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100% Jobless Transportation - The Honored One / Chapter 48: Stain On The Wall

Capítulo 48: Stain On The Wall

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

I'm also occasionally chilling in JaxWolf4's (Author of Nah, I'd Adapt) Discord Server. It's a chaotic lobotomy mess. Not for the faint of heart.

Here's the link:

Disc: HrPrTeam

-Story Start-

Slow, steady, and trepid steps echoed along the quiet halls of the Magic University.

Lectures and classes are long over given the time of day - Resulting in an almost empty hall.

Clarice had absentmindedly directed a lost student toward the Student Council Room, barely noticing them as she continued down the hall.

The much distracted and visibly distraught Clarice paced herself back to her dorm.

With an empty hall, she did not need to keep up appearances, biting her lip in frustration and impatience, her face twisted into an ugly snarl.

Clarice's loyalty to Ariel was unquestionable.

However, she cannot help but second-guess the Princess's morals and concerns.

Clarice, the mastermind responsible for Ariel's information network, knew their situation was most dire.

Immediate information regarding Rudeus Greyrat The Quagmire reaching Ariel's and Sylphitte's ears?

That was her.

Rumors regarding Gojo Satoru - The 6th Great Power reaching Ariel's ears?

Her as well.

As well-informed as she was, Clarice could only conclude one thing:

The Second Princess Faction, at the current rate, was slowly marching into their inevitable and tragic deaths.

And Ariel Knew It.

Clarice had laid it on thick for her.

If a battle were to erupt, their opponents would most likely be...

Water God - Reida Reia.

Funnily enough, Clarice hadn't elaborated further to just emphasize how... Fucked they are.

But can one blame her?

A Veteran Water God such as Reida Reia would require an army to fight and successfully defeat her.

...Unfortunately, both sides have an army, and Ariel's is presumably smaller.

Nevertheless, Ariel was rigid despite understanding their grim fate.

It was a paradoxical feeling for Clarice.

She supports Ariel initially due to her House's stance but has learned to respect and value the woman's talent and capacity to be a ruler.

Ariel's strict values and care for the people are a deciding factor.

Only contrasted by the Princesse's questionable tastes...

On the other hand, it is those very same values that vex Clarice and limit their capability of maneuvering out of this grand conundrum.

'I don't care if the Asura Kingdom is led into another catastrophe... As long as Lady Ariel takes the throne and not that bastard and his disgusting fat rat... A destroyed Asura under Ariel's leadership would be paradise in comparison to an Asura under their rule...' She clenched her fists in fury.

Simmering in anxiety at the ever-tightening noose around their necks...

Yet, within the direness of it all, a glimmer of hope emerged.

Talented individuals and powerhouses such as:

Rudeus Greyrat.

And even a Great Power with strength matching small Kingdoms:

Gojo Satoru.

Nevertheless, even those were unreliable:

Rudeus Greyrat is likely to marry Sylphiette - Ariel will not only lose out on such a powerhouse but also lose a loyal and powerful ally in the process for her friend's happiness.

Clarice cared not for the Elf, so this is a major loss.

The only placating gesture Clarice had for potential aid from Quagmire and the soon-to-retire Sylphiette is... Quagmire's guarantee of answering Ariel's call for aid.

A spoken promise and agreement...

She'd usually be vehemently skeptical of those, however, he didn't seem like the type to lie, so Clarice prayed Ariel would not hesitate to pull those two even after they officially tied the knot.

And finally...

Gojo Satoru.

He was their perfect response to the Water God.

While it is likely some more notable individuals will join the First Prince's faction prior to the eruption of an actual tangible conflict...

It is unlikely that the faction will manage to recruit individuals rivaling Reida Reia's strength.

If... If they can get him on their side, at least to deal with the Water God...

They might have a chance of winning.

But of course, the keyword was IF.

Throughout the time they spent together and gathering information about the enigmatic snowflake.

Clarice as well as Ariel had mostly lost hope in Gojo Satoru joining ANY faction.

He is flippant, whimsical, egotistical, and completely unpredictable.

You could never know what he's going to do, or what he feels like doing.

One day he feels like he wants to build a hotspring, so he places the effort and gets it done.

On another, he hoards all the food in the dining hall and makes others arm wrestle for it under the reasoning - "Mages need some muscle too. No muscle no food. Start swinging a sword or something~!"

He has a goal, that much is certain - Which involves studying forbidden Magic with the similarly elusive Silent Seven Stars.


