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93.1% Magical World: Equestria / Chapter 27: 27

Capítulo 27: 27


Shimmer look into the mirror seeing her reflection, she's clad in a sophisticated white gown, with a beautiful pearl necklace decorating her throat, matched by the pearl earrings she wore. The dress did nothing to hide her voluptuous, buxom figure - no, it emphasized it, clinging to her body like a second skin, highlighting her shelf-like butt, as well as showing a vast expanse of her chest, her breasts that were so big and heavy that they stretched against the gown; they could even be seen from behind as she sauntered forwards. If it wasn't for her large wings sticking out of her back from the open back of the dress. The dress was also tapered around her waist, emphasizing the curve of her figure, the way her thin waist flared out into delectably wide hips. Not to mention how buff her body is, it was like muscles on top of muscles hidden by a thin layer of fat but once she flex showed off her steel like muscles. To say she was beautiful was an understatement; she was an infernal goddess, the pinnacle of feminine sexuality – power, intelligence and beauty wrapped into one divine, mouth-watering, amazonian body. 

"Really now?" Shimmer said turning to Marinette who had designed the dress she's wearing, who blushed.

"It's kind of hard to come up with a dress for… someone of… your… size," Marinette said whos eyes are on Shimmer's breasts.

"I know, I have massive breasts that weigh 50 pounds each but wearing a eye catching dress that displays them and my butt. Let alone being based on the dress of the giant vampire lady from the Resident Evil Village game. I know, I'm the only one who can pull of the cosplay if I dyed my hair and use a spell to make my wings look like bat wings, and being the only over 9 foot tall woman around. But really?" Shimmer asked.

"The problem is that you are the only 9 foot tall woman with your ample figure who also needs a open back or slits on the back for your wings," Audrey said who is with Marinette, Chloe, Zoe, Sabrina and Marinette's mother Sabine inside Shimmer's privet room in her office. Shimmer had called Audrey for a good dress maker, which lead to Marinette being called who came with her mom. 

"I really need a new clothes that can fit me. It was already hard enough to find clothes my size, now that I'm this size, all my clothes will have to be custom made. I can just use a growth spell to make them bigger but the shirts will have to be work on to allow my wings to be able to move. Also there's the fact that because of my now massive breasts and big butt, that have men drooling and some women," Shimmer said looking at the other women in the room who blushed.

"It is hard not to stare… and each of your breasts are 50 pounds?" Sabine asked who is envious of Shimmer's looks and body, even before she gain her new appearance.

"Thanks to all of the enchantments I did to my body so that I would have the prefect body to go with my mind. I ended up like this. My bra size before was an H cup," Shimmer said.

"Wait you were an H cup?" Zoe asked.

"Yes, I was but because I was 6'4" my height made it work with my body type making them look smaller then they were, as they don't take that much of my frame. Large but not enough where they would get in the way if I was shorter. And yes they're heavy but because of how strong my body is, my shoulders and back can handle it. Of course seeing how I'm 9 foot 7 inches and muscular even before I became this, it was a given. I'm an S cup now," Shimmer said before thinking of something. "Also like horses around here, my race are pretty big already, the average height for a female is around 7 feet, and males are close to 8, and that's just for pegasus ponies who are the smallest of the 4 types of my race. With some exceptions as I have seen short ponies here and there. And yes most female ponies have large breasts but because of their size they can handle it better then if they were shorter." (1)

"Lucky," Chloe said wishing that she has a eye catching figure like Shimmer does.

"Chloe you and Zoe should take after your mom who has a large chest, as for you Marinette you should have your moms butt," Shimmer said causing the moms to blush along with their kids. 

"What about me?" Sabrina asked. 

"From what, I have seen is that you're in the middle but depending on what happens as you hit puberty and what you eat to help your growth. It can go anyway. You shouldn't worry so much about your looks or figure. I never did," Shimmer said. 

"Easy for you to say. You take after your mom in looks," Sabrina grunted.

"From what I saw from the footage. Celestia does have pretty big breasts, butt and she did seem pretty tall," Audrey said.

