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55.55% Heroine Addict (Marvel x Arifureta Crossover) / Chapter 5: Negotiations

Capítulo 5: Negotiations

Emma raised an eyebrow. She didn't have any meetings scheduled and received no reports about an intruder. She entered the boy's mind to discern his intentions, but soon froze with a confused look on her face.

"I can't read your mind..." she muttered, glaring slightly.

Ryuu chuckled, "Sorry. That would be due to my abilities, I'm afraid. No telepath will get anything from me without a significant amount of effort."

Emma focused on her guest intensely, instinctively falling into a combat-ready stance. She'd very rarely met anyone that could keep her out of their head. It made her uncomfortable. She pushed with her telepathy, trying to garner some sort of reaction.

She quickly found that while she couldn't read his thoughts, she still had access to his mind. This helped her calm down. She could still read his emotions and monitor the state of his body. Additionally, she could exert some control over his body through the foothold she had in his mind. Not perfect, but Emma was confident she had the upper hand.

"Done testing everything out?" Ryuu asked. He could feel something ephemeral poking and prodding around him, but he wasn't sure exactly what Emma was up to.

If it weren't for the speed force suffusing every one of his cells, he doubted he'd be able to feel her intrusion at all. It was only the feedback he received from his internal energies that gave him a clue. She was a master of her craft, after all.

Emma was more confident now that she could feel Ryuu held no negative feelings towards her. In fact, while all of his emotions were intense, his repressed lust was what really caught her attention. It burned in a corner of his mind like an active volcano, only held at bay by his shockingly strong will.

She had come into contact with countless minds over the years, but hadn't personally experienced arousal on this level during a normal conversation. Even when people were lost in their passions what they felt still didn't come close to Ryuu. In other words, he was a horny brat.1

"Yes," Emma replied, "Come inside my office and we can talk about your... proposition." She held the door open and gestured him towards one of the high backed chairs in front of her opulent desk.

Ryuu took a seat while Emma merely walked up to the front of her desk, folded her arms under her breasts, and leaned her body against the solid wood behind her.

Ryuu's expression twitched when she settled just a few feet in front of him, with nothing separating the two of them. Emma's posture also emphasized certain parts of her body that drove Ryuu to distraction.

Emma liked to play power games and she obviously knew he was attracted to her. Ryuu scoffed internally. She was Emma Frost. Everyone was attracted to her.

Ryuu didn't expect anything less from the White Queen who had dominated the Hellfire Club through deception, blood, and death. Her manipulations and secrets were legendary.

"Well, to start, and I know this will be difficult, I need you to trust me. I realize earning your trust is a feat worthy of being one of the 12 labours of Hercules, but I think we can make this work. Do you have a way to tell if I'm speaking the truth?" Ryuu asked.

Emma tapped a finger on her arm, scrutinizing the young man in front of her for a long moment. "While your thoughts remain your own, I can sense any deception in your words or your heart," she admitted.

"Perfect. I was hoping that would be the case," Ryuu continued, "One of my abilities allows me to copy the powers of others. I have some knowledge of the future that has left me with a deadline to increase my strength as much as possible in a short amount of time."

Ryuu watched Emma carefully. She was cautious when he mentioned his ability, leading her to the correct conclusion that he was here for her mutation.

She was intrigued when he mentioned foreknowledge. It wasn't her first time dealing with divination and prophecy. She was acquainted with quite a few precogs, one of which was currently serving as a member of her Hellions.

"I'm sure you can easily guess why I'm here. I need you," Ryuu declared. To people like Ryuu and Emma, honesty was just as powerful a weapon as deception.

A lie of omission can't be easily detected through means like sensing for deceit. By its very nature, its not spoken of. Omitted. Selective truth properly applied at the right timing was Ryuu's bread and butter.

Emma stared at Ryuu and pondered. She could tell that he had been truthful thus far. What she wouldn't do to be able to see his thoughts. His silent mind vexed her.1

She got straight to the point. "Why should I help you?"

"Benefits," Ryuu smiled charmingly. "I can provide you with opportunities that I'm sure you've never even dreamed of. What I'm going to say will sound outrageous, so please feel free to monitor my emotions as closely as you like."

Ryuu hoped that his offer was substantial enough. He had some backup plans if Emma was obstinate, but he knew that she was an incredibly practical girl at her core. She would barely have to give up anything and he would give her access to things beyond her imagination.

