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32.69% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 31: Chapter 29: Raven

Capítulo 31: Chapter 29: Raven



"Spells" (all in Latin)


Winchester, Virginia, United States, July 20, 1981

On the outskirts of the town of Winchester, there was a small cabin. There was nothing around the cabin, just trees and bushes and mother nature. This place was normally very peaceful, but this day, it was anything but that.

"AAAAAAGH" the loud scream of a woman could be heard in the cabin. The woman in question, who was young and beautiful, was in labor. At her side, were two older ladies, who were experienced midwives, and had been specifically hired by the young woman, to assist her.

"Come on, Miss Angela, push, you can" said one of the midwives.

"Aghhhh, I can't, aghhhhh"

"Come on miss Angela, one last push, you can" the midwife asked the young woman named Angela.

"I can't, aghhh, I can't" the woman exclaimed pleadingly, at this moment she felt as if her body was being ripped in half

"don't give up miss Angela, we can see the head now, come on, one last push"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGG" with renewed strength Angela pushed hard enough to end her ordeal, the pain she was feeling at this moment was unimaginable. However, all pain ceased when the crying, which she was supposed to hear, was never heard.

'Why isn't she crying?' Angela wondered.

The midwives were aware of this event, too. They had performed the proper procedure. They had cleaned her, cut the cord and spanked her, but the baby did not react to any stimulation. Unfortunately, this sometimes happened. The baby was stillborn. 

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I think the baby was stillborn"

"Give her to me, give me my baby!" Angela demanded. The midwives passed her the baby, who had been born with a small clump of black hair. However, something strange happened when Angela touched her baby.

Quickly, the baby's skin began to turn a reddish color, and the clump of black hair turned into a clump of white hair. After this miraculous event, the baby finally reacted, opening her eyes and crying.

"Buaaaaaaa, buaaaaaaa" a loud cry came out of the newborn baby's mouth.

However, the midwives, who had helped with the delivery, were totally numb to the sight. Because, just when she opened her eyes, they were completely yellow. At this moment, the baby looked like a demon out of nightmares. The frightened midwives ran out, shouting.

"A demon, a demon!"

However, the mother, who only looked with love at the said baby, did not care her appearance of a demon, far from it. She only had thoughts of love for this baby.

"My beautiful baby girl. My beautiful Rachel. Welcome to the world"

The baby reacted to those words. Quickly her crying was ceasing and she began to fall asleep. As she began to fall asleep, her appearance changed again.

Her skin became extremely pale, but not sickly, and the clump of white hair finally changed to the rare shade of purple. Her eyes also stopped being yellow and had changed to a purple hue.

Angela who was rocking her baby, with a smile and look of love, had only one thought.

'My baby. My Rachel. Mommy will protect you. Whatever it takes...'


(4 years later) 

"Mom, look at the drawing I made you!"

A little girl, 4 years old, exclaimed excitedly, as she ran to show the drawing she had made to her mother. She had shoulder-length hair of a rare shade of purple, and her eyes had a violet hue as well. Her skin was very fair, but not sickly. However, her baby cheeks gave her an adorable look. She was Rachel Roth.

Her mother, Angela Roth, was totally immersed in documents and accounts. She came from a wealthy family, and fortunately had been left a very good inheritance by her late parents. But even so, at the rate they were going, they would spend it all in less than two more years.

This was not the life she would have wanted for her daughter, far from it. But as the phrase goes, 'a beggar can't be choosers'.

The first two years, were very quiet for the mother and daughter duo, but after that, Angela became aware of several men following them. At first it was mere surveillance, but Angela was perceptive and chose to flee.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that these men were working for 'him'.

That's how they spent two years. Fleeing from town to town, hiding. Sometimes Angela asked for work as a waitress or cleaner, but many establishments, knowing her circumstances, did not want to give her a job.

A single mother was frowned upon. But a single mother on the run from her abusive ex-husband was simply a big NO, to many people.

