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20% Naruto: Shinobi SI / Chapter 4: Chapter 4 : Food is money

Capítulo 4: Chapter 4 : Food is money

-----The next day----

In the warm afternoon sun, Guy, Duy, and I raced back to the orphanage. My heart raced with excitement at my idea. I realized about the one thing that can sell easily. It has a low bar to start. Most importantly, considering the present conditions, it will be a unique, never-before-seen product. - A PIZZA

Yep, unlike the Boruto times, the current Konoha, has no pizza. As far as I know, from my talks with the merchants this morning, it doesn't exist anywhere in the world too.

Food, no matter the place or origins can sell well as long as it is delicious.

We broke into the orphanage's kitchen, ready to make the next best thing in food after spices. The sex equivalent in the Food industry.

I took the role of head chef, while Duy and Guy stood ready as my trusted sous chefs. I childishly announced, carried away by the moment, "It was time to whip up something extraordinary, something that this world had never experienced before."

With aprons tied and chef hats donned, we were a sight to behold. Guy, in his iconic green jumpsuit and headband, looked more like an ugly wax doll of green and white. Stiff, and not knowing what to do.

Time to break his cooking virginity.

Duy, surprisingly, seemed quite comfortable in his chef's attire, as if he had been doing this all his life. Ah! I realized he is an experienced single dad.


Guy's eyes glittered with pain and enthusiasm from his Self Slap. "Yosh! Kyudo, you've got my youth! What's the plan?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at Guy's antics. "We're going to make 'pizza.' It's a mouthwatering dish that's famous in other places, and I believe it's going to be a massive hit here."

Duy raised an intrigued eyebrow. "Pizza? I've never heard of it. What's it like?"


With our tasks established, we set to work on pizza-making. Guy used his muscle strength to knead the dough to perfection, while Duy ensured that the dough was rolled out uniformly.

I explained each step, breaking down the process for my eager comrades.

"Alright, Guy, you're doing a fantastic job with that dough. Now, remember, we want it nice and thin, but not too thin. It should be just right to hold all the toppings."

Guy nodded, his arms working the dough with ease. "Understood, Kyudo!"

Duy, with his characteristic meticulousness as a single dad, had moved on to preparing the pizza sauce while listening to some of my suggestions.

"Duy, for the sauce, we want the perfect balance of tomatoes, herbs, and spices. That's what gives pizza its signature flavour. Take your time to meld them."

Duy nodded, his eyes fixed on the ingredients. "I'll make sure it's perfect, Kyudo."

With the dough and sauce ready, it was time to make our pizzas.

Looking at the curious duo, I explained the different styles we were creating: Margherita, pepperoni, vegetarian, and some unique combinations using locally sourced ingredients.

The guy couldn't resist adding a touch of ninja flair to the process. He spun the pizza dough in the air, performing stylish twirls that would have put any modern pizza master to shame.

As we layered cheese, added assorted toppings, and placed the pizzas into the oven, the irresistible aroma of pizzas being made filled the kitchen.

Once we baked the pizzas, its scent filled the room. With our delicious treasures in hand, we made our way to the orphanage's common area for the taste test.

The children, drawn by the mouthwatering smell, had already assembled, their eyes wide with wonder at the sight of Pizza—something entirely new and unheard of in their world.

Their excitement shone on their face, and it was infectious.

Duy, Guy, and I turned into pizza servers, revelling in the children's joy as they took their first bites of this unfamiliar yet delectable treat.

Our mission wasn't just about introducing pizza to these kids; it had a deeper purpose- to suck up to the one who can give me money.

We had prepared additional pizzas, carefully boxed and ready to be presented to the matron of the orphanage.

In her office, we offered her the gift of pizza. The matron greeted us warmly, her eyes sparkling with curiosity about the food we made.

"So, this is the dish you were shouting for."

The matron took a bite of the pizza, her eyes widening in delight. "This is incredible! You know I wasn't expecting this food you will make to be this good when you said you wanted to cook in the kitchen yesterday."

It put a smile on the three of us and it's time to tell the retired shinobi my intentions.

"Matron," I began, "You know that the chakra herbs cost a lot. It will be too late by the time I become a genin. These pizzas taste amazing, right? We plan to sell them in the village and use the profits to support our training."

Duy added, "It's a unique and delicious dish, and we believe it will be a hit."

Guy, ever the symbol of youth, nodded enthusiastically. "Through these pizzas, we can show everyone the power of youth!"

I continued to the thoughtful matron, my tone now more serious. "Matron, the funds my parents left in the Bank of Konoha will directly allow me to start a food stall in the prime market district. Time is an important resource for us shinobi to train. I can't start with step-by-step door orders. So, I need your help and approval to access those funds."

The matron regarded me with a thoughtful expression as I explained my plans to use the funds from the cost to estimated profits. I made these in the math classroom. Benefits of being in the last seat.

[Author's note: I will post these reports at the end. They are just for realism, not important for the story.]

The matron listened attentively, her eyes focused on me as I outlined the plan to access the funds in the Bank of Konoha and invest them in our pizza venture. After a moment of thoughtful silence, she finally spoke.

