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67.53% I Am Energy In Dc / Chapter 104: Chapter 104 Kara's Dilemma

Capítulo 104: Chapter 104 Kara's Dilemma

[... From National News and, the whole world is buzzing with what Netizens are now calling, "Amari's Latest Power Display". Yes folks, after his public display of killing The Joker, just when people all over the world were discussing whether Amari should be held as a hero or a vigilante for his actions, he suddenly disappeared for almost a month, apparently going into seclusion. Then comes back to the public eye yesterday after The Joker reappears on National Television, threatening the world with a group of Supervillains who referred to themselves as the Injustice League. This altercation, however, was not of Amari putting an end to the infamous clown yet again but with a different antagonist, the world knows as Ocean Master. Who had now been revealed to be the brother of the King of Atlantis, also a known member of the Justice League, Aquaman? The League have given few reports on the incident and have taken a dismissive attitude to the subject, as shown by Superman at the United Nations conference Earlier Today]

The screen changed to show Superman being besieged by news thirsty reporters from all angles.

"Superman... Superman.... What do you think of Amari's public actions?"

"How does the league react to discovering the fact that the villainous Ocean Master was the brother of a Justice league member all along?"

"Will Orm be executed for his actions?"

"Can you disclose any information on the secret society Amari was talking about?"

"How exactly was the Joker brought back to life?"

Clark frowned slightly at the flashing cameras coming from..... Everywhere.

"The League has many matters to take care of. Cities in different parts of the world have just experienced a major disaster. My attention and the Leagues are currently needed elsewhere. We will release a proper statement to address the matter once this is taken care of. Thank you and good day".

Seeing Superman flying into the sky, the reporters didn't seem to be satisfied and continued to hound at the flying Kryptonian.


"... Are you.....".

"…. Super...".

The TV screen went black showing the reflection of a blonde teenager holding the remote.

"What's wrong dear? News station too much?"

Martha looked out from the kitchen and asked.

"Um… No…. Nothing. Just…. Humans are noisy". Kara uttered with a frown as she sat back in the old Kent's sofa.

Then her eyes widened as she realized what she said and corrected hastily.

"No..... Sorry..... I didn't mean it like…".

"Hehehehe.....". Seeing her stuttering, Martha couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's ok, dear, I understand. We can be like that sometimes. You'll get used to it eventually".

The old woman who looked young for her age uttered with a smile as she prepared dinner.

With glasses on her face, a head of white hair yet very little wrinkles to show, she sliced the vegetables with all the skill and precision of an experienced mother and housewife.

"After all, Clark did bring you here due to your sensitive ears".

"Um..... Right". Seeing Martha didn't take offense, Kara couldn't help but smile wryly.

"So tell me, how are you adapting, dear?"

"Huh?" The blonde was caught off guard before shaking her head.

"It's a bit... difficult. Having to actively control... Well…. Everything". As her Kryptonian abilities kicked in and strengthened under yellow sunlight, Kara's abilities grew day by day.

Her strength, speed, durability, and all physical factors in general had gone upward by insane degrees.

Now, she had to be extra careful whenever she opened the fridge to take out a carton of milk.

Jonathan had already replaced the door four times since her arrival.

This was just for a fridge. Who knew what would happen if she..... Let's say, hugged someone with too much force or initiated a handshake without getting the pressure right.

The physical aspect was actually the easy part.

At least she could actively control those better. The others like X-ray vision, telescopic vision, super hearing and enhanced perception was much harder to control.

There were times when she would involuntarily hear everything from here to Metropolis. Or when she was talking to a teammate and their skeleton would suddenly pop up in her vision.

Or when she was overly stressed and two beams of burning hot lasers would subconsciously emerge from her eyes.

And how she needed to slow down her perception of things so a single word from someone else didn't have to stretch for a minute.

Worst of all, Clark wasn't always here to help her with the smaller issues.

And let's not even begin to mention blending and fitting in.

Yep.... Quite difficult so to speak.

"I figured". Martha replied.

"Clark had.... Similar experiences as well. There were times when he would run into the barn, hid in a dark corner, cover his ears and begin rocking back and forth in order to keep the noise out".

Saying this, she paused.

"You're better. You aren't the same age he was when he started experiencing all this. You'll be able to breeze through it faster".

After which, Martha stepped out of the kitchen, wiping her wet hands with a towel.

She sat down beside Kara and a thought crossed her mind.

"Speaking of Clark and his earlier years, how are you adapting to... Well, society in general. Clark told me that you went out with a special friend of yours some time ago to have the "girl experience". Did you have fun?"

"It was.... Nice". Kara said with a complex look on her face.

"It really was. Only..... It's all a bit too.....". She hesitated for a moment, but ultimately said her mind.

"Backward. I mean no offense when I say this, but the things of this world are a bit... Underdevel... Far…. From what I'm used to".

