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32.14% Kal Son of Odin / Chapter 18: Chapter 18 – To be the King (1)

Capítulo 18: Chapter 18 – To be the King (1)

(Odin's Study – Asgard – 5 Years Ago)

"You are being ridiculous" Odin's voice was calm and measured, unchanging since their argument had begun causing Kal no end of frustration.

Kal was not sure how it had happened but the talk he had wanted to have with his father, the answers he thought he would receive found, had instead turned into a curt dismal by his father, then an argument and now was threatening to become something worse, as the last of Kal's restraint was leaving him.

"I DESERVE ANSWERS!" Kal's fist slammed into the table next to him his anger finally boiling over because of his adoptive father.

"You are not ready for them; your mother should not have told you. You are still too young." Odin's voice was beginning to raise as he stared down Kal how was demanding knowledge he was not ready for.

"I AM NOT A CHILD!" Kal snapped back tired of his father's cryptic ways.

"THEN STOP ACTING LIKE ONE!" Odin's patience had finally run its course, as he stood up from his chair so quickly it fell backwards, clattering to the ground.

Kal hand balled into a fist at his side as used the last of resolve not to lash out at his father. "YOU found ME, You took me, you raised me, you moulded me into what YOU WANTED! You have no right to keep answers from me."

Odin shook his head dismissing Kal's anger, releasing a sigh at his son's rare impertinent nature, could he not see he was protecting him. "I am your father, I have every right t-"

"YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER!" Kal's voice cracked like thunder as the room fell silent.

(Hall of Asgard – Asgard – 2010)

5 short years had passed since that fight.

In truth 5 years were nothing for beings such Asgardians or Kryptonians apparently, it was a mere heartbeat in the grand schemes of things for being such as them but to Kal, the past 5 years had felt more like 5,000.

He had only just arrived back on Asgard after 5 years of being absent, 5 long years of searching the cosmos for anything that could shed light on what he was, any trace of the once-mighty people of Krypton. But the great search of Son of Odin had resulted in nothing, no artefacts, no truths, no certainty, nothing but more questions.

Cold memories lingered in his mind;

Dead worlds long ago picked clean by scavengers, myths and stories whispered by ancient people but little truth to be found. He had spent time with Carol in Kree space searching for the wreckage of the ship they had found but whatever the Kree had once possessed was now long gone. His search had then taken him to places beyond even the knowledge of Asgard to realms strange and mysterious, the closet he had come to answers was a world, A dominion of death, at the very centre of Celestial existence. But what the Kryptonians had left there, the answers he could have received, came at a price he was not willing to pay.

However, Kal quickly pushed those thoughts from his mind, what was currently consuming his thoughts was the fact that he was very late, to an event that he had promised his mother he would not miss and was cursing himself for the fact that he was.

He politely gave a few waves as he flew above the massive crowds of Asgardians who were starting to pile into the Hall of Asgard for the ceremony. He could hear the whispers and shouts of surprise from below as the people of Asgard spotted their wayward prince returned.

He landed softly at one of the side entrances of the Great Hall of Asgard that stood almost in the centre of all Asgard. The Great Hall was a huge structure, built by King Bor after his victory over the Dark Elves it was large enough to house nearly the whole population of Asgard and was a place used for times of great celebration and great mourning for the people of Asgard. Today it was being used for the former, as today was the coronation of Thor as King of Asgard.

As Kal strode into the Hall he started to fix his cape that had become slightly jagged and was a little worn from his travels, he brushed off a number of servants that had stepped forward to try and help him. All of them looked surprised but also glad to see him, he knew many of them and could see they were glad to have him back.

Kal's presence was also causing a slight stir amongst the nobles of the court who lingered corridors attending to the small details of the event, despite him having sent word that he would be back for his brother's coronation, it was evident that many had thought Kal would not be back. Servants, nobles and guards gave surprised looks as they saw him walking down the corridor, each staggering to give him a bow, and he returned them his usual polite candour.

He was not sure what reason his father had given for Kal's long absence and a slightly callous part of him did not care, as he had little interest in making his father's life easier. Kal released a sigh at that thought, that was unfair and not very honourable of him.

However, the last conversation Kal had with his adoptive father had a rather unpleasant one. The conversation Kal had hoped would give him answers, instead, all it ended up doing was breaking the bonds between Kal and Odin, as harsh words and insults had been traded back and forth. Words and actions that Kal believed or at least hoped, that both sides regretted now saying, he knew for his part at least he did.

After his mother had told him the truth and then told Kal not to speak to his father until she had, but Kal had gone to confront his father anyway. He had wanted answers to the questions that had been burning in his mind. In hindsight, Kal knew he should have waited to cool off before speaking with his father, his mind had not been in the right state for such a delicate conversation, he had acted rashly on pure emotion, and it had resulted in nothing good.

Whilst, his adoptive mother Frigga had soothed his doubts and confusion with kindness and love, Odin had met Kal's questions with his usual stoic reserve and kingly frankness, which Kal had not been in the mood to tolerate. Which had led to a very heated argument and Kal's abrupt departure from Asgard, leaving in the middle of the night to search for answers, an act which had shocked many, he was sure.

His mother had tried to prevent him from departing on such terms, she had begged him on the steps of the Palace to stay, the moon the only witness to what had been said but Kal in his stubbornness and need for answers had not listened. Leading him to depart on a journey far from Asgard's borders.

All of which had been a colossal waste of time, Kal had travelled far and wide in five years, going deep into the void of the cosmos, crossing vast stellar clusters, and he had found practically nothing. No traces of Kryptonian civilisation or technology anywhere, only a few broken relics that did nothing or stories all of which conflicted with each other.

"Kal!" A voice called out causing Kal to turn. "Brother, your back!" Loki suddenly appeared next to him and in an unusual display of affection Loki hugged him. Not the usual half-hug that Loki normally did but a full-on brotherly hug filled with affection.

"Yes, I'm back I would not miss my brother's big day." Kal gave a smile and returned the hug; he was genuinely pleased to see his older brother, who looked exactly the same as he had left him.

"I didn't think you would be here," Loki stated as he broke the hug and looked at his brother, there was also a hint of shocked surprise in his voice like Kal being there was ruining something.

