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The Siege of Faradras II

[Redentia, Acteron Sector, Ultima Segmentum. 991-M41]

I emerged into existence within the expansive embrace of a lineage steeped in the noble tradition of Guardsmen, hailing from a celestial orb distant from our present abode. Accustomed to the callous caress of the Imperial Guard's harsh discipline and the profound sense of duty ingrained in my familial roots.

Alongside these stoic forebears, I imbibed a myriad of tales, not whispered by those who weathered the storm, for their numbers were scant. Instead, the very commanders who paid homage to the fallen brought forth narratives of valiant exploits and sagas from their harrowing battles. Fortune smiled upon me, for my progenitor, my father, stood amongst the select few, a lethal guardsman christened by the fires of warfare, a true veteran.

His silvered mane and beard were worn as a testament to his mettle, cherished symbols in a realm where death danced as a familiar companion. Amidst a profession where survival itself was an achievement, he transcended the ordinary, a man who traversed numerous battlefields and lived to recount the tales.

However, as I navigate the treacherous currents of the tale I find myself entwined in, I discern that it eclipses even the venerable narratives shared by my great grandfather. Despite the kinship in our experiences, a daunting reality now confronts me.

We both confronted the insidious threat of Tyranids.

In the wake of an apocalyptic event, the magnitude of which defies description, I found myself a spectator to the might of entities that rendered the narratives spun by the preachers utterly insignificant.

Before my very eyes, suns birthed and perished in rapid succession, the very earth quivered, and the fabric of reality itself convulsed beneath the overwhelming dominion of Xenos overlords who ruled this forsaken planet. I observed the unfettered power unleashed by the man who forcibly tore me from my squad, leaving a trail of death in his wake.

Ignorance cloaked me in its shroud on many matters, yet blindness did not bind my senses. Nor did it shroud the individuals standing sentinel upon the towering walls of this beleaguered city.

These were not mere Xenos; no other races could manifest the awe-inspiring spectacle unraveling before us. So spoke the whispers of the guardsmen who hailed from the Schola Progenium. Mythical beings of lore seemed to pale in comparison to the nightmarish reality unfolding.

The progeny of the Emperor himself.

Amidst the relentless symphony of cosmic clashes and detonations, a foreboding revelation unfurled before us as we gazed upon our destined adversaries and the abyssal entities that loomed, poised to engulf the entire galaxy.

The harrowing briefings of the previous day, delivered with a gravity that eclipsed mere words, offered us a glimpse into the dire circumstances that awaited. Hours ebbed away, a squandered currency, as officers from the Imperial Guard sought to etch the gravity of our impending struggle into our consciousness.

Yet, it was in this moment, as my eyes beheld the firmament awash with countless spores, each trailing fiery luminescence in its wake, that the full weight of our predicament took root in my understanding.

A fear, alien and overwhelming, gripped the very core of my being. My legs quivered, hands trembled, and my heart clenched in a vise of terror, its rhythmic cadence now a testament to the chilling reality before me. Pale dread painted my visage as I grappled with a sensation I had never fathomed in my entire existence.

"This cannot be real..." uttered my voice, an unwitting conduit for the disbelief that permeated my consciousness. My hands, moved by a primal instinct, hastened to the pouches where the lifeblood of my lasgun, the ten magazines, found their abode.

Chills coursed through the pores of my body as I confronted the dire truth. Each spore bore an insurmountable legion of Tyranids, and now, the heavens above transformed into a stygian canvas, shrouded in the sinuous trails of millions upon millions of these ominous seeds of doom.

My breath, a ragged cadence, mirrored the tumult within. Sweat cascaded from my trembling hands, and my eyes, reluctant witnesses, averted from the nightmarish panorama in a desperate quest for refuge. A place where survival could be sought, away from the ghastly apparitions suspended kilometers above the planetary expanse.

"Stand your ground, for the Emperor's shield envelops us! Ready your weapons, guardsmen of the Imperium, as the scourge from the abyss rains upon us. It is time to answer the sacred duty!" The resounding voice of the captain shattered the grip of panic, jolting me awake. Adjusting my helmet, I turned my gaze to my newfound comrades.