"Primitive, huh?" Martha asked with a raised eyebrow. To which, Kara could only smile wryly.

"I didn't put it like that".

"It's ok dear. It is true, though. Clark has taken Jonathan and me to the fortress. All sorts of bells and whistles this world could only dream of. But I find it surprising, really. You adapted to the general culture much faster than I imagined someone foreign could".

On this end, Martha was really surprised. Will Kara felt that the technological and scientific level of the planet was below her world's, she strangely didn't have any trouble integrating into the American culture.

She knew what was what, how things operated, who was who and the meaning of phrases those kids use nowadays that even she didn't.

"Is it a Kryptonian thing?"

"No…. Not really. I had help. During the first week I got here".

"Oh!" Martha's eyes glowered with interest.

"Clark told me about that. He said you spent some time with that person people have been talking about a lot these days".

"Amari! Yes, that's the name".

She uttered with a look of realization.

Kara's eyes showed a bit of surprise.

"You've heard of him?"

"My dear. I was watching TV last night when his broadcast showed up on the television screen".

Kara immediately realized at that moment. Amari's broadcast had gone worldwide.

"He sounds like a good person, but a lot of audacity that one has".

"He.... Can be like that sometimes".

"Oh! Really?" This time, her eyes really seemed to glow as she examined the young Kryptonian with interest.

"You speak like you know a lot about him. One wouldn't think you only spent a week together. Did you perhaps have any special experiences?"

The words made the blonde to blush and lower her head slightly.

"Not really. He was ... Nice".

"Is that so? Because the media are packaging him up to be some kind of brutal God of slaughter".

"That....". Kara didn't know what to say.

"He certainly does act like it". At that moment, Jonathan Kent walked into the room. His clothes were stained with oil like a mechanic who just finished work.

"Slaughtering a man more than a dozen times and bringing him back to life. Like they say, live long enough and you'll see everything".

Jonathan uttered bluntly. Not at all understanding the situation in the room.

"Ehem!" Martha coughed with a frown on her face.

Seeing the eyes fixed on him, the old man realized something, put on a pondering expression and added.

"I mean, don't get me wrong. I don't think the young man is all bad. At least from how I see it". And so, Jonathan walked towards the fridge that was just fixed to get a soda can.

"You.... You don't?" Kara asked with a bit of shock. She heard Clark speak about what he was and how he came to be the way he was.

It was no exaggeration to say that Superman could become the kind of person he was today, Jonathan and Martha Kent played the greatest role.

From what she understood, or what she could piece together, Jonathan was the kind of man who like Superman, had a special outlook on things.

And Amari wasn't exactly a model person to begin with.

"Kara..... I was around doing World War II. I fought in the army, captured by Japanese soldiers". He opened the soda bottle and took a drink.

"I've seen men die. And those were the normal days. I've been around before and after Clark came into our lives. Had our fair share of encounters with psychos and self obsessed freaks with special abilities before he even became Superman".

"My point being, I know a terrible person when I see one. Our planet isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows. I've seen a lot of bad guys. And with all his power, he doesn't strike me like one of them".

"Sure, I might not approve most of his... methods. But he's an alien, after all. Yet, he surprisingly acts more decent than most humans ever will".

This was the last sentence he released before he walked upstairs to take a shower.

Seeing him leave, Kara turned her attention back to Mrs. Kent who sported a look of amusement.

"Don't be too surprised. We don't believe everything we watch on TV. Plus, he once saved Clark's life".

Jonathan instilled the concepts of self-control and responsibility to his son, who took it a step further due to his special identity and formed the No Kill Rule.

That didn't mean he viewed anyone who killed as a homicidal maniac. Amari was an alien.... So was Zod. One was living with humanity peacefully... Well, as peaceful as it could get. While the other wanted to wipe them out the moment, he got here. The difference was obvious.

If they had a choice, they knew whom to choose.

Amari hadn't begun attempting to enslave, exterminate or rule over them yet. As long as it stayed that way, it was alright.

Martha saw it too.

Suddenly, a ding sound came out from the kitchen.

"Oh..... The first course is done. Excuse me dear". Martha stood up and headed for the kitchen.

Kara sat on the char with her mind in deep thought. She turned the TV back on, that showed another extensive news report on Amari.

Following which, her ears tingled as a familiar sound came all the way from Metropolis, causing her to wince and cover her ears.

".... I'm heading out". She uttered in a loud voice, put on her jacket nearby and ran out of the house.

"Huh? Where to dear?"

What answered to her question was a sonic boom sounding in the sky, prompting Martha to look out the window.



The door was kicked open.

"Go on... Move".

About a dozen men dressed in black suits with red googled masks moved forward while pushing a hostage.

