The group trekked the desolate streets encountering the occasional monster or struggling survivor. They were heading to the outskirts of the city where the abandoned industrial complex was located.
"What do you know about the monster, Echo?" John communicated telepathically with Echo.
"The monster is a huge Dire Wolf. It has strong claws and teeth. It can shoot lightning from its mouth and summon powerful gusts of wind. Be careful, John."
John's lips curled. It was going to be a tough battle.
The group entered the industrial complex, the air thick with the scent of rotting meat. John stopped and scanned the area, his senses alert and his body tense. He turned right and saw Dalia with a tense expression. Her hands were trembling and her breath was ragged.
"Dalia, are you okay?" John asked, his voice soft and soothing.
She glanced at him and nodded, her eyes wide and her face pale.
"I'm fine," she lied.
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