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25% Cynic’s Second Wind: DxD Chronicles - English version / Chapter 4: Volume I - Chapter 4

Capítulo 4: Volume I - Chapter 4

Yes, I am alive, or so it seems. My daring attempt not only left me unconscious for days or weeks, but an entire year confined within the cold and impersonal walls of a hospital. I vaguely remember Lisa's face, lit up with euphoria when I regained consciousness; her eyes, though teary, sparkled with indescribable relief and joy.

I won't dwell on the details, but during this interminable year, my tolerance for pain substantially evolved, jumping from Level 1 to Level 3. The days and nights intertwined with pain in the hospital, combined with that session of torture masquerading as treatment orchestrated by the system, were catalysts for such progress. I was aware that manhwa protagonists often endured excruciating pain to recover their powers after severe traumas, but God, nobody mentioned the intensity and depth of that pain!

You may ask yourself: "How did he endure such torment?". The answer is incredibly simple and complex at the same time: there was nothing to lose by enduring, and a world to lose by not trying. Despite the difficulty, every fiber of pain was worth it. My body is now a bastion of unusual strength, far beyond what a standard human body could hope for. Without a doubt, I can say I have the physical capacity of a healthy, robust adult, even though my body is still navigating through the murky waters of development.

On one of those monotonous days, as I contemplated the world through the window of my hospital room, I sighed, wondering about the next meeting with Lisa. Some might speculate that my affection for her is disproportionate, but she is, in reality, the maternal figure I never had.

Although, technically, I'm older than her if we count my "previous" age, she sees and treats me like a son. I recall a comical and somewhat embarrassing episode where I called her "mom", leaving her visibly disconcerted.

Digressing slightly, I found that my initial assumption about Cursed Energy wasn't wrong. Similar to the characters from the anime Jujutsu Kaisen, my body went through a meticulous process of adaptation and improvement. However, what caught me off guard the most was the reflection the mirror returned when I dared to face it after such a long time.

After some time exploring and familiarizing, I accessed the system's skill menu and was greeted by a rather robust list of skills:



*Cursed Energy – Level 1*

*Pain Suppression – Level 3*

*Knowledge from Another World – Level MAX*


It seems there aren't many skills, but when I clicked to view information about Cursed Energy, several system windows sequentially opened, and were adjacent to each other, displaying information to me.


『Enhanced Body』

This skill is a treasure, a true jewel among the abilities tied to Cursed Energy. It not only grants colossal brute strength but also infuses remarkable endurance into the wielder. Imagine a body forged and tempered by negative and resentful energies, distilled from the human essence. Resistance to poisons and curses is not a trivial benefit, providing an invisible but formidable barrier against various forms of damage and corruption.


『Cursed Soul』

An enigmatic and paradoxical skill. While the Cursed Soul is soaked in the darkest and densest energies, it is surprisingly resilient to external corruption. When using Cursed Energy, the soul strengthens itself, becoming an impenetrable fortress against direct attacks to the mind and the spiritual essence of the user. It's a sublime and almost ironic defense against evil influences, providing a stable and unshakeable base for the use of Cursed Energy itself.


『Eyes of Intuition Born from the Stars』

This rare skill sharpens the energy perception and strategic vision of the wielder. By accelerating reasoning and brain processing, it allows for efficient energy use. Its unique tactical vision highlights crucial details of the environment, and it's recommended to use eye covers to avoid information overload. Its full capabilities are known only to supreme deities and are waiting for complete exploration.



Well, all of this is interesting and surprising; however, the Pain Suppression skill caught my attention, being something I experienced deeply during my stay in this hospital. That skill was my silent but constant companion.


『Pain Suppression - Level 3』

This skill is a silent but robust shield against the unceasing arrows of pain. As it levels up, its effectiveness in mitigating pain increases, making sensations that would otherwise be debilitating mere nuisances. It doesn't remove pain completely, but attenuates it to a degree that allows for functional operation and decision-making even under arduous circumstances. An indisputable advantage for any wielder.


It seems all my skills are passive skills, meaning I don't have control to activate them when I want, although I think Pain Suppression is active all the time; I really don't feel pain as I used to.

I raised my arm and hit it hard against the wall, and simply didn't feel anything besides the impact, as if something had touched me. This is somewhat dangerous; I can neglect some injuries that can be quite serious for my small body because of it... I remember there was a disease that made nerves not understand pain signals, and people with it live completely difficult lives; I think it's a double-edged sword.

I closed the Pain Suppression window and took a look at the last skill in my possession.

- Knowledge from another world?

At that moment, a new window appeared before my eyes, its words loaded with mystery and promise.


『Knowledge from Another World – Level MAX』

An inexhaustible source of information residing in the depths of the wielder's mind. This vast ocean of wisdom consists of memories, experiences, and knowledge accumulated from the user's past life in another world. While some of this information may fade into the mists of the subconscious mind, focused introspection can bring these treasures to the surface. This skill is indeed a luminous beacon, illuminating the path amidst the darkness of ignorance and uncertainty.


