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25% American Fox / Chapter 9: 9

Capítulo 9: 9


"How was your first day?" Naruto ask Ms. Poppins as she and her two wards follow him to the research labs.


"It has been interesting to say the least," Ms. Poppins said.


"Supergirl was amazing," Ms. Longstockings said.


"Finally someone who is strong then her," Ms. Liddell said.


"It's not proper for a girl like her to be flying around in a short skirt," Ms. Poppins said.


"She does wear skorts," Naruto said.


"That be nice to wear instead of bloomers," Ms. Longstockings said as she likes running around outside and climbing things.


"Many of the women in the field wear that or shorts under their dresses. Comes with their uniform or they can just wear pants," Naruto said.


"Where did that idea come from? I'm guessing from a future world," Ms. Poppins said.


"Yes. Women rights in most of the future worlds are better then in many places here in this one," Naruto said.


"That's for sure. Things are a lot better in the future," a young woman said stepping out of the restroom. She has brown hair under a strange pink hat thing and wearing men's clothes.


"You're from the future?" Ms. Liddell ask.


"I am and I'm Meg Griffin," the young woman said. "I help in identifying what the items brought in are."


"Most of the time people who found the thing has no idea what it is or how it works," Naruto adds. (1)


"Ah yes, I was told about you and how you came to this world and what your job is," Ms. Poppins said.


"I was lucky that, I was out when my fatass dad went and destroyed the town we appeared in. I was surprise that people in this world don't just roll with what my dad did, as he has done it enough in our world enough that he should had that happen to him long ago," Meg said.


"Young ladies doesn't curse like that about their parents," Ms. Poppins said.


"Even one that abuses me ever since, I was born? Grabbing my face and pulling me to his butt just so he can fart on it?" Meg ask.


"Really?" Ms. Poppins ask stunned. 


"My entire family used me as a lightning rod and the only reason why we struck together for so long," Meg said. "After my dad destroyed the town and the townspeople who were still alive came to lynch us. The only reason why, I escape was that, I was at the docks looking for a job. And after I somehow survived the destruction of most of the town," Meg was saying but was cut off.


"How was the town destroyed?" Naruto ask.


"I'm still not sure. All, I could get out of the shouting as my family was lynch was my dad in his car driving, a cart of fruits, a stream boat ending up in the middle of the town, a giant chicken and somehow a turtle," Meg said.


"What?" Ms. Liddell ask as she shared the same look of confusion as her two companions.


"Don't ask. It happen alot back in my world which instead of everything just working out and people just forgetting what happen and all the people who died, people actually did something instead of doing nothing and attack the house by firebombing it. Only my parents and brother got out of the house, my little brother and our dog didn't. I hid as the townspeople beat my parents and brother before hanging them," Meg said.


"That must have been awful," Ms. Poppins said.


"Nope. I enjoyed the show," Meg said shocking the 3 english women.


"What?" Ms. Poppins ask.


"Besides my little brother and our dog none of the others were much of a family," Meg said.


"But they're still your family," Ms. Poppins said.


"You want to know about my family? My brother Chris, treated me like he hates me, and I don't know why. He would say hurtful things to me constantly. When he's nothing more then a fat, zitty loser who has no friends and smells like an old woman who has birds for pets. Is it too much to ask to be treated with a little decency from my brother? Then there was my mother Lois who thought she's a good mother. From the moment she gave birth to me, I had to trust her. I had no choice. I needed her to protect me from the world, to be my guide, to help me navigate the difficult, confusing and vulnerable journey to becoming a person. She had done none of those things. She was my mother, and she took a child's trust and smashed it into bits in a seventeen-year-long mission to destroy something that she killed a long time ago. And, honestly, when I turn eighteen, I don't know that I ever want to see her again. Then there was my father Peter who is completely selfish and totally irresponsible as a father. He had no education, has no interests, he just do whatever reckless thing he do whenever he wanted to do it without regard for anyone else. Oh, and when he's not terrorizing the community with his impulsive escapades, he was being a total jerk to his family. He shove my face in his ass and farts in it! God, if someone in the outside world could had seen the way he treated me, he would be in jail! He was a fat, lazy, abusive, blue-collar Irish Catholic dad, who drinks WAY too much and barely makes enough money to support his family. He lived half of his life and he had nothing to show for it. He was a waste of a man!," Meg ranted to the shock 3 english women.


