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2.56% Naruto: Uchiha Brothers / Chapter 1: Origin Stories
Naruto: Uchiha Brothers Naruto: Uchiha Brothers original

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Autor: The_11th_Division

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Origin Stories

"Hey little guy, nice to meet you! I'm your big brother Yo! Well Yo is short for Yoriichi, Yoriichi Uchiha." In the nursery room of a well built traditional Japanese styled home, a bright-eyed little boy with a flame-like birthmark on the right side of his face, and wearing hanafuda earrings rambles as he leans over the crib's wall. He tries to get as close as possible to his newborn baby brother who just blankly stares back at him. "Welcome to the world of Na-!"

"Not so close Yoriichi, you'll upset him." the nanny says pulling the boy back. The nanny is an elderly lady who is also Uchiha of course. Even in her old age she still maintains some traces of that raven black hair which has mostly greyed now, she is the primary caretaker of this household Kaede Uchiha, but Yo calls her Nanny Baba.

'You have my thanks nanny, that loud brat was far to close for my comfort.' The baby thinks frustrated he can't say that aloud. Only baby babble comes out when he talks.

"Aww I wasn't going to upset him. It's just so exciting being a big brother! I'll show him all sorts of strong moves, and teach him how to get girls, and all the best food spots!" He goes on excitedly.

"You have to learn all of that yourself first," the nanny chuckles.

"I already know it all," Yoriichi responds with a puffed-up chest.

The nanny decides to humor him. "And how is that?"

A smug smile crossed Yo's lips as he readies his answer, "trade secret." His answer earns a laugh and a pat on the head from the old woman.

"How you can always be such a bright child, even at times like this I'll never know." She says.

 "It's better to laugh than to cry right? I don't think she would want us to be sad forever." He says casually, before quickly changing the subject. "Anyways can I hold…what's his name?" Yoriichi realizes he was never informed as to his little brother's name. Their mother died during childbirth, as this boy was with immense spiritual energy. Though not as much as Yoriichi himself, it was much more than any normal person could withstand, let alone doing it twice. Their father had spent the last few days drinking away his sorrows, never once having laid eyes on the child who killed his wife nor did he care to even name him. The newborn boy had been left in the care of a nanny for the time being. Instead of what should be a joyous atmosphere, there has been a gloomy air hanging over the Uchiha compound like fog since then, but Yoriichi seemed be doing astonishingly well to keep a positive attitude.

'Has some tragedy occurred here?' The eavesdropping baby tries to figure out what's going on around him. It doesn't take him long to put together an idea of his situation. 'Could she be my mother? It would make sense that I haven't seen her.'

"I suppose it hasn't been decided what his name will be." She answers.

"Well, can I pick it then!?" Yoriichi asks with a giddy smile.

"I don't know if that's a good idea…"

'NO! It is not a good idea! This brat shall not decide my name! Isn't there anyone else who can make this decision?' The baby tries to make some pass at denial but just ends up flailing cutely.

"See? He agrees he should have a name too. Pleaaaase?" Yoriichii pleads.

"Maybe… if you pick a good one." The nanny answers.

 "Yes! Don't worry little bro, I'll pick you something super cool!"

'Nanny, don't you dare let this happen.' The baby glares at them.

 "Ok…let me see. How about Luffy Uchiha?" Yoriichi suggests.

'You are courting death…'

"Let's try something else." The nanny denies.

"What's wrong with Luffy? Oh well, don't worry I've got more ideas." He casually picks his little brother up.

The nanny goes to help him, "Be careful Yo. You have to support his head."

"I've got him, I've got him. How about Ichigo? Or Tatsumi?"

'What foolishness is this? Me, now a helpless baby at the mercy of this overactive child… It seemed like only moments ago I was revered as a prodigy at the shinobi sect, feared far and wide for my power and skill. This is beyond degrading…' The baby tunes them out as he stares at the flame on a candle, reminiscing of a past life that only seemed to have ended a very shorty time ago. As a feeble newborn now all he could really do was think, 'The flame master Ben-'

Yorichii gets an idea when he notices his brother's fixation on the candle. "I got it! Shin- no, Benimaru!"

"I think he likes it." The nanny notices him snap out of his daze when Yorichii said Benimaru. "Benimaru Uchiha it is."

"Benimaru! Those are some badass shoes to fill, 'Fire force was great and Rimuru's subordinate was a savage too'." He thinks looking forward to what his brother could grow up to achieve.

'So, you've heard of my prior exploits? How many generations has my fame persisted?' Little Benimaru thinks proudly. 'Don't worry, in time I shall show you all kinds of powerful jutsu elder brother.'

 "It's almost time for you to go and meet with your sensei." The nanny says looking at the time.

 "Oh, you're right…do you think you could make a snack before I go? I'll wait here with Benimaru."

 "I suppose that's fine, put Benimaru back into his crib first."