He's completely baffling...

The Seven Great Powers always served as mysterious, legendary figures.

With the exception of Rank 2 - Dragon God Orsted, none of the Upper Echelon have been seen for centuries.

In a way, it is fitting that the young usurper of the 6th Rank - The Anomaly was...

A Natural Disaster In Human Form.

A Human, nonetheless.

Somewhat harmless throughout his stay here, but that showy display of strength against the Immortal Demon King Badigadi simply showed how much of a wolf in sheep's clothing he was.

As a result of that display followed by the flawless victory against Quagmire, an undercurrent of tension almost always appeared when you were around him... That keen knowledge that you can be killed in an instant with naught a chance for self-defense if he so desired.

While Quagmire hid such tension from his peers by remaining charmingly humble.

This man... Showed off whenever he could.

He knew of his superiority and had never bothered with acting modest.

In a way... It's for the best he remains uninvolved in any Faction.

Clarice and Ariel are content enough that he's kind? enough to not care about them throwing his reputation through the air, as long as they filter out recruitment attempts.

An unspoken agreement between the two parties.

But... That doesn't resolve the issue at hand.

Clarice knew.

Oh, how she knew...

She knew how pointless it was...

Her eyes twitched once more.

"I don't want to die..."

She doesn't want Ariel to die.

Nor does she want Luke or any of her other friends and allies to die.


She shivered at the perilous future...

If Clarice's advice continues to fall on deaf ears...

'S-Should I take up her offer?' Clarice wondered.

A clash between loyalty, love, and self-preservation stormed in Clarice's mind.

She couldn't help but chuckle, "Maybe I should drop on my knees and beg that man to help us?"

Chuckling once more, she snorted, "As if he'd agree to that..."

Clarice's agonized march back to her dorm ceased at the sound of a resonating explosion.

Given the distance, the vibrations it sent were rather weak on Clarice's feet.

Nevertheless, it sounded like it came from...

Clarice's expression twisted in worry, as she turned without hesitation.

Her face paling as she burst into a sprint towards the Student Council, her heart racing, "LADY ARIEL!" She screamed, her voice breaking with panic.


Clarice's uniformed figure burst through the door as she finally recognized the muffled voices and ongoing conversation.

Her eyes were invaded with an odd sight:

A Gojo Satoru was standing in front of a gaping indent in the thick inner walls, and many knives and small blades were plopped on the ground beneath him.

Thick and constructed with Magic Resistant Brick, crushing these walls was a feat of its own.

In that indentation, was an unconscious and extremely bloody girl, her limbs crushed in a gruesome manner.

The girl's face looked oddly familiar to Clarice as if she had just passed her by...

Satoru's disappointed tone resonated, "I've been rather grumpy since my favorite punching bag suddenly left today... I had my hopes up that you'd be some kind of elite assassin or something, but here we are..." He pointed at the clearly unconscious girl with a hint of disdain, shaking his head.

Immediately turning to meet Clarice's pale and anxious expression, Satoru cheered, "Oh hey Clarice~!"

Tilting his head, his tone grew colder as he nonchalantly stated, "Instead of focusing on that little stain on the wall. Don't you think you should get your Princess treated?"

Satoru's firm tone brought Clarice out of her stupor, blinking as she turned her head to the gruff Luke attempting to staunch the blood from Ariel's bleeding calf, blood pooling below the Princess.

Ariel smiled despite the pain, sweat trickling down her pale face, "I'd appreciate that."

Clarice, as usually pampered of a Noble as she was, had rarely encountered such tense situations.

She had, after all, not arrived with Ariel's entourage here to get used to the cruel assassination attempts.

So this was a breath of much undesirable fresh air.

Exhaling a calming breath, Clarice gave a tight, frantic nod, her breath hitching in her throat as she turned and bolted out of the room.

While the injury did not appear life-threatening, Clarice's frantic state had not allowed her to compose herself no matter how hard she tried.

She had to get a healer.


Or else the Kingdom Of Asura was truly and utterly doomed.


It was a whole scene.

Ariel sighed an exhale of relief as the Advanced Healing Magic enveloped her calf, closing the wound in real-time, and providing much-needed relief.

"You should rest and drink a lot of water, you've lost a lot of blood." The healer stated absentmindedly as he rose up.

Turning to Principal Georg and Vice Principal Jinas with a nod, "Then, I shall depart."