"Take it easy Meg," Naruto said to her before turning to his guests. "Sorry she gets like this when her family is brought up."


"I have dealt with this before," Ms. Poppins said.


"Some worlds seem to work so differently where someone like Meg's father can just get away with what he does. Like how often there are fearless fools who appear now and then who think that people with guns can't shoot the board side of a barn. Or that they expect people to just fight one at a time if there's a group," Naruto said. (2)


"Our history books are filled with people like that," Ms. Liddell said.


"Like that pirate ship flying a skull and crossbones with a straw hat," Ms. Longstockings said.


"Straw hat pirates?" Naruto ask.


"A pirate ship from another world that went around causing trouble till they ran into a group of 4 English war ships. And the pirate ship actually sailed into the middle of the group and began firing their cannons at the ships. The 4 English ships suffer damage but sank the ship and all of its crew went down with it," Ms. Poppins said.


"Well come on. I'll show you the research lab," Meg said leading the group into the lab.


Inside the lab the group found two young adults a man and a woman. They are Arthur P. Spudinski and Trixie Carter part of the research team and are looking over a wooden crate of items found and sent to them to see what's useful and what's not. They're putting away items in boxes with labels of what type of object is in the box so they can sort them out later.


"Hi Naruto," Trixie said as she looks over a strange looking book before putting it in the book box.


"Good hurl Spud?" Naruto ask.


"Yup," Spud said.


"So this is how you people sort objects from different world out?" Ms. Poppins ask.


"We get shipments like this from all over and we sort them out. Each state has a center Spookhouse hub and after enough items have been gathered or it's the end of the month it's sent here. They usually range from just toys or junk but every now and then we get something good," Meg said.


"Like what?" Ms. Longstockings ask looking into the crate and saw many small objects inside. Some she could figure out what they are or do while others she has no idea.


"Like this cell phone, an inexpensive flip phone. No apps, no custom ringtones, just calling and texting. A pager that goes beep, boop, bzzt. Which is completely obsolete, these were popular in the early-90's but I still know about it because most doctors still use them. And this is a circuit board, covered in resistors, chips, and other components. A voltmeter that is used to measure the voltage between two points of a circuit. A low-power soldering iron used for simple electronics work. A flash drive, a high-capacity USB memory stick. A knock off GPS which is a cheap copy of a brand name hand held navigation device. A phablet, is it a smartphone? Is it a table? No it's both. And finally a roll of electrical tape and a crack camera lens," Trixie said as she pulls objects out of the crate and puts them in different boxes.


"And here's some medicine and drugs that people found and brought in," Meg said looking into the crate. "Trucker Speed pills to stay awake on long hauls across country. Some pill bottles that if studied can help in medicine research. Cholorine tables that will kill 99 percent of the pathogens that live in drinking water. And birth control pills, a 21 pack of pills, half empty."


"And here's a spork," Spud said holding said spork earning him odd looks. Then he reach down and pull out a plastic packet. "And here's a spoiled snack way past it's due date. Jerky savory and chewy, this strip of preserved meat has been marinated in a special blend of spices and smoked over wood from a mango tree."


"I know what you are all thinking. But he is smarter then he looks and acts," Trixie said.


"And what do you do with all of the stuff that isn't useful?" Ms. Liddell ask.


"It depends but most of the items we have here. Allows us to make leaps and bounds in technology. And others help in providing funding for Spookhouse with the government back company, Horizon run by Mr. Veidt," Meg said.


"Oh yes that man who markets what's made using items from other worlds as a base for what his company makes," Ms. Poppins said.


"Yeah all the stuff we use to take for granted in our world is now being made by Mr. Veidt's company. All the consumer products that have been showing up in stores like cheap toilet paper," Trixie said as the new toilet paper isn't like what she's use to back in her world but it's getting there. And not to mention some female only products that just make things easier," Trixie said.


"Oh you mean that," Ms. Liddell said as the pads are better for that time of the month.


"Then there's Mr. Johnson's entertainment company Toybox, that makes fun stuff. The new toys, games and music are items that giving people something fun to do on their spare time," Spud said.


"Like those pinball games?" Ms. Poppins ask.


"Yeah but in a couple of years there be videogames like this," Spud said showing her a Super Mario game case.


"What's this?" Ms. Longstockings ask taking the case and looking at it.


"Do you know what a cartoon is?" Trixie ask.


"YES!" Ms. Longstockings shouted out. She likes to go to the new movie theater where they show films or shorts. The cartoons are a really big hit and from what she has heard there's going to be a television station that will boardcast shows.


