiverse came into play.

Similar but not exactly the same, which he didn't know if it was good or not, considering the reason he was here and why he had decided to contact her.

He wouldn't lie, if he had a better option to choose from, he would run towards it. Different or not, the woman in front of him was still a potential psychopath who would commit multiple crimes until somehow gaining a strange kind of consciousness where she would try to be better but still remain insane.

"For some reason, I feel insulted" Dr. Harleen's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked at her directly, noticing her crooked smile, and coughed awkwardly.

"Did I say something out loud?" The fact that he didn't deny what the doctor thought made her eyebrows twitch slightly.

"No, but when you're in my line of work, you learn how to read people well enough to notice their thoughts"

That made sense. He cleared his mind and became serious, though it didn't bother him, he hadn't come for a psychological analysis, at least not for him.

Noticing his change, the doctor straightened up, adjusted her glasses, and swallowed. Even though she seemed professional, she was having a small panic attack at the moment.

Not every day did the world's only superhero sneak into your office asking to talk to you.

She would lie if she said it wasn't exciting. Her life had had many events, but most of them weren't worth mentioning. She had focused entirely on her studies and career, leaving aside anything else, so interesting events had eluded her for a long time.

Of course, she wasn't complaining; it was the life she had chosen, and she was okay with it. Still, being surprised from time to time was nice, and this certainly was the biggest surprise she had had in... well, to say years would be an understatement.

Depending on what Defiant sought from her, this could very well be the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her.

Of course, it could also be extremely disappointing, but it never hurt to have hope.

"I came for help" Daniel was starting to think that this phrase would become his new motto if he kept saying it.

But it was inevitable; even if he was capable, there were things that were better left in the hands of others. With his newfound abilities and the help of the core, he could become an "expert" in different fields, but he didn't want to do that. If he started trying to solve every problem in that way, he would end up with no time for anything else. Just thinking about it stressed him out, and that wasn't the life he wanted to live.

So the best solution was to let the people who were already experts in something take care of it. Unless, of course, he had no options... which was almost the case with Killgrave. His actions went beyond simply twisting people's wills to make them do repulsive acts. His powers literally affected the chemical state of the human brain.

Neurochemistry wasn't something to play with casually, and Killgrave did it like a child who didn't care about damaging his toys. His powers, like an irresistible drug, infected the brain at levels Daniel could barely comprehend. He knew it had something to do with pheromones, but honestly, that was oversimplifying and underestimating it too much.

So far, he had managed to find and save about ten victims, but there were many others he didn't reach in time. The number of suicides he witnessed easily reached three digits. and they were only the recent victims, any other victims that there might have been were either already dead or had chosen to escape to where Killgrave couldn't hurt them again.

Tracking his trail wasn't easy. He knew how to hide and cover his tracks, which was unexpected considering how foolish he had shown himself to be when tried to control him.

But even if he covered his tracks, he couldn't cover his scent.

It was disgusting, but it was the clearest path he could follow to trace his trail, at least for a while. Even with his senses, smelling something that was no longer there was still impossible.

Killgrave's scent may have been different from others', but it was still an aroma. Sooner or later, it disappears, especially considering he never stayed in one place for too long.

Harleen blinked when she heard his request for help. For a moment, she thought about what a psychiatrist could do to help him and almost panicked, but she managed to control herself.

If the world's only superhero had mental problems, then she didn't want to join his bad side, even if it was the last thing she did.

Although she hid it well, Daniel could see her initial panic, and he could only laugh ironically.

"I didn't come here for myself, Doctor"

So he began to explain.

The doctor listened attentively, becoming increasingly interested in the topic. Of course, Daniel didn't explain in detail what he did with Killgrave or what his fate was, and she seemed more interested in the effect of his powers and his victims.

It took some time, but he managed to detail everything necessary, or at least what he believed was necessary.

"Now I understand" Harleen thought deeply. This was certainly extremely interesting and important. To think that there was someone out there capable of doing such things without anyone being able to stop them was also terrifying.

At least until Daniel assured her that he would no longer be a problem and that he wouldn't harm anyone else. It was vague, but she could deduce some things from his behavior and his evasiveness when explaining what happened with this "Killgrave." Still, she didn't ask further questions.

Whatever the fate of that individual was, it wasn't her problem, and she certainly didn't expect to deal with him ever.

Her only job was clear, yet doubts still crept in.

"Why me? Of course, I know it's because I'm a psychiatrist and somehow this falls into my field. Still, I know there are better options. Not to mention the world, on this very island, I can count at least four people who are better than me and have more experience"

She was honest. Although proud of what she had achieved, she was clear about her capabilities and knew when something seemed beyond them. And certainly, this case seemed too complex and extraordinary.

Daniel had already thought about this question and his answer.

"Because I trust you, not them"

It was simple, really. Even if there were better options, they were unpredictable to a certain extent. He had read enough comics and seen enough movies to know the risks. He didn't want to accidentally create a second Killgrave.

On the other hand, Doctor Harleen Quinzel was... predictable. He had enough information about her and her possible future to know what to expect. If she turned evil, went mad, or something similar, then it was expected, something he could plan for and have countermeasures against.

It was like playing a game you had played before, even if it had more than one ending, you still knew which one it would be, and it was easier to deal with.

Of course, this wasn't a game, and it didn't have just two endings. The information he had wasn't infallible, and blindly trusting it would never lead to anything good.

But he preferred to take this risk and deal with the consequences later, knowing it was something he chose and not something that happened by chance.

The doctor blinked in confusion.

"Do you trust me? I know I don't have a bad memory, and I would remember seeing you before, so forgive me if I doubt that trust" Although it was flattering, Harleen wasn't foolish or easily swayed by the situation to be bought with a simple "I trust you"


Somewhere on her farm, Carol suddenly sneezed, and for some strange reason, she felt the urge to punch a blonde... Did Chloe do something wrong?