"Do you want me to go?" Kal joked giving Loki his best playful grin.

"Well, I guess not, it has been dull with you gone," Loki responded with his own grin. "So how were your travels? I was very surprised when you just left, I mean get wanting to see some sights but five years, and leave in the middle of the night? What have you been up to little brother?" Loki asked, although his voice was both friendly and curious, but Kal could see the pain in his brother's eyes, Loki was clearly upset that Kal had left how he did.

Kal winced internally; he regretted his abrupt departure mainly because it had deprived him of offering an explanation to his brothers. Who he was sure thought his departure was because of Thor's nomination to be king.

"I was searching for something, and I realised that I already have it right here." Kal offered Loki a hand on his shoulder and a genuine smile.

"Kal, I know I said some things before you left and I wanted you to know that I reg-" Loki tried to give a rare apology but was cut off by Kal.

"Loki, I can assure you my leaving was not because of anything you said or because of Thor becoming King. I promise I am going to tell you everything, but let us enjoy the day for Thor, tomorrow I will tell you." Kal gave his best reassuring smile.

Loki looked suspicious at Kal's statement but put it to one side, giving Kal a broad smile, deciding to heed his little brother's advice and enjoy the day. Although Loki's joy was mainly being reunited with Kal rather than at Thor's ascension to becoming King. However, every now and again Loki gave Kal a side glance that Kal found strange it was like him being there was putting Loki on edge, but Kal didn't know why.

"Come with me," Loki instructed suddenly ducking down a side corridor. "I was going to speak with Thor before the ceremony begins, and seeing you is really going to shake him before the big moment." Loki gave Kal his best sly smile, which Kal despite himself had missed.

"Very well lead on." Kal gave a chuckle and gestured for Loki to lead him on deciding to have a little fun before he went to see his parents again.

Loki led Kal down a series of corridors to the base of the great hall, he was led into a small antechamber that had a great fire pit burning in its centre, with banners of Asgard draped along the walls. Standing at the very end of the room in front of two large oak doors that obviously lead to the main area of the Great Hall was Thor.

His eldest brother was a sea of calmness and confidence, standing erect with Mjolnir gripped tightly in his right hand. Loki raised a finger to his lips and signalled Kal to wait in the shadows whilst Loki went to speak to Thor.

Kal watched as Loki approached Thor and gave a quick quip about nervousness which Thor merely laughed at, and the two entered into a short verbal sparing session as they always did. Kal smiled at the fact that despite five years passing Thor and Loki were entirely unchanged, and still affectionate brothers.

'Will they still be the same after you tell them the truth?' The stray thought caused him to frown but he was freed from his musings when he heard a clatter.

A servant had brought Thor some wine, and Loki in his usual manner had played a rather nasty trick on the servant by turning the cup into small snakes, causing him to drop the metal plate in fear.

"Loki that was a waste of good wine," Thor complained looking at the slithering snakes.

"Just a bit of fun right my friend." Loki chuckled and gave a very unconvincing apologetic look at the servant, who gave a small bow to his prince.

Loki then waved his hand causing the small serpents to disappear and then gave the servant a very pointed look, at which the servant edged backwards and left. Kal was frowning slightly at Loki's actions, his brother was always a little too cavalier with his pranks, but something just seemed off about Loki at the moment.

Before he could question it further though a guard entered through a door near him carrying Thor's winged helmet. Kal silently intercepted the guard gesturing for him to stay quiet took the helmet from the guard, then proceeded to silently walk over to his brothers.

He offered it to Thor who without looking at Kal took it believing him to be just another nameless attendant, and thus invisible to Thor's eyes.

"Aww Nice feathers." Loki quipped looking at the winged helmet in Thor's hands.

"You really don't want to start this again, cow" Thor chuckled back, looking up at Loki's helmet for the occasion.

"I was being sincere," Loki stated back, a fake look of dismay at his brother's words on his face.

"You are incapable of sincerity," Thor stated boldly a wide grin fixed on his own face.

"I do not know, the horns are at least traditional," Kal stated in a matter-of-fact tone, entering into the conversation.

His voice caused Thor to wheel around and really look at the person standing next to them, a shocked look upon his face as he stared at his little brother. The look however did not last long as it was soon replaced by a very wide grin and followed by the mother of all bear hugs.

"Kal your back! I have missed you, little brother." Thor's voice exuded happiness as he wrapped his arms around Kal, trying to crush his brother in a bear hug.

Kal was slightly more hesitant with Thor than with Loki, his relationship with his eldest brother had been slowly deteriorating since they were children, and Kal suspected that his sudden departure following the news that Thor was to be king likely did not help. Kal loved Thor and in truth, there was hardly anyone he did not respect more, however, Kal struggled with Thor's brashness, arrogance and pawning off of his duties which had often fallen to Kal to pick up.

Despite that though Kal was genuinely glad to see Thor again and returned with his brothers embrace albeit a lot less powerful than the bone-crushing hug Thor was currently giving him.

"I missed you as well, and would not miss this day for anything," Kal said giving Thor a genuine smile as they broke apart.

"This is as it should be, the sons of Odin together," Thor said with a grin as he gave Kal a slap to the chest, looking between his two brothers' happiness on his face.

"Indeed, it is most fitting, especially on your day triumph brother," Loki said with a calm smile and sincerity.

Kal gave Loki a quick glance, not because of his brother's statement but because Loki was oddly sincere, his voice was level and Loki looked completely happy for Thor. Which was good, but very odd, Kal knew more than most how much Loki wanted the Throne and Kal was suspicious that Loki seemed completely resigned to being passed over. What had happened in the five years since he had been gone.

"Yes, I'm glad I can be here brother." Kal gave Thor a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder as he returned his gaze to Thor.

"Thank you, both but where have you been Kal. FIVE years you've been gone, father would only say you were searching for something and would say no more." Thor asked a look of curiosity on his face, a hint of fear in his eyes, as he was afraid Kal was going to name him the reason for leaving.

"I was but my search has led to very little except for a longing for home. I will tell you everything but first, just enjoy your day." Kal replied and gave Thor a smile, that he hoped would placate his brother for now.

As Thor was about to respond they were interrupted by a servant who had arrived to inform the princes that the ceremony was starting, and their presence was needed. Kal and Loki were about to be announced, along with the other prominent guests so they were required to leave Thor immediately or risk delaying the ceremony.