"Oh that, after a mare gives birth their breasts always gets bigger and stays that big. Remember I explained it when we were in the book," Shimmer said who told everyone about her race while they were on vacation.

"That your race always had more mares then stallions leading to being perfectly normal for mares to form herds around a single stallion and you don't see anything wrong with same sex relationships?" Sabine said.

"I have slept with some of my female friends time to time. I don't get or care about why same sex is even an issue here. As a statuesque stunner I have always gotten lots from both men and women. And now that I'm this big, people will be staring even more and keeping their eyes on my face instead of my breasts is a whole lot harder now that you all have to look up," Shimmer said looking down at Sabine. 

"So you just have sex with your female friends?" Sabrina asked as she knows that Korra and Asami are a married couple. Which they share a room with Shimmer at the hotel, causing her mind to race with what happens behind the door.

"Sex is a great stress release and it's friends with benefits. Besides unlike with having sex with a man, there isn't any chance of a unexpected pregnancy. Besides if I want to have sex with a man, all it takes is a quick trip into a erotic book and I can have all the fun I want without any problems popping up down the line. So if you two want to have a sex vacation you just have to ask, and you can bring your husbands along and have fun that you wouldn't do in real life. Being in a pile of bodies at a ancient Roman orgy is something you never forget. If you two want, I can show you two a good time in one of the book worlds," Shimmer said to the two mothers who blush along with the younger girls in the room. (2)

"Can we not talk about this in front of the kids," Sabrine said red faced.

"Well you can always have fun brutally killing hated characters in a story you really hate," Shimmer said.

"What?" Zoe asked.

"Like a videogame where you can spray bullets everywhere while laughing like a lunatic. I have brutally killed Chris Hargensen from the Stephen King book 'Carrie' in so many ways and made her beg for her life before revealing that she's just a story book character who will always be raped by her boyfriend and die in a cruel way every time that the book is read. Carrie loves doing that and other things to her before killing her," Shimmer said. (3)

"Is it really that easy to fool everyone with so many famous book characters walking around?" Marinette asked.

"As easy it was for you to full everyone who knows you with such a paper thin disguise. A small mask covering your face, which shows off your blue hair in a hair style that you always wear and have the same body shape and voice," Shimmer points out causing everyone to look embarrassed.

"I can't believe I never figured it out," Sabrine said.

"It's like while in the Disney book that no one could figure out that Super Goof is Goofy. But then again it is Goofy we're talking about. Knowing that your life is in his hands, I can see why people refused to believe that," Chloe said.

"It's more fun watching then being apart of the mess he causes," Zoe said.

"I can't believe the mess he caused," Sabrina said before blushing as she remembers how she, Chloe, and Zoe ended up having their heads piled up together between Ms. Shimmer's breasts that are bigger than their heads after they crash into her. "I can't believe all of our heads could be squeezed between Ms Shimmer's breasts."

"Please don't remind us," Zoe said red faced like Chloe.

"Well, I need to change," Shimmer said looking at the clock in the room. "I have a meeting at the UN."

"What?" Chloe asked.

"Many governments including France is very interested in making deals with me, seeing how I am the heir to the world of Equestria that is the source of all magic. Meaning that they don't have to deal with any of the other magical worlds to be able to get their hands on magic. And thanks to the fairies just invading France has caused the magical worlds to be distrusted, with many government fearing how they're able to just open a portal and invade anytime they want. Which is why they want to get onto my good side, making deals and agreements with someone who most had dealings with already," Shimmer explains. 

"So you'll be going to lots of meetings?" Chloe asked. 

"Yes, just something that needs to be done when you're someone in a position of power like me. Chloe you will need to go to business school so that when you takeover your father's hotel you know what to do. Do a good job you could have a chain of hotels, you just have to be competent in doing business," Shimmer said. 

"You really know what you're doing," Marinette said. 

"Of course I do, I haven't done all this for nothing. I trained myself to my physical peak, meticulously aligned every piece of my plan to the millisecond. I spent years of preparing myself for this, spending lifetimes in book worlds to gain the mental experience to lead a nation. Unlike other would be conquers, I'm not going to just takeover and rule badly," Shimmer said.