Daniel smiled at her expected doubt and continued speaking.

"Even if you doubt it, I have my own ways of investigating people. I considered many options and researched many others, and undoubtedly, you are the most trustworthy and qualified psychiatrist I've managed to find" It was a complete lie, but sometimes lying for a greater good was necessary.

The doctor looked at him seriously, and although she was an expert in her field, she couldn't see through Daniel's lie. It wasn't her fault; Daniel could measure and control his body language forcibly using his super speed and his core. It was complicated but feasible and proved effective on this occasion.

Dr. Harleen blushed a little. She hadn't expected such a response, and undoubtedly, pride bloomed within her upon hearing the reason for Daniel's trust.

She couldn't help but smile and fall into the very thing she had criticized not long ago. In reality, she was dazzled by the situation, although in her defense, she could say she was deceived by Daniel.

"Then I'll help you! Leave it to me!" She smiled widely, her teeth almost shining in the sunlight.

Daniel couldn't help but inwardly sigh when she didn't ask any further questions. It would have been more difficult to explain how he "investigated" all those other "psychiatrists" before deciding that she was the best and most reliable option.

He had prepared an entire speech, of course, but he preferred not to spend thirty minutes explaining all that.

He almost felt guilty for lying to her, but then he remembered that she would probably go crazy and evil, and then he would have to put her in prison in the not-so-distant future, and that made the guilt disappear.

Of course, there was also the possibility that he was wrong, but honestly, Daniel didn't believe he would be that lucky.




The air rippled, and then a gust of wind swept across the fields filled with tall grass, stirring the blades in its wake.

Within a radius of two hundred meters, the air suddenly changed direction abruptly, as if two opposing forces were colliding at high speed. To the untrained eye, it would simply appear as if several air explosions were occurring without any apparent reason. Even those with keen vision would struggle to discern what was happening, unable to see anything more than blurry images without the ability to describe their form.

Only the two figures standing in the midst of the exchange were aware that they were the cause of such a phenomenon.

Daniel glanced at Carol, who smiled confidently and swiftly approached him. Without hesitation, he raised his arm to block a strike that caused the air to ripple and a shockwave to form. The ground beneath their feet sank, and Daniel had to jump to avoid the collapsing terrain. He examined his arm, which had slightly numbed for half a second.

As he landed again, he had to crouch immediately to dodge Carol's leg, which passed over his head, almost brushing his hair. His eyes turned towards her, studying her for a moment before he hurried.

Carol opened her eyes slightly, raising both arms to shield herself just in time to receive Daniel's blow. The sound of impact reverberated for a moment. Carol tried to straighten her posture, but the soft ground beneath her feet offered no support. The earth simply gave way, and her body formed a long trench before coming to a halt.

Daniel glanced at his fist, outwardly appearing fine, but only he knew the small cracks that had formed on his knuckles before he forced them to disappear. He looked at Carol, who was shaking off the dirt in the distance, narrowing his eyes slightly.

It had been weeks since he started training with her, and it had only been a few days since he began teaching her how to fight. At first, she seemed clumsy, but she was learning quickly.

The exercises to help her control her strength had worked, and she could move without fear of destroying everything in her path, at least for the most part.

Looking around, he couldn't help but wear a bitter smile on his face.

She seemed quite capable of controlling her strength to avoid hurting others, but...

She seemed to forget that she should also control her strength when fighting.

The first time she rushed to strike him, she almost broke his arm.

Fortunately, he was prepared for an accident like that, and his core helped him heal instantly. She hadn't even realized what had happened and continued trying to hit him.

She was enthusiastic, he would give her that, and also strong.

Extremely strong.

But perhaps the most astonishing thing about her was her durability. So far, even when he had hit her seriously, he hadn't even left a small bruise.

Of course, she didn't know he had tried to do that, nor did he believe she would appreciate it if he told her he wanted to hit her until she was hurt.

'what is it that you are'

Not for the first time did Daniel have this question.


"Damn" Carol muttered under her breath, glancing at Daniel in the distance.

She couldn't help but feel annoyed. So far, she hadn't managed to land a single direct hit on him. She knew he had more experience than her, but she had trusted that she could catch up quickly.

It seemed she had overestimated herself.

What was worse, he didn't seem to be taking her seriously. At least, that's what she thought.

Every time he struck her, it felt like he was just pushing her away.

She had read and researched on her own several times, and had even watched some fights that took place in her school. She knew that when two people fight, they both should get hurt. Though she had never felt pain herself, and as strange as it sounded, she had expected to experience it when Daniel suggested they train together.

She didn't know what it felt like, but she knew it wasn't pleasant. Still, feeling something new for the first time was more exciting than any concern it might bring her, and somehow, she eagerly anticipated it.

What was it like? How did pain feel?

Well, she still didn't know, and that was starting to frustrate her.

Did he think she couldn't handle it?

For some reason, Carol thought that Daniel was holding back. If Daniel knew about these thoughts, he would probably just laugh bitterly.

It wasn't that Daniel was holding back; it was that Carol was much stronger than even she thought.

Daniel looked at Carol, who was furrowing her brow, and couldn't help but approach her slowly.

"What's wrong? Don't like getting dirty?" he joked lightly, but when she continued to look at him with some annoyance, he couldn't help but furrow his brow slightly in confusion.

"Stop playing around"

Her words caught him off guard, and Daniel couldn't help but feel confused for a moment.

"Playing around? What do you mean?"

Upon her apparent confusion, Carol couldn't help but furrow her brows, and Daniel almost thought she was about to pout.

"You're not taking me seriously. You said you'd teach me to fight, but you're not taking me seriously"

Upon hearing this, Daniel couldn't help but blink in confusion. He wasn't exactly sure what she meant by that. Obviously, he wasn't looking to seriously hurt or kill her; they were just training fights, after all.