Thor merely nodded to both of them as the brothers so soon after their reunion broke apart to attend to their duties. Kal and Loki were led up a set of steps and could hear the crowds above them and the muffled voice of the herald announcing the guests. As they reached the end of the steps, they could see the carpeted path that led from the massive doors of the Great Hall all the way up to Odin's seat.

"Announcing honoured guest of the royal family, Shieldmaiden of Asgard, Victor of the Battle of Daufrheimr, Lady Sif, Daughter of Ullr from the Plains of Ida." The herald announced as Lady Sif walked down the aisle towards Odin's seat.

Kal looked at Sif, like everyone else, she seemed little changed after five years, the only difference was that she was currently wearing a dress rather than her usual armour. She looked out of sorts to Kal's eyes. The dress was actually very flattering as well as practical but to Kal who had both fought against and with Sif, seeing her in anything other than her armour with a sword in hand was strange and alien.

"Your next your highness." The Herald turned and gestured for Loki to come.

Which surprised Kal as he was usually the first of the brothers to be called, as he was the youngest but suspected that his arrival for the ceremony had caught many off-guard despite him sending advanced word he would be attending. Loki however did not seem to mind and just gave Kal a wink as he walked forward to bask in the admiration of the people of Asgard.

The cheer Loki received was like a tidal wave crashing against the shore, despite Loki's sometimes abrasive nature and less than savoury reputation to some he was still beloved by the people of Asgard. He was their charming, witty and playful prince, who although a tad arrogant was not above a bit of fun and despite living in Thor's shadow still had a great reputation as a warrior, which mattered a great deal to the warrior society.

"Announcing his Royal Highness, Member of the House of Odin, Warrior of Asgard, Master of Magic, God of Mischief, and Son of Odin. Prince Loki." The herald's announcement caused a fresh wave of cheers, as Loki took his place next to Frigga on the steps up to Odin's throne.

There was a slight delay in announcing Kal, it was not a major delay but was noticeable as several people scrambled to present the herald with the correct scroll that contained how Kal was supposed to be addressed. The delay however did allow Kal to quickly glance at his mother and father, his great vision turning the distant specs into crystal clear images.

His mother was as radiant as ever, standing tall and erect as ever with golden hair done up in an elegant braid, her dress was immaculate, and she seemed to be as regal as ever. However, she also looked a little stressed and was clearly starting to show signs of relief as the ceremony began in earnest.

His father, however, had aged greatly in the last five years and Kal was slightly concerned, the last time he saw Odin he had been a tired ageing man, but still had enough energy and fury in him to have an argument that sent Kal off into the cosmos. Now, however, his father was not ageing, he was now old and clearly exhausted, his hair was completely white, great lines were etched into his face and although he concealed it well the mere act of sitting seemed draining.

"Announcing, the youngest member of the House of Odin, Warrior Prince of Asgard, the Dragon's Bane, Subduer of the Sun-Eater of D'Rill, and God of Truth and Justice. His Royal Highness, Prince Kal." The herald's voice boomed across the great hall.

Where Loki's announcement had caused a wave of noise, Kal's was a tsunami that did not merely crash on the shore, it levelled it. The noise was a pleasant reminder to Kal of one of the things he had missed about Asgard, a sense of purpose, although he had never felt certain about himself or his place, Kal at least had known he had a place here and the respect of all.

Kal was not as boastful as Thor nor as arrogant as Loki, but that did not mean he was not ignorant of his popularity, Thor was the crown prince, and a great warrior so nothing could really top that but Kal had come close. Kal was loved true, but more than that Kal was respected, his years at carefully attending his duties and being his father's right hand, meant that even those who did not like Kal which were few did respect him.

Kal gave polite waves as he walked down the aisle reframing from flying down as he did not want to be seen trying to upstage Thor. As he approached the platform and stairs to his father Kal caught both his parent's eyes, first was his mother who gave a loving smile and mouthed the words 'Welcome home.'

Odin's eye however conveyed almost nothing, his father was still his reserved stoic self and was still acting in the same distant kingly manner that had caused their riff when Kal had sought fatherly honesty, and instead was met with cold stoic logic. However, Kal did see a slight waver in his father's eye and although Odin did not speak, Odin gave a subtle nod which spoke volumes to Kal.

Kal quickly rose and took his place next to his brother and was greeted by Loki grinning and giving a sly wink, still clearly overjoyed at having Kal back.

"Announcing the Crown Prince of As-" The rest of the herald's words were lost in the sheer mania that was the cheer that arose at Thor's arrival.

The crowd was more enthused than ever to see Thor as today was his eldest brother's greatest moment of triumph, his coronation, and Thor was matching the crowd in terms of enthusiasm. The herald simply abandoned any attempt to fulfil his role as Thor hyped the crowd up with his own roars and waves.

As Thor made his final approach he threw his hammer into the air causing it to spin and expertly caught it, causing even more screaming cheers to erupt.

"Oh please," Sif stated next to Kal shaking her head in amusement at Thor's antics.

Kal's eyes however were still on Odin, who seemed almost passive in his observations of his eldest son. Despite, it being his eldest Son's Day of ascension and his own retirement the Allfather was showing little enthusiasm for Thor taking the crown and just stood there.

Thor finally reached the platform and knelt before father and gave their mother a playful wink which caused Frigga to shake her head slightly at her son's playfulness. The entire Hall fell silent as Odin rose to start the formal handover of power and proclaim Thor king. Every eye turned towards the platform and those on it turned their gaze towards Thor and watched as he was about to become King.

Odin signalled the start of the ceremony with a gentle tap of Gungnir which caused a ringing echo to reverberate throughout the hall, someone making the silent hall even quieter.

"Thor Odinson, my heir, my firstborn." Odin's voice quivered slightly as he began as his emotions long buried rose to the surface as the events threatened to overtake him.

"So long entrusted with the mighty hammer, Mjolnir, forged in the heart of a dying star. Its power has no equal! As a weapon to destroy or as a tool to build. Tis a fit companion for a King. I have defended Asgard, and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms since the great beginning."