"I rather see a live show," Ms. Liddell said.


"Well in a film the actors can do over a bad scene till they get it right," Spud said.


"That's so true," Naruto spoke up. He has been to stage shows before and some times a actor messes up for one reason or another.


"There's is still radio," Meg said.


"Yes there's that but I like traditional stage shows," Ms. Poppins said. Radio stations have been popping up everywhere playing music, radio shows and news. She already figures that they're not going to be showing off any of the weapons but at least she can give the research department ideas in how to improve sorting through all the items found that came from other worlds. And using what they find to help fund Torchwood, with all the new rules and bringing in beings in alive so that they can work for them. Funding is tight, with all the things they have to do to make what they're offering look better then what the American's are offering.


"One thing that remains the same from what, I have seen," Spud said then waited as the people in the room just waited. "What is no one going to ask?"


"Ok what?" Ms. Liddell ask.


"That we Americans have only one real tradition that we all follow as a nation as a whole. And that is breaking tradition and only keeping the ones that works," Spud said.


"But aren't traditions important?" Ms. Longstockings ask.


"They are," Ms. Poppins said.


"And if no one breaks them then nothing would ever change. Like women having the same rights as men," Meg pointed out.


"She has you there," Naruto said to Ms. Poppins.




In the state of Oregon -


The Gorgs have no idea how their castle came to this new world or the village of gorgs that came along with them. Pa Gorg became the leader of the gorg village numbering around 109 gorgs. And the other gorgs told the royal family that the reason why all the other gorgs left with them the only ones remaining in their world. Their home use to be part of a castle town that was built around a mine, that was then abandon after the mine ran dry. The other gorgs left with only Pa and Ma Gorg staying behind, and now the Gorg family now have a community that they're apart of now with the family getting use to having others around. Pa and Ma like having other Gorgs who are around their age to talk to and Junior likes having younger Gorgs he can relate to around also.


They weren't alone as they appeared near another town called Gravity Falls which like them also appeared in this new world. The town is home to creatures called humans along with other creatures, Gnomes, Unicorns, Manotaurs, Lilliputtians, among other creatures. They all appeared like them in the new world they found themselves in after something they call, Weirdmageddon. Which they think is the reason why they found themselves in this world, the roads leading out of town all cut off being blocked by trees. Their phones, computers and other machines could no longer reach anywhere outside of their town. They still have power thanks to the hydroelectric power plant along with some factories that can be converted to make what they need and lumber mill. So they stayed in their town and learn to adapt to their new world, using what resources they have in town to survive.


With the Gorgs who stand around on average 20 feet tall with their giant size crops and new farms being made around the town, took care of the food problem even if some of the food stuff the people of Gravity Falls are use to became rare to impossible to get anymore. In exchange for some crops from the Gorgs, the people of Gravity Falls would trade or help the Gorgs out with things that needed to be done. Like teaching the Gorgs how to build things that made their lives better like indoor plumbing, which is a big hit.


They weren't the only ones who appeared in the valley that Gravity Falls is located in, as Stanford Pines who lives with his brother in the mystery shack explains that the valley is a magnet for the strange. There came to be a village of elves who came from many different worlds and all ended up together and formed a village in the woods around Gravity Falls. Which is also home for the creatures who lived in the forest. A dark elf name Drizzt formed a group of hunters who help protect the town from the local wildlife as well as other creatures, but only when there isn't a Gorg around who can simply scare most problems away with their sheer size.


Then there's Windstad Manor that was built by the Dragonborn, which sits on the lightly forested banks at the delta of the Karth and Hjaal Rivers, in northern Hjaalmarch next to the vast salt marshes. To the west is the imposing sight of the arch of Skyrim's capital, Solitude. To the north are the icy waters of the Sea of Ghosts, and to the northeast, just a stone's-throw away, is the ancient Nordic tomb of High Gate Ruins. Morthal, the Hold capital, lies a fair distance to the southwest. The manor is home to Valdimar the housecarl who is in charge of the manor, Sonir the bard, and Engar the carriage driver. The manor is one of the many homes that the Dragonborn has and uses when he's in the area. The Dragonborn has been storing his vast items and equipments inside the manor for years. All contained in containers ranging from sacks to cabinets that have magic runes that turn them into bags of holding.