For a moment, I stood still, allowing the truth of those words to infiltrate my consciousness.

  I then understood that every fragment of knowledge, every piece of understanding acquired in my past, was not lost, but sleeping within me, waiting to be awakened.

This 'Knowledge from Another World' was, undoubtedly, an ambiguous blessing. It could be a weapon, sharp and deadly, or a shield, strong and unyielding, depending on how I chose to use it. However, it could also be a curse, a heavy burden of past memories and experiences that could cloud my vision and judgment.

I closed the window, and laid my head on the pillow and moved my hand upward.

- Status - I said, and a small window opened.



Name: Kuroto‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Level: 01

Age: 25 (02+23)

Race: Reincarnated Human

Sacred Gear: N/A

Title: N/A

Faction: N/A


[░░░░░░░░░░] 0/500


Strength: 05 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Vitality: 10

Agility: 05 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Wisdom: 10

Senses: 10 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Luck: -05


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Remaining Points: 0


I slid my eyes over the screen, absorbing every detail, and something pulled me to the word "Race: Reincarnated Human". Reincarnated, huh? It seems the system has no qualms about stating the obvious. But what's the point of highlighting this unless it's relevant? Perhaps there are other "races" out there, beyond mere humans? It's fantastical, I know, but who would expect to be stuck in a hospital with a floating menu over their head?

And of course, there's "Level: 01". I was expecting level 10, or maybe 100—something more, I don't know, epic? It seems my journey has just begun, and I'm a newbie. True RPG style.

The part that had me scratching my head was "Sacred Gear: N/A". Sacred Gear... Why does it sound familiar, yet so distant? Sacred what? I could swear it's on the tip of my tongue, a kind of foggy memory. But as I try to grasp it, it slips away. Seems like my brain decides it's not worth it and throws an "ah, screw it".

Now, regarding these stats. Compared to an average guy, my numbers aren't bad, right? I mean, a regular adult human, from what I remember, wouldn't have five points in strength. At least, not without hitting the gym religiously, which definitely wasn't my case.

Wisdom, ten points. Seems like I'm at the level of historical geniuses, like Einstein or Tesla. But honestly, I don't feel particularly smarter. Maybe it's practical wisdom, not astronomical IQ?

Sharpened senses, high vitality, everything looks great until you get to luck. A resounding and robust "-05". Negative five. As if life decided to slap me in the face and say, "here, enjoy your lack of luck". Well, considering everything, maybe I'm indeed not the luckiest guy in the world. But does that affect my daily life?

Now, "Title" and "Faction" are also empty. Seems like I still have a lot to learn about this new "me" and how I fit into this strange new world.

Ah, who am I trying to kid? This whole situation is bizarre, and here I am, trying to make sense of it as if it was normal. As if waking up in a hospital with mysterious abilities and stats floating before your eyes is the most normal thing in the world.

Perhaps I just want a quiet, normal life, but apparently, the universe has other plans for me. It sucks when fate decides to toy with you, but who knows? Maybe I can turn the tables in my favor.

With a deep sigh, I closed the virtual window and allowed myself to relax into the pillow. Somehow, even with all these mysteries and unanswered questions, I felt strangely... alive. As if, for the first time, I was truly participating in the game of life instead of just watching from the sidelines.

And, to be honest, it wasn't a bad feeling. Even if life decided to hand me lemons, maybe I could do more than just make lemonade. Maybe I could create something spectacular. This... this is going to be interesting.

Lisa: Kuroto, are you awake? - The delicacy with which she knocked on the door was accompanied by the softness of her voice, penetrating the room like a serene melody.

- Y-yes, come in - Engulfed in an ocean of deep thoughts and entangled with the system, I responded, waiting for her entrance.

Lisa: Kuroto, I'd like you to meet Bishop Manuel.

With these words, Lisa discreetly stepped aside, revealing the presence of a man who, at first glance, appeared to be in his forties. However, he was extraordinarily well-preserved for his age. His grey eyes, marked by weariness, landed on me after a subtle scan of the room. A mantle of blonde hair, gently cascading to his neck in delicate waves, framed his face of fine and determined features, typical of a European. Dressed in a black suit that concealed a white shirt, his clerical collar and small crosses quietly revealed his true vocation. His Portuguese, sprinkled with a peculiar cadence, was uttered with the hesitation characteristic of someone used to thinking in another language, perhaps Latin.

- Pleasure to meet you, Bishop Manuel. My name is Kuroto - I said, a mixture of distrust and curiosity tinting my voice. - I appreciate you taking the time to visit me.

Manuel: You maintain a rare and appreciable etiquette, especially in this nation. - The bishop assessed me with a meticulous look, as if weighing my intrinsic value with those grey, weary eyes.