Odin's voice became more confident as he continued his speech, he stood more erect and pride was clearly entering his voice as he gazed down at Thor, who for once was not grinning. An almost serious look was fixed on Thor's face as he knelt, his own pride glinting in his eyes.

Kal was smiling at Thor his own internal reservations set aside at his happiness for his Thor, despite whatever disagreements had or might have, Kal still loved Thor and was genuinely happy for him. However, as Odin continued Kal's senses alerted to him in a drop in temperature, it was only slight but it piqued his curiosity and he reached out with his hearing.

Odin's great voice vanquished as Kal listened to the very noise of Asgard, every single beating heart and breathing lung, sifting through the noise to discover what did not belong. He quickly found it, it was a sound like cracking ice and frosted breath coming from below them, deep in the bowls of Asgard.

"Do you swear to guard the nine realms?" Odin asked Thor as the ceremony reached its climax.

"I swear" Thor replied solemnly.

It was almost like it was coming from the weapons vault, it sounds like large heavy individuals running.

"And do you swear to preserve the peace?" Odin's voice cut into Kal's hearing, causing him to turn his head more to listen more carefully.

"I swear," Thor replied, pride building in his voice.

He could hear water freezing now, it was a quick type of freezing as he could hear the ice cracking as it froze too quickly to settle gently.

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and pledge yourself only to the good of the realm?" Odin asked, his eyes briefly looking to Kal whose head was turned away listening to something.

"I SWEAR!" Thor roared lifting Mjolnir from the ground, a board smile on his face.

Kal's hearing picked up a heart it's beating slowly stopping until it fell silent and then the soft thrum of the Casket of Ancient Winters whirling to life as it was lifted. Kal whirled around to face Odin and stepped forward ignoring the scene he would be causing.

"Then on this day, I Odin Allfather, proclaim you…." Odin's voice trailed off as his vision suddenly went distant just as Kal stepped forward.

"Father the vault, there are frost gai-" Kal moved forward, just as Lord Tyr moved forward either because Kal was disrupting the ceremony, or he too knew something was wrong.

"The Frost Giants." Odin finished Kal's sentence, his eye going wide as he sensed their presence.

Odin wasted no time and without warning slammed Gungnir hard on the ground, sounding a pulse throughout Asgard. He also turned to Kal and gave his youngest son a familiar nod, the separation between the two forgotten as Kal once again leapt into action, becoming a blur as he flew from the hall.

(The Weapons Vault - Sometime Later)

Kal was already in the weapons vault by the time Odin, Thor and Loki arrived, the great Uru doors opening altering Kal to their presence.

Kal had not been needed as The Destroyer had lived up to its name and had dealt with the intruders, Kal had merely returned the Casket to its pedestal and quickly surveyed the Vault and could confidently say nothing was missing. His only point of annoyance was that the Destroyer had obliterated any chance of interrogating the prisoners or finding out who they breached so far into Asgard.

"The Jotun's must pay for what they have done." Thor angrily stated looking at the remains of both the Jotuns and the guards.

"They have paid with their lives. The destroyer did its job, the Casket is safe, and all is well" Odin stoically said looking at the casket, then gave Kal a thankful nod.

"All is well?" Thor asked in disbelief "They broke into the weapon's vault! If the Frost Giants had stolen one of these relics!"

"But they did not." Odin bluntly replied.

"Well, I want to know why!" Thor's anger was rising.

"Calm brother." Kal moved forward and placed a gentle hand on Thor's shoulder, which his elder brother shrugged off.

Kal sighed, five years or five hundred it would not make a difference, Thor was always bull-headed and allowed his anger to rule his actions. Loki was passively observing the whole affair wide-eyed and standing back as not to get caught up in Thor's building anger.

"I have a truce with Laufey King of the Jotuns" Odin replied still turned away from Thor.

"He just broke your truce! They know you are vulnerable!" Thor yelled, his anger and indignation rising.

"Brother, please calm yourself." Kal once again tried to defuse Thor but was met with a raised hand.

"Know your place brother," Thor stated with a glare that caused Kal to bite his tongue least he responds and added to the tensions instead of defusing it.

"What action would you take?" Odin asked softly, forcing Thor to return his attention to his father.

"March into Jotunheim as you once did, teach them a lesson. Break their spirits. So that they'll never dare cross our borders again" Thor said with confidence, and with a bloodlust, in his eyes, Kal did not like.

"What?" Kal could not help himself but intervene. "That is madness brother, you would what? Slaughter thousands of innocent Jotuns for pride because of the actions of a few doomed to fail."

Kal was as much a warrior as Thor and he respected his brother, Thor was a good leader and Kal would gladly follow Thor anywhere. However, he never did understand his brother's need to resolve everything with violence and had always worried about Thor's pride and where it might lead. And if the present conversation was any indication Kal's worse fears were becoming real.

Kal's statement caused Thor to turn on his brother a grimace on his face, he evidently did not like Kal questioning his course of action. Thor's eye looked at Kal with a fury the younger brother had never seen before, Thor looked ready to bite Kal's head off but Odin's response caused Thor to turn back around.

"Well said, my son. We will find the breach in our defences, and it will be sealed" Odin responded softly giving Kal a prideful nod.

"It does not matter. As King of Asgard…." Thor started puffing out his chest.

"BUT you are not King!" Odin's voice boomed silencing Thor, he then softly continued. "Not yet."

Thor was quiet but looked like he was ready to spilt his father's skull open with Mjolnir, however, Thor simply took a sharp breath and then swiftly departed with a grimace on his face. Kal sighed and shook his head slightly and made eye contact with Loki who just nodded and went after Thor hopefully to calm their eldest brother down.

"Welcome home, my son." Odin softly spoke to Kal, as Loki left the weapons vault, leaving the two alone.

Kal turned to properly face his adoptive father after five years of being apart, being closer to Odin only amplified how tired he looked, his father was truly exhausted and looked ready to fall asleep at any moment. The great lines of Odin's face were deeper now, the power that had once radiated from him freely like a burning sun was now a dim flicker of a candle, and the worse part was his eyes, they just looked tired.

"Not the homecoming I wanted, but it is good to be back. We should get General Tyr to organise increased patrols, show the people strength calm nerves." Kal offered, choosing for the moment to focus on the good of Asgard.