Which in the new world the manor and the three people living in where magic doesn't work anymore. All the items that have been stored away were all released at once, which destroyed the house as all the items burst out of their containers at once. Creating a mountain of stuff around 50 stories high at the highest point and cover the surrounding land in a circular shape for almost a mile or so. The only reason why the 3 living in the now destroyed manor, was that they were outside when it happen. (3)


The good thing that came out of the big mess was with the Gorgs all working in shifts managed to work the pile down into smaller piles. Most of the food was saved, like the vegetables, fruits, sacks of wheat which could last without being stored, the meats were salted and preserved before being stored away, along with the cheeses. For the rest that would spoil quickly, the ones that weren't ruined after the big pile up were eaten by the hungry townspeople. And the warehouses where food were stored are all filled to the brim, which are located in Gravity Falls where the warehouses are kept cold to make the food last longer. For all the rest of the stuff the gorgs stored those in a gorg size warehouse for what could be used. The bulk of the stuff found were weapons and armor, jewelry along with raw ores and bars of different metals and gemstones. Which a coin press was made and using the gold, silver, and copper to make coins to be use as currency. Other items like wooden buckets, baskets, cast iron cooking ware among other items, were either used or recycled to be made into something else.


The valley of Gravity Falls is made of three different areas, the Town of Gravity Falls located in the middle, the gorg village which is north and the elf village to the south. And for 5 years they live in the valley together. During that time a group of young humans began helping out in keeping the different creatures and humans from fighting. The Pines twins Dipper and Mabel, their friends Candy Chiu, Grenda, and Pacifica Elise Northwest. They went around helping to smooth things over and learning about the new world they found themselves in. They're equip with weapons and gear that Standford Pines makes in his workshop underneath the shack he and Stanly share. Which helps in keeping the dangerous creatures at bay.


Then came the day that their friend Wendy who joined the rangers told them of what she and a scouting party found. A work crew was discovered making their way through the forest laying down railroad tracks. Sneaking around the work camp the scouts grabbed a newspaper and made a huge discovery. The world they ended up in is a past one, America in the 1900's and one that according to the newspaper has events where people or pieces of land suddenly appear from different worlds and a government agency was made to handle the people who came from other worlds. And that means they're weren't the only ones in this world and no longer have to hide.




In Africa -


A massive fortress known as Outer Heaven, a armed mercenary stronghold located in South Africa. It's the headquarters of Big Boss private mercenary company of the same name. Its purpose was to offer soldiers a life outside the control of the Patriots, where they would always have a place, whether it be in battle or in society in general. A gathering place for the world's foremost mercenaries, Outer Heaven dispatched arms and soldiers to battlegrounds throughout the world with the intent to control wars.


Located 200 km north of Galzburg, the fortress of Outer Heaven was established by Big Boss in the late 1980s. Architectural engineer Kyle Schneider was forced to participate in the design of the fortress, while robotics scientist Drago Pettrovich Madnar was forced to develop TX-55 Metal Gear. Outer Heaven also began taking prisoners, most of who were members of the local resistance opposed to its regime. Venom Snake, who served as Big Boss' double, took command of Outer Heaven while his commander returned to the U.S. military to helm special forces unit FOXHOUND.


The majority of the fortress comprised three main buildings separated by stretches of desert. The floors in each of the buildings were color-coded by ground: 1F = Red ground, 2F = Blue ground, 3F = Dark gray ground, 4F = Dark blue, and B = Dark green with brick walls. The last two rooms in Building 3 had mostly the same colors as Building 1 3F. There were also a number of smaller buildings, which were possibly used as barracks or armories. To the south of the first building was a body of water.


Now finding themselves in a new world a past one, Big Boss began making plans. This world they found themselves in is a past one but one where events as they're called are bringing people and objects from other worlds just like them. Africa hasn't become a war torn country after the Europeans left leaving little or no government infrastructure behind. Big Boss won't let that happen in this timeline and gives him and his soldiers a propose in this new world.


And they're not the only big event to happen, for in the north a hidden city appeared, one that isn't a human one. Gorilla City a advance city in Africa inhabited by intelligent gorillas that's hidden from the outside world, by projecting the hologram of a mountain over the city. The city was transported to the new world they found themselves on, just as a gorilla name Grodd tried to takeover the city and failing was force to flee. Now Grodd on the run is learning as much as he can of the new world he found himself in while keeping ahead of the gorilla guards chasing him.




