"Any luck?" Lydia greeted John as he entered the cafeteria.
"None so far. Something must have happened for Nova to go off the radar like that."
"You think they're openly at war already?"
"It's possible, but from what little I spoke with Nova, she struck me as the cautious, even indecisive type."
John and Lydia sat down at a table in the far corner and John gestured for the cafeteria worker to bring him his new favourite: roasted Razorlin and mashed potatoes.
Lydia's eyes lit up when she heard John mention the meal.
"Oh, I have to try that."
John laughed and ordered two servings.
"So, what's our next move?" Lydia asked.
"We just need to keep expanding the base and clearing out the city centre and continue to look for her."
Lydia sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "This is getting frustrating. Maybe we should start doing something else."
"I agree. I have an idea," John replied.
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