"I will suggest it." An awkward silence then fell over them after Odin's reply, the Allfather then released a heavy sigh and looked at his youngest son with tired eyes. "We should talk."

"Yes, as that worked so well last time." Kal chuckled in response hoping levity would break the tension between the two.

"Hmmm, I did not explain myself well, I apologise and dare I say tempers on both sides could have been better. But you are my son and love, no matter the reasons as to why I took you in," Odin's voice was oddly pensive.

Kal sighed deeply as he turned away from Odin, his mind racing as he thought on his father's words even now a part of him wanted to spit back a curse and continue the fight they had been having when he left. Yet instead, he sighed wanting for the moment at least to move past the argument and hopefully reach an understanding with his father.

"I will take my share of the blame for the argument, and I do think of myself as your son. But…. The reasons, as to why you took me in and why you kept it a secret, they do matter at least to me." Kal stated honestly.

Odin slowly nodded, Kal could see gears turning in his father's head as was thinking about how to respond "I understand, and we will talk soon, but I need to decide on what course of action to take, with regards to the Jotuns and how I should tell you the truth."

"I understand …. Father." Kal gave Odin a small fragile yet honest smile, as he hoped this could heal the rift between him and his father.

"I suggest now you go see your mother; she has missed you terribly." Odin gave Kal his own smile and fatherly grip on the shoulder.

With that Odin departed the weapons vault leaving Kal alone, Kal waited for a little while only departing after General Tyre had arrived with a company of Einherjar to secure the vault. He watched the one-handed General ensure every single piece of debris was collected before he himself departed to go see the Witch Queen of Asgard.

Kal did not need to search for his mother as he knew exactly where she was going to be, without thinking his feet quickly took him to his mother's study, located in one of the highest points of the Palace. As he approached the great wooden door, he slowed, his confident strides turning into almost childlike tiptoeing, despite all he had faced Kal always found himself acting like this when he came to enter these rooms.

His breathing was becoming heavier, and his palms felt sweaty, as he finally reached the door he reached out his hand to knock only to find the door swing away from his hand, leaving his fist to connect with nothing but air. He let out a heavy sigh and wondered why he had thought to suscept anything else, his mother always knew when he was coming to visit often before even he did. He cautiously stepped into the rooms and was met by the sheer radiance that was his mother.

The Witch Queen of Asgard was stood in the middle of her study waving her hands about and muttering in tongues that Kal even gifted with the Allspeak could not comprehend. The result of Frigga's actions was an astral projection of Asgard in precise detail, hovering before her, with symbols appearing and disappearing as Frigga moved her hands.

Kal stood back for a few moments although his mother faced him, she was completely occupied with the spells she was weaving, and Kal did not want to disturb her. He did not have to wait long as after a few moments Frigga's face made a frown and she clasped her hands together causing the hovering Asgard to disappear.

As Frigga's attention returned to the real world, she looked at Kal and a board loving smile replaced her frown and she opened her arms clearly offering an embrace for her son. Kal returned the smile and moved forward to take the embrace but as he went in for a hug, he felt his mother's hand smack him on the outside of his head.

"What did I say!" Frigga's voice was filled with only annoyance a mother could muster.

She followed her first blow with several more smacks to the side of his head as she glared at her youngest son, daring him to offer an answer for his supposed stupidity.

"Okay, okay, stop it, stop it. I yield." Kal raised his hands to try and surrender, although he was impervious to harm, his mother's blows still stung somehow.

Frigga ceased her assault as a loving smile now fixed on her face, but her eyes clearly showed that she was still greatly annoyed with Kal.

"I know, you said you'd deal with father. I should have listened." Kal conceded knowing why his mother was annoyed with him.

"Really, you think?" Frigga asked rhetorically, before releasing a deep sigh. "I know you needed to talk to him, but neither of you was prepared for that conversation, especially your father, he felt ambushed."

"He felt ambushed." Kal raised his eyes, in disbelief that a man that had kept a secret for a thousand years from his own son had any right to feel ambushed.

"Yes, your father responds poorly when he is not prepared for something and has a habit of making things exceeding difficult for himself," Frigga sighed as memories of her early days with Odin appeared in her head. "Saying things, he does not mean and can come across as very cold. Although he is not entirely to blame for the fight you two had, is he?" Frigga stated looking at her son with a critical eye.

An awkward silence fell over the two as Kal looked away from his mother, slightly embarrassed as she was not wrong. Kal had not dealt with the news of his adoption in the best manner and his confronting of his father straightway had only led to raised tensions. And then he had simply just gone away instead of dealing with the problems, running around the cosmos instead of dealing with the issues at home.

"I missed you," Kal finally said meeting his mother's eye again with a small smile. "And father, and Loki, I even missed Thor," Kal added causing his mother to chuckle.

"We missed you too." Frigga finally moved and gave Kal a small warm hug. "So where did you end up going?"

Kal sighed slightly memories of his vast travels and fruitless search returning to his mind as he turned and moved to lean on the railing of a nearby balcony, that overlooked all of Asgard.

"A lot of places, I was looking for answers, for knowledge after the pod, my pod was a dead end," Kal stated slightly in lament.

"Did you find any?" Frigga softly asked, a slight hesitation in her voice.

Kal just shook his head, releasing a deep sigh as he took a seat, "No, nothing a vast cosmos and I found nothing. Just rumours and myths. When I followed those, I just found more waiting, I couldn't even find where Krypton had been, let alone any answers."

Frigga watched her youngest child for a few moments, despite him knowing the truth and his departure in search of answers, he had to her eye not really changed, he was still her son. He was still the same child that always came to her when he needed advice, the same one that fought endlessly with his brothers and he was still the same boy that always rushed into things when his emotions got the better of him.

All that had changed was his sense of direction, Kal had always been dutiful and forthright but that was mostly due to his brother's inattentive nature and the tragedy Kal had unwittingly unleashed when he had once disregarded his duties. Her son always seemed to know what to do and what direction to take even if he had not been certain about who he was, but looking at him now it was clear that Kal had no idea what to do next.

"I am sorry my son, truly," She moved forward and joined him on the balcony placing a motherly hand on top of his giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze.

"Thank you" Kal's response was quiet, but he gave her hand a squeeze of his own in return.