"Mom, look at the drawing"

Her daughter's words snapped her out of her reverie. With a smile, she looked at her daughter who had grown up well, despite this whole situation. She was cheerful, full of life, and quite intelligent for her young age. In short, she was her pride and joy.

"Rachel, dear, are you happy?"

Rachel was confused by her mother's question. But then her expression changed to a thoughtful one. She looked quite adorable, with her total face of concentration.

"Mmmm, Rachel is very happy, mom" at last she nodded totally serious to her mother.

"But doesn't it bother you that you can't make friends your own age, or that we always have to move?"

"No, because my mom is my best friend. I'm happy, as long as I'm with you, mommy"

"Oh, my baby" Angela couldn't take it anymore and hugged her daughter tightly. She didn't know who she had saved in her past life to receive such a good daughter.

"But enough of getting sad, mommy, you better look at my drawing. It's a masterpiece"

"Wow, a masterpiece? My daughter made a masterpiece. I'm so proud!"

However, the expression of happiness changed to one of disbelief when she saw the drawing. The drawing was simple. Drawn with crayons. However, it was what was depicted that took Angela by surprise.

In the drawing were three people. Her, Rachel and a man with black hair and eyes.

'No, why is he there, and why does he look identical?'

"Daughter, who is this man?" Angela asked Rachel. Her tone held a slight hint of fear.

"It's daddy, mommy. My dream is that one day he will come and we can be one big family again. Just like he told me"

'No, anything but that. It's best to stay away from 'him''

However, she left her thoughts as she registered the words her daughter had said. A look of panic was seen on her face.

"Repeat back to me what you just said" Angela requested of her daughter.

"That my dream is that one day he will come and we can be one big family again"

"Not that, Rachel. Repeat the last thing"

"That we'll be one big family, just like he told me"

 "WHEN DID HE TELL YOU THAT?" for the first time, Angela had raised her tone with her daughter. Rachel started to get scared at this. But, still, she answered her mother.

"Yesterday, Mother. He appeared to me, in my dreams. Sometimes he does. At first, I didn't know who he was, but when he told me he was my father, we caught up and he told me many interesting stories. He asked me where we were because he wanted to see us, and I told him. He told me he'll be coming to see us soon"


Angela quickly ran upstairs and started packing everything. If that had been yesterday, then they didn't have that much time. They needed to get out of there quickly.

Grabbing the money they had, their ID's and a few other important things, she finally packed everything into her car. Rachel was surprised by what had happened, but it wasn't the first time they had left in a hurry, so she quickly grabbed her things and started helping her mother pack.

"Get in the car quick. We have to go"

"Mom, I don't understand. It hasn't even been a month in this place yet. We almost always leave until 4 or 5 months out of a place" Rachel asked doubtfully.

"It's an emergency, daughter. Look, I can't tell you much, but your father...your father is a bad man, Rachel. He wants to take you away from me. Do you want that, Rachel, do you want to take us away?"

"No. I want to stay with my mom!"

"Good, then get in the car, quick!"

Angela shot off as fast as her car could go. But, she quickly realized that, in reality, the time she thought she had without being chased didn't exist, as several black SUVs, started chasing her down the road.


The men then pulled out several guns and started shooting at the tires of the car. Angela began to zigzag and dodge, but the car, which was an old car, did not have much mobility, so quickly a bullet hit the tire and it began to skid.

The car could no longer hold on and with the momentum it had, it began to roll hard down the road. Angela at all times had her body pressed protectively against Rachel's as they rolled.

Finally, the car stopped rolling, and was flipped upside down. Angela was still conscious, although her head was hurting badly. Blood was coming out of her forehead.

Fortunately Rachel was fine. She was just asleep, due to the shock of the whole situation. Angela tried to get her out quickly, but she was hurt, felt dizzy and had a hard time moving. However, her desperation grew when she could register several footsteps approaching her car.

