Days had gone by quickly and John kept training Dalia and Julia. He needed them to be able to fight without his oversight and they were getting there, slowly, but steadily improving. His favourability with Julia had improved up to 70 thanks to a few moments of bonding and plenty of physical contact, but Dalia's favourability wouldn't improve no matter what he did.
From his vantage point on a rooftop, he glanced down towards Dalia as she fought alongside Julia against a small group of goblins.
[Dalia Boric]
[Age: 21]
[Experience: Virgin]
[Preferences: ???]
[Kinks: ???]
[Favourability: 10/100]
Her favourability had been at 10 for quite some time and it wouldn't improve. At the very least, her stats were improving.
[Dalia Boric]
[Strength: 5.4]
[Vitality: 8.2]
[Agility: 6]
[Energy: 15]
[Skills: Fireball (E), Fire Control (E)]
Dalia had been focused on improving her control over her Fireball skill.
Dalia's muscles coiled tight like a spring as she unleashed the Fireball with every ounce of strength she possessed. The ball shot through the air with a ferocity that left a cloud of smoke in its wake. John fixated on the action, his mind mirroring Dalia's determination.
"She's really improved," he said to himself, admiring her skills. Her body language spoke volumes about her determination and focus.
The sound of the ball hitting the goblin's face was like a satisfying thud, reverberating through the room. The scene was alive with energy and danger, heightened by the smell of burnt flesh. Dalia's face shone with a mix of intensity and satisfaction, her eyes fixed on the target as if nothing could distract her. The goblin lay sprawled on the ground, its face scorched and smoking.
Julia's knuckles tightened as she landed a devastating blow on the goblin's skull, shattering it with a single, powerful punch delivered by her fists. She'd been honing her self-defence skills, concentrating on bolstering her natural abilities without reliance on weapons.
[Julia Bess]
[Age: 27]
[Experience: Not a Virgin]
[Preferences: Anal, ???]
[Kinks: Voyeurism, Humiliation, ???]
[Favourability: 70/100]
Her favourability was quite high, almost as high as Stephanie's, and her stats...
[Julia Bess]
[Strength: 12]
[Vitality: 9.6]
[Agility: 8]
[Energy: 12]
[Skills: Strength Buff (E), Agility Buff (E)]
She had a killer combo when it came to her stats, particularly her Strength and Energy levels. Her quests were straightforward - she had to team up with her buddies and pitch in however she could. John, on the other hand, didn't feel the need to join in. He had learned that killing the same monsters over and over again lowered the amount of stats one could obtain from them.
As John watched, he couldn't help but notice how different Dalia and Julia were. Dalia was aggressive and unrelenting, while Julia was more cautious and reserved. It was a dynamic that worked well for their team, but John knew that they could be better.
A few minutes later, Dalia and Julia approached John, their faces flush with excitement and adrenaline.
"You two did great," John said.
"Thanks," Dalia replied. "I feel like I'm getting better at using my skills."
"You are, but we still have a long way to go."
They walked away from the intersection they had finally managed to block. The intersection looked like a war zone, with rubble and debris strewn everywhere. The air was thick with the smell of burning rubber and smoke. It was hard to believe that only a few weeks ago, the streets were teeming with people and cars.
Now, it was a ghost town, filled with nothing but shadows and silence. John knew that this was the new reality, and they had to adapt to it if they wanted to survive.
As they walked away from the intersection, they saw a large group of people walking towards them. They looked weary and worn, their clothes ragged and dirty.
"What are you doing?" one of the men asked.
"Why should I tell you? John asked, his voice laced with suspicion.
"Hey hey, we're just trying to help, here. We have a shelter, do you want to come with us?"
"Who are you?"
"We're a group of survivors. We've set up a camp nearby."
John eyed the man warily. "You look pretty well-armed for just a bunch of survivors."
The man shrugged. "It's a dangerous world, we need to be prepared."
John turned to Julia and Dalia. "What do you think?"
"I think we should check it out," Julia replied.
"Me too," Dalia added.
"Alright," John said. "Let's go."
The man led them to a small warehouse, which had been converted into a temporary shelter. It was a hive of activity, with people cooking, cleaning, and repairing weapons and tools.
John couldn't believe his eyes. It was like a bustling city, with people going about their daily lives.
"Impressive," he said.
"Thanks," the man replied. "We've been working hard to build a community."
"What do you call it?"
"We call ourselves The Phoenix Project. We're a group of survivors who are determined to rebuild the world."
"Interesting. So, you're like a government or something?"
"No, not exactly. We're more like a collection of like-minded individuals who are working together to create a safe haven."
John nodded. "So, anybody can join you guys?"
The man smiled. "Of course. We welcome anyone who wants to join us. We have food, water, shelter, and even weapons and equipment."
"Right. Well, if you don't mind, we will take a look around."
"Take your time. We'll be here."
John turned to Julia and Dalia. "We're going to have to leave."
"Why?" Julia asked.
"There's something off about this place. I don't think they're who they say they are."
"Ugh, I really want to leave Theodore's shelter, though." Julia replied.
"Me too, but we can't risk it. Not yet."
"So, what are we going to do?"
"We'll have to keep looking for another place to settle. A real one."
"How are we supposed to find a real one?"
"I have something that can help us, we just need to find a good location."
As they were making their way towards the exit, a group of men stepped in front of them, blocking their path.
"Where do you think you're going?" one of the men asked, his voice laced with malice.
"None of your business," John retorted.
"I think it is."
John eyed the man warily. "Look, we don't want any trouble. We're just leaving."
