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54.46% Dragon Ball Alternative / Chapter 60: Chapter 60- Why We Should Go to Namek: a Thesis

Capítulo 60: Chapter 60- Why We Should Go to Namek: a Thesis

~Two Days Later: Hospital~

A refreshing breeze blew gracefully through the open windows, gently coaxing the blanket on the hospital bed to sway in rhythmic harmony. 

Standing up, Chi-Chi smoothed the tousled cover with tender care before settling back into the chair beside Goku. She held onto his hand, as if not quite believing he was really there—or fearing he might vanish before her eyes.

Goku lay on the bed, his body swathed in bandages, resembling a mummy with only his eyes visible. Though the sight might have been comical under different circumstances, the gravity of the situation had stripped away any semblance of amusement.

In one corner of the room, Bulma and Roshi stood in silent solidarity. Nearby, Gohan and Krillin kept a vigilant watch over Goku by his bed in silent concern.

Piccolo, stoic and enigmatic as ever, stood apart from the others. With his eyes closed and leaning against the wall, he ignored everyone else in the room, mired in his thoughts.

Amidst the gathering, Ajax half-sat, half-reclined on the hospital bed next to Goku's, his chest tightly wrapped in bandages. 

Fortunately, despite the chaos of the Saiyan's invasion, the toll exacted upon those who remained was mercifully minimal. In the past two days, they had endured the aftermath of the recent trial, laid their fallen comrades to rest, and received treatment for their injuries.

Out of everyone, Goku bore the most severe injuries, having faced the might of an uninjured Vegeta head-on. The doctors estimated that his path to recovery would span several months.

For Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan, only a mere few days of recovery were needed. Gohan, in particular, emerged almost unscathed, much to Chi-Chi's relief and gratitude. She was especially pleased with Ajax and his success at keeping his promise to protect Gohan. It was something that Ajax was quite thankful for.

As for Ajax himself, the doctor estimated his recovery would take about a month. To his pleasant surprise, his injuries were not as dire as he initially feared. Though his ribs were fractured and dangerously close to collapsing, they ultimately did not shatter or cave. Though he still needed to be cautious so as to not exacerbate the injury, he was hardly even inconvenienced by it anymore thanks to his adaptive abilities.

He was actually quite pleased with his adaptation. It made a lot of things just so much easier. 

The shifting of a peculiar presence interrupted Ajax from his musing, causing him to glance briefly at the ceiling. After a quick moment, he ignored it, determining that it posed no threat, and refocused on the gathering of people before him. 

Before him, the room seemed to pulsate with tension, a palpable gloom settling over everyone present. An awkward silence hung heavy in the hospital room, as each person contemplated the daunting reality of their circumstances and their next course of action.

"We managed to win, but the cost…" Bulma's voice faltered, her gaze dropping to the floor. She bit her lip and clutched the edges of her skirt tightly. "We still have the Dragon Balls to reverse some of the damage, but..."

Bulma was unable to finish the sentence, so Krillin stepped in on her behalf, his voice tense. 

"Tien is not coming back without Chiaotzu…"

A somber hush reclaimed its iron grip over the room, each member of the weary group grimacing or scowling at the harsh reality.

Everyone knew that Tien and Chiaotzu were inseparable, bound by an unbreakable bond forged through countless battles and hardships. Tien's loyalty to Chiaotzu was admirable in every sense of the word, but it also conflicted with his new commitments. The problem was, unlike before, Tien was no longer a "loner", so to speak, and choosing Chiaotzu now meant abandoning someone else.

Tien is, after all, no longer single…

Amid their shared silence over the heart-wrenching dilemma, Master Roshi was the first to breach the silence, his voice echoing solemnly. 

"So," Master Roshi broached the delicate subject, his tone carrying the solemnity of the task at hand. "Who wants the honor of delivering the news to Launch?"

He turned expectantly to Ajax, prompting the attention of everyone else in the room. Very quickly, everyone caught onto the meaning of Master Roshi's gesture, and they looked at Ajax in unison in silent understanding and gratitude.

Ajax blinked in surprise as all eyes turned to him. He looked around, his gaze darting from face to face in disbelief, before realizing they were all indeed looking at him. He pointed to himself, stunned and bewildered by the sudden spotlight.

"What? What! Why is everyone looking at me!?" 

Master Roshi started to explain, "Well, you have the most experience surviving the delivery of bad news–" but he abruptly cut himself off with a cough as he caught Chi-Chi giving him a pointed look out of the corner of his eyes. It made him pause and reconsider his words.

"But it's not just about experience," he continued seamlessly, his tone shifting to convey a newfound mixture of empathy and camaraderie. "It's about trust. And in times like these, we trust you to handle this with the utmost care and compassion."

Ajax stared incredulously at his teacher. How could someone be so thick-skinned and so impervious to the blatant bullshit they were spouting, and yet still carry themselves with such a sense of unwavering righteousness?

"You did great delivering the news to me, dear." Chi-Chi cut in with a genuine warm smile. "You have my full confidence." 