The kidnapped victim was a female, dressed in formal wear, and had her features hidden due to the bag covering her face.

Two helicopters came down and landed on the roof for the criminals to make their getaway.

"There they are".

"Quickly, open fire".

Unfortunately, they weren't alone. And apparently, one hostage wasn't enough to stop the police from raining bullets on them. Especially when considering they knew who the hostage was.

All the more reason to rain bullets.

The criminals and the law enforcement authorities immediately engaged in a heavy shootout.

Following which, the criminals retreated into the helicopter and fled while carrying the hostage with them.


A man clad in black cursed. His voice was distorted due to the voice modifier installed in his mask.

"These officers are nuts. Get us out of here immediately".

"That's gonna be difficult". The pilot uttered with a grim expression that went unseen due to the mask that similarly covered his face.

"They got Choppers on our tail".

The first was stunned. Then he took a look outside in time to see several helicopters gaining on them from a distance.

"Damnit!" He cussed once again and took out the bag covering the hostage's face.

"Do hostage situations not work nowadays?"

"Thanks. I'd hate to miss the view". The hostage uttered with a smile on her face. Beautiful features, dark hair, a reporter's badge on her shirt and the easygoing expression despite being in such a situation.... On this Earth, this could only be one of three people. Lois Lane, Vicky Vale or Iris West.

But this was Metropolis, so.....

The black clothed man immediately ducked at a corner, narrowly dodging the bullets from the chasing helicopter.

"The cops don't seem to like you that much, Miss Lane". The man said with a bit of incredulity through the gas mask.

Lois smiled.

"Occupational Hazard".

"You and me both".

The criminal squatted near a box, took out a rocket launcher and took aim at the chasing aircraft.

"So which one exactly are you angling for? Life in prison or going down in a blaze of glory?"

"You should watch your mouth, lady. You're not proving to be much use to us".

Lois ignored the heavy gunfire and looked at him with a deadpan expression.

"No offense. It just takes a lot of stones to get this noisy in Metropolis".

"Oh! Didn't you hear? Superman's held up at the UN due to Amari's whole charade at the moment. Hehehehe... Watched the broadcast. Love that guy. He gives me the creeps too".

He shot the missile from the Launcher which destroyed the chopper of the chasing officers. As well as the officers within.

Lois smiled.

"Same... Kinda".

"Yep. If it were him, we'd probably have second thoughts. But it ain't. Superman's busy… We scramble".

"You do know he flies fast, right?"

"We'll take our chances... Huh?"

The criminal suddenly froze. From afar, a figure zipped past the second police chopper, flying through the air as rapidly closing the distance.

"What the.....".

"Oh! She's here. You must be wondering who's the other one".

"Other one?"

"Superman's cousin. Didn't you hear?"

"No I didn't hear".

"You really should read my column".

The red and blue silhouette quickly took down the first helicopter, smashing into the back rotors and flying away as it crashed into the sea.

Seeing this, the black clad criminal panicked. He bent down, took out another missile and wanted to load it in. However, when he raised his head, he saw a blonde figure floating right before him.

"Damn!" In a panicked tone, he pulled the trigger. Kara dodged.

The missile failed to hit its target. That however didn't mean it didn't hit something else.

The missile flew right into a busy suburban street and... Boom!

Seeing this, Kara's eyes widened with fury.

She smacked the missile launcher away from his arm causing him to wince in pain. Then, he felt a strong, choking grip on his throat, lifting him up with his feet touching nothing but air.

The pilot freed his left hand and wanted to attack with a gun.

What greeted him was two piercing hot rays, barreling into his wrist.


The pilot screamed in agony as Supergirl rendered his hand forever useless. Then, she turned her attention back to the man at hand. Her eyes radiated with a burning glow.

"Hold up! Don't tell me the blonde is the bad cop?" Seeing that he might very well meet his end, fear gripped the man's heart.

Superman didn't kill. This was the reason villains had the balls to try. But it looked like this cousin of Superman wasn't the same.

Just when Kara couldn't withstand the urge to laser this guy through the face.


The flying helicopter came to a halt as of it just hit something.

"She's just visiting". Flying in front of the helicopter, Clark frowned inexplicably.

"Metropolis is my turf".

Seeing that Clark had arrived, Kara's eyes returned to normal. She dropped the man within her grasp and flew out of the chopper.

Clark watched his cousin leave, the frown on his face never disappearing.

Supergirl flew towards the Metropolis square that was on fire.

After a moment of thinking, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes the blew hard.

Unfortunately, no cold gust of freezing cold air emerged from her lungs.

"Damnit. Won't kick in when I need it". She sighed, feeling utterly frustrated.

"I'll handle this". She didn't need to be told who that was.

Quickly dealing with the helicopter situation, Clark arrived at the square, released a breath of cold air and the place was frozen in snow and ice.