"Kyudo, what you're proposing is bold, but it is an initiative with a clear sense of responsibility. I've seen the dedication and hard work you have put into this venture. So, I am sure you're not taking it lightly."

She paused, her gaze shifting to the tray of pizzas we had brought. She picked up another slice and took a thoughtful bite. Her expression was a mix of surprise and delight.

"This pizza," she mused, " is remarkable. It is something new, something different. It has the potential to succeed."

The matron gave her attention back to me. "I will contact the administrator for funds. If they approve, you'll have access to the funds. Kyudo, remember that the money is your responsibility if you get the approval."

I nodded my gratitude for her support clear in my eyes. "Thank you, Matron. I understand the responsibility that comes with this opportunity, and I promise to make the most of it."

While it is surprising in my previous life, under the effects of Chakra, the maturity of shinobi in training is more average.

As for Fan girls, I could only think back to the military aunt I knew, who is an adherent devotee of BTS. Let's not step into the topic of glorified fuckboys. I would have respected their singing if they just stopped the girlish antics. They looked fucking weird to me.


With the matron's endorsement, we were on our way to meet with the administrator responsible for the funds allocated to orphaned citizens.

This was a critical step in our plan to access the capital to kick-start our pizza business. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness as we made our way to the administrator's office.

The administrator, a middle-aged woman with a no-nonsense demeanour, sat behind a cluttered desk piled high with paperwork.

She regarded us with a raised eyebrow as we entered her office.

"Matron," she said with a hint of exasperation, "what brings you and these young men here today?"

The matron, who had accompanied us, gave a warm smile. "I believe you'll want to hear what they have to say, Administrator."

I took a deep breath, feeling a surge of determination. It was time to present our plan to the administrator.

"Administrator," I began, "my pizza business can benefit both the orphans and us."

The administrator arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but not entirely convinced. "Food business, you say? That's quite a common idea. But, Yours is a new dish, right?"

I nodded, eager to explain further. "Yes, it's a dish I came up with that we believe will be a hit here. We've done our research, and we have a detailed business plan, including cost estimates, profit projections, and a strategy for sustainable growth."

With that, I lay out our plan, explaining how we intended to use the funds from the orphaned citizens' holdings to establish a food stall in the prime market district, purchase the equipment, and cover initial operating costs.

I emphasized the potential profitability of the venture and how it would contribute to the welfare of the orphanage- by giving them options for jobs and much more.

The administrator listened attentively, her initial disinterest gradually giving way to interest.

Once I had finished outlining our plan, the administrator leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. "It's a good proposal, and I must admit, I didn't expect something like this when you walked in here. But you've put a lot of thought into it, and the matron here speaks highly of your dedication.

I'll need to consult with the Nara responsible for evaluating your proposals. If he gives his approval, you'll have access to the funds. However, I can't promise anything until we receive his decision."

I nodded, understanding the process as she explained and took my leave. "Thank you for considering our proposal. We truly believe this venture has the potential to benefit both the orphanage and the village."

With that, we left the administrator's office, our fate now in the hands of the Nara clan member who would evaluate our plan. It was a nerve-wracking wait, but we remained hopeful.


A few days later, we received word that the Nara clan member was ready to meet with us. We gathered our documents and headed to the designated meeting place.

Fuck the bureaucracy. It is the same everywhere.

The Nara clan member, Shinmaro Nara, a middle-aged man with the characteristic Nara clan markings, awaited us in a tranquil garden. He looked over our business plan with a leisurely air, flipping through the pages as he sipped on a cup of tea.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke. "Your plan seems well-thought-out, and the matron's endorsement carries weight. But there's one thing missing."

I exchanged a nervous glance with Guy and Duy, wondering what he was referring to.

The Nara clan member raised an eyebrow. "I haven't tasted this 'pizza' you speak of, but I've read about it in your plan. However, words can only convey so much. I'd like to taste it before making a final decision."

Shinmaro agreed and invited us to use his kitchen for the pizza preparation. We accepted the offer with gratitude and made our way to his home, ready to craft the best pizza he had ever tasted.

In his spacious kitchen, we set to work, selecting the finest ingredients and ensuring that each pizza was a masterpiece of flavour. With precision and care, we created a fresh batch of pizzas, eager to impress Shinmaro with the taste.

Shinmaro had another person to taste the pizza. He had just a friend in mind—Jiran Akimichi, a member of the Akimichi clan.

I joked inside my mind, " A Yamanaka is the only one missing yet for the trio."

We presented Shinmaro with a piping hot slice of pizza. He regarded it with curiosity. He took a bite, and for a few moments, there was silence.

Then, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Interesting," he mused, taking another bite. "This is unlike anything I've tasted before. It's... unique."

We held our breath, waiting for his verdict.

After savouring a few more bites, Shinmaro finally spoke. "I believe this 'pizza' of yours has the potential to be a success in our village. It's different, and that's what sets it apart."