Ajax turned to gape at her in astonishment too, finding himself equally dumbfounded by her untimely praise.

Beside Goku's bed, Krillin looked down and cleared his throat, his face twisting and body shaking in a valiant effort to stifle his laughter. His not-so-successful attempt to suppress his amusement ultimately proved futile as bits of his laughter escaped him in small bursts.

He vividly recalled just how salty Ajax had been to being unexpectedly thrown under the bus and into the role of bearer of bad news with Chi-Chi. As the main architect of the previous scheme, Krillin couldn't help but savor the delicious irony of the current situation.

Across the room, Ajax shot his senpai a sharp glare, his gaze piercing like a blade. Despite Krillin's barely audible laughter, Ajax had detected it with precision. Krillin may have thought himself smooth, but Ajax saw through his facade.

Krillin could practically feel Ajax's spiteful glare drill into the top of his skull, a prickling sensation impossible to ignore. With deliberate effort, he shifted his gaze from a random spot on Goku's bed to the scenery outside, anything to avoid the intensity of Ajax's glare.

As Krillin sought solace in the mundane beauty of the world outside the room, a mischievous notion sprang forth within his mind, a spark of mischief that proved impossible to extinguish. Despite his better judgment, he found himself unable to resist the urge to fan the flames.

"Make sure you explain to Launch in painstakingly clear details as to why Tien won't be coming back," he quipped, a devilish grin spreading across his face as the words tumbled out from his lips.

Ajax's glare, already as sharp as a dagger, intensified tenfold at Krillin's words. How do you even tell someone that their significant other, possibly fiancé, had chosen best friend over them? How does one unravel the tangled web of emotions from such a revelation?

But the joke was on Krillin. This time, there was no need for difficult explanations, no need for delicate words, or meticulously crafted lies. Well, not for Launch, at least.

"We might not even need to tell Launch that," Ajax declared, his tone markedly different enough from his norm that it immediately seized everyone's attention. "I believe we might have the means to bring them both back."

In a heartbeat, all eyes converged on him, their rapt attention unwavering as they awaited his explanation with bated breath.

"But the Dragon Balls cannot revive a person twice," Bulma interjected, her brow furrowed.

"True, but also false," Ajax countered cryptically. "Specifically, the Dragon Balls cannot grant the same wish twice."

Ajax emphasized the two crucial words with both his intonation and a gesture of his fingers. 

Bulma, ever the voice of reason, voiced the question that lingered on everyone's mind. "So? There's no distinction between the two, isn't there?"

"Technically not," Ajax conceded, his voice steady as he met the collective gaze head-on. "But, thanks to Vegeta, we now know that the myth of Dragon Balls is not exclusive to Earth, as we once believed. Thanks to him again, we now also know that Earth is no longer the only place with Namekians, so it stands to reason—"

"–that there may well exist another set on Namek." Piccolo suddenly interrupted, seamlessly completing Ajax's train of thought.

"Exactly! No one on Earth had ever made a wish with the Dragon Balls on Namek, so if a set exists there, then the Namekian Dragon Balls can bring everyone back at least once more, even if they have already been wished back once with ours!"

A moment of stunned silence followed Ajax's words. Amidst the uncertainty, his theory had kindled a spark of hope—a beacon of possibility illuminating their path forward.

And the possibility laid bare before them was truly monumental, and more importantly, it was feasible. If a set of Dragon Balls existed on Namek, distinct from their Earthly counterparts, which there very well may be, then the notion of a flawless outcome was not merely a fanciful dream.

Like a siren's alluring song, hope enticed them onward with its irresistible melody.

"Well, Vegeta did say he might head to Namek," Krillin added his two cents. 

"I remember that as well!" Gohan enthusiastically joined the conversation, eager to contribute his thoughts to the discussion he had thus far remained silent in.

Ajax, seizing the perfect segue into his next argument, nodded in agreement with Gohan. It was time to use a big-ass hammer named Vegeta to drive his point home.

"All the more reason for us to go. A regular Vegeta was challenging enough for us to deal with, so we definitely cannot afford to risk him gaining immortality. At the very least, even if there are no Dragon Balls on Namek, we need to warn the Namekians of a potential invasion." 

"That's… a fair point." Goku unexpectedly added, breaking his silence for the first time. "Vegeta will be back to challenge me again someday, and I can't say I could take him down if he's immortal."

Ajax reclined in his seat, observing with satisfaction as the idea he had set into motion began to gain traction. He felt a sense of satisfaction washing over him as the room buzzed with electric anticipation as everyone began to recognize the viability of the proposed solution.

Despite the air of optimism, Ajax's mouth curved slightly downward in a thoughtful frown. Chiaotzu's death was somewhat of a bitter pill to swallow, but it had been necessary to lay the groundwork for the current situation.

Ajax wanted Piccolo to remain among the living, but that desire had required sacrifices–specifically from someone who could not be wished back by the Dragon Balls. After all, Piccolo's survival would ensure the continued presence of the Dragon Balls, and without the specter of permanent death hanging over someone's head, there would be no incentive, no impetus to undertake the journey to Namek at all.

