John and Octavia were deep in the city centre. Rubble and debris littered the streets, and the air was thick with dust and smoke.
"We should split up. It'll be faster," Octavia suggested.
"No. We stick together," John replied.
"Fine," Octavia said.
As they walked through the city, the atmosphere was tense. The city was eerily quiet and that made it even more strange.
Scouts had reported Luminar vehicles around this area, and John guessed Nova might be hiding somewhere around here. The stillness of the city only served to reinforce his suspicions. If there were no monsters here, it could only mean someone was clearing them out, considering how quickly they were growing in numbers everywhere else.
"What's that?" Octavia asked, her green eyes glowing as she spotted something.
John looked in the direction she was pointing and saw a humanoid figure.
"A Luminar?" John asked, his hand tightening on the hilt of his dagger.
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