The two sat quietly for a few moments simply content to be in each other's company again, Kal looked out over Asgard the only home he had ever known whilst Frigga looked at her son, studying him to see if he had changed. To her eye, he somehow looked older, and it was hard for her to see the small boy she had once been able to hold in her arms, now all she could see in front of her was a man tired of not knowing what to do.

"It has been someday hasn't it." Kal finally broke the silence as he turned to face his mother, a sad smile on his face.

"It truly has," Frigga sighed, exhausted by the day's events so far and nodded slowly. "How is Thor taking it? I was going to go see him."

"He is taking it as well as could be expected," Kal answered cautiously turning away from Frigga whilst he added, "He and father had a fight."

The statement caused another sigh from Frigga and somehow her look of exhaustion became even greater. "Of course, they did, how bad was it?"

"It was …... Ah, it was bad. Father has cancelled Thor's ascension to the Throne, I think for some time, and Thor …... he wants a war with Jotunheim, wants to march on Jotunheim and 'teach' them a lesson." Kal responded with a look of anguish on his face at delicately describing Thor's advocation of a massacre.

Frigga was silent as she processed the information and was feeling even more exhausted as her mind raced through the possibilities of what this all meant. She finally just released another deep sigh and brought a hand to her face to rub her eyes, something she often did when her eldest son was brought up.

"Some homecoming is not." Frigga joked slightly causing Kal to chuckle.

"It is indeed." Kal could not help but smile at the absurdity with which life could surprise one.

"So have you thought about what you are going to do?" Frigga gently asked wanting to focus on something hopefully positive compared to the shambles that was today.

"I think I will -" Kal cut himself off as his head suddenly turned and looked towards the Bifrost that had activated.

Frigga turned to look as well puzzled as to why the Bridge between worlds had been activated, her husband had surely ordered all travel closed until the current situation was dealt with or at least understood better. She turned to Kal who was also puzzled, he gave her a look asking her permission, she gave a small smile.

"Go." She gently ordered.

Kal nodded and the grace of falcon flew off the balcony and sored towards Himinbjorg to discover what was going on.

(The Bifrost Departure Chamber)

Kal was not happy, well that was an understatement Kal was furious.

Heimdall was standing passively on his raised pedestal looking stoic as ever as he explained that he had allowed Thor, Loki, Siff and the Warriors Three off Asgard to travel to Jotunheim. Heimdall's deep stoic voice reverberated off the walls as he seemingly without emotion told the youngest son of Odin what he had done.

The grimace on Kal's face just grew, and a feeling of utter disbelief entered Kal's mind as Heimdall one of his oldest and most trusted friends kept talking. Kal knew Heimdall was close to Thor and trusted the crown prince implicitly, but Kal was still in disbelief that he had let his older brother do the monumentally stupid action of going to Jotunheim.

"Why in the name of the Allfather would you let them go?" Kal's voice was harsh, and he was surprised that he was able to muster such conviction with Heimdall his former mentor. The man still made Kal feel small even now.

At Kal's tone Heimdall's impassive nature cracked slightly it was not much but the great Gatekeeper of Asgard looked away briefly from Kal not wanting to meet his former student's eye. Yet despite that Heimdall still stood erect and showed no other signs of regret for his actions, which caused Kal's irritation to grow.

"Well?" Kal asked in a biting tone.

"Thor believed they could get answers, no enemy has ever slipped my watch unt-" Heimdall began to try and explain before Kal cut him off.

"Pride and vanity," Kal caught off Heimdall whilst he shook his head in disbelief, disappointed in the Gatekeeper "You wanted answers and could not wait on Odin to decide what to do. So instead, you let Thor blunder off like a raging Bilgesnipe."

Kal rubbed his eyes in frustration as Heimdall stood passively on his pedestal staying quiet as Kal derided him for his arrogant action in letting Thor and the others travel to Jotunheim. In truth, Heimdall was aware of the dangers of his actions and had justified them to himself as he trusted Thor's judgement. However, he was now second-guessing himself thinking perhaps Kal was right and that letting Thor go had been a result of his own pride wanting answers instead of actual thought or duty to Asgard.

Kal let out a frustrated sigh and shook his head before turning towards the edge of Himinbjorg looking out at the vast cosmos. Kal took a deep breath looked up briefly and shook his head again before turning back to Heimdall.

"Open the Bifrost and send me as well" Kal commanded as he fixed his vambraces and made sure that Gram was securely fastened at his side.

"My prince, should we not wait for your Fath-" Heimdall was again cut off by Kal.

"My father is no doubt on his way but if we wait, we could be at war before he arrives. SO, send me now." Kal's voice was commanding and clearly showed that he was in no mood to be second-guessed.

Heimdall merely bowed his head and activated the Bifrost the walls of Himinbjorg began to spin and pulsate with energy. He decided to forgo warning Kal about keeping the bridge closed to his return Kal was more than aware of that warning and he felt that Kal was in no mood to hear from more than he already had.

As the Bifrost reached its peak, Heimdall pushed Hofund into the final lock of the great pedestal and caused Kal to be pulled forward into the brilliant hues of the Bifrost and hurtled across the cosmos in a moment

Kal always liked the Bifrost its brilliant hues and the rushing sensation it gave him made him feel at peace, the only thing like it was when he was flying at full speed through the void of space but even then that came nowhere close to the majesty of the Bifrost. However, Kal's peace and journey both came to an end when the Bifrost ceased and stood on the ice-covered surface of Jotunheim.

(Jotunheim – 2010)

The first thing Kal could notice was his breath it clung to the air in a torrent of condensation as his warm breath met the icy air, he turned his head to look at the bleak and devasted landscape. Jotunheim was not much to look at the planet was still ravaged by the war that had ended over a thousand years ago, great spires and buildings still lay demolished in the snows and there had been no visible sign to repair the damage.

Kal reached out with his senses and hoped that he could find his brothers and friends before anyone did something that they would all regret. As he listened to the frozen world Kal found the climate surprisingly pleasant, he had been told that Jotunheim was so cold that even dragon's breath struggled to burn here, but to Kal, he found that the freezing temperature was oddly comfortable.

"The house of Odin is full of traitors." Kal heard the voice it was deep and sounded like ice cracking on the wind.