Asia -


On the boarder of China and Indian lies the new small country of Kyrat which appeared after a big event happen. Kyrat's history prior to colonization by the British is shrouded in mystery. Rule of the country appeared to be concentrated in a centralized monarchy headed by a king, while an order of priests preserved the traditions of Kyrat's ancient polytheistic religion. This religion was led by the Tarun Matara, a woman representing the reincarnation of the daughter of the god Banashur, and the spiritual leader of the Kyrati people.


The British moved into Kyrat in the 1800s and made it into a colony, which later became a staging area for the British invasion of India. In the following years, Kyrat's economy was wholly dependent on the mining and exportation of gold, which was carried out by the company KEO. After the British left, the mining boom peaked in the 1950s and was swiftly followed by KEO's collapse, after which Kyrat's economy went into free-fall.


By the 1970s and 1980s, Kyrat was a hotbed of civil unrest and dissatisfaction with the king. Between 1981 and 1985, civil war erupted between the Royalists, who supported the king, and the Nationalists, who wanted to overthrow the monarchy. The Nationalists gained the upper hand in 1985, when a group of them stormed the Royal Palace and assassinated the king and his family. Mohan Ghale, one of the Royal Guards stationed at the Palace during the attack, managed to survive. Together with his wife Ishwari Ghale, the current Tarun Matara, he rallied the remaining Royalists against a growing Nationalist army bolstered by foreign criminals and mercenaries.


Then came the arrival of Pagavel Hong Kong crime boss with a number of bounties on his head who sought refuge in Kyrat. Min brought with him a distant relative of the late king who could take up the royal bloodline, as well as a mercenary army funded by himself and his close friend Yuma Lau. With Min's mercenaries aiding Ghale's Royalists, the tide quickly turned against the Nationalists.


Months after Pagan Min's fortuitous intervention in Kyrat's civil war, he revealed his true nature. No sooner had the Royalists recaptured the Royal Palace from the Nationalists than Min betrayed them, killing the royal heir and proclaiming himself as Kyrat's new king. Min's mercenaries succeeded in killing many Royalists even aware of the danger. Mohan Ghale and some Royalists survived the disaster and went into hiding.


Over the subsequent weeks, Min solidified his control of the country and people flocked to join his new military, enticed by his promises of high pay and a new future for Kyrat. Ghale gathered the scattered Royalists and even recruited mercenaries who had become disillusioned by Min's actions, naming the new resistance movement the Golden Path based on a dream Ishwari had.


As the war stretched into 1988, the better equipped and organized Royal Army rapidly advanced across the country and enforced Min's totalitarian regime. Min employed Yuma Lau to track down and eliminate those mercenaries who sided with the Golden Path, and by all accounts she was highly successful. Kyrati businesses were converted to service the opium and heroin trade to fund the army and the lavish lifestyle of Min and his inner circle. The country's borders were closed to all foreigners and international trade prohibited. Temples and other religious sites were closed to the public and their artifacts locked inside Jalendu Temple. Kyrat's historic bell towers were made into makeshift radio towers to broadcast regime propaganda. Min even had his likeness printed on the Kyrati rupee.


The situation was increasingly desperate for the overwhelmed Golden Path. Later in 1988, the CIA made contact with Ghale, offering to deliver weapons and provide "military advisors". Ghale accepted the weapons, which put the Golden Path on a more even footing with the Royal Army, but declined the "advisors", believing that the war should be won by Kyratis, not Americans. Even with the new weapons, however, the Golden Path was steadily pushed back. At some point, they were expelled from northern Kyrat.


As the Golden Path continued losing ground, tensions came to a head between Mohan Ghale and Ishwari, who was frustrated that Mohan refused to let her become more involved in the war effort. Mohan ordered Ishwari to infiltrate the Royal Palace as a spy and gain Min's confidence, hoping that this task would keep her out of his way and show her how brutal Min's regime was. Ishwari brought her newborn son, Ajay, with her. Over the next two years she proved to be an effective spy and became Min's lover. Her effect on Min was pronounced, as his love for her distracted him from running his regime; Yuma Lau began to think he had "gone soft". In 1990, Mohan learned that Ishwari had a daughter by her relationship with Min named Lakshmana. Furious, Mohan killed Lakshmana, and Ishwari killed Mohan in turn, then departed Kyrat and emigrated to America with Ajay. Pagan Min fell into depression and retreated into the Royal Palace, becoming a recluse, while the Golden Path floundered without its leader.


