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Chapter 22 All Dogs Go to Heaven

hThe training ground sprawled out like a flat expanse within a marked circle, its boundaries clearly defined for all to see. It was a stage of discipline and determination, where the rules were crystal clear: if you passed out, got knocked out of the circle, or suffered a grievous injury, you were deemed the loser.

As the referee's signal split the air, Sydnia was the first to move. She wasted no time, her focus unwavering as she wielded her staff. With a swift and fluid motion, she conjured a lance made entirely of water, its liquid form shimmering under the sunlight.

Mira, on the other hand, was a stark contrast. Her agility and presence of mind were her primary assets, along with her loyal companions: the hounds.

The duel began with a flourish as Sydnia thrust her watery lance toward Mira, its translucent tip poised to strike. Mira, with uncanny grace and agility, managed to evade the attack, her lithe form ducking and weaving. The audience held their collective breath, captivated by the dance between the two mages.

As the water lance surged past Mira, she seized the opportunity to release her canine companions. The hounds bounded forward with astonishing speed, their sleek bodies a blur of motion. Sydnia, taken aback by this canine onslaught, found herself in a moment of panic.

Good, you need to create distance, Rohan commended Mira.

With a motion of her staff, Sydnia commanded the water to lash out like a whip, striking at the approaching hounds. The liquid tendrils cracked through the air, and one unfortunate hound was struck, sent sprawling out of the circle with a yelp. The referee's voice rang out, announcing the canine's disqualification from the duel.

Mira gritted her teeth, determined to press on. She surveyed her remaining hounds, her resolve unshaken. This was her moment to turn the tide.

With a commanding gesture, Mira directed her loyal companions to converge upon Sydnia once again. The hounds sprang into action, their focused energy overwhelming. One hound latched onto Sydnia's skirt, bringing her to the ground with a resounding thud.

In response, Sydnia summoned a protective water shield around herself, desperation colored her actions. Her heart raced as the hounds on the other side of the barrier barked and gnawed relentlessly. The shield held for a brief moment, a fragile barrier between her and the beastly things.

But then, as quickly as it appeared, the shield dissipated, leaving Sydnia vulnerable. 

Her mana is going down quite quickly, Rohan thought.

Sydnia knew she had to act swiftly. With unwavering focus, she conjured a water ball, launching it toward one of the hounds. The impact hit the hound squarely, drenching it in water.

However, to her dismay, the hound shook off the moisture with surprising ease. Its body seemed as resilient as iron, refusing to succumb to the water's weight.

Another hound lunged forward, grasping Sydnia's sleeve with its powerful jaws. In response, Sydnia cast another water lance, hoping to pierce through the hound's tenacious grip. Yet, much to her dismay, the hounds' bodies were impervious to her attempts.

Her eyes darted around for an answer, it was then that Sydnia conceived a plan. She summoned an expanding water ball inside the hound's throat, aiming to immobilize it from within. A wicked smile curled upon her lips as she focused on tormenting her canine adversaries.

Rohan recognized the move and his knuckles turned white in a tight fist. She did that to his dragon.

However, amid the chaos of the duel, Mira was silent. The sight of her beloved companions being strangled from the inside made something inside her snap.

The Voglio family rose into the ranks of nobility through their achievements in military campaigns. Each time a Voglio was sent into battle, they returned victorious. This was thanks to the 'talent' within their bloodline.

Mira's gaze locked onto Sydnia, and with sheer determination, she launched herself forward.

Sydnia kept attacking, with every wave of her staff, tendrils of water appeared and aimed their deadly strikes on Mira. However, Mira dodged each one, closing the gap between her and her opponent.

Mira channeled her talent, feeling the veins of mana glow underneath her wrists. For a mage, a talent is intertwined with their very being, a natural prowess, others would call it. Talents come in different forms regardless of the mage's affinity and Mira shared her talent with her hounds.

This was body-strengthening magic—a rare and potent gift that had been passed down through generations of the Voglio family. 

"Don't touch my dogs," Mira's face was within a hair's breadth from Sydnia's. With precision and power, Mira unleashed a devastating punch, aimed squarely at Sydnia's cheek.

The impact was audible, it was a fist filled with the emotions of a girl named Mira Voglio. The crowd of spectators looked away and cringed as if the pain was shared with them. As the dust settled and everyone held their breath, it became clear that this duel was far from over.

Mira's hounds gasped as they were released from the watery torture. They walked slowly behind Mira with low growls, cornering their prey.

"Y-you! You call yourself a mage but you're just a dog-trainer!" Sydnia said through her bloody teeth. Her legs trembled as she backed away from Mira, who now stood in unbreakable poise.

"Sure," Mira replied coolly, "and you're just a wet bitch, Sydnia."

Before Sydnia could wave her staff in retaliation, one of Mira's vigilant hounds sprang into action. In a white blur of motion, the hound's powerful hind legs struck out, sending Sydnia's instrument sailing through the air. The legacy-class item twirled before landing with an audible clatter, several feet away from its owner.

She's done for, Rohan watched on. Sydnia's mana reserve was completely depleted now. Without the staff, she could no longer attack.

Mira walked over, each step like a gallant beast in the jungle stalking its prey. This time, she didn't barely beat Sydnia. She can now say she dragged Sydnia into the mud.

Mira's eyes looked down at the helpless water mage with calculated intensity. A smile curled on her lips as she opened her mouth to say one word: "Woof."

With synchronized effort, the hounds pounced on Sydnia, their powerful jaws snapped close around her limbs and clothing. Sydnia, caught off guard by the coordinated assault, found herself being dragged relentlessly toward the edge of the circle.

"No!" As she was dragged, her clothes had become muddy and ragged, displaying a shameful visage of 'a duke's daughter'. "You stupid beasts!" She kicked and screamed but they were unshakeable.

Despite her desperate attempts to resist, the sheer strength of the hounds proved too overwhelming. With one final concerted effort, the loyal companions managed to hoist Sydnia out of the designated circle.

The referee's voice rang throughout the training ground, declaring the outcome of the duel. Sydnia had been forced out of the circle by Mira's unyielding hounds, making Mira the clear victor.

The spectators erupted into a mix of cheers and applause, their admiration for Mira's unexpected triumph resounding through the arena.

Mira, panting from the mental exhaustion, turned to her hounds, her expression a mixture of gratitude and pride. With their heads held high and tails wagging in delight, the hounds were eager to prove themselves to their beloved master.

"Good babies!" Mira smiled wide at her furry companions as she rubbed and petted them triumphantly.

As for Sydnia, she lay sprawled outside the circle, her face a mixture of shock and disbelief. The duel had not gone as planned, and her humiliation was written on her face.

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