I, Myrella Teviat, daughter of Tiberius Teviat, stood not just as a warrior or a soldier but, paramountly, as a guardsman of the Imperium of Mankind. A proud member of the 18th Rifle Regiment of Eredrain. In the face of the Emperor's adversaries, there was no room for cowering or seeking retreat.

Summoning my resolve, I lifted my eyes, compelling myself to confront the impending onslaught. My body moved with a mechanical precision, ingrained by the rigorous teachings of the sergeant's drill.

Battle servitors, grotesque in appearance yet heavily armed, accompanied each of us along the walls. Their ominous presence augmented the sacred atmosphere. Vox-speakers echoed with chants and hymns, attempting to drown the cacophony of millions of spores cascading from the heavens. Simultaneously, autocannons, missiles, and flak barrages painted the sky of Redentia with a symphony of destruction.

The very land quivered beneath the thunderous roar of weapons, while the descent of innumerable spores veiled the surroundings in a shroud of dust. Amidst this turmoil, the chittering chorus of millions of bioforms resonated, an insurmountable truth: they were here.

Positioning my lasgun defiantly before me, I peered through the scope of my rifle, yearning to discern the faces of the adversaries destined to face the wrath of the Imperium.

"...For in the darkest of hours, our spirits hum in vibrant resonance with the blazing fire of the Emperor and our fate. Bathe in it, embrace it, and let His holy fury guide your weapons to victory..." The preacher's voice, though old, resonated with grandeur through the vox speaker. My hands, once trembling, found firmness as I closed my eyes momentarily, allowing the divine fury of the Emperor to course through my veins.

With renewed resolve, my hands steadied, and my pulse synchronized with the rhythm of impending battle. Opening my eyes, I confronted the sight of hideous creatures seeking to consume everything.

Emerged from the settling dust and debris, these biomechanical terrors, shaped by the galactic abyss, moved with an eerie grace amid the spore-filled atmosphere. Their chitinous exoskeletons, reflecting the fractured light of the fiery sky, whispered the ominous hunger they harbored.

Razor-sharp scything talons, glinting ominously in the spectral glow, told a story of evolutionary cruelty and insatiable drive. A bone color permeated through their bodies, covered in red carapaces. My eyes captured their appearance, reminiscent of the image showcased during our briefings.

They were Hormogaunts, the most basic of the Tyranid organisms during an invasion. Each Hormogaunt, a living embodiment of the alien menace, advanced in unison, a relentless tide beneath the fractured heavens. As my lasgun felt weightier in my grip, I couldn't escape the haunting symphony of their chittering, merging with the chaos of exploding spores and distant space clashes.

Below the wall, soldiers bearing swords, shields, and armor awaited the impending onslaught. That is, of course, if we didn't open fire.

In the crescendo of chaos, the captain's thunderous decree pierced the air, igniting the fervor within my very core. "KILL THESE ABOMINATIONS, EXTERMINATE THEIR LOATHSOME PRESENCE FROM THE AQUILA!" His words, a clarion call to action, resonated with an intensity that fueled the fires of righteous vengeance.

As my fingers danced upon the trigger, the malevolent forms of the Hormogaunts surged like a relentless tide against the fortified walls. Each precision shot from my lasgun detonated their grotesque bodies, but the sheer speed of their advance painted a grim tableau of impending doom.

The battlefield, littered with the fallen and the eviscerated, transformed into a nightmarish labyrinth as the writhing bodies of the Tyranids became grotesque obstacles. Amidst the tumult, the air itself bore witness to the repulsive stench of death and decay, mingling with the acrid aroma of charred Tyranid remnants.

The symphony of rifle reports and explosive echoes was eclipsed by the anguished screams resonating beneath the walls, punctuated by the relentless chittering of the alien horde. My unyielding gaze remained fixed upon the advancing menace, every shot a prayer for salvation.