"Soooo, what's on your mind little brother? Haha, I know you can't answer me yet, but mind lending me your ear for a bit?" Now alone with Benimaru, Yoriichi takes this time to vent to someone who can't understand him. "Bear with me because this is going to sound really strange…" He pauses and scans the area to be sure he has no one listening before he continues. "I'm not actually six years old. Well technically I am, but I reincarnated into this body when I died and I still remember all of my last life. A ROB, or random omnipotent being, sent me into a new world decided on by his whims, with three abilities I get from the spin of a lottery wheel. Anyways, This whole world is based on a story I used to read called Naruto, about the life and times of this kid struggling to become hokage, or the ninja village's leader. He's actually just a few months younger than you. It's insane right?" Yoriichi says wiping his brow as if the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders. "Sorry. I didn't mean to drop a bomb like that on you, but I had to tell someone. It was driving me crazy being the only person to know…"

 'What nonsense is this?! Is my older brother delusional?' Benimaru tries to rationalize what he's been told. 'Children do have vivid imaginations, maybe he likes to play pretend.'

The boy pauses for a moment, taking the infant's incoherent babble and spittle as a response. "Let me get that for you," Yoriichi says as he wipes Benimaru's face with a cloth. "Anyways there are a few differences from this life we're living to actual story. Like me and you for starters, we're Sasuke and Itachi's cousins. Coincidentally born in the same years as those two as well. Oh, remember those names, they'll be important later on. They aren't supposed to have noteworthy relatives in the story because they all get killed in a few years, but if I can help it this time around the Uchiha will go on strong. I'm trying to work on the whole village politics thing, but Uchiha's are waaaaay to proud to listen to a little kid. So I'm going to have to work my magic behind the scenes. Thanks to my "forbidden knowledge"," he air quotes, "I have a little cheat sheet for some future events coming up. OH! About the lottery spins, let me tell you what powers I ended up getting. Firstly I have the powers of a Shinigami in a living human body, like a new race with spiritual power beyond even head captain Yamamoto. On my second spin I was blessed with the inborn swordsmanship and sun breathing technique of my namesake Yoriichi Tsugikuni. Actually, I seem to have gotten his visage as well. Ah you wouldn't know about them, but they're Some really tough people from other worlds. I'll tell you about them another time. Instead of a third spin the Rob gave me a choice of an extra skill from one of the two worlds I've got abilities for already, or another completely random spin. I think my luck shocked him. I chose the axillary ability, I figured my luck was probably spent anyway so why push it? Now I have the ability that lets me forge and name zanpakuto! I can also pass on my breathing technique, which only I have in this world. Don't worry if you turn out to have skill with a sword I'll make sure to give you a zanpakuto and teach you total concentration breathing too. What am I saying? Of course you will be a genius with a sword. Not as good as me, but pretty darn good. After all, you're my little brother!"

Benimaru was dumbfounded. If this was make-believe Yoriichi put quite a lot of thought into it. Not mentioning this ability lottery and otherworldly figures, he just so casually mentioned the demise of the Uchiha. 'Did he say our whole family will be killed off? How can he say that so calmly?!'

 "…Thanks for hearing me out, but I've gotta go now. My master is giving me fuinjustsu lessons today. Speaking of my master check this out, she is one of the last living members of the Uzumaki Clan, a bunch of hardy redheads. Her name is Kushina Uzumaki. Right now she's pregnant with the protagonist! Yup she's Naruto's mother, also probably one of the best fuinjutsu users around right now." He pauses and listens to Benimaru's babble which was again on que.

 'Last Uzumaki? Those Senju offshoots are already nearing the end of the line as well? What sad era is this?'

 Yoriichi wasn't quite done with his venting. "What? I look troubled? Well sorry to say there's a little more doom and gloominess to the story, but Naruto's birth comes with some nasty complications. The village gets attacked by a mysterious man who releases the nine tailed fox spirit sealed inside my master's body. A lot of people get hurt, even worse than that master and her husband the fourth hokage don't make it… so yes poor little Naruto is going to be an orphan. I've warned them, but I'm not really sure if they took me seriously. I guess it's hard to believe your enemy is a dead man. So what I'm going to do is-"

 Knock! Knock! Knock! Someone bangs on the window shutter from outside. "Yo! Hurry up! We're running late to go meet Kushina sensei! If you make her wait too long she'll beat you up again!" A girl's voice calls from the other side.

 "Yeah hurry up, we're not helping you this time!" A boy adds.

 "Oh those are my friends Toph and Yami. I'm not sure if it is a coincidence or not but they look like people from other world's too. They're a little rough around the edges but they mainly act like the characters I know, so I'm pretty sure they're good people." Yoriichi opens the window, and two kids step inside from the ledge. "Guys come in! Check out my cute little brother! Isn't he precious?!" Yoriichi motions them towards Benimaru.

 "So the little runt is finally here, you wouldn't shut up about him." Yami says. A stocky muscular kid noticeably shorter than Yorichii with messy black hair and a narrow, judgmental, glare. His coat was tattered at the bottoms, likely done on intentionally to look cool. Sounds like something a snot nosed brat would do.