Kyrat in the modern day is widely regarded as a failed state. It has no diplomatic relationship with the United States, representation in the United Nations, or trade relations with other countries beyond its considerable illicit drug exports. Since 1990, Pagan Min has left the day-to-day affairs of running the country to his inner circle. Yuma Lau heads the Royal Guard and runs Durgesh Prison, Kyrat's gold mines, and various reeducation camps for captured Golden Path militants and sympathizers. Paul "De Pleur" Harmon smuggles guns and produces opium and other illegal crops. Noore Najjar refines De Pleur's opium into heroin, manages its exportation to Western countries via Kyrat Intl. Airport, and supervises Kyrat's human trafficking operation. The struggling Golden Path continues to resist Min's regime, but recently its two leaders, the traditional Sabal and the progressive Amita, have become increasingly divided over which direction the resistance should take.


In 2014, both the Golden Path and Pagan Min learn that Ajay Ghale is returning to Kyrat to put his mother Ishwari's ashes to rest. Golden Path senior member Darpan is sent to guide Ajay across the Kyrat-India border to the Golden Path, but Pagan Min intercepts Ajay and Darpan at the border checkpoint. That was the plan anyway, that was before the event happen as it's called and the entire country of Kyrat somehow teleported to another world in the past during the 1890's.


They weren't alone as Sima Yi with his entire fortress city was also teleported not far from Kyrat. He wasn't alone as he came with Zhang Chunhua his wife and their two sons Sima Zhoa and Sima Shi, and daughter in law Wang Yuanji wife of Sima Zhoa. Along with the top officers of the army, Jia Chong, Zhong Hui, Wen Yang, Xiahou Ba, Guo Huai, Deng Ai and Zhuge Dan. Sima Yi made an alliance with Min in learning about this new world both of them found themselves in and in exchange for supplies that both sides have with the other doesn't. Sima Yi has been very busy retraining his soldiers to be able to use the guns Min has given them. And supplying the factories of Min's with the raw materials that are mass producing guns and bullets.


Min had his people work to build up their stocks for trade after he made a deal with some western merchants. Kyrat has little resources which is why he made the main export drugs and with modern day drug making skills they manage to make a big impact on the western markets. The opium, heroin, marijuana fields hardly can keep up with demand which just raise the market price. Even Kyrati Royals brand smokes and Shangri-Lager are also making money. With that money, supplies and equipments are brought from the Western countries, modernizing Kyrat and Sima Yi's city, to the standards of the time they're in. But the main country they have been trading with is with the United States to gain the new machines and equipments they been creating thanks to all the out worlders that come to live there and share their skills and knowledge. They learn much from the merchants and what the radio towers are able to pick up from the transmissions coming from other countries.


Min had equipment and machines ship in and new factories setup to mass produce what they need. Thanks to the war with the Golden Path which was stamp out thanks to many of them losing their leader and the two remaining ones broke out fighting each other. With them out of the way and the remaining rebels hold up on the far corners of Kyrat mountains, Min had almost all of the weapons and equipments that the Golden Path had. And with the new factories opening up with paying jobs that also brought better standards of living, the unrest that help the Golden Path to grow to die down. It's something that Sima Yi got Min to agree to so that what they had plan wouldn't be held up because of other issues.


All the resources of Kyrat were put to work from the mines like KEO Pradhana Mine, the Barnali's Textiles to make uniforms, Rochan Brick Factory making the building materials to make new infrastructure. The repair and maintenance of the advance machines they have in their inventory can only go so far, but with the new infrastructure and factories that could make repairs to their machines. Most of the vehicles are old outdated models with Min only having some imports made beyond the 2000's. The do have a number of helicopters and buzzer's or mini choppers, with the planes that were on the airport, scavenger trucks with mounted weapons and boats and hovercrafts.


Then came a new alley that was discovered when a small group was escorting a shipment discovered something off the coast of China. What some people were calling a sea monster who was poking it's eyes out of the water was in reality a submarine. A Captain Zao was the only one on board when Min's men boarded the sub while it was near the surface, with the captain allowing it seeing their modern day uniforms. Captain Zao is a former captain of the Chinese Navy. He is the captain of a Yangtze class Submarine; the Yangtze-31. He came from a world where China and America went to war and nuke the world into a wasteland. He has been observing the American city of Boston for centuries, ever since the Yangtze hit a mine and became stranded. The fallout change him into a ghoul who is in his words all but immortal. The rest of his crew went feral, but he cannot bring himself to kill them. He mentions that he has to fend off raiders at times.