Yet, amid the cacophony, an unsettling tremor coursed through the land, not born of the relentless explosions but heralding an earthquake—a seismic upheaval beneath the feet of Faradras. The ominous horde of Tyranids, numbering in the billions, echoed their intent to engulf the cities in a cataclysmic embrace. The very earth quivered under the weight of this existential threat, a harbinger of impending devastation.

Beside me, the servitor, seemingly impervious to the unfolding cataclysm, persisted in its relentless onslaught against the encroaching horde. Numbness enveloped me as my mind and body operated on autopilot, responding mechanically to the captain's resolute commands cutting through the chaos.

The once-filled air, redolent with the sacred scent of censers, now lay devoid of its divine aura. The rhythmic dance of my fingers on the lasgun's trigger and the seamless magazine changes became mere echoes of a fading connection to the tangible world.

Before me, a grotesque hill of Tyranid corpses burgeoned around the fields of Redentia, a testament to the relentless clash with the melee combatants. The battlefield's macabre metamorphosis unfolded as the hill grew, obscuring the view of the encroaching enemy.

My consciousness teetered on detachment from the fray until a sharp voice resonated within my mind, a mentor's timbre seasoned by countless wars, 'This battle will be won if your squads are carefully coordinated. In unison, fire after my order.' A surge of clarity accompanied his directives, and our squad, in harmonious synchronization, unleashed a torrent of firepower that pushed the Tyranids back.

In this orchestrated ballet of destruction, I found my thoughts clearing like dissipating fog. A lingering question loomed—was this orchestration the divine influence of the Emperor himself?

As my gaze swept across the battlefield, a lightning bolt, an iridescent harbinger of destruction, seared through a vast expanse, vaporizing thousands in an instant. Glancing aside, my eyes met a figure who defied alignment with the Imperial Guard or Ecclesiarchy.

A man with brown hair and tanned skin, eyes ablaze with an otherworldly glow, summoned the power of thunder, unleashing it upon the Tyranids. His presence exuded mysticism, a raw power that resonated with the arcane.

'A witch!' I hastily appraised, yet my attention swiftly returned to the relentless advance of the enemy, my ears attuned to the enigmatic voice orchestrating our movements.

Aided by the mysterious witch, the Hormogaunts were compelled to relinquish their foothold, an arcane intervention unfolding across the fields of Redentia. The realization struck me that our unit wasn't the sole beneficiary of these occult powers; a widespread alliance with the Imperial Guard and planetary defenses was evident.

While concerns lingered about the enigmatic presence of these witches, the relentless rhythm of battle demanded my unwavering focus. As minutes elapsed, fresh adversaries emerged, intermingling with the ranks of Hormogaunts. A diverse array of bioforms retaliated with a relentless barrage of their own, biomorphs transforming into bioweapons that unleashed torrents of devastation upon our position.

Millions of Gaunt variants manifested, depleting my lasgun's magazines as I maintained ceaseless fire against their teeming swarm. Gone were the customary smiles and banter, replaced by a somber silence as orders echoed and the efficacy of our onslaught gradually waned.

The once-mound of Tyranid bodies burgeoned, rising to rival the height of the protective wall. A creeping obscurity enveloped our line of sight, prompting the captain to command artillery strikes. Thunderous barrages created passageways amid the cratered landscape, yet these avenues swiftly filled with the ceaseless advance of the Tyranid horde.



The symphony of artillery strikes intensified, unleashing a cascade of explosions whose debris added a grotesque layer to the ongoing pandemonium. The tableau mirrored scenes from the deepest recesses of hell, eclipsing even the most harrowing tales sung by bards.

This was our stark reality.

In this infernal tableau, I, Myrella Teviat, found myself embroiled in a desperate struggle to maintain our besieged position.

Amidst the chaotic onslaught, a spine-chilling shriek pierced through the cacophony, causing my heart to constrict. My gaze fixed upon a monstrous spectacle.

A colossal entity, exuding an oppressive aura, manifested—a node creature. Its imposing size and malevolent presence signaled the commencement of a more intricate phase in our defense. No longer were we contending solely with the relentless gaunts; a Tyranid warrior had entered the fray.


15 chapters in advance on my patreon.


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