He just needed to keep his explanation vague enough that she wouldn't accidentally interfere with his timeline. His foreknowledge meant shit if other people gained unfiltered access to what he knew.

"Within the next six months I will be kidnapped and taken to another world," Ryuu began, noting Emma's stoic mask slide back into place. She was paying attention closely.

"This world is like ours in many ways, but there is one aspect that sets it apart from Earth drastically. The world I will be going to has an owner. An immortal tyrant who has been hoarding power for the last ten thousand years." Ryuu explained.

He continued and gave a brief summary of Tortus' history, without going into too much detail.

"As you can imagine, this so-called god does not have good intentions towards me or our planet in general. I'm sure I can succeed as I am, but I know that if I fail, he will come for the Earth next. I know of ways to increase my strength after my summoning, but I don't want to take any unnecessary risks. I'll essentially be waging war on an entire planet just for the right to survive and come home. I need you, Emma. You can tip the balance in my favour."

Ryuu was getting passionate, nearly building into a rant. The more he spoke of Tortus the more he wanted Ehito to hurry up and summon that bastard hero so he could hitch a ride.

"I'm prepared to give you many things in exchange for your cooperation. Before I'm summoned, I plan on securing a large vibranium stash. It contains at least 100kg of the metal, half of which will be yours. After my return, I will be able to give you and your business access to a new planet, one rich with resources and ancient knowledge. It will also be freshly liberated and primed for foreign influences to introduce change."

Emma's expression slowly thawed as she imagined all of the benefits her cooperation would bring. Even an ounce of vibranium was almost impossible to secure without emptying a good portion of her accounts.

Ryuu continued, "If I survive, I will be able to grant you immortality and help you learn ancient magics that will allow you to mold reality to your whims. That's just the tip of the iceberg. I can't say with certainty that I'll succeed, but I believe the odds are in my favor. I'm prepared for pretty much everything that world has to offer."

Ryuu knew he was close to winning her over. He could see the greed in her eyes quite clearly now that her mask was falling. He could work with greedy people. In fact, in some circumstances he trusted greedy people far more than the do-gooders.

It occurred to Ryuu that Emma hadn't seen him use his super speed. From her perspective, he was probably just a precocious child with a little too much knowledge and ambition.

"All I need from you is permission to copy your mutation and an agreement that we'll cooperate in our business dealings in the future. There are no side-effects to my ability. You won't suffer at all." Ryuu finished.

Emma took a moment to process everything she'd been told. She knew that Ryuu was telling the truth, or at least he thought he was telling the truth. Emma knew her powers weren't infallible. The human mind was incredibly fragile and prone to an endless number of problems.

Emma thought that Ryuu had made a good pitch. She couldn't help but find it cute how he was so serious and scheming. He had obviously come prepared.

Whether or not Ryuu could deliver on his promises of power and immortality didn't matter that much to Emma. Just the vibranium alone would make this a good deal.

Emma hummed, "Very well. I think this could be a mutually beneficial agreement. So long as you keep your end of the deal, you can consider me your ally."

Ryuu was ecstatic. "Great!" he enthused, "I'm sure you're probably wondering why I came to you instead of someone like Xavier or Stark. Believe it or not, I trust you far more than I trust them. I've seen a little of your past and some of your potential futures."

Emma was distressed at the knowledge that he knew her, but swiftly shut her emotions down to prevent giving anything away. She was reminded why she disliked dealing with precogs. They always knew too much.

"Despite everything, I would want you at my back if the world goes to shit far more than that bald, mind-raping bastard!" Ryuu spat. "If what I've seen is true, then Charles Xavier is every bit as much of a "villain" as his rivals. Honestly, the man can be so pretentious it makes me sick."

Ryuu stopped himself before he could build into a rant about the baldy. He had lots of ammunition to use against him and wasn't particularly worried. If they became enemies in the future, then Emma's mutation would effectively make him immune to Xavier's power.

Emma laughed wryly, "I'm glad to know there is one more person in the world that can see through his sanctimonious bullshit." She shook her head.