A group of men dressed in black suits got out of the van and walked towards the overturned car. Angela tried desperately to get out, but it was too late, the men had arrived right at her overturned car.

What she expected, however, never happened, when an aged but clear voice was heard.

"May the lord of light, who illuminates hearts and the world, may he remove the evil in your hearts. Rain of light!" 

A flock of arrows shot out at the men. Some were able to dodge it, but others were impaled by said arrows.

This spell came from an older woman, who wore an all-white robe. She had white hair, and gray eyes, and although she looked quite old, her eyes still denoted youth and strength. She also carried a large cane, made of mahogany wood, with which she supported herself while walking.

The men did not stand still and began firing their guns at the elderly woman.


However, the bullets did nothing, as a transparent shield materialized to protect her. More and more women arrived dressed in white robes.

"Girls, eliminate these Obscurus"

"Yes, Great Mother"

A gaggle of spells erupted from the arms of the new arrivals. Some were attacking and others were protecting with shields. They were very well coordinated. The men didn't stand a chance. They were quickly slaughtered.

When they reached the last remaining man, he said to them menacingly.

"You cannot delay the inevitable, white witches. What the Lord wants, he gets"

"Well, he won't get it today, Obscurus. Now die... Spear of light"

A large spear split the man's head in two. The scene was not pretty to look at, as such men were split in half, mutilated or decapitated. These women had shown no mercy.

In the end, the Great Mother, looked back at Angela and Rachel, who was asleep in her mother's arms, had been able to get out of the overturned car.

Angela, however, had not relaxed at all. She was protectively guarding her daughter at all times. The Great Mother noticed this, and tried to be as friendly as possible, to avoid any inconvenience.

"Greetings, my name is Azar, but I am also known as the Great Mother. It is a pleasure to meet you"

Angela looked askance at the older woman, but replied.

"Thank you for helping us. If you hadn't arrived just at this moment, I would be dead by now, and my daughter... would be with them. My name is Angela, and this is Rachel"

"We know. My lord, he sent me a vision that we had to come to this place and help you. Easy, young Angela, we know what your daughter is, and, although a part of me thinks it's a bad idea, my lord wants us to protect you. Therefore, I invite you to my ancestral home. This place was created for one purpose only, to destroy the Obscurus and prevent the return of the destroyer of worlds. In such a place you will no longer have to run, you will be safe"

"Are you sure you will protect us?"

"Not only that. We will also teach you, so that you will become strong. I see a lot of potential in you, Angela. However, I must make one thing clear. In accepting this proposal, you must let go of everything you have and everything you are. Start from scratch. Can you do that?"

Angela looked at the elderly woman. Then she looked at her sleeping daughter. She no longer hesitated.

"I will do it. I would give my life, if it would keep my daughter safe"

"Well, as of today, Angela Roth, you cease to exist. Now, choose a new name"

"Arella. I want it to be Arella"

"Okay, my sisters, let's get started"

Before this sentence. All the women who were there joined hands and began to sing in Latin. A light came from their hands as they chanted.

"May the lord of light, who illuminates hearts and the world, accept this new pupil, Arella"

"May the lord of light, who illuminates hearts and the world, accept this new pupil, Arella"

"May the lord of light, who illuminates hearts and the world, accept this new pupil, Arella"

"May the lord of light, who illuminates hearts and the world, accept this new pupil, Arella"

A large magical circle materialized at the place where Arella was standing. She was frightened for a moment, but put her fears aside and waited for the whole process to end. At the end, a white mark on her forehead materialized. But, after a few seconds, said mark ceased, as if it had never been there.

"Perfect. You have been accepted, by our Lord, as a new acolyte. I just need to give your daughter a sign so she can be in the ancestral home"

Angela allowed the older woman to touch her fingers to her daughter's forehead. A white light came out of her finger and drew the same sign that had appeared on Angela's forehead.

"There. She is invited to the ancestral home. She is not an acolyte, nor does she have to leave her name"

With that, she tapped her staff and a large white portal materialized.

