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48.83% Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 21: Dragonstone

Capítulo 21: Dragonstone

As the segment of the wall moved aside it revealed a dark corridor, leading into the depths of the castle.

Seeing that it was dark inside, Raynor took a torch and proceeded to walk inside. Behind him was the nervous and curious Daenerys.

She wants to know what they have discovered.

After walking for a while the Wolf King grinned to himself.



He got his third magic!

As he brushed the window mentally away, they arrived at what is considered a hidden library.

Seeing that there are torches and candles he swiftly ignited them.

"This is…"

"All the knowledge your family brought from Valyria before the Doom. From my understanding, your family did flaunt the common knowledge around. Which led to its disappearance at the Dance of Dragons.

Viserys First of His Name married that bitch Alicent Hightower as his second wife. She was quite religious and didn't like the Valyrian things. So when the King was on his deathbed she reorganised the Red Keep. Gods know what happened to all the relics and lore your Ancestors brought to the Red Keep after her clean up."

"...Not that it matters does it? You destroyed the whole city."

"Yep. I never had much hope for that place to hold anything of value." He said with a shrug when she spoke about the Capital.

She didn't say anything and instead, she looked around the small library, the silver head started to check the books, same with Raynor but he quickly lost interest as they were all in High Valyrian he is not ready to read that language yet.

Instead, he looked at his unique magic window.

[Song of Ice and Fire Legacy magic:

Garth Greenhand: Fertility Magic

Durran The Godsgrief: Anti-Divinity, Anti-Elemental Magic

Dragon Lords of Old Valyria: Blood Magic Evolution]

Internally he whistled reading that. He can sense that he can use it but it would take some time to figure out the kinks, after reading the name it made sense what he just got from this room.

He can use Blood Magic to manipulate beasts or augment himself. Similarly how Valyrians augmented themselves to control the dragons without proper beast-taming magic.

They continued to do it until they developed purely Valyrian Dragon Taming.

Then how they practiced incest without worry about losing their augmented abilities.

Though they forgot that incest doesn't just disfigure bodies but affects children's minds as well.

'What do you expect from ancient people?' Internally he rolled his eyes.



"T-There is a schematic for how to make Valyrian Steel!"


"You need to sacrifice people! A Lot of people! It requires other things as well! Like Flames from Fire Mountain"

She didn't finish there as Daenerys was pale. From holding the book.

"Everything here requires living sacrifices… from just a few to hundreds of people! What kind of magic is this!?" The Silver Head swiftly put the book back and walked over to him, leaning on him.

She was spooked and shocked to learn about her heritage.

Raynor simply hugged her.

The girl is maybe naive and pure at this moment but it soon changes once she gets a little bit of power. Valyrian quickly get drunk on power.

That's why he is planning not to give her power but make her work on it.

"Since you don't like the Magic of your Ancestors, maybe my magic would interest you?"

Daenerys slowly lifted her head and looked at him.

"...I will accept anything you offer to me."

"Oh? Such faith~"

This was where she slowly smiled at him.

"You are my saviour. Of course, I have such faith." As she said that she snuggled to him.

"Good then let's get out of here. We will visit this place later. I request that you teach me how to read High Valyrian."

"As you wish…"

"Don't worry, I will teach you a few things about magic as well."

This was where she smiled at him.

"It's fine. I am just happy to be helpful to you. I didn't expect to see my home so quickly after joining you. It's like a blessing to me."

Raynor simply nodded at her, internally he was pissed that it takes this little to make this girl happy. Honestly, it was the sheer amount of pity he was feeling for her.

That's why he just lifted her and started to carry her.

"M-My Lord?"

"We are going to find a place and snuggle. I was thinking, do you want a wolf pup as a pet?"

"W-Wolf pup?"

"Yes Wolf pup, you have quite strong blood of First Men just as much as your Valyrian blood. So taming animals should not be hard for you."

"Oh…I didn't know that."

"Good, then let me tell you the story about your Great-Grandfather, Aegon the Unlikely."

And so Raynor spends the rest of the day with Daenerys telling things about her most recent ancestors.


The Wolf King decided to make Dragonstone his. It was like it was Sauron who found his Mordor.

He has a volcano. Now though he needs to work on the surroundings.

The place was quite grey looking. After all, this place was based on the North Sea next to England. So it has quite shit climate.

Thankfully climate is not an issue for him.

He started by exploring the island first. Walking around the beaches, for that he summoned his wolves and birds. Fly around and explore, while the wolves allowed him to quickly map the place.

Though it was as bad as he had thought. The island is volcanic by nature. It rose from the water from the constant eruptions.

Because of that the island didn't have much soil, but at the same time the minerals in the rocks are good for agriculture. The issue is that he needs to make soil.

Thankfully he has two magics which will help him with that.

So he walked around and found a good spot to make workable land.

He concentrated his Evolution blood magic and Fertility magic into his index finger and then poked it with a knife.