But Daniel wasn't dumb; he quickly thought of something and almost sighed in realization.

This girl, her punches hadn't even hurt her, right?

Figuring this out wasn't difficult for Daniel, considering her attitude and everything she talked about with him. It was easy to figure out.

He truly didn't believe Carol even realized how much she chattered around him these days. It wasn't really annoying, and it helped him distract himself from time to time.

"Do you think I'm holding back?" Although he had already deduced the reason for her annoyance, he decided to ask, perhaps he was wrong.

"Of course!" she replied quickly and accusingly, making Daniel chuckle under his breath.

It seemed he hadn't been mistaken.

Carol approached a bit and spoke reproachfully.

"I know you don't want to hurt me, but if you really want to help me, you have to hit me for real. I need to know what it feels like."

Daniel decided not to contradict the first part of what she said. Indeed, he had been trying to hit her a bit, but she didn't need to know that.

He thought about the second part of what she said and realized it was true. Carol hadn't felt pain before. It was hard to imagine; as someone who had once been human, she should be accustomed to pain. The human body endured it constantly throughout life, whether it was minor discomfort or severe pain.

The human body was somehow accustomed and prepared, whether physically or mentally.

And yet, there were pains that could lead a person to their death.

Taking that into account, what about those who had never felt pain before?

He looked at Carol, studied her face for a moment before making a decision.

"Are you sure about this?" He would still give her the chance to back out.

Seeing Daniel's expression suddenly turn serious, Carol hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Of course, I think-"

She couldn't finish her words as Daniel's figure accelerated towards her in a swift movement that almost went unnoticed, she could see his fist approaching her face in a blurry way.

Her body's hairs stood on end, her eyes widened completely, and her pupils shrank a bit; she hadn't seen him move so fast before.

She didn't even have time to think about whether she could dodge it or not; all she could tell herself was that this was what she had been looking for and she should endure it.

Carol didn't notice that this punch was different from the ones Daniel had made before.

Daniel knew that if he only used his strength to hit her, even if he did it without fear of hurting himself, he would barely accomplish anything. During these days of practice, he had already gotten a small idea of Carol's durability and had thought of different ways to overcome it.

The first and simplest way was to become stronger, something he had been doing slowly but steadily thanks to Carol hitting him all the time without holding back. She didn't hit him with the intention of killing him, of course, but her normal punches were still strong enough to threaten to break his bones with each impact.

After several days like this, and thanks to his core, now those punches only caused numbness and probably bruises, but he had been using his core to heal quickly so that none managed to appear in time to be noticed.

This first method wasn't something he could use now, so he would have to use the second method.

He had been experimenting a lot with his flight, and it wasn't until he decided to take a walk to Mars, to get rid of Killgrave, that he could test his true flight speed.

It was insane; it was completely different from moving on Earth, and he instantly knew that trying to do it on the planet would only lead to total disaster. He couldn't even control himself properly, and he actually almost missed Mars on the way.

But it was also enlightening, and although he couldn't go at that same speed on Earth without risking incinerating it, he could get close.

Using that astronomical acceleration for an instant to push his body beyond its limits.

Daniel's fist hurried, friction heated the air molecules instantly, but the fire didn't have time to form.

Then it hit.

Carol's head jerked sharply to the right, her cheek sunk in, and her body almost went flying, but Daniel was quick to grab her hand.

Then the entire ground they were on exploded.

The late shockwave swept everything around, forming a crater almost instantly that displaced tons of debris in all directions.

The air molecules ignited, causing a wave of heat to spread everywhere; the ground beneath their feet even heated up to the point where it began to melt.

In addition to that, the energy caused by the shockwave spread through the ground, causing an earthquake to strike in a radius of several kilometers.

Fortunately, their training sessions were far, quite far, from any human presence.

Daniel looked at his hand; it didn't seem to be injured, but only he knew that at the moment of impact, all the bones in it shattered into splinters, and if the core hadn't been there, then his entire arm would have exploded into a pile of minced flesh.

Fortunately, the core managed to gather everything back in place before a single drop of blood flew out.

He looked around; the dust was rising uncontrollably, and the ground kept shaking. The crater that had formed easily reached 50 meters in depth, and its width probably exceeded 100 meters.

And all that just from being hit by the aftermath of the punch. Imagining what would have happened if the blow had landed directly on the ground was difficult, even if Daniel was the one who delivered the blow, he had never experimented with the amount of damage it could cause.

Not until now.


Carol hadn't understood what people meant when they said they saw stars once they were hit.

Well, now she knew; her vision became blurry for a second, and her body swayed slightly. If Daniel hadn't been holding her, she probably would have stumbled.

For a moment, she didn't know what had happened, and she just felt like everything was spinning.

Then it came.

The pain.

Her eyes widened as she felt the left side of her face burning in pain.

She steadied herself, and her hand touched her cheek, but she quickly pulled it away when she felt the sharp pang.

She opened and closed her mouth; her eyes couldn't help but redden.

"Are you okay?" Daniel looked at her with some concern. Carol looked up and nodded slowly.

"I-I think so?"

It was difficult to describe; theoretically, she knew what pain was, but experiencing it was very different.

Her body felt like jelly, and she almost wanted to cry. She forcefully repressed that desire; she wasn't weak! She had asked for this; she couldn't disappoint him by starting to cry like a little girl now.

Seeing her state, Daniel helped her sit down and looked at her cheek.

Although it was a bit red and slightly swollen, it didn't seem to be too serious.

Without paying attention, he touched the swelling, causing Carol to flinch.


he didn't apologize since she wanted to feel pain; this should teach her a little about it.

In a short time, he saw the swelling decrease, and the red tone in her skin became lighter and lighter.

