John hid himself from the Dire Wolf and it turned its attention towards the group, but before it could do anything, John appeared from its side swinging his dagger. The clanking of steel reverberated throughout the ruins as John's Venomlash connected with the Dire Wolf. The Dire Wolf's fur was tougher than metal.
The Dire Wolf turned to John with a growl. The others used this opening to rain their attacks on the monster. Dalia's fireballs, Octavia's wind blades and Maria's lightning bolts struck the Dire Wolf's body, and it howled in pain. The Dire Wolf winced and closed its eyes for a moment. Stephanie took the chance and jumped to land a downward kick on its head.
John rushed towards the Dire Wolf while the Dire Wolf was preoccupied with Stephanie's attack. He slashed at its hind legs, but he could not pierce its tough fur. However, the girl's magic seemed to have chipped away at some of its fur.
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