"Oh, you want to know about that loser?" Mika sneered, shaking her head, "there's nothing to talk about. That bastard built me as a sex slave, and he had the audacity to claim that he was doing it for science, but I guess he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. Then, the dumbass had to go and fall in love with his test subject."
"So you rejected him, and now he won't let you leave."
Mika laughed, "yes. I reject him and he can't take no for an answer. He can't keep me there, though, because there are always people around. So I just ignore him, and he is too pathetic to force me. He's probably planning to isolate me, and that's when he'll strike."
John's eyes widened. "We need to stop him, we need to break that cycle."
"You think? I just want him dead."
"I could make that happen for you, but we'll need your help," John said.
Mika sighed, "what do you mean?"
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