Once everyone settled down in their new base, John got on his enduro bike and rushed towards the power plant. He had heard from a messenger that the engineers had finished assessing the damages. He knew he had to secure the power plant before another gang took control.
As he approached, he saw his men guarding the entrance.
"Welcome back, boss," one of the guards said.
"Thank you. Everything alright here?"
"There is one small problem."
"What is it?"
"The engineers said the damages are too severe."
" Take me to the engineers."
"Sure, this way."
They entered the power plant and John approached the engineers.
"Give it to me straight. How bad is it?"
It's been a while since I asked you guys for anything, but do leave me some feedback. I want to know what you're enjoying and what you aren't. Remember will feedback can help mold the story.