"Do not dishonour my father's name with your lies!" Thor's voice responded as he bellowed back at the first voice in anger.

Kal launched himself into the air and swiftly set off in the direction of the voices his journey was rapid but slower than he wished the frosty air of Jotunheim slowing him down as he had to push through what felt like sheets of ice to reach his brothers. He arrived at what appeared to be the remains of a once-great palace that had clearly seen better days, like the rest of Jotunheim it was partially demolished and in a state of disrepair.

Kal's arrival caused several reactions; for Thor, he looked up with almost annoyance that his little brother had followed them to Jotunheim, he had no desire to hear Kal parrot another of father's lessons. Loki and the others had a sense of slight relief that he was there to support them, none had dared say it but all had felt a little uneasy leaving Kal out of their adventure, not only because of strength but his friendship was a great source of comfort. The frost giants however all became suddenly more on edge and seemingly three times the initial number started to appear out of every crevice and hole in the surrounding area.

"Ah, I see Odin's weapon has arrived to ensure the little princes do not do anything rash." Laufey's voice boomed across the icy courtyard as Kal slowly descended.

"Great King Laufey, I bring greetings from my father, King Odin of Asgard. He wishes you to know that despite the actions of the renegades on Asgard, the peace between our two people still stands." Kal spoke as formally as he could as he landed next to Thor.

"Kal what are you -" Thor hissed but before he finishes his question Laufey cut him off.

"Is that so?" Laufey's question was accompanied by him narrowing his eyes at Kal.

"It is, the Allfather desires the long peace between our two people to last even longer." Kal's voice was both formal and entirely honest.

"That one came here for a fight. He desires to unleash something he cannot comprehend" Laufey gestured his head towards Thor, a sad look in his eye as he recalled the horrors of the last war.

"Be careful, how you address -" Thor stepped forward but this time it was Kal that cut him off.

"My brother is merely, passionate in his duties to defend Asgard. You can understand wanting to defend one home, Great Laufey." Kal placed a hand on Thor's chest and one on his brother's shoulder preventing Thor from moving closer to Laufey and doing something stupid.

Laufey looked at Thor for a moment, and then his vision became distant as he seemingly stared at nothing. Kal had seen such a look before, on the face of both General Tyr and his own father Odin when either of them talked about the war, it was a haunting look that Kal truly hoped he would never fully understand.

"I do, and as I know what your actions here would unleash, I know it well. As such I will still permit you all to leave. Give your father my regards, Prince Kal, now GO!" Laufey commanded giving a dismissive wave as he turned to go back into his palace.

Thor's face became a grimace as he shrugged Kal off and made to take a step forward Kal was about to intervene when Loki suddenly moved forward gripping Thor by the shoulder.

"We will accept, you're most gracious offer" Loki gave a slight bow of his head, as then turned to whisper in Thor's ear. "Come on, brother."

Thor did not immediately move to, causing one of the larger Jotuns to move forward and stare down Thor who was evidently very angry and very reluctant to leave. However, Kal breathed a sigh of relief when Thor finally relented and turned to leave, Kal swiftly following, setting a fast pace hoping to leave this place as soon as possible.

However, all his hopes that this was going to end peacefully stopped the moment the Jotun spoke as Thor turned.

"Run back home, little princess." The large Jotun warrior mocked Thor with a grin as he stared down at the prince's back.

"Dam" Loki's voice and sigh sounded clear next to Kal.

"Thor, don-" Kal tried to move to prevent Thor from attacking but was too late as Thor swung Mjolnir and sent the Jotun flying, a sicking snap could be heard as the Jotun was killed in an instant.

"NEXT!" Thor roared and before anyone could react Thor was already striking another Jotun, killing another guard with a blow to the chest.

What followed next was a complete fiasco, the area immediately became a battle as the small group from Asgard suddenly became swarmed by a horde of Jotun's that were pouring out of everywhere. Kal heaved a heavy sigh of frustration as he did his best to try and protect his friends, any hope of peace having now clearly been lost, due to Thor's murderous rage.

As Thor swung Mjolnir with deadly grace swatting Jotun like flies, Kal just walked through the battlefield towards his friends ignoring the blows and attacks that Jotun made on him that failed to do anything. He lifted his hand and with minimal effort swatted an attacking Jotun away as he moved towards Loki that was facing a particularly large Jotun.

"Ahh! Don't let them touch you!" Volstagg's voice boomed across the field, as he grimaced at the cold burn that was present on his arm.

Just as Volstagg cried out his warning, Kal suddenly noticed that Loki's arm was being gripped by the Jotun he was fighting, Loki having plunged a dagger into the giant's chest. Kal soared forward and with a mighty strike sent the creature flying away from his brother.

"Loki are you alright?" Kal asked in alarm turning to his brother.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Loki responded a little muddled as he stared at his arm for a moment which was completely fine.

"Ah!" Fandral's screams drew both of their attention as he suddenly saw the swordsmen implied on ice.

"Thor we must go!" Sif yelled as she rushed to aid Fandral.

"Then go!" Thor cried still swinging his hammer, lost in his battle lust, icy blue blood spatted across his face and hammer.

Thor's causal dismissal and the peril they were in was the last straw for Kal's already thinning patience.

"ENOUGH!" Kal cried as his patience finally snapped.

He lifted one of his fists high into the air and then with blinding speed slammed it into the ground, the result was a moment of silence before a shockwave emanated forth and levelled everything in the surrounding area. Everyone was flattened, the wave was just powerful enough to knock everyone over without sending them flying, and had they been on Asgard Kal was pretty sure the building would have been fine.

However, they were on Jotunheim, and a millennium of neglect and lack of resources meant that the buildings were not stable, Kal's blow started causing the area they were in to collapse and the ground to begin to break apart. Both things that Kal had very much not meant to do and cursed himself for his rash action.

"Dam" Kal whispered to himself before he raised his voice. "Volstagg grab Fandral where leaving!"

The Asgardians were the first to recover from Kal's sudden blow, Sif was the first up followed by Volstagg who rushed to pick up Fandral and with that the two swiftly followed by Hogun and Loki were off. Kal turned to Thor who was also getting up gripping Mjolnir in one hand, he shook his head and gave an almost feral growl.