Carol blinked when she noticed the pain slowly diminishing, and she carefully touched her face. This time She didn't feel as much pain as before., so she could feel the swelling, although it was now minor.

"It seems you heal fast, That's good" Daniel was somewhat surprised but not too much. In a way, he already expected Carol's body to react differently to injuries; healing so quickly was simply the most "normal" thing that could happen.

Carol touched her cheek, feeling that phantom burning, the pain.

"So, that's what it feels like, huh..." the dizziness, her blurry vision, that initial numbness before the sensory overload hit her.

She looked at Daniel, more precisely at his fist, remembering how it felt when he hit her, his knuckles pressing against her skin.

It was... exciting?...

"Let's go; we need to leave. We've caused enough commotion in this place, and this last thing probably attracted a lot of attention"

Carol was snapped out of her thoughts and nodded, feeling her face flush for no reason.

Soon, they both departed, leaving behind nothing but dust and ruins.




Greg looked through the camera lens with some nervousness; the tree's leaves where he was perched rustled due to the tremor of his excitement. He swallowed hard and tried to improve his position.

Climbing the tree hadn't been easy; it would really suck if he fell from it and ruined everything.

He focused his vision, zoomed the camera in closer, and saw her.

There she was, as beautiful as ever.

Lana Lang entered her room without noticing the stranger who was watching her from her window.

Greg thought she would notice the box he had carefully left on the bed, but she didn't even look at it; she just came in and started undressing.

Greg swallowed; although it wasn't exactly what he was looking for, it was probably better.

Lana removed her clothes gently, exposing her body to the camera, her dark underwear contrasting against her clear, smooth skin.

The curves of her body were perfect, and thanks to her position as a cheerleader, her legs had toned incredibly along with her ass.

Greg hoped she would undress completely, but his luck seemed to abandon him when she went straight into the bathroom.

He clicked his tongue; it didn't matter. He could admire her naked body once she was his, once she saw how much he loved her and how much better he was compared to Whitney.

Then the two of them could be together forever.




"I think it's time" Daniel's words caught Carol's attention, and she looked at him from where she was sitting.

They had returned to the farm, and after cleaning up, Daniel had prepared coffee for both of them.

Personally, Carol didn't really like coffee that much, but she didn't dislike it either. However, spending time with Daniel had made drinking coffee after training become a habit, to the point where drinking coffee had become an acquired taste for her.

Setting down her coffee cup and seeing that she now had his attention, Daniel continued speaking.

"you're ready to use your powers freely"

Carol's eyes widened, and she immediately stood up, her excitement evident.


Daniel nodded. "After over a month, there's little more I can teach you apart from what you already know. You still need to learn a few more things, but for the most part, everything else is something you need to experience firsthand"

Carol smiled widely and almost threw herself at him to hug him, but she managed to restrain herself; she didn't need to embarrass herself like that.

She rubbed her hands nervously and imagined the near future. Using her powers without fear had been mostly the reason for this training, second only to spending time with Daniel.

But she didn't forget the third part, helping others. She had only mentioned that because she thought it would help convince Daniel; after all, he was a hero.

Not that she wasn't a good person or anything, but if she was honest with herself, she didn't see herself as a hero like Defiant.

Still, she had said she wanted to help, and she would. Maybe not in the exact same way Daniel did it; honestly, she didn't see herself rescuing cats from trees.

She just wanted to use her powers, after all.

And the best way at this moment was simply intervening in events that allowed her to do so.

Images of Defiant helping in natural disasters, preventing accidents, or assisting after they occurred came to her mind, but above all of them, the image of him holding up that burning building was the one that came to her most clearly.

She wondered when she could do something like that.

Seeing her evident excitement, Daniel smiled slightly before coughing to get her attention.

"Ahem! Although I know you're excited, there's still something else you need to decide"

Carol was snapped out of her fantasies and looked at him with slight confusion until Daniel pointed with his finger towards her parents' farm.

Then she understood.

She hadn't told them anything about all of this.

She had thought about it, but no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't see them letting her do this, letting her be close to Daniel.

She slowly shook her head before speaking.

"They'll never let me out. They... wouldn't allow it. They couldn't understand it."

She spoke softly and almost hesitated to look at him, as if she expected some reprimand for deciding to keep this hidden.

Daniel didn't do it; he didn't criticize her for it or judge her. Ultimately, what Carol wanted to do and who she wanted to tell was her choice; he really didn't care.

He was just reminding her that she had that option and that he wouldn't be upset if she decided to talk to her parents about it.

Seeing that there was no disappointment, Carol sighed in relief and continued speaking.

"They've always been... too cautious. They know what I am, and they still love me despite it, but they're afraid of what might happen if the world knows about my existence, what the world might do to me" Carol scoffed at the last part.

Maybe it was arrogance, or maybe something else, but Daniel could see that she didn't believe humanity was a threat to her.

If Daniel had looked closer, he probably would have noticed the faint, almost imperceptible disdain in her gaze.

"In fact, my father is afraid of you" Now it was Daniel's turn to blink in confusion.

Seeing his doubt, Carol continued explaining.

"He thinks Defiant is just an act, that you're just a wolf in sheep's clothing and that you're here for me" Carol laughed at the thought, looking at Daniel. For some reason, a surge of courage suddenly welled up within her, she approached Daniel, speaking in a low tone, struggling to suppress the shyness within her.

"Is it true? Are you just a wolf trying to eat me?" Her voice was low and somewhat hoarse; the warmth of her breath hit Daniel's face as he looked directly into her eyes.

He didn't miss the strange tone in her words but decided to ignore it.

Being stared at so intently and with Daniel not reacting to her little game, Carol couldn't help but blush in embarrassment, regretting her words completely.

She didn't know where she had gotten so much courage, letting emotion lead her to try something she had only seen on a television show with Chloe.

'Stupid!' Now she didn't even dare to meet his eyes.