- Bishop, I'm just an above-average orphan trying to adapt to life while receiving the care and sacred teachings of the Church - I responded formally. Lisa, observing from afar, seemed surprised and even slightly disconcerted by my unusually formal posture.

Manuel: Interesting. The reports I received indicated an intelligent young man, but you exceed expectations - he commented, sketching a smile while observing me. - Sister Lisa, could you leave us alone for a moment? I wish to speak privately with the young prodigy here.

Lisa frowned, a glimpse of concern crossing her eyes, but I nodded, reassuring her.

- Don't worry, Lisa. It's just a friendly

  chat with the bishop - I assured, with a soft and comforting smile. Lisa, after a moment's hesitation, nodded and left the room, casting worried glances in our direction.

Manuel headed to the window, opening it before lighting a cigarette. He took a deep drag, allowing the smoke to escape from his lips and disperse through the room while he walked absentmindedly, not caring about the cloud of smoke he left in the air.

Manuel: Little Kuroto, do you know why I traveled so far to meet you?

- Would it be because of my notable intellect? - I conjectured since in my mind, this would be the only plausible reason for his visit.

Manuel: Part of the reason is indeed your intelligence. However, the Vatican became particularly intrigued by your sudden medical condition and the subsequent strange phenomena reported in the city.

- Strange phenomena? - Puzzled, I inquired.

Manuel: Some people reported intense and unexplainable feelings of aversion, as if hatred and anger were accumulating in a specific location.

- That sounds like sheer superstition, bishop. Does a man of your age and position still believe in fairy tales?

Manuel: I understand your disbelief, young man. But my purpose here is not limited to that. - He explained, his eyes fixing on mine. - The Church offers you a unique opportunity to study in the Vatican, under the care and guidance of our most esteemed members.

- I appreciate the generous offer, but with all due respect, I'm not a man of faith. - I began but was abruptly interrupted.

Manuel: You are still very young and don't fully comprehend the situation. This is not open for discussion, Kuroto. You will come with us to the Vatican tonight.

I tried to protest, but he cut me off, his voice taking a more authoritative and firm tone.

Manuel: The decision is made. Sister Lisa agrees this is an unparalleled opportunity for your development. You wouldn't want to disappoint her, would you? - He said, exhaling a puff of smoke that mercilessly headed in my direction. - Be obedient and don't cause me trouble. I don't wish to extend my stay here more than strictly necessary.

With these final words, he put out his cigarette and left the room, leaving me alone with a whirlwind of thoughts and conflicting feelings.

"Abandoning everything and following a stranger, no matter how sacred, doesn't seem like a fair price for any answers he might offer," I thought, as a sense of frustration settled in my chest.

- Damn... - I murmured into the emptiness of the room, feeling a bitter taste of resignation settling into my being.

Lisa opened the door slowly and entered the room, her eyes averting mine for a moment.

Lisa: Are you still awake? How was your conversation with him? - She asked, sitting next to the bed, her attention shifting to the slight swelling on my arm from the blow. - How did you get hurt? What happened?

I pulled my hand away, avoiding her gaze. - When were you going to tell me about this? - My voice was emotionless. Instead of looking at her, my eyes fixed on the window.

Lisa: He told you, didn't he? Kuroto, you know this is the best for you. You can't stay here. - she sighed lightly with an enigmatic and somewhat sad look.

- I don't want to go, Lisa! - I retorted, frustrated. - I want to stay here with you. I don't want to be sent to a foreign place where I don't know anyone and where they will control me.

Lisa: It's just a school, Kuroto. It's not a prison. You're being overly dramatic. - She looked somewhat exasperated.

- I just need you, Lisa, - I murmured, my eyes meeting hers, filled with sadness. - You promised you would take care of me.

Lisa: I am taking care of you. And that's why I want you to go to the Vatican. I won't be here forever. Please do this for me. - She sighed, a pained expression visible on her face.

- You play dirty when you want, Lisa. - I looked at the window again, feeling a tear roll down my face.

We talked for a while longer, reminiscing about our moments together. Despite the sadness I felt, I was enveloped in a feeling of warmth when Lisa leaned down to kiss my forehead. I hugged her tightly, my head resting on her belly.

- ... I love you, Lisa. Thanks for everything. I must have been a burden."

Lisa: I love you too, Kuroto. You were never a burden to me. The moments I spent with you were the best of my life. You'll always have a special place in my heart. - She hesitated for a moment, stroking my white hair.

She slowly pulled away, her eyes full of tears as she said goodbye and left the room.

- I knew this would happen, but I didn't think it would be so soon - I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, feeling a deep pain in my heart. The reality of the situation was beginning to set in.

Kuroto_Tennouji Kuroto_Tennouji

And with that, we conclude the 4 chapters for today; however, we still have 1 chapter set to be released later this week. I hope you all enjoy these chapters and please share your opinions. Feel free to express any thoughts or ask any questions; I'll try to respond to all.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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