Jinas nodded with a thankful smile, prompting the school's healer to exit the Student Council Room, closing the door with a thud.

Jinas headed out the door, sending a smile towards the group of affected individuals - Ariel, Luke, and the separated distant Clarice who had to keep up appearances.

Yet the worry and anxiety on her face were still evident.

Stroking his mustache, Georg frowned, "An assassination on school grounds... This has not occurred in many years. Bold, very bold." He muttered aloud.

Shaking his head, he turned to the bored and annoyed Satoru, who was leaning on the intact inner walls impatiently, "I must thank you for saving our dear Student Council President." He emphasized Ariel's title in the University.

Waving him off, Satoru replied, "Don't bother... More importantly, what'll you do with this stain?" He pointed at the heavily bleeding and unconscious girl.

Satoru had an inkling of that girl's fate, given how Georg had not ordered for her to get healed.

Raising an eyebrow, Georg sighed agonizedly, "While I would have preferred you dealt with the issue in a more controlled manner, as you likely could have-"

"Teehee~!" Satoru quickly replied.

Georg continued unperturbed, "But, the responsibility regarding the failure of safeguarding a student on University grounds ultimately falls upon myself. So I will pay for the damages done to my precious walls and... Reluctantly increase funds for security."

Satoru raised an eyebrow in surprise, "Oh?"

Georg's next words confirmed his suspicion, "As for the little rat that snuck into my educational establishment uninvited for the purpose of killing... Her only fate is death." He stated coldly.

Principal Georg's philosophy was both logical and rather slothful when it came to student and security matters in his University.

Student conflicts are to be resolved between each other, if that doesn't work then through the reliable Student Council and if that last line of defense does not work, then it finally arrives at his table.

One need look no further than the chaotic scene of the yearly mating season duels the Beast Race Students hold in the Academy.

As for security...

Most students are capable of handling themselves in a fight, combat classes are mandatory, after all.

Then again, it's been ages since one was so bold as to assassinate someone here.

Georg had been lax, decreasing the funds for security measures year after year.

Here it was, coming back to bite him.

...But he should've expected this given he was providing hospitality to the most wanted runaway noble in the entire world.

Smirking, Satoru huffed, pointing at the short almost menacing man, "Guess you don't become a big-time baldy just by being nice and stingy, huh?"

Sending a weak glare at the amused Satoru, Georg retorted, "I believe you have been underestimating me for too long, Gojo."

Stroking his chin, Satoru contemplated that thought for a moment, leveling a dissecting look at the short man, "Hmm... Not really~!" He concluded.

Pushing himself off the wall, Satoru announced his departure.

News of vital importance!

He sent a cheeky smile at the distraught Ariel and Luke who were bouncing back at a rather impressive pace, "You can get on your knees and thank me later! Cya Princess, Clarice, and useless tool~! Good luck cleaning off the stain!" He sent a look towards the most disturbed Clarice, who was still very much in a state of shock and adrenaline.

Was Satoru the odd one for keeping such composure and a nonchalant attitude?

Most definitely.


Yet, before he could teleport his way out of there, after a job well done...

"Wait! Gojo!" Ariel called out, attempting to rise up.

Luke wordlessly helped her rise up, the healing having done its job, yet the shock of the pain had yet to subside.

Turning to her, Satoru tilted his head in curiosity.

It was an expression he had never seen on her.

Not the teasing almost amused smirk she usually held.

Not the manipulative politically correct front she liked to wear.

Nor was it the seductive one she had used to charm the male students...

His Six Eyes had taken in every detail of her face.

The slight curvature of her frown.

The slightest twitch.

The bitten lip.

The tremble in her throat as she pleaded.

"Gojo Satoru... Please, help me... Help us. I-I'll make it worth your while." She nodded.

None were more surprised at that gesture than Clarice.

Whose eyes widened greatly, as she sent a bewildering look at Ariel.

The thought that such a move could never work flashed in her mind.

Yet, the blonde princess turned knowingly to look at her secret subordinate with a reassuring, brave smile.

That look, that gesture.

Clarice understood why she was trying such a desperate move.

Why she was so genuine...

Tears welled up in the eyes of the daughter of the Redbat House.

Her composure had already shattered earlier like glass with the earlier tense debacle.

This was but the finishing touch.

Satoru's casual smirk had quickly transitioned into a thin line, as he took in the plea of the Princess.