Meanwhile, after finishing the last slice, Jiran looked at us with a smile. "This is awesome."

While licking the cheese on his finger, he said, "The flavours explode in my mouth, the ingredients are fresh, and the concept is innovative. This 'pizza' of yours is tasty."

An Akimichi's compliments, the compliments of the world's greatest foodie's about pizza made me see the raining Ryo notes.

I am going to be fucking rich.

Shinmaro Nara, having witnessed the taste test, gave his deicision.

"I believe Jiran's words speaks a lot about your dish," Shinmaro stated. "Your pizza has passed the test with flying colours. I officially grant my approval for the use of the allocated funds to support your business."

Our hearts soared with relief and happiness. Shinmaro Nara's approval was a significant step forward for our pizza venture. He agreed to allocate 100,000 Ryo from my deceased parents' frozen wealth to support our business, a gesture that would help us set up our food stall in the prime market district.



We propose to establish a pizza stall in the prime market district of Konoha Village. This venture aims to introduce a unique and delicious cuisine to the village while generating revenue to support the orphanage and the training of future shinobi. The following is a detailed breakdown of the expected costs, menu, pricing, and expected profits.

Startup Costs

Stall Rental: We estimate the monthly rental cost for a prime location in the market district to be 10,000 Ryo.

Furniture and Equipment:

To set up our stall, we'll need tables, chairs, cooking equipment, and a pizza oven. We expect an initial investment of 15,000 Ryo.

Ingredients: Quality ingredients are crucial for our pizzas. We estimate the initial ingredient costs at 5,000 Ryo.

Labor Costs:

Guy: As a server and kitchen assistant, Guy will receive a monthly salary of 5,000 Ryo.

Duy: In his roles as a cook and bodyguard for the shop, Duy's monthly salary will be 30,000 Ryo.

Orphans (Part-time servers): We will employ orphans from the orphanage on a part-time basis. They will earn 500 Ryo per month.

III. Menu and Pricing

Our menu will comprise a variety of pizza options, including:

Regular Size Pizza (8 slices):

Margherita Pizza: 15 Ryo per slice.

Pepperoni Pizza: 18 Ryo per slice.

Vegetarian Pizza: 16 Ryo per slice.

Unique Creations: Prices will vary based on ingredients.

Medium Size Pizza (12 slices):

Margherita Pizza: 22 Ryo per slice.

Pepperoni Pizza: 25 Ryo per slice.

Vegetarian Pizza: 23 Ryo per slice.

Unique Creations: Prices will vary based on ingredients.

Large Size Pizza (16 slices):

Margherita Pizza: 28 Ryo per slice.

Pepperoni Pizza: 30 Ryo per slice.

Vegetarian Pizza: 29 Ryo per slice.

Unique Creations: Prices will vary based on ingredients.

Extra Large Size Pizza (20 slices):

Margherita Pizza: 32 Ryo per slice.

Pepperoni Pizza: 35 Ryo per slice.

Vegetarian Pizza: 34 Ryo per slice.

Unique Creations: Prices will vary based on ingredients.

IV. Expected Monthly Costs

Stall Rental: 10,000 Ryo.

Furniture and Equipment: 15,000 Ryo (onetime cost).

Ingredients: 5,000 Ryo.

Labor Costs:Guy: 5,000 Ryo.

Duy: 30,000 Ryo.

Orphans (Part-time servers): 1,000 Ryo (for 2 orphans).

Total Monthly Costs: 61,000 Ryo.

V. Expected Monthly Profits

Average profit per pizza (varies by size): Approximately 200 Ryo per regular slice, 250 Ryo per medium slice, 280 Ryo per large slice, and 300 Ryo per extra-large slice.

Estimated monthly pizza sales (conservative estimate): 100 pizzas.

Total Monthly Revenue: Varies based on pizza sizes and slices sold.

Total Monthly Profit: Revenue - Costs.

Maintenance Fees and Miscellaneous Expenses

We will allocate 1,000 Ryo per month for maintenance and miscellaneous expenses to cover unexpected costs.

VII. Growth and Sustainability

As our reputation grows, we expect an increase in sales. With time, we expect to cover our initial investment costs and achieve profitability.

VIII. Conclusion

Our pizza stall venture is well-planned and has the potential to become a beloved addition to Konoha Village's cuisine. While we may initially operate at a loss because of startup costs, we are confident that our unique pizzas will attract a loyal customer base, ensuring long-term success and sustainability.

This business plan outlines the financial aspects of our venture, and we look forward to receiving approval and support from the relevant authorities to access the funds from the orphaned citizens' holdings.

Estimated Monthly Revenue and Profits

Estimated Minimum Profits (First Month): Given the initial startup costs, we expect a minimum profit of 5,000 Ryo in the first month.

Estimated Monthly Revenue and Profits (Subsequent Months): In the following months, as we establish a customer base, we estimate monthly profits ranging from 20,000 Ryo to 30,000 Ryo or more, depending on sales and popularity.

This range accounts for potential fluctuations in sales and the gradual increase in profitability as we gain traction in the market.


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