"This is not good," John thought as he scanned the area. There was no way out and no escape route. He readied himself for the impending battle, his eyes darting from monster to monster.
The shadow monsters had a humanoid form. They had glowing red eyes, sharp fangs, and claws.
The group of shadows formed a circle around the party, their claws raised. The monsters roared as they began to attack, swinging their claws wildly and rushing forward in a crazed frenzy.
"GET BEHIND ME!" John shouted and jumped forward, his body crackling with energy. He gathered the energy around his body and stretched his arms wide, then, as his body coursed with energy, a powerful blast erupted in all directions, pushing back and killing a few shadows.
Remember guys, one castle = 3 chapters if you're looking to destroy my stockpile.
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