Zao recalls firing his ship's nuclear salvo as ordered, and it is clear that he is responsible for the nuclear detonations specifically in the Commonwealth. He reflects on his actions with guilt, regretting the destruction he caused. It is possible that one of the nuclear warheads fired from his submarine was the one that created the Glowing Sea as the locals call it. He claims that the city was already ruined, when he arrived at the port. He seems to consider the liberation of Anchorage "a joke". He is clearly aware of the war being over, but he still holds traditional values of the old world. He had help in fixing his submarine and putting down his feral men by the Sole Survivor, Victor who became a living legend before Zao started his way back to China. Only to end up in a past world.


Zao's sub is crewed by robots that Victor created for him to help with the repairs of the sub before he left for China. The sub has a robot workstation which is full of stuff to build robots. The workstation and other stations on the sub are able to turn some non-living object into data and store it, there's also device called a pip-boy that does the same thing but has a weight limit. (4) Victor had become friends with Zao and given him a great amount of supplies and equipments as much as his sub could safely carry. Which brought a good amount of wealth in technology and weapons. And building robots who can do the work that would have taken years to complete, allow Kyrat to grow very quickly.


Together Sima Yi, Min, and Zao are going to change the history of China. Zao having spent over 200 years on the sub with only the books and what data is on the working computers, spend that time studying Chinese history which his sub has 7 books on the subject. Sima Yi and Min learning what Zao knew what would happen decided to step in and change things. They sent men to free the Guangxu Emperor or Zaitian the eleventh emperor of the Qing dynasty, and the ninth Qing emperor to rule over China. His reign lasted from 1875 to 1908 in the other future world, but in practice he ruled, under Empress Dowager Cixi's influence, only from 1889 to 1898. He initiated the Hundred Days' Reform, but was abruptly stopped when the Empress Dowager launched a coup in 1898, after which he was put under house arrest until his death.


That's when Min's and Sima Yi's men broke in and freed the Emperor and his two consorts, Consort Jin and Consort Zhen. And they been living in the the royal palace of Min's for 2 years as they prepared for the downfall of Empress Dowager Cixi. As Sima Yi sent spies and informants to see which members of the government could be turn to their side and who couldn't, so that the coup would be as smooth as possible. And there's the matter of the Guangxu Emperor learning to trust them and see how useful would it be for them to be working under him. Not to mention seeing how useful people and beings from other worlds are instead of killing or destroying them. Kyrat became a safe port for out worlders who couldn't escape to America or Australia.


The Guangxu Emperor had seen out worlders in the court before, those who made themselves useful or became consorts. Like Queen Akorithi of Sentinel who was the rival of Empress Dowager Cixi in her younger days when the last emperor was still in power. After his death and Empress Dowager Cixi took power she had Queen Akorithi hands and feet cut off, her tongue and eyes removed, had her drink something that made her dumb. Then after being strip naked she was thrown into the toilet which was a deep pit where pigs would feed on the waste. And Empress Dowager Cixi had guest to look down upon the human pig, till Queen Akorithi finally died. (5)


Now after two years of waiting and building up strength, they're ready to carry out the coup.




On a military train -


Cassidy Sharp a farmgirl who learn to ride, shoot, and fight as well as any man, and think faster than all of them. She and her friend Tala Song a native American shaman are riding to the swamps of Louisiana near the small town of Bate, along with a company of 100 soldiers. They're heading for the swamp town because of the reports coming in of sightings of strange creatures that look like trees but walk. But that wasn't the reason why they're bringing a company of soldiers with them. The reason why is that the town of Bate is calling for soldiers to come in to their aide, after a few of the young men disappeared in the swamp looking for the creatures never to return. The sheriff got some men together and went into the swamp to look for them, only for one of them to return with tales of monsters in the swamp. The monsters according to the survivor are lizard men that attack them.


"Shouldn't we bring more help then this?" Tala ask Cassidy in the room on the train they shared together. Her friend is currently laying on the bed reading.


"Can't be help. We simply can't send anymore then this. We're only getting this many simply because of the vast area we have to search," Cassidy said. "If there's more then we can handle HQ will send more."


"What are you reading?" Tala ask.