His gaze pierced through the girl, trying to unveil any and all manipulation attempts.

Yet, there were none.

Sighing, Satoru leaned back on the wall, a smirk on his face as he folded his arms, "I'm listening."

Once more, the teared-up Clarice was struck with surprise.

He was... Actually, considering it?

She turned to look at the pleading figure of Ariel, to see it frozen with similar exasperation as her own.

Luke was similarly surprised, with a hint of skepticism decorating his features.

Georg deadpanned, having been seemingly forgotten in this entire situation, "I'll get this mess and that rat cleaned up. Leave the room and continue your talks outside if you must."

He turned to the shocked Ariel, bringing her out of her stupor, "Is there a need to decipher who sent this one? I believe the conclusion is rudimentary."

Blinking, she shook her head, coldly stating, "No. Take her out."


Continuing their conversation in a secluded hallway, Ariel had composed herself out of the shock of Satoru even considering a recruitment attempt.

Perhaps, he was just humoring them.

Luke couldn't help but sweat nervously at the possibility Satoru would simply fool or play with them as he did with prior recruiters before he came here.

Ariel nodded, her tone lacking any hint of deceit, "I understand your lack of want to get involved in any Political Engagement or otherwise. Which is why all I ask of you is to guard me and my party while we work on strengthening our faction."

She continued to lay out her terms, "I must ask firstly, do you know of my situation and who my enemies are?"

Satoru made a so-so gesture silently with his hand.

Ariel nodded, "Bluntly and simply, my enemy is the First Prince's Faction of the Asura Kingdom, and subsequent assassins being sent."

Narrowing her eyes, stating the clear, unfiltered truth, "Your role will be simple. You will be guarding us when we go out on recruitment meetings, which will be more plentiful and bolder given your presence."

She shook her head, "Make no mistake, and I am certain you have noticed it but... I'll be making full use of your presence and reputation to create the illusion of you being a major force in my Faction."

An amused smile grew on Satoru's face as he repeated, "Illusion? From what you're saying. I practically am a major force in your faction."

Shaking her head, Ariel stated, "You will not be doing any of my dirty work. And once an eventual and inevitable conflict emerges between my faction and the enemy... You will be dismissed. Nevertheless, you can quit whenever you want to, Gojo Satoru."

"To reiterate, your role will simply be to allow me to perform a lot more and bolder negotiations. That's all I ask." She nodded firmly.

A moment of tense, expectant silence passed.

Satoru's fully unleashed Six Eyes met with Ariel's resolute and pleading gaze, once more, no deceit was present.

"What do I get out of this, exactly?" Satoru tilted his head, genuinely curious.

Ariel nodded, smiling sadly, "Anything that's in my power to acquire for you."

Making no attempt to seduce him, Ariel had wasted the opportunity to let a little of her personality loose, "Even my body if that's what it takes." She gestured at her chest.

Luke and Clarice couldn't help but frown at Ariel's efforts.

She was just seconds away from dropping to her knees and practically begging Gojo Satoru to save them.

None of Ariel's usual demeanor was present.

But a small girl reaching out her hand in plea, for hope, for salvation.

A tense silence once more overtook the hallway.

Satoru's amused expression was nowhere to be seen, a thin line on his face and those sharp, enigmatic eyes on full display shining brightly.

For but an instant, he closed his eyes.

A thousand thoughts coursed through his mind in that single instant:

Alistair's letter.

Satoru's interactions and opinion of Ariel and her group of lackeys.

Clarice's blatant spying attempt on him and the occasions she flashed her true character.

Even small snippets of his childhood had run through his mind.

Protecting the weak...

And most importantly...


It blurred in his mind once more as it had when he decided to intervene.

...What is his role?


He had finally reached a decision.

Slowly, he stepped forward, approaching Ariel, and forcing his way into her personal space.

He Stopped inches from her, his head looming over her.

Luke tensed up, sweat trickling down his face.

Clarice kept a silent, scrutinizing look on the enigmatic man.

Ariel hadn't backed down, nor did she lower her head at the intense, piercing look those radiant blue eyes sent her.

Suppressing a shiver, she kept that same pleading yet resolute expression on her face.

Lowering his head to be at eye level with her, their faces were incredibly close to each other, as if they were about to kiss.

Slowly, amid that uneasy moment, Satoru's thin line lifted into that easygoing smirk of his.

