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33.33% In blood but not spirit. *New / Chapter 3: 003

Capítulo 3: 003


-Boarders of The Land Of Fire - Unknown Location

The summer night's breeze swept through the air as sliver strands guided through them. The white illuminating light of the Moon revealed the beautiful sight of a teenage woman with creamy fair skin and bright bloody eyes. Her expression was blank as she walked along the forest path, ignoring the savage looks of a group of shinobi around her.


Drawing her sword slowly, the silverette set her arms to her side lazily, as the bright blade reflected off the moon like a shining star. As if on cue, all five ninjas charged at her. Nearing her throat is where the first two enemies aimed while the others pointed their sharp weapons at her respective organs, spine, and ankle. They were all inches away from completing their attacks before....


Visibly, all five heads fell from the bodies of the ninja with clean slices severing their heads, leaving the lone woman staring ahead at nothing, while gently placing her moonlight sword back in its grey scabbard.



"Ha..haha..AHAHAHAHA" Soft chuckles rang out from the ravenette, slowly increasing in volume until blaring laughter erupted through the silent night sky. A crazed grin fit the beauty's face, with unfocused eyes creasing in delight.

"SOON ITACHI UCHIHA I WILL ACHIEVE MY GOAL AND TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY FROM YOU...starting with your brother...Yes, I cannot find you now, but I can't stop my plans. You Sasuke are related to you will bear punishment as well for what your brother did. It might be selfish, but this is exactly what happened to me. It will be Sasuke first then Itachi. THIS IS FOR MY FAMILY..." The silver silhouette exclaimed coldly.

The monster of the night's face returned to its sanity, as a stoic feature once again fit her design as if nothing happened as she thought about her next destination.

"Konoha huh, I wonder what it'll be like. Sitting in the nest of my enemy."

'How pleasuring.'


"Haaah, this thing was becoming a real problem. It was terrorizing our village borders, thank goodness it was taken care of by Mr. Hatake. Can't even think about what kind of trouble she would've brought us later on if not removed." Spoke a newly minted Jonin.

"Yeah, but it's weird he found that girl there too. At least he and his team took her in, who knows what that monster was indoctrinating into her? I'm glad she seems normal." Replied the Jonins companion

"Right right, it is kind of strange that civilian Genin turned up missing all of a sudden. Don't you think?"

"It's an evil world we live in, even in this peaceful village, hate will always find a way in."

"Indeed my friend."

The duo's conversation was cut short, as they both left the breakfast stand to continue their duties. To their left sat a young man with raven hair holding an impassive demeanor.

'I wonder what's that all about. Now that I think of it there was news of that Sakura girl going missing, but the timing with this new person is oddly accurate. Ahhh, whatever I'm thinking too deeply about this thing, death, and destruction are all around us. There's no such thing as a 'safe zone' no use in thinking deeply about it, especially at this time of day.' Sighing deeply, Sasuke leaned back in his chair and turned his gaze onto the nearly empty street of Konoha. Tea in hand, the raven thought back to the events yesterday.

-Konoha Academy- 19 Hours Ago

The classroom buzzed with students fewer than before, all talking about various subjects. Though most had one key conversation that would affect their lives greatly.

"Have you seen Sakura? She's never this late, something must have happened to her, we have to tell sen-" A blonde kunoichi rambled before being cut off by a black-haired boy with a unique hairline.

"INO! Relax, let's clam down, and figure out her situation later. While it is strange that she's gone we can't do anything right now, so we should just focus on our placements."

"I know Shika bu-"

"Quiet down, quiet down. Genin, I know that you're excited about team placements, but remember what I've taught you. Being a ninja isn't sunshine and rainbows. Death, torture, and blackmail are only a few crimes you'll be committing day to day when you achieve higher statuses, are you all sure you want to carry on? It is okay if you give up now." A fake sense of security laced his voice, now enacting the true final test of the academy.


Most participants were shocked by his words. Although they knew he was right, they didn't expect him to outright ask them if quitting was on their minds.

"HAHA, you're smart sensei really, but did you really think that was going to work on us? For years we've been preparing to become shinobi of the leaf. Sweat and tears have been placed on the line for this very moment, and you'll be out of your mind if you think we'll quit!" The redhead's exclamation brought resolve to the rest as they all agreed with a nod of heads.

"…Haaah, very well. Now, without further ado…" Sasuke, like always tuned out the annoying voice of his teacher.

'I wonder who my sensei will be, after all, I'm guessing my team will be an assault team regarding my skill set.'

"-uke, Sakur- huh?" The raven was brought back to the world of living as an ANBU agent appeared and whispered some words to his sensei.


"I see…well that's upsetting. Ahhh, already becoming a headache it seems. W-well anyway, Team 7 will consist of Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Vali Lui. Your Instructor will be Hatake, Kakashi."

'Kakashi Hatake…huh I expected a person like him with a Sharingan to raise a choice for me, but never fully expected it to be so blatant. Hmm, but I'm not concerned about that…Vali Lui, perhaps a civilian family? I've never heard of a clan of that sort in any village records that the leaf has.'

