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Capítulo 18: Chapter 8 - The Outside




I opened my eyes to see a beach in front of me. The black sand was soft yet firm, and I would say it was a little softer than ordinary sand.

I turned my head behind me, and there it was, a pitch-black ocean that, as I looked farther, pushed outward as far as I could see.

The gate had dropped me into a random part of The Outside, and I was dropped right along a beach.

The ocean gave me a feeling I couldn't describe, yet if I had to put it into words, it would be, "Don't go in there." As if there were thousands of hidden enemies just waiting for me to step an inch into the water, I obviously did the only thing that would make sense at that moment…

I ran in the complete opposite direction of the ocean, hoping never to return to such a place ever again.

Using all of my speed, I quickly saw my surroundings change from beach to rock and even to tall trees.

I kept going, trying to find a specific spot that I could call my own in this dark dimension known as The Outside.

Soon enough, a large mountain appeared in front of me. More tall mountains accompanied its existence, yet the one in front of me would do all the same.

As an Ark Survival Evolved player, I knew exactly how powerful some caves are if built with a choke point in mind.

Using my new imaginary technique, I hollowed a good portion of the mountain, yet it wasn't enough to cave in on itself as I was careful that it would be enough for now.

I ensured the part of the mountain where I started hollowing was high enough that no army could push in fast enough to overrun me.

I had made the entrance to the cave, four meters tall and three meters wide, but as you go in, the cave gets smaller and smaller until you hit a small portion three meters high and one meter wide.

I wanted to make it a "rat hole" where the entrance was so small that you would have to crawl, but I decided against it as I would have no way to get in unless I crawled on the ground.

When entering the cave from the small entrance, you'll then enter a hallway that is four meters in length, and once you exit the hallway, it leads to a wide opening with a lot of space in the back.

The furthest part had to be 15 meters tall and 30 meters long, and to hold up this amount of weight so the mountain didn't cave in, I made sure to leave pillar-like rock that stretched from the floor to the ceiling.

Some may ask, "Why make the cave like this?" Well, there's only one reason for that, as I have made something that will help me defend this place from low-tier eldritch horrors.

Tek Generator: Uses mana to charge surrounding electrical and tek buildings, items, and storage.

Using 100 souls, equivalent to 10,000 human souls, I made a tek generator and had it store mana as its fuel source.

Yet a tek generator with a max range wouldn't do any good without turrets, right?

Heavy Turret: Uses the mana in the air to form bullets and shoots out four bullets simultaneously.

Tek Turret: Uses the mana in the air to form Tek bullets that explode on contact and push the enemy back.

The heavy turret took one eldritch soul per five turrets, while the tek turrets took one soul per two turrets.

I made 15 heavy turrets and four tek turrets for now, as I had to fill them all with mana, including the generator.

I would have to get more souls to build a "death wall" like regular Ark players but for now, a wall of these could wait as I had modified them to be stronger than standard turrets.

I input mana into the generator, started it, and turned the range to maximum. The blue particles from the tek generator started filling up the cave as I began to place down the turrets.

By the time I filled the generator to last a month and put the equivalent of 2,000 bullets in each of the turrets, I felt drained as even though my mana might be a better quality and larger in quantity than most, these turrets were designed to damage eldritch spawn so they would take a lot of mana to power.

My regeneration also affects my mana regeneration, and with a bit of waiting, my mana was once again full.

I used another soul to make a bloodline checker, as that was one thing I needed to further my continued growth.

Biting my finger, I made a cut on my hand and tried to drop a bit of blood onto the checker, only to see that my finger had fully healed.

I then bit off my finger, and using the severed finger, I poured the severed finger's blood onto the checker.

The words on the screen flashed before two main bloodlines showed up as they took almost 100% of the total DNA in my body. I knew they were fighting for supremacy, and that was one of the reasons I couldn't use any of my bloodline skills.

"What the hell is this?"

Title Gained!

Title Gained!

Immediately, my system notifications went off that I got two titles upon seeing my bloodline names.

My two main bloodlines were "The Crimson Monarch" and "The Blind Idiot." And my titles were the same, too.

The Crimson Prince: The bloodline of The Scarlet King, and with this bloodline, you can gain numerous abilities, especially those that help detect others of your brethren. (SN: The Crimson Monarch has placed a lot of attention on you; be prepared to face the wrath of some of your siblings.)

Blind Idiot Child: The bloodline of Azathoth, The Blind Idiot God, and with this bloodline, you gain numerous abilities that allow you to ascend to Outer Godhood. (SN: Azathoth's Pantheon will always be open to you no matter what trouble you find yourself in.)

How was this possible? Everyone knows that Azathoth was a guy and that he would always stay that way.

It's not possible to have a child between two male participants, and that's just science!

The only way I could see this happening is if Azathoth split a part of his soul to create another body, made that one female, and then made a child with The Scarlet King. That just wasn't possible?!

The impossibility of what I said was so high that it couldn't exist! Even if this was the case, I would have been born a high-tier Outer God or maybe even higher than that just from the union of those two!

If Azathoth was the female component in this, then that means there exist eldritch gods and beings with female counterparts! Then how would they still be so powerful after splitting their souls like this?

Then I thought about it…

'What if they take an impossibly small portion of their soul, something that won't be missed, and then allow that soul to grow to Outer Godhood?'

And it all made sense. The reason I was not born at the level of an Outer God or higher was because of that exact reason.

The Scarlet King and a female version of Azathoth had put impossibly small-sized portions of their souls in my body to push their bloodlines onto me, and the reason The Scarlet King's bloodline was more present was because he was an original version of himself and not a clone.

This means not only will I have to work my way up with two of the most powerful bloodlines carrying me but also that there are clones of Outer Gods roaming around that might pursue me for my bloodline even though I am currently weak.

Here I am, pushing toward greatness, yet the first female Outer God to find me and check my bloodline will try and gun for me the first chance they get. The only thing stopping them would be if one of my parents stepped in.

Not only do I have to fight against the horde of spawns that want to kill me, but I also have to defend myself from the beings that also want my bloodline.

"Could this not get any harder…"


To that one guy who guessed this in the comment section, I swear I will find you. (Does he know? He did know!)

You had made me change my original idea in exchange for this one as I was going to make the other half of the bloodline be "The Mother Of A Thousand Young" but decided to go all out.



(Don't forget the R!)

Currently making chapter 21 so if you want to see that early check it out!

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