"Let's go to her new home"

Looking for the last time, at the horrible scene left in the forest, Angela thought of all that had happened in these four years.

The birth of her daughter, her flight across the country, hiding like cockroaches for those men who wanted her daughter...everything.

Finally, she and Rachel crossed the portal into the unknown. They were finally safe. Or so they thought....


(3 days after the fight with the Justice League)

Loud explosions, powerful blows, a blue fire that almost burned a teenager, and the conversation....

"Will you come back?"

"I will come you. I swear"

"You'd better Edgar or else, not even Hades himself, won't be able to stop the great fury I will have against you"

The whole event of his fight with the League, including the part where he lost control, was playing in Edgar's head. Every detail of what happened was playing like a movie in his dreams. Suddenly...


Edgar quickly awoke with a start. His breathing was agitated, and sweat was pouring down his forehead. However, he soon put it all aside when he registered a sharp pain in his body, which made him grunt slightly.

He felt totally numb, as if he had slept in a bad position for many years. Stretching and thundering his bones, finally his body stopped feeling this bad.

'Where am I?'

His senses registered a small room. It was not a hospital as there was no medical apparatus. It was just a simple room, with his bed and a bureau, with a small lamp over it.

"You woke up" a voice totally flat and devoid of emotion startled him. Recalling his last memory, he could recognize the voice as the last person to find him. From her tone, it sounded like a young girl, no older than 15.

He thought he hadn't been able to sense her because of his gawking senses, but this girl clearly had amazing stealth, because even so, he hadn't been able to sense her.

"Yes, thank you for looking after me. May I ask your name?" Edgar said as politely as possible. She was his rescuer, or at least was part of his care.

"Mmm, my name is Raven" the girl said. Her tone, still showing no emotion.

'Raven?, I'm sure that's not her name'

"Thank you, Raven. You can call me-" but he couldn't continue when the girl interrupted him.


"Excuse me?"

"I remember you said your name was Ed, before you passed out"

Edgar remembered that the last thing that happened was that he couldn't finish his sentence. Then he could only say that his name was Ed. Smiling wryly, he wanted to correct her

"Actually, Raven. My name is Edgar"

"Mmm, Ed" Raven nodded

"It's Edgar"

"Mmm, Ed"







'This little brat' Edgar thought. He didn't know if she was making fun of him. In the end he relented. She was a simple child, getting angry over something trivial didn't matter.

"Well, you can call me Ed"

"Mmm, Ed" Raven nodded as if what she said was always right, which made Edgar smile more wryly.

Raven and Edgar said no more. An awkward silence grew in the room. However, Raven cut said silence, approaching a plate with chopped fruit to Edgar.


Edgar was surprised by this. But a growl from his stomach snapped him out of his surprise. He could finally register that he was very hungry.

"Thank you, Raven. That's very kind of you"

"Mmm, I thought you'd be hungry. Since it's been three days since you passed out" Raven said monotonously.


This took Edgar by surprise.

'Three days? damn, no wonder my body ached...wait, I don't hear the voices'

Edgar was so absorbed that he did not register that the demonic voices that tormented him day after day were no longer heard. He then proceeded to check his power.

The temperature of his hands began to rise, but as if a barrier prevented that, all power Edgar was exerting, stopped.

'There is a barrier preventing me from reaching my power'

Edgar was able to analyze that something was preventing him from using his power. He knew it was there, but there was something preventing him from reaching it.

However, not everything was different. His senses were still just as fine-tuned. Also, he could register that his body, though numb, felt just as strong and powerful. Clearly his enhanced senses and strength were still with him.

'Now let's check my eyes...'

Edgar turned to look carefully at Raven. He had been concentrating so much on her words that he hadn't analyzed her properly. However, when he looked at the girl's soul, it surprised him greatly.


Her soul was a level 1, angelic character, if he could say so. But... on the circumference, there was a circle, surrounding said soul. It level... a big level 8. That's right, this meant only one thing. Pure evil.