A blob of magic concentrated in his finger before he dropped it on the ground.

The moment the drop of blood sunk into the ground, the whole of the surroundings shook. Before grass started to erupt followed by several different types of trees. They were small but those were proper trees!

When he saw the results he was quite shocked to see how much he did with a single drop…

'Guess I should ask Tyrells to send some criminals to me so that I could use them as a sacrifice to raise a forest or something. This way they would be useful.'

Thinking on this for a while Raynor proceeded to look for good trees.

Thankfully he didn't need to cut some from the Mainland and bring them over, that would be a pain In the butt. There were some trees on the island. He found the one he wanted. He proceeded to summon his axe and started to chop it down.

With his improved physique and size, he only needed a few minutes to cut it. Once the tree was down he proceeded to chop the branches and then summoned rope to wrap it around the trunk.

Once it was done he started to pull the whole tree to the location that will be his new base for totems.

That's the thing. He won't be truly using the Dragonstone castle. It's not his thing. He will build a proper Hunters lodge, not far from Volcano and the forests.

He does plan for the future to have most of the island full of trees and wild game.

After he got the tree trunk in the location he wanted he chopped a portion of it off as he didn't need it. The main part he stabbed into the ground and then started to carve it.

By the time it was evening his ladies started to look for him.

"My Lord it's getting late, you should return to the castle with us."

