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Walking over to side of the bed Looking at Bill John asked "Why did you do that for me, I thought David was you mate, you put you life in Danger by doing that, I appreciate it really, but why?"

Bill Thinking about his answer looked at Ruby not sure if he should say anything or not in front of her. Ruby as if sensing his awkwardness, decided to leave them alone for a bit as she had finished wrapping his wounds. 

Telling him he could leave when he is ready. 

Bill looked at John and Asked "Can we go somewhere more private for this conversation because I am not sure how you will react to it and it could end up embarrassing for me if it doesn't turn out the way I hope"

John agreed helping him to stand up and waiting while he put his shirt on. As they were walking out Ruby looked at John and said "Don't Forget your promise" John smiling at her and said " Never, I will come for a check-up soon, I promise", lowing his voice to a whisper " we can give each other a full body examination again, I really enjoyed the last on My Love"

Walking out of the infirmary to find a more private place to talk. John suggested going to his Place as there was no one there, and no one but his friends group knew where it was. Bill after giving it some thought agreed. They got into John's Hummer and left campus even though they still had more classes today they didn't care.

On arriving at the Mansion John led Bill into to entertainment room. And offered him a Drink as he seemed a little nervous, but was unsure why. 

After sitting quietly for awhile John asked "Bill what do you want to talk about?"

Bill took a deep breath"Firstly I what to apologize to you for anything that I did or said while following David" Not looking at John in the eyes his legs twitching he was a little anxious about what he wants to says next and how to say it. Even though Bill has been with men before he was still nervous about this for some reason as it felt different. 

John Sensing this somehow stood up and sat next to Bill saying "What ever it is just say it, there is no Judgement in this House" Bill took a deep breath turning around finally looking at John "I like you, I always have. I think you are Hot and I am not sure if the story on the web page is true or not but I just wanted to say it"

John shocked by what Bill just said Replied " Well the story is half true," 

Bill looking at him confusion waiting to be rejected " I have recently found myself in the arms of a Man, Not because I lost my mind due to heartbreak, Because i wanted too, I also have a couple a women as well, I will probably have more in the future as well" " What do you think about that, because lately my Friends and I have been having a lot of fun in various places including this room."

John Continued " Just to let you know before anything My friend and I have fooled around but have not taken that final step yet, as even though we have been attracted to men, we never had the opportunity before until recently with each other, so we are still learning"

Bill Turning to completely face John who was waiting for his reaction " John I have slept with both Men and Women and I have gone all the way, So trust me when I say it would be my pleasure, To Teach you, if you want me that is" 

Bill without waiting for an answer from John decided to take matters into his own hands and crashed his lips against John's. It took a second for John to react to the sudden action. But he started to kiss Bill as well. It was really nice and gentle. For some time they just sat there kissing.

  Bill moved his hands on Johns chest and deepened the kiss darting his tongue into Johns Mouth. 

The room was getting more and more heated. Bill started to slowly take John shirt off running his hands over his bear skin causing an involuntary moan to come out of John Mouth., Pleasing Bill Pausing the Kiss he sat up and removed his own shirt and John took this moment to remove his all the way off. 

Bill being the more experienced one grabbed John and pulled him down the couch till he was lying down. Climbing over him kissing him again, John wrapped his arms around him pulling him closer.

Bill Started kissing John down his neck and down his body licking and sucking on his nipples causing John to moan even louder, Moving lower Bill sat up while looking at John in the eyes and pulled John jeans off and threw them away. 

He also removed his own. Causing both of them to groan by looking at each other up and down. Running his hands slowly up Johns legs noticing John was twitching at the feeling. When he finally got up to the prize he ran his hands over it a couple of times before wrapping his hand around it. 

John head went back while moaning. Bill put his mouth over the top of John's shaft and took it all in. The feeling was amazing. Soon Bill knew that john was getting close because he was starting to twitch and his breathing was heavier. So he moved faster while moving his hands and playing with his Balls. 

John unable to hold back any longer Moaned while cursing so loud until he exploded harder then he ever has, he almost forgot to breath.

Wiping his mouth Bill climbed back over a kissing John again. John looking at him and said " Jesus that was.. WOW"

Bill still on top of John asked  "Do you want to go further or do you want to wait? I Promise to be gentle until you tell me other wise."

John was instantly hard again. Bill feeling that " I take that as a yes" thrusting his hips forward causing both of them to groan. Bill said " We should move somewhere more comfortable" John nodding he led Bill up to his room.

John was actually enjoying some else taking charge.  They ended up make out again on the way to bed. Stepping backwards until his legs hit and he fell back taking Bill with him. Lying on the bed with their tongues and hands all over each other. Bill slowly moved himself behind John not lifting his mouth or his hands. 

John moved his hands back into Bills Hair and pulled it causing Bill to Moan in John ear. Rubbing him to make sure he was ready. 

Bill Lined himself up and slowly thrust forward. Causing John to hiss be the sudden intrusion and the pain. Bill started rubbing John Harder to take his mind off it. 

Once he was fully seated he stopped moving and waited for John to be ready. John thrust his hips back telling Bill he was ready. He started to move at a steady pace. Causing both of them to moan. 

Some time later Bill's Movement began to quicken and become erratic, and John was in a state of ecstasy as well. With in 10 minutes both Bill and John Exploded. And collapsed on the bed completely out of breath.

After catching his Breath Bill Said " Thank you for Trusting me enough to be your first. You are amazing,"

John Smiled and said " It was my pleasure, you are… there are no words"

Bill with satisfaction said " Good, you my sweet are Mine now, we will definitely being doing this again" Giving John a Kiss. " We can try something one day that even I have not done a threesome or something" 

Hoping out of bed and cleaning themselves up and getting dressed Bill asked John to take him back to campus to pick up his Car as he had Work this afternoon.

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