 'I'll probably be teaching that whelp a lesson in a few years.' Benimaru sizes him up, something about the kid just makes you want to fight him.

 "He's kinda cute, I see he looks a lot like you." Toph says getting a dry chuckle from her friends. She was by far the smallest in the group. A slip of a girl who looked entirely defenseless, even more so when you take into account the fact that she's blind. Her long dark hair was worn up in a large bun with loose hair framing her face.

'Her eyes…is she blind? Was that her idea of a joke?' Benimaru thinks a little put off by her dark humor.

"Anyways where are your parents? You'd think-" Yami's question was cut off by Yorichii kicking them out the window. "What gives?! What'd I say?!"

'I'm stuck with some real characters here…'

"It looks like Yoriichi left in a hurry, he couldn't even wait until I got back." The nurse arrives to only Benimaru and an open window. "Do you need to be changed?"


The three kids Yoriichi, Yami, and Toph race across the rooftops of the Uchiha compound on a sunny afternoon. "I'm not usually one to pry, but why'd you kick us out like that Yoriichi?" Toph asked she didn't have to see his face to know when he felt uncomfortable about something. Yami asking about their parents bothered him.

 "I guess it hasn't gotten out yet…" Yoriichi mutters.

 "What hasn't?" Yami asks.

"My mom passed away giving birth to Benimaru a few days ago and dad hasn't put down a bottle since." Yoriichi answers.

"Oh…I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, we're here for you if you need anything bro." Yami adds.

"Thanks you guys, I didn't want to say much with him skulking around the house somewhere. Plus, Beni doesn't need to hear about all that."

"You know he's a baby, he won't understand it right?" Toph says matter-of-factly.

"Hmm I wonder about that…normally you'd be right, but his eyes seem focused, almost wise. Abnormally so," Yo says squinting his eyes and lowering his tone dramatically.

"Whatever works for you Yo," she sighs as they leave the Uchiha compound, darting through the leaf village. Due to Yoriichi's nature they stopped at least five times to help people…so yes he was indeed very late.


Benimaru sits in his crib on pondering over his current situation. "So it seems that in this era my name will be Benimaru again huh? Suits me just fine. I could get a lot of information out of that brother of mine. He may just be an imaginative young one, but most children wouldn't lie to someone who can tell no one their secrets or even understand for that matter. I think what that brat says may have some truth to it. Is he from another world? I reincarnated from times passed so who's to say there can't be similar situations?" As he was thinking the door opens.

Creaaaakkkk. The door opens slowly to reveal a man entering, he has short black hair with sharp features and traditional Uchiha bags under his eyes, he looks like he has been crying and drinking a lot, Benimaru could smell his breath from across the room… It was clear to see he just having the worst time of his life. Benimaru stares at the man looking back into his blood red eyes, the symbol of the Uchiha.

'Just like I thought. Uchiha was the name of that group of upstarts possessing the same eyes as the lord founder… they left the sect to establish themselves as a clan. Judging from his eyes they aren't doing too bad if he has the three Tomoe,' Benimaru thinks as the man begins to approach him. Benimaru notices his eyes spinning rapidly and a hateful killing intent oozing from his body. All that hostility directed at him.

"Damned wretch…Why were you born?" The man asks as tears of blood begin to fall. " Why did she have to lose her life for you to live!?". The man continues as he gets closer to the crib. At this point even Benimaru is scared, is his new life going to end before it even starts? Right then the window opens and his older brother enters. It hadn't been that long but he was back, and he was dirty with what looks like a black eye? "Yoriichi." He says in an eerily calm voice looking at his firstborn. The tension in the room was palpable as they stared at each other in silence for what seemed like an eternity.

"Hello father. Kushina Sensei really wants to visit Benimaru, but with your condition I think I should take him to her." Yoriichi gives his father a respectful smile, and without waiting for a response quickly goes for his brother. He can feel his father's glowering eyes watching him intently the whole time. After they get a good distance away Yoriichi slumps down on a rooftop and lets out a relieved sigh. "I didn't know what he was going to do back there! Who knows what was going through his mind just then…but you're safe now little Beni."

'Your timing couldn't be better, you've saved my life already brother.' Benimaru thinks crying tears of joy.

 " Little Beni listen up, and listen well! Our father is most likely losing himself to the Mangekyo Sharingan… Those who attain the power of those eyes can fall victim to a deep-seated darkness. You just saw it firsthand. He doesn't see you as his son, but as the one who took the love of his life away... I don't know how yet but we'll find a way to rescue him from the darkness. However, if he EVER tries to harm a hair on your head again, I'll be there to protect you. No matter what." Yoriichi declares as he holds the Benimaru firmly.

'Hmph, that swine would truly blame a newborn for such a tragedy? However, this brother of mine Yoriichi, you have my undying gratitude to defend me so. When I grow up I will repay you for this grace elder brother… on mine honor' thinks baby Benimaru to himself.

In this moment both brothers made a pact with themselves to protect one another, they will always look after each other!

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