"Your father's perspective is strange. I don't know how he came to that conclusion. Do you think there's anything I can do to change his mind?" Daniel decided to extend an olive branch to the poor girl and continued the conversation.

Carol coughed and quickly returned to her seat, still red-faced. With some embarrassment, she responded to the question.

"H-He's too stubborn. I don't think he's ever changed his mind about anything, and I don't think you can make him trust you, not for now"

It was somewhat disappointing but expected. Carol's father, from everything she had told him about him, was a difficult person to deal with, with clear ideas and firm beliefs. Changing any of that would probably be nearly impossible.

"What about your mother? Do you think she thinks the same as your father?"

Carol thought about it, hesitating for a moment before speaking.

"My mother... she's a bit different. I think she might understand, but I don't think telling her would be a good idea."

Daniel raised an eyebrow, and Carol answered the unspoken question.

"She loves my father too much, she doesn't like lying to him or hiding things from him, especially if it has to do with me. But above all, she's a terrible liar. If I somehow convinced her to keep it hidden, I know my father could instantly sense that something's off about her"

Her mother thought she had successfully lied to him by hiding her true origin, but it was only because Carol had never had the courage to ask.

Until Daniel came along.

After she learned the truth, she noticed how the weight that seemed to be bearing down on her mother's shoulders all the time disappeared. It was as if a burden that everyone knew was there no longer existed, and it was evident to many people.

"I think it's best not to tell them" Carol made her decision, and Daniel nodded.

"If that's what you want, it's okay." Although there would be some inconveniences in doing it this way, Daniel already expected this to be Carol's choice. He had come to know her well enough to sense this, so he had prepared in advance.

Daniel stood up. "Wait here"

Carol watched him enter the farmhouse with some confusion. It didn't take long. In a short time, he was back with a large dark suitcase in his right arm.

"To be a hero, you need more than just superpowers," he said as he reached Carol and offered her the suitcase. She took it carefully, its texture strange, almost like plastic but also different.

"And since you want to stay hidden, it's best if they don't even suspect it's you"

With that said, Daniel released the locks, and the suitcase opened by itself.

Carol slightly widened her eyes at the sight inside.

The first thing she noticed was the silver D in front, a symbol she recognized.

"I took your measurements into account and adapted it as best as I could. Though it will be difficult to hide the obvious gender differences, I think I solved it by making the tones darker and replacing the traditional cape with a cloak. At least it should cover your body better."

Carol carefully took out the suit, a familiar texture greeting her, but the differences were obvious. It felt sturdier and thicker than the trench coat she had been wearing.

She admired the design for a moment before smiling with clear excitement.

"It's perfect!"

Daniel smiled at her enthusiasm and continued speaking.

"No one besides you knows who Defiant is. The slight change in colors and the cloak should help conceal the change in your figure, at least enough so that the gender change isn't so obvious. Your parents won't suspect you because they won't think it's you in the first place"

He was right. As long as she was careful, there shouldn't be any problem at all. After all, she was only thinking of going out at night and exploring the nearby cities. Her parents wouldn't suspect a thing.

Plus, if she was honest with herself, she really didn't care about having some kind of secret identity. She just wanted to use her powers freely. She never thought about making a name for herself or seeking attention like Daniel did. Dealing with that kind of fame and attention wasn't something she wanted.

Her fingers brushed against the D on the front. She remembered how Daniel talked about it and how he wanted to leave his mark on the world, how he hoped to become a symbol for people. She knew how important this was to him, and now he was letting her carry this symbol.

Somehow, that made her even more excited, and she quickly took out the suit and ran inside to get dressed.

Watching her go, Daniel smiled faintly. Although he still had many concerns about her, it seemed like he had managed to guide her down a good path. He hoped that wouldn't change soon. It would be really difficult to deal with her if it did.

Daniel's eyes lost some of their sparkle as he thought about what he did to Killgrave, what he was willing to do to protect this world.

Could he do the same with Carol? He couldn't answer that. Killgrave was nobody, just a monster, a threat to deal with. His death felt insignificant.

But Carol... he didn't know if he could feel that way about her.

He couldn't help but sigh. In the end, all of this was his fault, and deep down, he knew that a decision like this required a strong will.

He didn't know if it was a good thing, then, that his will felt strong enough.

He had to snap out of his self-reprimand when he saw Carol coming out of the farmhouse. Her soft smile returned to him, and his expression cleared, his eyes shining again.

She stood in front of him and smiled widely. Her hands went to her hips, her shoulders sending the cloak, which should cover her body, backward, making it look like a cape. Then she lifted her chest and posed for him.

"How do I look?"

Daniel looked her up and down, double-checking everything once again. There were no errors; the suit had been tailor-made for her. He had added some extra protection in certain areas, taking advantage of having access to a better printer now. Still, the extra padding did little to hide Carol's amazing figure.

Her well-proportioned body made for a great combination with the carefully crafted suit. The dark blue blended with the dark gray, black lines running along her sides, and blue armor plates carefully positioned in the most important areas.

On her face, a mask similar to his own was present. It was a more complete mask than the one he had first worn, made to cover the obvious differences between their faces. Despite that, Carol didn't have his jawline, and if one looked closely, they might notice that the shape of her face was clearly different, mask or not.

Fortunately, the hood of the cloak would help cover Carol's face even more, so theoretically, even if someone noticed something strange, it should still be difficult for them to tell if it was him or not...

At least for the most part. Carol had two prominent frontal reasons that even the cloak couldn't completely hide. Should he have adjusted the suit a bit more in that area? Or maybe added some armor plates?

He pushed those thoughts aside and continued checking. The belt seemed to be the right size, a slightly simpler version of his own. Carol didn't need most of the tools he had thought would be useful; in truth, he hadn't even used a quarter of them himself, but he preferred to have them with him rather than not.