"Oh right… Yes, well let's go."

~~~~~~Week Later~~~~~~

Raynor put his hand on his main totem, he poured Boar and Bear spirits into it.

He could feel how those two segments of the totem started to get stronger.

Mentally he opened the Totem window.


[Wolf Totem]

Upgrade: 13/25

[Totem Powers:

[Sheer Force: Stage 3] {Duration: 1.40 minutes, Cooldown 6 minutes} [Active/Stackable]

[Spacial Awareness: Stage 1] [Passive/Stackable]



[Bear Totem]

Upgrade: 6/10

[Totem Powers:

[Bear Fortitude: Stage 2] {Duration: 1.20 Minute, Cooldown 8 Minutes} [Active/Stackable]




[Boar Totem]

Upgrade: 11/25

[Upgrade Powers:

[Piercing Damage: Stage 3] {Can be used once every 6 minutes} [Active/Stackable]

[Rushing Charge: Stage 1] {Can be used once every 10 minutes}[Active/Stackable]



[Totem of War]

[Only works in large-scale conflicts]

[Totem Effects: Blessing of War, Spoils of war] {Any killed soul is given to the victor}

[Blessing of Victory: The souls which are acquired after the war are kept as spoils of war. They can be used as fuel or ammo for Improved rituals] {Activates Once Conflicts End, or is Broken and away from the Totem Influence}

[Curse of Defeat: The loser of the conflict experience series of bad events to balance the scales]

[Current Spoils: 16052 Souls]

"Hoh, a Charge skill? Mix with Bear fortitude and I could punch through people. Nice skill." He said that to himself as he looked through the Totem screen.

He was once again back to 16 thousand souls. The Magisters he killed in Pentos have joined the club.

"Well, the totem is done now to build a weather Totem, Fire Totem…" As he said that he looked around and realised one shitty thing he doesn't have.

A freshwater stream. The island is garbage on that. The island imports water from The mainland, alongside most of the food.

To his understanding, Targaryens leached off from House Velaryons and House Celtigar, the first and most loyal houses.

Velaryons would offer their ships while Celtigar would be the foot soldiers of the Dragon Lords.

While it sounds cute, Raynor doesn't like to leach, he would rather hunt himself or make it himself. It's better because his things will be stronger naturally. After all, magic is always involved in those things.

So he decided to make a water totem as well.

To his knowledge, it would be extremely good and potent water.

'Improving vegetation and stimulating magic in one's blood. Truly good shit…I should have made one before!'

Without wasting any more time he returned to working on his stuff.

Days went by, and his girls didn't sit around either, they got the castle straightened out. Margaery is simply superb when it comes to management, the girl was raised to be the Queen of a Continent size Empire so she quickly got numbers for food, resources, and other things.

With those things figured out, she put things in place and returned to work on those Coat of Arms and the Banner. One can't call himself Lord or Dragon Lord if you don't have a Banner or Coat of Arms. It's a symbol of power one should see from a distance.

"We have prepared several different ones," Margaery said to him as she showed the banners spread out on the Painted table.

Raynor started to walk around and check them out.

A white banner with a black wolf facing a black dragon.

A grey banner with a bow shooting arrow downward, a black wolf facing a black dragon, and there are several daggers at the bottom of the banner, they look like his tusk ivory ones.

"This one. Just make the arrow shoot upwards." The Wolf King pointed at the last one.

Elinor that moment clenched her hand as if she was victorious.

"Good work, dearest." He saw it and praised which made her get slightly self-conscious. She was in the centre of attention and both Daenerys and Margaery looked at her as if she was the heretic here. It was especially terrifying from Daenerys as it looked as if her lilac eyes were glowing. After all, she was the daughter of the Mad King…

"Now, now. There is no need for jealousy, she was just better at designing. You all have your strengths and weaknesses."

""My apologies…"" The pair said at the same time.

"Good. Now Margaery, We need to establish trade and invite merchants. Send a word to Willas and Lord Leyton and tell them that I am going to trade in Silk, Spices, Ivory, and other things.

I want those merchants here."


This came out of nowhere, though she is happy to hear that they are getting more things in this dreary place!

"I want their food. I am getting tired of this basic crap."

"Yes. I share the same opinion. By the way, My Lord, what about family words? You are making a new house." Margaery even wanted to say that he needs a Lady wife as well, but that was far too dangerous for her to say… she is not confident to breach this subject.

For a second Raynor wanted to say something from Warhammer like: 'Silent hunter gets the prey.'

But he then remembered all the hard work he did. So instead he decided something everyone should follow.

"Deeds, not words."

"...I like it." Daenerys was the first one to speak. Soon other girls joined in agreement. Though Margaery was slightly annoyed. It sounded too good. Better than her family's 'Growing strong' which her grandmother constantly is dissing.

'Well, not that I am part of Highgarden anymore…'

She did notice that she doesn't have a strong attachment to that place. It's like she always knew that she would leave Highgarden. Now that she did she doesn't truly care that much anymore. Her loyalty is to her Lord.

After learning their new house family words the girls left Raynor alone as he was looking through the large window from the Painted Table room, he could see in the distance Westeros.

Though his eyes were not on the land in the distance but on the new interface he got.


[REWARD: Faction Interface]

A smirk was on his face. This was it. Any self-respecting Conqueror should have this thing!

With a thought, he opened the window.

[Faction Overview]

[Ruler Official Name: Lord Raynor Valeron of Dragonstone]

[Rank: Lord]

[Lands: Island of Dragonstone]

[Holdings: Dragonstone]

[Population: 432 Small folk

20 Household guards]

[Wealth: 132 Gold Dragon, 47 Silver Stags, 48 Coppers]

"Honestly, this is starting video game numbers. Though that Wealth bugs me."

After saying that he left the room and went to the treasury room.

All he found was an old wooden chest with 132 golden coins inside of it.

He used his inventory to pick this up and replace it with the wealth he ransacked from Pentos.

He put the chest one after another until the room was full.

After that, he checked the Faction interface once again.

[Wealth: 135 Million gold coins, 554 Million Silver coins, 541 Copper coins]

"Heh…I guess, I skipped most of the copper, though this is not even a portion of the wealth."

It was not even a large bit, the issue was there is not enough space to put all the chests.

After placing all that wealth he walked over to the guards of the house and decided to manage them. Electing a leader of the House guards, and then telling them to go to the Fishing village and find some squares to train.

Since all of them are knights, and knights need their followers, they usually are boys who want to be knights.

A knight takes a square, it will train the youngster in the sword, lance, Bow, and other weapons after that square reaches the proper level it will become a knight. This way one has a bunch of good Men at arms.

And Raynor has enough wealth to have at least a 500 thousand army of pure knights. He is just that rich…

Regardless, after giving the command to the household guards he returned to his work.

First, on the list was the weather totem. Which took another week to carve, after that it was a water totem. It was another week of work.

Though, the water totem effect was something which has blown his mind. As it is an actual terraform!

The moment he finished, earth shook for a while. Honestly, it was quite terrifying as Raynor for a while thought that this would cause an eruption from the Dragonmont. The volcano was a tall thing. Causing grey clouds to descend constantly, or used to as now the sun shines brightly every day for the past week.

Still…the red comet was there… His revival of the dragons quite literally caused a magical event of some sort…he still doesn't know what the comet does…but it could work like an astrological boost for some sort of ritual. Not that he has time to try something he still has to make his flaming forge.

Finally, the earth-shaking stopped and water erupted from the ground like a fountain before starting to descend into a stream.

It will take a while for a proper water stream to form but he finally got a freshwater stream!

Raynor swiftly walked over and tried some of the water.

The first thing he noticed was that the water is quite warm…

'Ohhh…this can give me some grand ideas!!!'

A smirk appeared on his face as he proceeded to think of a few plans for how to abuse this!

'Hot springs here I come!'


With a groan, Raynor took a deep breath, but… an unfamiliar smell invaded his nostrils.

His eyes snapped open as he looked around.

For a second he was confused but then he started to recall where he was…

This was…

His original home!

"...Fuck…I forgot about this place… wow… some crazy shit…" He said in a slightly amused and baffled tone. The Wolf King was having so much fun making stuff that he didn't realise how quickly time flies… the whole thing of trying to make Hot springs, His lodge, fire totem inside the volcano…he didn't even notice how the remaining three months have passed.


For advanced chapters (+7 chapters) mypat : pat




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