"Thor we must leav-" Kal approached Thor but was cut off when Mjolnir suddenly connected with his face.

Kal was pretty sure, or at least hoping Thor had been reacting purely on warrior instinct when he struck him, but it did not matter. Even with his enhanced state a blow from Mjolnir whilst it barely hurt, was still able to send Kal flying, he was lucky that Thor had knocked him in the same direction the others were running.

Kal flew for a moment before he crashed into the icy ground, near the edge of a cliff creating a crater as he slammed into the cold ground. Kal moved his jaw slightly and rubbed his cheek that was still stinging from the surprise blow, as he got up he could see Sif and the other's running towards him.

"Kal!" Sif shouted clearly worried about him.

"Heimdall open the bridge!" Volstagg shouted as they approached Kal, looking towards the heavens for salvation.

As they approached however Kal felt the earth tremble and as his friends arrived at the edge of the cliff they were greeted not only by Kal but a huge icy beast that was crawling up the side of the cliff. Sif naturally took a warrior's pose ready to defend herself, Kal's eyes glowed hot red but were prevented in his own attack by Thor's arrival.

Thor being pulled by Mjolnir went straight through the beast's head causing it to fall backwards and down into the chasm below. Thor then landed with a battle lust grin fixed on his face, his eyes were gleeful, wide and crazed, all signs that he seemed to be relishing in the carnage that was being wrought.

However, Thor's expression suddenly changed when he looked behind his companions and saw legions of Jotuns arriving with Laufey at their head. All of them with bloodlust in their eyes and ready to tear them apart, for attacking their home and murdering their kin. The gathered Asgardians all readied themselves for what might be their final stand and Kal was about to unleash his full fury when suddenly the brilliant hues of the Bifrost appeared.

Odin had arrived mounted on his great steed Sleipnir, Gungnir held aloft in one hand as the booming sound of the Bifrost echoed throughout the frozen tundra. Every one of his companions looked relieved at the Allfather's arrival and Thor was grinning like a madman.

"Father we will finish them together!" Thor roared, lifting Mjolnir with glee.

"Silence!" Odin commanded and turned his attention to Laufey.

"Allfather, you look weary." Laufey formed an ice bridge that brought him face to face with the King of Asgard.

"Laufey end this now" Odin's voice was almost pleading.

"Your boy sought this out. Despite what the other one claimed" Laufey gestured to both Thor and Kal, both remained quiet.

"You're right. These are the actions of the boy, treat them as such, you and I can end this here and now before there is further bloodshed," Odin implored the frost giant

"We are beyond diplomacy now Allfather he'll get what he came for war and death" Laufey stated firmly but with a hint of regret in his voice.

"So be it" Odin stated with the same firmness and regret in his own voice.

Kal was on edge and rightly so as the brief discussion between Kings ended, Laufey moved to strike his father with an ice dagger, he was about to move to try and intervene. However, Odin simply raised Gungnir into the sky and summoned the Bifrost causing Laufey to be pushed back and the rest of them to be pulled back to Asgard.

Their return was a tense one, as Odin commanded Fandral to be taken to a healing room and everyone bar him and his sons to leave. Never in all his life had Kal seen his father as angry as he was now, Odin wasn't just furious he was fury incarnate, everything about him screamed rage.

Kal and Loki just stayed back as Thor started yelling at their father and Odin returned his son's contempt and fury in equal measure. Neither of the princes knew what to do and neither really felt that they should be there.

Kal was staring at Thor who was looking more and more unhinged by the second as he criticised their father and declared that the old ways were done. He was very alarmed at his brother's statements, he had known Thor had been discontent with the current state of affairs and Kal did not always agree with Odin, but Thor was starting to sound mad.

"You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!" Odin yelled at Thor.

"And you are an old man and a fool!" Thor bellowed back his statement causing the room to go quiet, the only sound was the two-panting trying to catch their breathes.

"Yes," Odin whispered. "I was a fool, to think you were ready." The rage had left his voice as he stared down at Thor."

"Father -" Loki moved to intervene but was meet by a rageful almost feral snarl from Odin.

Odin just looked at Thor with a look of complete disappointment, the energy-draining away from his aged body as a sense of pure failure washed over him.

"Thor Odinson... you have betrayed the express command of your king. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you've opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war!"

Odin's voice started off mournful but slowly built up as rage and anger started to overtake the Allfather. He then moved and activated the Bifrost, a look of pure certainty and rage was fixed on his face.

"You are unworthy of these realms! You're unworthy of your title! You're unworthy of the loved ones you have betrayed!"

With each statement, Odin stripped Thor of both his royal cloak and the disks of his armour that signified him as both a warrior of Asgard and a member of the house of Odin. With Odin casting them away as if holding them stained his hands.

"I now take from you your power!" Odin declared causing Mjolnir to fly from Thor's grasp.

A look of complete anguish was present on both Thor's and Odin's faces, and Kal was certain that if he had a mirror he would have one as well. At that moment Kal made to move forward but his feet stayed where they were as his father caught his eye and shook his head signalling that he was not to interfere.

"In the name of my father and his father before, I, Odin Allfather, cast you out!" Odin sent a torrent of lighting that stripped Thor of his remaining armour and sent him hurtling into the Bifrost.

Odin then lifted Mjolnir to his lisps and whispered "Whosoever holds this hammer, if they are worthy, shall possess the power of Thor"

Then the Allfather threw the hammer after Thor into the brilliant hues of the Bifrost, he then turned to both Kal and Loki both of whom just stared at their father.

Odin said nothing as he simply lifted Gungnir from the pedestal at the centre of the room and gave both his remaining sons a sorrowful yet resolved look before he departed. As Odin left Kal's vision slowly turned to the void that Thor had just been cast into.

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(Authors Notes.)

Okay so wow, this is officially my longest chapter, and as you can tell it follows the opening of Thor closely. I decided to keep it close to the original in the opening but from here on out things will start changing in the MCU as push Kal truly into the storyline.

That being said I will be keeping a few things the same just for the sake of keeping a coherent story plot straight, both for myself and everyone else no need to reinvent the wheel right. But it will all be in the purpose of pushing Kal's story further along.

Hope you all enjoyed it and please let me know what you think.

Please Follow, Favourite and review as you desire.

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