Then, he turned to Kara and uttered in a tone that left no room for questioning.

"With me".

Clark flew into the air. A glum looking Supergirl could only follow a moment later.

Coming high up into the clouds, Clark's face wasn't the slightest bit favorable.

"Kara, what were you trying to prove out there?"

Supergirl's expression looked unconvinced.

"I was stopping bad guys. That's what we do, right?"

"Stop them, not scramble them".

"Stop lecturing me Kal. I'm still older than you".

"No. Not anymore. It may have been that way when you left Krypton... But not anymore". Clark's face took on a sadder look.

"I wasn't trapped in the phantom zone. I got here faster and grew up here, while you didn't age at all".

"That's exactly the problem". Supergirl yelled with frustration.

"Kara..... Watch your tone".

"No. Don't tell me to watch how I talk. You don't understand how I feel. What it feels like to be in my shoes".

"Yes I do". His unsightly expression had never been so prevalent today.

"I experienced difficulty controlling my powers back then, the same way you are now".

"You still don't get it". With her hands placed on her head, she screamed.

"You grew up here your entire life. This place... This planet, is the only home you've ever known. It's not the same for me. For you, it was years. For me, it's only been a few months. We didn't have any abilities Kal. We didn't have any powers when things got bad. You basically didn't use your abilities throughout the early years of your life. I have abilities now. And I'm going to use them. So forgive me if I make a few mistakes when I try to help out".

There was a short period of silence.

"..... I know this can be... Difficult. It's hard, believe me I know. But you can't use being unfamiliar with your abilities as an excuse to cause destruction". Clark pointed to the frozen square.

"I saw the way you looked at that man Kara". On this point, Clark's tone took a grave tone.

"If I didn't arrive when I did, you could have killed him".

"And what if I did?" Those words made Clark's heart chill.

"What did you say?"

"They were hurting innocent people. They would have hurt many before they were caught and many more after".

Kara's eyes narrowed.

"Kara... That's not for us to decide".

"Then who will?"

Clark felt like things were going wrong. He needed to slow down, talk this out, get things back on track.

"Listen... I know how you're upset.....".

Hearing that half finished sentence was the last straw. Kara couldn't take it anymore.

"No! Stop". She yelled at the top of her voice.

"You can't possibly know how I feel. I'm trying. I'm trying Kal. But everything around me feels so wrong. It's just all so primitive, and different and weird and... And dark. I mean…. We never experienced these things on Krypton. The humans here are so…. so..... They're just wrong".

"Kara!" Clark called out but Supergirl wouldn't hear him out.

She immediately took to the skies as fast as she could to get away.

"Kara…". Clark wanted to fly after her but his comms suddenly beeped.

"Superman.... I... I see…. I'm on my way".

Looking at Kara disappear into the distance, Clark's face was particularly heavy.

... .....

Five hours Later.

Gotham City.

A sonic boom sounded above it all, followed by a figure dressed in red and blue tights streaking through the air.

Passing over Gotham and heading to its outskirts.

In an open field, Kara dressed in her Supergirl outfit landed on her two legs, her face mixed with a bit of hesitation, sadness, and confusion.

After her fight with Clark, she flew around the world, settling on a mountain peak in Africa and just hid there with her arms and huddled.

After a while, tear marks began to stream down her face.

She didn't want to go back to the farm. At least not for now.

Honestly, she would rather not face Clark like this. The sorrow and sadness that had been bottled up all this time erupted as she sobbed silently.

After a while, she decided to leave.

She didn't want to go to the cave either, but if she didn't, she would have nowhere else to go.

And so, in the spark of a moment's thought, she decided to come here.

This was the place that previously housed the Axiom, where she stayed for a week. Amari's previous base, unfortunately, the dimensional barrier was no longer here. Now, it was just a plain, open field with a lot of grass and trees.

Honestly, Kara didn't know what she was doing here. Or maybe she knew, but she didn't want to think about it.

"... Um... Hello?"

She called out to nothing but thin air.

Hesitating, she stretched out her had to the place where the barrier once stood. Only, there was nothing there.

"Can.... Can you hear me?... I. I don't know if you can. It's just... I had a bad day and I just needed somewhere to...". She paused.

The wind blew and the leaves swayed. But there was no answer. No reply.

"You probably can't even hear me. Can you? Never mind..... It doesn't matter. This…. This was a mistake".

And so, the blond turned around and prepared to fly back to the farm. Sit on the roof of the barn until dark, then perhaps go to bed after dinner.

At that moment, the space behind her had a crack.

"Is it though?"

The soft, clear voice made her freeze. Reminding her of that face that always carried nonchalance and indifference.

She turned around slowly, only to find him looking at her with a slight smile.

Seeing her features, Amari shrugged.

"Hey Blondie. What can I do for you?"


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