If they failed to reach Namek in time–or at all–then any discussions about distant future scenarios would be pointless, because the androids alone would be more than enough to annihilate them a few years down the line.

Ironically, their situation would be even grimmer than that of Future Trunks' timeline, because there wouldn't even be a Trunks, given the distinct lack of Vegeta.

So, someone had to die. 

Among the Z Fighters, only Chiaotzu and Krillin had been resurrected once before—a fact that Ajax knew all too well from Canon. Of the two, Krillin can't die yet, so Chiaotzu had to.

And so, this, was why Chiaotzu needed to die. 

"I hate to be that person and bring down the mood," Bulma said, her loud voice jolting Ajax out of his reverie. "But all our strategizing amounts to nothing since we have no idea where Namek is."

Ajax's lips curved into a smirk at Bulma's remark, and he began to give little telepathic pokes to the presence he had sensed earlier. However, he promptly recoiled and quickly withdrew his mental presence when he was met with a telepathic impact, the equivalent of a firm reprimand or a chiding slap on the back of his head.

"I believe I may be able of assistance with this matter," a mysterious voice resounded in the minds of all present, announcing its presence. "For those unfamiliar with me, greetings. I am Kami, Guardian of Earth. To cut to the heart of the matter, the truth was that I did not hail from Earth. Centuries ago, as a youngling, I arrived on this planet aboard a spaceship from a location unknown to me. I left the ship where it landed, and it should still be there–at Yunzabit Heights. While I cannot confirm if it is still space-worthy, it is highly likely that the coordinates to Namek are still stored within the ship's databases."

A wave of anticipation swept through the room as Kami's words sank in with each person present.

"Young Bulma. My old friend, Mr. Popo, can accompany and guide you to my ship. Perhaps you can work your... magic, so to speak, and uncover a solution from it?"

Bulma's face lit up with excitement, her eyes ablaze with the prospect of a new challenge. With animated enthusiasm, she eagerly engaged in conversation with Kami, her mind already racing with ideas and potential possibilities. Her enthusiasm was infectious, spreading like wildfire, kindling a spark of hope within each heart present.

In no time, the plan took shape. Bulma would accompany Mr. Popo to Yunzabit Heights to retrieve the coordinates to Namek. Once secured, a select group would journey to Namek to caution the Namekians of a potential impending invasion and to seek their aid regarding their Dragon Balls.

Bulma wasted no time springing into action, her mind already racing with plans, blueprints, and strategies as she coordinated with Kami. With determination, she left the room in search of pen and paper, eager to translate her vision into reality.

With Bulma's departure, the room gradually emptied, each individual dispersing to attend to their respective tasks and errands.

Master Roshi, displaying the nonchalance of a seasoned veteran, bid farewell with a casual wave of his cane, mentioning something about groceries. Chi-Chi, accompanied by Gohan, took their temporary leave from Goku, assuring him of a large forthcoming meal.

Piccolo, ever enigmatic and "cool", made his exit with characteristic grace, slipping out through the open window in a single movement. However, with a quick scan of his Ki, Ajax knew Piccolo was still in the general vicinity.

As he observed the others begin to file out of the room, Ajax felt a sense of satisfaction washing over him like a gentle breeze. With a barely perceptible nod of his head, he acknowledged the completion of his mission: their journey to Namek was now assured.

Ajax exchanged a quick farewell with Goku alongside Krillin, their steps falling into sync as they exited the room together.

Goku watched with a cheerful expression, offering a happy grin to each member of the group as they shuffled out of his room one by one. He tried his best to wave at everyone, but the excessive number of bandages hindered his movements and made his attempt largely unsuccessful.

With a soft click, the door closed behind Ajax, enveloping the room in a cocoon of peaceful silence. As the final echoes of their footsteps dissipated into the distance, Goku instinctively extended his ki sense, finding solace in the subtle fluctuations of their energy as each member of their group departed.

Relaxing into the embrace of his soft pillow, Goku tilted his head back to gaze at the tranquil scene beyond the window. He took a moment to appreciate the gentle caress of the cool breeze and the comforting warmth of the sun's golden rays. Above, the sky's vast expanse stretched outward endlessly, and he slowly tracked the fluffy clouds drifting lazily by.

It was truly a beautiful day... wasn't it?

The radiant smile slid off his face bit by bit.

"King Kai?" 

In an instant, the ethereal voice of the legendary Kai responded, "I'm listening, Goku." 

"I need a favor." 

"Sure thing, as long as no celestial laws are broken and it lies within my power, I guess. What is it? What do you need?"

Goku hesitated for a moment, bracing himself for the conversation he knew would come next. 

"I need to speak to someone in heaven."

Equuleus_Nox Equuleus_Nox

Hello, everyone! I'm back, finally! This is the first chapter of book 2, and it'll pick up right back off from the end of book 1. Update schedule will be once every two days, hopefully from now until the end of book 2. Peace!

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