"Sure~ I'll help you guys out. But I have some conditions... Babysitting weaklings isn't cheap~!" He chuckled, leaning back to a natural posture, giving some much-needed space to Ariel.

Clarice's eyes widened for what seemed the umpteenth time today, she blurted out her surprise, "You... You accepted?"

Turning to her with a condescending look, Satoru chuckled gesturing at himself with faux saintliness, "How can a man such as myself ignore such a clear plea for help?! Even I am not that cruel~!"

...Clarice flashed an unimpressed and wholly unconvinced look.

Ariel didn't let herself get excited at the prospect, "Name your conditions." She gestured for the gleeful snowflake to name his own terms.

He nodded, and thus, after shaking on it...

A mutually beneficial deal was struck between the Ariel Faction and the 6th Great Power - The Anomaly Gojo Satoru.

What was one of the conditions Gojo Satoru named?



It was a rather snowy midday in the Magic City Of Sharia.

A single man leisurely strode through the busy streets, patting the light snowfall off his shoulders now and again.

In truth, at the golden opportunity to go and visit Sharia - Soldat Heckler hadn't lingered, traveling here at such an opportunity all the way from the Basherant Dukedom.

While relatively close, it still took a proper two weeks at a decent pace to get here.

For the sake of meeting up and checking on his good buddy Rudeus Greyrat, Soldat was hopeful the poor kid got his tool fixed.

However, what the S - Ranked Party Leader hadn't expected was the actual reason behind his sudden appearance here.

The opportunity was none other than a lettered invitation from the Second Princess Of Asura of all people.

A woman of royalty rumored to have managed to recruit the notoriously difficult and powerful Gojo Satoru.

A Great Power.

Despite being a veteran and experienced adventurer who should think twice before acting on his curiosity...

Soldat won't lie that he really wants to meet the rumored man.

His rumored to-the-face personality really struck accord with the adventurer.

Nevertheless, he was here for both Rudeus and business.

Meeting Gojo Satoru is either accidental or if the rumors serve to be true... He should meet him beside the Second Princess Of Asura.

Having arrived here with his party just in the nick of time, there was roughly an hour before the scheduled meeting was set to commence.

Soldat couldn't help but be curious, "Would she seriously wait for me?"

It was a gesture so unlike usual nobility.

Hell, she was literal royalty of the most powerful Kingdom in the entire World.

But if she did wait...

"She's already got points in my book." He nodded to himself with a haughty smirk.

As he strolled, watching the rather peaceful and prosperous city going about its day-to-day, Soldat couldn't help but frown.

Not from the sights.

Not at all, in fact, they were a pacifying view.

Ever since he separated from his party in favor of going to the meeting while they secured an Inn...

Nay, ever since they even entered this city...

He couldn't help but shake off the uncanny feeling that...

Something was watching him.

His heightened instincts flared such a feeling to him, yet no matter how many times he paused to turn around sharply, he couldn't get a sense of who or where he was being watched from.

Scratching his head, he huffed, "The drinks have been getting to me..."

Continuing his walk, he noticed he was almost at his destination.

Just as he was about to turn a corner...

A loud feminine screech was heard, echoing through the street.

In front of him was...

A large building belonging to the Adventurer's Guild - An offshoot that can be rented for usage.

Through the classic logo and the adherence to local architecture, the conclusion was rather elementary.

Soldat's eyes narrowed at the source of the feminine screech.

An older woman, whose legs wobbled from a combination of indignation and shock.

She seemed to have been scared out of her wits by the sudden appearance of something...

Or someone.

Soldat's eyes turned to look at the source of the older woman's ire.

She grumbled and cursed the man beside her under her breath, walking away in dismay and irritation.

His eyes widened in recognition.

Standing firmly and stoically in front of the door leading into the building he was supposed to meet Princess Ariel in...

Was a man that had clearly just arrived, acting as if he had been standing there for hours.

A man dressed in...

An extremely expensive and uniquely tailored suit.

An alien type of fashion for the residents of this World.

Bluntly speaking... He donned a "Secret Agent" suit.

Sunglasses and all.

This man was, of course...

"Gojo Satoru..." Soldat mumbled in intrigue.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-



Ignore my cope. (I call it hope).

Hope this chappie was up to snuff in quality and stuff and you've enjoyed it!

Thanks! Love ya! Bu Bye!

You can read 1 chapter ahead on P A T R E 0 NN

Here's the link:

As always, feedback and such is much appreciated and have a lovely day!

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