This edge was there, latent. The girl's pure soul protected this darkness from reaching her.

It must be said that this was impossible. For such levels to exist together was impossible. Moreover, Edgar had never seen such an advanced level. He could not even imagine the evil being who had given such darkness to the girl, since he could see that the circumference was external to the girl, since it vibrated differently from the original soul.

The biggest surprise is that the Spirit of Vengeance did not react to this. Such an advanced level would have already driven it mad. But this was not the case.

Raven saw that Edgar was looking at her carefully with a bit of surprise. She simply raised an eyebrow and asked him.

"Everything okay?"

Edgar, who didn't know what to do in this situation, decided to leave it for the moment. If she was evil, she wouldn't have a level 1. Besides, she wouldn't have helped him in his time of need.

"Forgive me, I remembered one thing. Raven... could you tell me where we are?" finally Edgar asked the important thing. He needed to know where he was, so he could plan how to leave for his home in Medellin. He couldn't use his power, and it had already been three days, Duke would be worried.

"Mmm, at my house"

'Okay, I need to be more specific'

This had been Edgar's fault. Not only was the child emotionless, but Edgar realized that she actually lacked social character. Most likely, the child was on the autism spectrum. He had to be as specific with her as possible to get the answers he wanted.

"Raven, your home, where is it, in what city or what is near this place?"

Raven thought long and hard about this question. But in the end she just said.

"This place is called Azarath, and there is nothing nearby"

'Azarath?, that name doesn't ring a bell...'

Edgar had never heard that name before. He knew Europe and America well with the palm of his hands, and he was sure that there was no city with that name. And from the geography of the area, he didn't think this place was in Asia.

Thinking carefully, he wondered if there was nothing nearby because the place was remote or if there was nothing nearby because the place was isolated. Thinking of a possibility, he asked the girl.

"Raven, by any chance… is Azarath in a pocket dimension?"

However, the girl quickly nodded. This made Edgar completely freaked out.

He had only read about pocket dimensions, and that was when he read about Gemworld, the ancestral home of the homo-magi.

A pocket dimension was a spatial zone isolated from the world. It took a lot of power to create a pocket dimension. In the records, it was said that 12 archmages, the most powerful homo-magi of the time, gave their lives, in exchange for a ritual that could create their pocket dimensión Gemworld. No one knew how to get there.

If this was a pocket dimension... then getting in and out was quite difficult. Clearly someone had been to blame for Edgar's arrival here. And that person or being, was powerful enough to open the door to this place.

It was said that there were few who had the 'keys' to get in and out of a pocket dimension. And Edgar was sure that Raven, knew nothing about this. Edgar needed more information and Raven couldn't give it to him. He needed to talk to an adult.

"Raven, can you take me to your parents or someone older?"

"With my mom?" Raven asked with her usual tone, but tilted her head slightly in doubt.

"Yes. I would greatly appreciate it if you would do me this favor"

Raven, contemplated a bit, but, after several long seconds agreed. She saw nothing wrong with Edgar's request.

"Mmm, let's go" Raven nodded at Edgar's request. She asked him to follow her. Edgar stood up sore and followed the girl as they walked towards the exit of the hut.

There, he could register that there were hundreds of these huts. The place was huge, yet his senses never registered any people besides Raven.

A compelling feeling began to rise in his heart. He didn't want to believe, what his logical thinking was telling him.

Unfortunately, however, his thinking was correct when Raven led him to a high hill. On that hill, there were hundreds of tombstones. Edgar could not believe what his senses registered. Touching a gravestone, he read a name.

<Azar. Great Mother of Azarath. Devoted and beloved leader>

"What is this Raven?"

"My mother" Raven simply pointed to a gravestone. Edgar, who touched the gravestone, could read.

<Arella/Angela Roth, beloved mother>

" long have you been alone?"

Raven, who was oblivious to what Edgar was feeling, simply began to think.