"A report from India of a large event that happen a couple of weeks ago. The a large piece of the country of Bengal, India, has transformed into a large wetland seven times the size of the Everglades. The swamp consists of estuaries and tree groves. There are reports of strange animals like octopuses that can survive on land with a bite that injects prison that kills in minutes, a large electric fish that can kill a human, and gigantic tortoises that are bigger then an elephant. There are also reports of strange frog or toad like creatures that walk like men seen in the new swamp," Cassidy said.


"That's interesting but that's not our problem," Tala said. "We have our own swamp problems to deal with."


"Very true we got to see if the creatures in the swamp are dangerous or simply defending themselves because the locals attack them first," Cassidy said.


"That's a problem that just makes it harder for us," Tala agreed.


"So true. We should get all the rest that we can get before the crap we're going to be dealing with," Cassidy said.


"Now that, I can agree on," Tala said as she takes off her shoes and climbs onto her bed.



Author's Notes -

1 - A reasonably common fallacy based on the notion that the possession of a piece of technology, excluding things specifically described as a Black Box, implies that the owner has a full understanding of its workings and mechanisms, the principles on which it operates, and can adapt and use those principles in other matters in a reliable way, and can even undermine them as necessary. In other words, anyone who owns a car is fully capable of building a car, and ought to be able to build an anti-car weapon. This makes more sense when dealing with governments, mind you, who are both interested in and good at reverse-engineering. Groups throughout history have been stealing and reverse engineering each other's technology since somebody figured out a better way to tie a rock to a stick and lost it in a fight with a neighboring tribe.


Also, a character who is explicitly responsible for repair and maintenance of a piece of technology as well as operating it is likely to understand the underlying physics of its operations in great detail: The chief engineer of a nuclear-powered submarine probably could design a nuclear reactor, or at least explain the physics to a physicist from the early 1930s well enough to get the ball rolling on a prototype. Still, different cultures do have different ideas about the dissemination of knowledge; a Slave Race or the conscript-heavy military of a paranoid autocracy may not be entrusted with such information lest they betray it to the enemy.


2 - The main thing to remember in this fic is that all the rules and plot armor that works in a anime, manga, fantasy, action, horror and other works of fiction doesn't work in this fic. One of the things that, I can't stand is how high school age teens are able to defeat soldiers who have years of training and have seen action and more then willing to kill, and not even going into the fact that even if they're wearing armor or even power armor that allows them to be hit with anything short of anti-vehicle weapons. That somehow some teen wearing nothing but their school clothes wielding a wooden stick is able to go into an army base with a whole army of soldiers like what I just describe, which said teen only has a few years of training and not at Batman level who all of his students are train to deal with just about anything and have the tech to help them, not to mention them being able to train with other superheroes to have experience in fighting against people with powers or advance armor and weapons. Are somehow able to defeat the whole army base by themselves. That only works because the soldiers are all made the top honor class in Stormtrooper school of shooting, their armor are made out of tinfoil and are all have a death grip on the idiot ball.


I can't stand that as it's just been over done to death. And how a teen who would only have 4 to 6 years of training is able to beat fully train soldiers who are not train to fight but train to kill and survive in a battle zone, where one wrong move or even a right one can end up with you dead. So that's why in this fic the people from any world where things like that happens without a good reason why the person is able to do what they do in any world. Like how Batman would still be able to do what he does as he uses fear, a bullet proof costume that is scary and makes gunmen fire wildly, and gadgets with just about anything you can think of in his belt. So in this fic there be no single person who is very good at swinging a sword or great at hand to hand fighting, will not be able to cut down someone wearing armor that can take military grade weapons, or be able to swing their sword and deflect all the bullets, single shot is one thing, a rifle set to full auto fire is a whole other thing.


And the main reason why fighters are able to do what they do that makes any sense is by using ki. Which in my fic doesn't work as it would like in Dragonball. The only ki that works is the type that makes someone's hands to glow or make their hands channel an electrical current. Which is base on the man shown on Ripley's Believe It or Not! of being able to channel enough of a electrical current into a paperball to cause it to burst into flames.


3 - I'm using my Windstad Manor from Skyrim which like many gamers who played it long enough has vast stores of items in it. And with me using the same save file for the last 7 year as, I got the game around that time, I figure around a mile or so is how much I have collected.


4 - The best reason why you can store so much stuff on you in the Fallout games that, I can come up with.


5 - That really did happen in China royal court. 


First appearances of fictions in this chapter -




Fraggle Rock


Gravity Falls


Elder Scrolls


Far Cry 4


Dynasty Warriors




Future Is Wild


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