"Alright. You've convinced me. You can copy my powers and then we can start working on preparing you for your adventure." Emma said. "I know you don't want much from me, but I have a good feeling about you. I'm willing to put in a little more effort to guarantee my benefits. I'll enroll you as a student here to give you the run of the grounds. Just make sure to keep in contact. If you need anything let me know," she offered.

Ryuu was shocked. While part of her words were wrong, as he still hadn't explained exactly how he was going to copy her powers, he did not think that Emma would be so forthcoming with her offer of help.

It took him a few seconds to guess at her reasons even with his massively sped-up thought processes. She had never wanted to be seen as a villain. At her core, she was a strong and determined woman. She knew the difference between right and wrong, even if her circumstances had forced her to make some tough calls. She never went over the line with innocents, either.

Most of the crimes she had committed had been for the sake of her survival. A woman like her had very few true choices in life. She could have rolled over and accepted another as her master, receiving nothing but scraps and derision. Instead, she chose to fight back and she hadn't stopped fighting since.

Ryuu respected the shit out of her compared to someone like Charles Xavier, the boy born with a golden spoon shoved up his ass.

To Emma, Ryuu became much more pleasing the instant he'd started bad-mouthing Xavier. He hadn't even meant to play that angle, but he assumed the relationship between the two rival leaders was worse in this world than he thought.

Thus, she seemed to have decided to take him under her wing as a sort of mentor. It almost warmed his heart. Too bad for her that their relationship was going to take a different direction than she was expecting.

Ryuu relaxed in his chair and let out a smile, "Well, I'm very thankful for your offer, Emma, and I think I'll take you up on it. First things first, do you mind if we start with copying your mutation? I'll admit, I've never done this before."

Emma was curious how he was going to go about this. Was he like Rogue, who could steal powers with a touch? She had seen more mutations than she could remember at this point. Nothing would surprise her.

"Yes, of course," she replied, "Do you need anything, specifically?"

Ryuu looked around the room, as if he was judging its suitability. He shook his head, "No, I don't think so. We can just use this office if that's okay with you? It might take a while, but these chairs look comfortable enough. Your desk could work as well."

Emma nodded, "Of course. Not a problem. Should we get started now? I'm curious to know how your power works."

Ryuu nodded back sagely, "Me too. I'm super excited for my first time." Emma gave him a strange look at his phrasing. She was met with a heated stare that came out of nowhere and caught her off guard. She was familiar with the gazes of men. Ryuu wanted to devour her.

"If we're going to do it here do you mind if we do a little roleplay as well? I've always wanted to try innocent student gets seduced by his sinful professor. Does that sound good to you, professor?" Ryuu asked in a husky tone.

"I-" Emma sputtered, "What- What are you talking about? You can't possibly be insinuating-"

Ryuu cut in with a crass chuckle, "Yes, I'm afraid so, professor. My ability allows me to copy the powers of the women I fuck."

Emma shook her head at him disbelievingly. Instinctively, she deepened the connection she had forged to his mind and felt nothing but honesty. Shit. Ryuu was telling the truth.

Emma couldn't believe the situation she had gotten herself into. The first problem was that she couldn't back out now. She wanted what he was offering badly.

She had always known she was a greedy person, but now she knew that no matter how high she climbed in life, she would always willingly lie on her back for billions of dollars worth of miracle metal. Well, when she thought about it like that, Emma didn't feel like that much of a whore. Who wouldn't put out for 50kg of vibranium? She'd probably be mocked if she turned down this deal.

Emma's second problem was Ryuu's lust was infecting her. She was deeply connected to his mind and felt his emotions as if they were her own. She tried to resist the rising fire, but soon realized it was futile. This was happening.

Ryuu smirked as he saw her internal conflict settle. She talked herself into this in no time at all. What did he say earlier? Greedy people were his favourites? Damn right. They were always so predictable in the end. As long as he had what Emma wanted she was his and would follow his lead.

"Shall we get started then, professor?" Ryuu asked.

Emma sighed and pushed herself off her desk. A determined glint set in her eyes. Ryuu was young whereas she was experienced. She'd rock his world quickly and they'd move on, leaving behind nothing but a pleasant memory. He wouldn't stand a chance. At least, that's what she told herself.

Ryuu was ready and waiting. He wondered what tricks the White Queen of the Hellfire club had up her sleeve. He was looking forward to a fun night.


  1. Edward?
  2. *bonk

Slowest_Turtle Slowest_Turtle

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