"Mmm, I just turned 14.... 6 years"

Edgar no longer hesitated and hugged Raven. This girl had been alone for 6 freaking years, in a place where you couldn't get out by conventional means.

Raven was surprised by this hug, but her surprise was greater when she registered that tears were coming out of her eyes.

"Relax, you're not alone anymore. I'm already here" Edgar said as compassionately as possible to Raven. He wanted her to understand that she was no longer alone.

'What's wrong with me?' Raven didn't understand why she was crying. She had trained her emotions to always be under her control. But at this moment, the embrace of this unknown man, had brought tears to her eyes. She finally realized why. The hug gave her the same warmth as when her mother gave it to her.

However, this only frightened her.

'No, please let go of me. Before everything gets out of control'

"Let go of me. It's dangerous" Raven finally expressed a feeling in her tone. At this moment there was urgency and fear.

Rachel in fear began to emit a dark energy. This energy began to surround Edgar. Edgar's body began to slowly decompose. His skin began to fall off in decay leaving his bones exposed.

Rachel tried to break free from his embrace, but it was too late. In Edgar's body, only bones remained.

Raven could not believe it. It had happened again. Once again her power had gone out of control because of her feelings. Once again she had killed someone because her power. Once again she was alone...

However, a miracle happened just then. From the bones, flesh slowly grew. Little by little, Edgar's skeletal body came back to himself. In the end, Edgar came back as if nothing had happened. Raven could not believe what she had seen. He was alive. She had not killed him. Throughout this event, Edgar never left his embrace.

"Don't worry, I'm here. You'll never be alone again" 

Edgar made a promise right then and there. He would do anything, to get out of that place... with Raven.


Location unknown, June 28, 2015

"Μεγάλος άρχοντας του σκότους"

"Μεγάλος άρχοντας του σκότους"

"Μεγάλος άρχοντας του σκότους"

In an unknown place. Hundreds of people were kneeling down chanting a prayer. Translated, it was a praise to the Great Lord of Darkness. These people were chanting devoutly, while bowing in surrender.

Above the place was a golden throne. On the throne was a man covered in a red robe with golden borders. His face and appearance were not visible. He only watched as his devoted followers chanted and praised his father's name.

"My lord, good news. The barrier is weakening. At this rate, it will be a few months before we can finally enter that cursed place of Azarath"

The hooded man, smiled. Finally, they had good news. He looked sideways at his faithful follower and said.

"Kobra, your news brings me much joy. Each time, the time of my father's coming draws nearer. My sister, however unwillingly, will finally return to us. Where she always should have been"

The follower named Kobra, was a petty criminal a few years ago. However, he was recruited by his Lord, promising him power and riches. This was the best he could have done because he was now a powerful man, and recognized by the cult called Oscurus, for he was the right hand man of their leader. 

"Yes sir. I will coordinate everything with our dark mages so we can perform the ritual" Kobra nodded at his lord's words. There was much to prepare and little time to do it in.

"Perfect. You have done well, Kobra. Let me reward you"

From the hooded figure's hand, a red light shot out and struck the follower's body. Kobra shuddered, but then, like the most addictive drug, he felt a pleasure like no other. His body felt more powerful than ever. Certainly, it was a great reward from his master.

"Thank you my Lord"

"Say my name, Kobra. You have earned it"

"Thank you, sir... Sabbac"

The hooded figure, named Sabbac thought to himself.

'Little sister, finally your destiny will be fulfilled. You will be the key to my father's release from his cursed prison. The world will finally know Trigon'



If you think the timing is off from Raven's birth to when she and Edgar meet, it will be explained in the next chapter. 

Next chapters:

Chapter 30: Azarath 

Chapter 31: Do you want vengeance?

Chapter 32: The story of a fallen angel 

If you like my work, and want to read more. My patreon is:


Golden members: 4-5 chapters ahead

Diamond members: 7-8 chapters ahead 

Weekly I upload 2-3 chapters (4-5 in these december dates) 

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