"Well, I think you should stay."
"We're not staying," Dalia interjected.
The man smiled. "Oh, you are."
He turned to the group. "Seize them!"
Suddenly, they were surrounded by a dozen men, all holding weapons and looking ready for a fight.
"Fuck this," John muttered. He pulled out his dagger and charged at the nearest man, his blade glinting in the sunlight.
The man ducked and swung his machete, narrowly missing John's neck. He dodged and slashed at the man's stomach, cutting him open.
Two men lunged at John from his side. John turned around, tightened the grip on his dagger, and prepared for the imminent clash. But before he could do anything, a hot ball of fire rushed past him and split into two, exploding on the two men. While they rolled on the floor to put out the flames, John felt a surge of strength run through his body.
He glanced over to his left and saw Julia grinning at him. He smirked back and refocused on the remaining attackers.
"Come at me if you want to die today," John hissed.
The sound of steel clashing echoed through the warehouse as two groups of fighters engaged in a heated battle. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows - an elderly man with grey hair and wrinkles etched into his face. His age belied his agility as he swiftly made his way towards the centre of the fight, where two men were locked in combat.
The old man's countenance exuded strength and determination despite his advanced years. The worn lines on his face spoke of a lifetime spent honing his skills and preparing for moments like this. As he stepped between them, it was clear that he was no stranger to conflict or combat - his experience shone through every move he made.
With quick movements and precise strikes, the old man intervened in the fight without hesitation. His interventions were met with surprise from both parties involved - one looked at him with admiration while another turned away in disbelief that such an elderly figure could have such impressive physical abilities.
"What is going on here?" he yelled, scanning the scene, but the situation was more dire than he thought.
He had seen them before. They were the kind of men who would stop at nothing to get what they wanted, even if it meant violence and destruction.
"I suggest you leave, gentlemen," he said, his tone stern. "This is a private matter, and I will not tolerate any interference."
The men glanced at each other, but none of them moved. Instead, they raised their weapons and started walking towards him.
John stepped up, his dagger still in hand, but the old man held out his arm, stopping him.
"We can handle this," he said.
John shrugged and backed off.
The old man faced the group of men and smiled. "Now, gentlemen, let's talk about this like civilised people."
The men continued advancing towards him, and the old man sighed. He knew this was not going to end well.
As the men drew closer, the old man felt his energy rising. He had faced this kind of situation before, and he was prepared for it. He lunged forward, his feet moving faster than they had in years. He slammed into the nearest man, knocking him off his feet.
As he spun around, he saw the next man coming at him with a knife. He ducked and kicked the man's legs out from under him.
Another man rushed towards him, but the old man was too quick. He dodged the blow and countered with a strike of his own. He sent the man reeling back with a punch to the face.
John observed the old man with interest. He was a skilled fighter, that much was clear. He moved with the grace and agility of a man half his age. He was clearly a veteran of combat and knew his way around a fight.
Just as the old man was about to deliver another blow to the man's face, John saw a flash of metal. The man had pulled out a gun and was pointing it at the old man's head.
John leapt forward, his dagger drawn. He slashed at the man's wrist, cutting through the tendons and sending the gun clattering to the ground. Just then, another man rushed towards Dalia, but she was ready for him. She blasted him with a fireball, sending him flying back.
Julia cast her buff on herself and charged at the group of men, knocking one of them off his feet. She kicked another man in the stomach, and he doubled over.
Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot, and everything went quiet. The old man kneeled to the floor, blood pooling around him.
John turned towards the old man, who was still clutching his shoulder, his eyes wide with shock.
"Shit," he muttered as he crouched next to the man. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," the old man gasped, his voice strained. "Don't worry about me."
The last man standing lunged at John, who dodged and counterattacked with his Venomlash. He slashed at the man's arm, cutting through the fabric of his shirt. The man winced and dropped the gun as venom spread through his arm.
Just then, the man raised his other arm, holding a knife, but John was too quick. He grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it until the knife fell to the ground.
He pulled his dagger and plunged it into the man's chest, the blade sinking into his flesh.
As he pulled it out, blood spurted out, and the man collapsed to the ground, dead.
"Fuck," John muttered. "This is a mess."
"We need to get out of here," Julia said.
"What in fuck's name is happening?" John replied.
"Do we have to go back to Theodore's shelter?" Dalia asked.
"For now, yes," John said. "Just until we find a suitable location."
"But it's so creepy and dangerous!" Julia exclaimed.
"We don't have a choice. We can't stay here, and we can't keep looking for another place. We just need to bide our time until we find a better one."
"Are you guys alright?" the old man asked.
"Yes, we are. How about you? You got shot."
The old man shrugged. "I'll be fine. I've been through worse."
"What was that all about?"
"It's a long story. But basically, that gang have been trying to steal from us. Supplies, weapons, everything, but what they most want is women."
"Why?" Julia asked, her voice tinged with disgust.
"Because they are lustful men who think they deserve the best. They believe that they're entitled to the best and will stop at nothing to get it."
"We need to leave now," John said, turning his gaze towards the old man. "What's your name?"
"I'm William."
"William, we need to leave. We can't stay here anymore."
"I understand."
"We'll keep in touch."
"Good. Take this."
William took out a rectangular device from his pocket and handed it to John. John observed the device, but he couldn't figure out what it was. It looked like a smartphone to John.
"What's this?"
"These are communication devices, we call them A-comms. They're sold on the alien shops. If you need anything, press that button," William said, pointing at a button on the side of the screen.
"Thank you, William. Take care."
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