He considered giving her one of his belts, but she had wider hips, and he had made his belts quite tight, so he decided to create one tailored to her.

To finish, the gloves and boots, their design practically identical to his, so it was simple to adjust the sizes to be comfortable for her.

With everything checked, he couldn't help but nod appreciatively. She looked spectacular.

"You look incredible, much better than I imagined"

At his words of praise, Carol blushed and almost instinctively pulled the cloak back to its original position to cover her body. Still, she refrained and let him look a bit longer until embarrassment caught up with her, and she began to move and test how the suit felt on her body.

She stretched a bit, testing her mobility. It was like a second skin.

Daniel watched her for a moment before looking away. The suit seemed to have no issues.

With a satisfied smile, Carol threw a few punches into the air, not putting any real force behind them, just to test the suit's mobility. After a moment, when she was sure everything was in order, she nodded to herself, silently confirming that the suit was perfect for her use.

"Are you ready?"

Daniel's words made her turn to look at him, causing her to briefly widen her eyes.

Carol didn't know when, but Daniel had entered the farmhouse and changed into his own version of the suit. His old suit had undergone several upgrades, resembling more closely the one Carol was now wearing. Blue armor plates covered his vital areas, and the fabric design was very similar, but unlike Carol's, the colors were brighter and clearer.

His face now had a slightly different mask, although it didn't cover as much as hers did. It was easy to notice that the change had been made so that the mask Carol was now wearing wouldn't attract as much attention once people saw her with it. They would simply think it was he own change in appearance.

in both suits, the silver-toned D on the chest remained the same.

Carol took a deep breath before nodding; she had prepared for this moment for many nights. She was ready.

"Then let's go" they both entered a state of super speed, their tall figures disappearing in a silent blur, leaving Smallville behind in moments.




During the first few hours of that night, both of them patrolled the nearby cities. Daniel watched from above while Carol dealt with crimes and accidents.

She had learned well and was good at putting it into practice. She only had to intervene once when she accidentally sent a thief flying into the sky. He wasn't too high up, and the thief would have only suffered some minor fractures. Still, it served as a reminder for her to be more careful, and she seemed to quickly learn from her mistake.

Watching her rescue a family from an overturned car, Daniel couldn't help but nod in approval. She seemed to be taking this quite seriously and appeared to be enjoying every moment of it. The smile on her face was the most noticeable evidence of that.

He looked up and saw the moon shining high in the sky. Perhaps they should take a short break.




"Then I had to break some of the metal around the door to get them out. I hope they won't be upset when they notice" Carol finished recounting her experience of saving the family in the car and took a final bite of the sandwich Daniel had offered her; he had prepared some for both of them.

Daniel nodded, taking a bite of his own food before speaking.

Both had taken off their masks to eat properly. Daniel had completely forgotten to adjust the design of both masks for that, as he usually didn't eat anything when acting as Defiant. It was an oversight, and he would have to redesign them later to make it more comfortable.

"It'll be fine. In cases like these, I doubt they'll be upset. But if they are, don't pay attention to it. They're safe, and that's all that should matter"

Carol nodded, feeling that he was right. She shook her hands and stood at the edge of the place where they were, admiring the views of the city below her feet.

They were on the tallest building in Metropolis, the Daily Planet, more precisely on the enormous golden globe that adorned its top.

She had never been so high before. It was a little disconcerting, but also fascinating.

Thinking about everything she had done tonight, she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness flooding her chest.

In a short time, she had saved countless people, visited cities she didn't know before, and seen completely new landscapes. Living through so many different experiences, and the tension she felt when saving lives, was enlightening in her mind.

Using her powers, her gifts, so freely had reaffirmed something within her. She had always known it was right.

That she was destined for more, that all the things that made her different, the things that had prevented her from living like others, were there for a reason.

And now she knew it. Looking down from the heights of the sky, she knew that this was where she was meant to be.

She closed her eyes and let the moonlight hit her face. Whether it was the sun or the moon, the light they both emitted always comforted her and made her feel more alive.

From the side, Daniel glanced at her, seeing how her body enjoyed the moonlight, and he couldn't help but think of something.

Since they started training, whenever there was a clear view of the moon and no clouds obstructing it, Carol's performance seemed to be better.

'Moonlight? No... the moon is just a mirror, and what's reflected on it is just sunlight!'

He opened his eyes slightly, having an idea.

Many times Daniel had argued with Carol about her alien physiology. Although he had never delved too deeply into certain things, some had stuck with him.

Carol always mentioned that sunny days were her favorites, and nights with a full moon were when she could rest the best.

At first, it had been a passing assumption, but now he felt as if a vague memory returned to his mind.

He needed to test it.

"Have you ever flown?" Daniel's question made Carol turn to look at him with some confusion before shaking her head.

"I've lived in Smallville all my life. The farthest I've gone is to Metropolis, and that was in Dad's old truck"

At least until tonight. She couldn't say for sure, but she had probably traveled the distance from Smallville to Metropolis dozens of times in different directions.

"Do you want to try it?" Daniel extended his hand to Carol, causing her eyes to widen with astonishment. She looked at the hand reaching out to her and without hesitation, took it firmly.

Daniel tightened his grip and began to ascend slowly at first.

Soon, the height increased, and with it, the speed. The city beneath their feet grew smaller, and the night sky above them became clearer.

Carol opened her eyes, admiring the views. It was beautiful, magnificent in every sense.

The higher they climbed, the more evident the beauty of the world beneath them became.

Soon, they were beyond the atmosphere. The air disappeared completely, but that wasn't a problem for them. Carol didn't even notice it; it was as if breathing had always been optional.

The cold of the vacuum of space was also something she didn't pay attention to. No, all her attention was focused on the beautiful blue sphere that she could now appreciate in all its splendor.