"There are people saying you're just a petty villain taking revenge on your mother," Marinette said.

"And the point is what?" Shimmer asked.

"It's just that people are making you into a villain," Marinette said.

"I am a villain, just one who can work with others and very qualified in actually doing the thankless task in running a government. Basically I'm a politician, who doesn't pretend to care or dislike things for votes or pander to groups who will raise money to get me votes. I'm going to improve Equestria to spite Celestia and instead of pocketing money and living a life of luxury while my subjects remain poor. I'll advance things so that the higher standards of life will also raised my standards of life. After all being the ruler of a backwater country that few have flushing toilets, is still a much lower standard of luxury then living around here. All of you are living a greater life of luxury then even the richest royalty a few hundred years ago," Shimmer said stunning everyone. (4)

"So by improving the standard of living for your subjects, you raise your own standards?" Audrey asked.

"Yes a simple thing that ensures long term wealth that short sighted people never seem to understand. Many people in governments just line their own pockets for short term wealth which only last as long as the government they're with stays in power. And just to show you all what it be like," Shimmer said walking over to a bookshelf and pulling out a history book and the magic umbrella, she zaps all of them into the book of between the years of the first and Second World War.

A minute later they all returned from the trip.

"Well you proved your point," Sabine said still felt strange of living years in the book before coming back here.

"I can't believe that Hitler would turn out to be a pretty good artist for children books," Sabrina said. (5)

"Yes thanks to how I took over post war Germany and ruled it like I will with Equestria. Many of the things that would had caused many of the events that lead to a second war was avoided. I am a villain but I'm one who will be a competent ruler. And you all lived in the world that I created just by myself," Shimmer said.

"Hard to say otherwise," Marinette said she and the others had seen first hand what Shimmer was able to do, and that was just on her own. (6)

"Now imagine what it be like with all the friends that I made. I know what I'm doing like how while I was at it help you 3 out with your family issues," Shimmer said to Audrey and her daughters who she helped with their issues.

"Yes thank you for that," Audrey said who having spent years mentally in that book world with her daughters had grown closer to them.

"Now I need to dress and meet with the UN. The plans I have will need to be reworked depending on the outcome," Shimmer said. 

"By the way, do you have any idea who your father is?" Audrey asked suddenly. "If it's anything like your human counterpart wouldn't the pony version of the human Sunset's father be yours?"

"Really doesn't matter. He be nothing but a stranger to me. A family member that, I just met. The only father, I had was Greg," Shimmer said. 

"Ms. Shimmer, I realized that you never talk about Greg," Sabrina said. 

"What's there to talk about. Greg found me at my lowest point where, I had given up of Celestia ever caring about me. He took me in, sensing the magic of my book....," Sunset said stopping as she's thinking of something. "He was born in a magic world and was casted out because of him not being able to use magic. He help me learned about this world and I gave him a purpose in his old age to live a bit longer. He died of health issues a couple of years after he took me in. I do look back to those days of us working to keep the food truck working and getting enough money to keep everything running. He is the one who has kept me from going full villain, showing me kindness when, I needed it the most."

Shimmer left the room while thinking of her magic book that's connected to Equestria.


Author's Notes -

1 - In anime and manga when it comes to large breasts, it's mostly women who are short mostly making their breasts look bigger then it would on a taller woman. 

2 - This would happen if people had something like the holo deck room of Star Trek to fool around in.

3 - The best part of the Carrie films is when the bitch dies a cruel death, while staring in horror at Carrie.

4 - The reason why dictators in the real world can live in luxury while their people are poor, is because they're able to buy things from wealthier nations. Otherwise trying to have the same luxury when there isn't any wealthier nation to buy from, would still have the dictator living better but not as much in a wealthier country. 

Or be like in a medieval setting with no magic at all but like it was in the real world. Living better but still living in a world with no electrical lights or indoor plumbing.

5 - In the history book Shimmer took over Germany and rebuilt it. And Hitler in the book became a background artist for children books.

6 - Shimmer is a villain but one who can actually rule well, unlike others who once's they're in power bring ruin to the place they rule because they're better at taking over then they are at ruling.


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