Reflected in its infinite oceans, she could see the moon. She couldn't help but turn her head toward the natural satellite, her blue eyes reflecting its shape, and its gentle light making her feel calm.

Unnoticed by her, Daniel moved them a little further away, and soon the rays of the sun began to be visible rising from the curvature of the Earth.

He touched her shoulder, and she looked at him in confusion until he pointed back to Earth, and she turned her gaze.

Then she saw it, rising from the horizon, the solar system's mother star greeted her in all its glory.

Carol felt the warm golden rays of the sun hit her face without any obstacle.

Soon, her whole body was covered by them. Every cell in her body seemed to suddenly awaken, vibrating in anticipation. Then they began to devour energy eagerly, like a hungry man tasting a bite for the first time in weeks.

Her face reddened slightly. She had never felt hunger or thirst, or at least she thought she hadn't until this moment. She didn't know what drunkenness was, but she felt it must be something like this.

Her cloudy eyes looked toward the sun, its light warming the world with kindness. For a second, she imagined herself going to it and taking a bite, as if it were the most delicious fruit in the world. That mental image was so tempting that it was almost impossible for her to look away.

Nevertheless, she did, even in her state of frenzy. Her head turned, and her blue eyes looked at Daniel, who was beside her. The sunlight illuminated the right side of his face gently, and from the left, the moonlight reflected off his dark hair, creating a contrast between them, making his features seem ethereal.

his blue eyes met her, and the slight smile at the corner of his lips made her blush even more, bringing a bit of shyness, but somehow she found herself unable to look away even if she wanted to.

As if seeing him was even more tempting than the sun in front of them.

Her heart beat fiercely and uncontrollably, a rush of emotions crashing against her without her being able to stop it, causing a growing warmth to spread throughout her body.

She had never experienced anything like it; it was like a mix of feelings that she couldn't name and that made her heart threaten to burst out of her chest.

Something she couldn't name but was sure she never wanted to let go of.

It was fantastic.

At the same time, her senses seemed to amplify; she could feel the energy of the sun being sucked into her, how it was devoured and consumed by every cell in her body with a voracious hunger.

She could feel Daniel's touch, how his hand held hers, and she could hear his heart beating strongly and firmly.

Her own heart seemed eager, and without being able to avoid it, she felt how her own beats synchronized with his, her dilated pupils looked at him with fascination as if it were the first time she had ever seen him.

Her face reddened even more, and without her noticing it, something inside her changed, it was an imperceptible change to anyone else, but Daniel, who was close to her, could feel how the gravitational field shifted around her.

It was a familiar yet unknown sensation; Daniel could detect it because it was very similar to what happened when he activated his own ability to fly.

For Carol, it might have seemed like years, but for Daniel, it all happened in seconds, from when they reached space until the sun hit Carol, Daniel's attention had been focused on the possible effects that the direct light of the solar system's mother star could have on her.

But apart from a blush on her cheeks, a slight tremor, and a lost look, it didn't seem like anything else had happened to her.

Nothing until gravity suddenly started bending around her.

Unbeknownst to her, her body began to float on its own in the vacuum of space.

With an idea in mind, Daniel slowly let his own flying ability fade away, thus allowing Carol to hold them both in the vacuum of space.

After a few more minutes, Carol snapped out of her trance, blinking in confusion, feeling something strange. She looked at Daniel, who still smiled, but this time she could detect a hint of amusement in his eyes.

She slowly looked at him carefully, noticing how his body seemed to drift aimlessly, with her hand grip being the only thing keeping him tethered to her.

Why was he holding onto her when it should be the other way around?

A mischievous smile spread across Daniel's face, causing Carol to slightly widen her eyes. Then she felt his grip on her hand loosen until only a couple of fingers kept them connected, and his body began to fall towards the Earth, threatening to break away at any moment.

Panic surged within her, and by pure instinct, her body moved forward, propelled by itself. Her arms stretched out, pulling Daniel's body against hers in panic, the impulse causing them to drift dozens of meters away from their previous position, straight back into the Earth's atmosphere.

It was then that she realized what she had done and looked to where she had been just a second ago. How had she moved?

It wasn't until now that she noticed something strange happening around her body. A peculiar sensation enveloped her like a soft blanket, and somehow, she knew that she could now move in any direction she desired.

"It seems like flying isn't as exclusive as you thought" Daniel spoke after they returned to the atmosphere. He had wanted to say something earlier, but in space, there is no sound. Maybe he should invent something to fix that.

Upon his words, Carol fully understood what was happening. Her eyes widened with amazement and excitement, a huge smile spreading across her face.

"I can fly!" she exclaimed excitedly, shaking with joy. But suddenly, the soft blanket-like sensation around her vanished abruptly, pulling her out of her excitement.

They both began to be pulled by Earth's gravity, falling towards it faster and faster.

"Woaa?!" Feeling the increasing gravitational pull dragging them towards Earth, Carol quickly moved closer to Daniel, holding him tightly in her arms, with evident panic.

"Why aren't you flying?!" her question was understandable, and Daniel had to struggle a bit to free his face, which was buried between her breasts, to speak.

"I think it's a great moment for a new lesson!" he said aloud, his voice filled with clear joy.

His arms tightened around her waist firmly, and looking directly at her, he said.

"So for some strange reason, I seem to have forgotten how to fly, and I won't regain that ability until we land, so now we're depending on you! So you better start flying, birdie, or we're both going to feel the impact!" It was a poor lie, Daniel knew it, and Carol knew it. Her pupils shrank, and she couldn't help but let out a panicked scream.

"You're not capable!"

"Oh, believe me, you have no idea what I'm capable of" he winked, and despite the situation, Carol couldn't help but blush.

"Don't worry, it will hurt, of course, but we'll survive" his words of comfort didn't help Carol at all.

It got worse when she felt the friction starting to take effect, and she saw flames beginning to engulf their bodies, their speed increasing more and more.

She closed her eyes tightly, holding Daniel closer to her and tried to concentrate.

She tried to feel that soft sensation enveloping her again, but no matter how hard she tried, it didn't work.

Due to nervousness, her body trembled slightly, and Daniel stopped smiling.

His hands rose and held Carol's face between them.

"Listen, don't let fear or panic dominate your mind. Remember that moment, that instant up there, every sensation, every feeling, that boundless freedom. Just bring it back and let it flow through you. You can do it, I believe in you!"

Listening to his words and his sincere confidence in her, Carol took a deep breath, making her body stop trembling and relax completely, returning to that moment, that moment where it was just the two of them on top of the world.

Their hearts beating in unison and their eyes locked on each other. All those unknown feelings blossoming inside her and that overwhelming warmth flooding every part of her body.

The perfect memory of every moment came back to her with force as if she were experiencing it for the first time.

Her eyes opened again, her dilated pupils shining in crimson light as they looked at Daniel for a moment before gravity was once again overpowered, and all the acceleration and inertia were forcefully canceled.

Their bodies remained static in the sky of the planet, gently floating above the clouds.

Suspended at the top of the world.

Carol breathed heavily, and soon a smile formed on her face, a cry of joy followed by uncontrollable laughter filled Daniel's ears.

Carol spun and danced in the air, clinging to Daniel tightly, almost squeezing him.

She felt incredible, every emotion, every feeling, everything seemed to course through her body and linger within her as she floated in the air, making her feel like she could do anything.

She felt invincible.

"W-we'll have to add flight practice to your training" Daniel struggled to speak, Carol was hugging him so tightly that if he didn't have superhuman lung capacity, he would have already passed out from lack of oxygen.

Still, he didn't complain. Seeing her so excited was strangely comforting. She seemed to enjoy it much more than he had anticipated. Perhaps the sensations they both experienced while flying were different?

For him, flying was simply like breathing, something natural and something he could just do automatically. Simply instinctive.

Putting that aside, there was something more important to think about. His theory had been confirmed, and with it, that faint memory that had come to him.

The energy of the sun made her stronger, and her powers were linked to it. A direct dose not only had awakened a new ability, but feeling her crushing hug, Daniel could tell she had become a little physically stronger.

He didn't know if this was temporary or not, but it was certainly amazing.

He wondered how it worked exactly, but he didn't dwell too much on it. Biology was complicated, not to mention alien biology. Trying to understand it right now was futile. As long as it worked, the how didn't matter for now.

Somewhat clumsily, Carol brought them back to the ground. She still couldn't maneuver in the same way as Daniel, but she was a quick learner.

Due to all the excitement, Daniel completely forgot to warn her about the landing, and before he could stop it, they crashed into the roof of their farmhouse, creating a huge hole in it... again.

"I'm sorry!" Carol apologized, looking at the hole in the roof, and Daniel could only sigh.

"Don't worry, I'll fix it later," he thought about whether he should add a layer of V-element to the roof but dismissed the idea. He didn't have enough raw material to waste it like that. The hole was huge.

He'd have to go shopping again, maybe reinforce it a little more just in case.

Seeing that he didn't seem upset with her, Carol sighed. She hadn't expected landing to be so complicated. It seemed much easier when Daniel did it.

She looked at the sky, which was beginning to be illuminated by the rays of the sun, and couldn't help but remember that moment. She almost started flying again but forced herself to stay on the ground. It was uncomfortable. If it was possible, she wanted to go back up there and spend the rest of her life feeling those emotions all the time.

But she didn't need to. Her gaze turned to Daniel, who was examining the broken roof. She scanned his face, every feature of it, his blue eyes, his black and soft hair.

She felt her face flush, and her body relaxed. Those unfamiliar emotions seemed to come back to her with full force, as if she were flying once again in the sky.

Yes, she didn't need to go back up there. She had her own sky down here.




Carol returned home, and Daniel watched her leave before returning to the farmhouse, more precisely to his workshop.

The lights turned on by themselves, and the monitors sprung to life instantly.

Dozens of news channels welcomed him with incessant chatter.

"Is there any important news?" In response to his question, a female face formed by a three-dimensional model came to life on one of the monitors.

"Just the usual accidents, sir, nothing noteworthy except for one thing" the voice was clearly synthetic but still bore traces of a British accent.

"Oh? Did something interesting happen?" Daniel sat down at his work desk and looked at the face with curiosity.

"Yes, it seems that the individual known as Tony Stark was found a few hours ago in the desert of Afghanistan. The United States Army is escorting him back; he should be back soon"

Daniel paused for a moment before smiling.

"So, he's back, huh... Well, keep a close eye on what he does. Stay on top of any news about him and let me know if he does anything interesting"

"Of course, sir" the response was prompt, and Daniel nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you, Overwatch."




11,600 words

12,300 words in English.

Note :

A greeting to those who supported me on Ko-fi, this chapter should have reached you a day or two before being officially published. I hope you enjoyed it. I can't do much to repay your help other than this, so again, thank you very much for your support.

I've been thinking about sending one or two chapters in advance to those who donate there, although if the number of people is too large, I may have some issues because I'm not sure if there's a way to send an email to different people at the same time. I'll have to look into it.

Note 2: New illustration.

I've also taken the time to create a more suitable illustration of Defiant. I think this could be the final "design," but with how indecisive I am, I'll probably make some changes, I don't know. I also want to create illustrations of other characters, whether it's Carol or the variants of already known characters.

I'll have to make time for it. Depending on where you're reading this, you might see the new image below, or you'll need to look at it by following the link provided, or you can directly view the image on my Ko-fi page at /emmapress

Link:ko-fi com/i/IC0C1WAIME

Just add the dot,.I'm sorry if it's complicated, some sites don't allow links in the chapters.

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