"WHAT? How is that fair Iruka-sensei? The two strongest together in one team? Don't you think that's a little over the top?" A boy with a dog on top of his head spoke out.

"Haaah, I wonder too Kiba, but don't complain to me, do that to Lord Hokage. He and the rest made the teams after all." Iruka sighed out.

"Sensei, who is Vali Lui?" Asked a bluenette heiress.

"She should be co-"


The door opened leaking a female image, with a bright light covering her appearance.

*Clomp* *Clomp* *Clomp* *Clomp*

Footsteps resounded in the room, showing a teenage woman with straight, long dark ebony hair that reached down her slightly widened hips, curling slightly at the bottom. She wore a black in color kimono, with a silver lining on the right side flowing up in a thorn pattern. The ravenette's heart-shaped face complimented her features, with smooth fair skin and pleasing pink lips. However, what really stood out were her bright red eyes, which oddly enough locked onto a raven counterpart seated near the window, not even glancing in her direction.

"Hello everyone, my name is Vali Lui, nice to meet you!" Vali cheered out. Immediately the eyes of most of the males in class became incased by her attractiveness.

"Ahhh, troublesome woman once again." A boy in a ponytail responded to the act and put his head down to rest.

'Yes, you're right, troublesome indeed. Her words mean righteous, but her feelings are neutral. More like my own, I wonder what you're hiding Vali.' Sasuke glanced once again at the newcomer before sighing and looking back out the window.


"Hello everyone, my name is Vali Lui, nice to meet you!" I cheered.

'Hmm, all too easy. Though that Sasuke is a lot better than I thought it even hurts my pride he's not even sparing a glance. That ponytail boy, along with that glasses-wearing one are smarter than the rest as well.' The ravenette thought.

"Yes, now go find a seat Vali for the time being, and wait for your sensei while we go over the rest of the placements," Iruka said, while motioning over to the rest.

'Might as well sit by my team…right?' Vali walked up to Sasuke's desk at an even pace and sat down next to him. Once again the raven didn't even change his view from before, as if she didn't exist.

'Dear Sasuke, this hurts you know.' The ravenette thought in monotone.

'All the better for the future.'


"This team is the best haha, Sasuke can you believe this? We're on the same team!" Violet's eyes jumped to the raven's.

"Yes Naruto, it's quite exciting isn't it." He replied stoically.

"Yup, hey Vali, how strong are you? Do you think you can keep up? Haha." Naruto called out to the new student.

"I believe I will meet up to your expectations! I can't wait to get to know you guys more. Haha." Vali wore a sweet grin on her face, and she had an air of both sultry and innocence as well. Affecting more people to become infatuated with her around the room.

"Look at that Sasuke! We got a cool teammate, aww this is gonna be awesome!" The redhead exclaimed to the raven.

"Hmm? Right..I agree." Sasuke replied impassively, still keeping his eyes glued on the clouds.

"Haha, sorry about him, he doesn't really like people he doesn't know, but don't worry! He'll come around eventually. Especially with you!" Violet's eyes turned to the ravenette and smiled at her.

"Haaah, okay I was getting worried there, thank you." She too smiled back, though taking glimpses at her ignorant acting teammate.

'No I don't mind people at all, it's just her in particular that I'm skeptical about. Some whose eyes betray their emotions have a secret worthy to hide, and I don't know if that secret will affect our team or myself.' After seeing that false pity in the gazes of the Uchiha suspicious villagers, as well as his ability to acutely sense emotions in others with their chakra. He's come to understand what each sentiment coveys through spiritual energy, but what he sees in her could oddly be compared to him, but also a bit chaotic. This is what caught him off guard, he didn't expect someone who seemed so much like himself to be hiding something else completely opposite in nature.

"I-I'm sure Sasu doesn't mean a-anything bad, he's a nice person." The bluenette gave her put.

"Nice? Have you been looking at a saint instead of Sasuke, he's cold, and not nice. Tch, I bet he thinks he's better than us." A boy with a dog intervened in the conversation.

"Kiba what has he done to you? All he does is sit quietly and does his best." Replied a plump kid with brown hair.

"Y-Yeah Chojis right, you shouldn't say that kind of stuff Kiba." All while this was happening Sasuke remained oblivious and continued his thoughts on the newcomer, instead of the pointless conversation.

"…Whatever," Kiba said before turning his head back to the instructor, who was still calling teams.

"See even Hinata agrees! Don't mind Kiba, he's probably just mad he can't beat either Sasuke or me! We'll get around like brothers and sister, haha. Naruto imputed while mocking his other classmate.

"Agh, Naruto why yo-" Kiba sprang but was cut off by an adult voice.

"Listen up back there! Now that you have your information and team specialties, I'll run through the last couple of teams once again."

"Team Seven: Naruto Uzumaki, Vali Luci, and Sasuke Uchiha. Your Jonin sensei will be Kakashi Hatake. Interrogation & Circuitu (All around).  "

"Team Eight: Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame, and Kiba Inuzuka. Your Jonin sensei will be Kurenai Yuhi. Tracking & Intfiltration."

"Team Ten: Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akamichi. Your Jonin sensei will be Asuma Sarutobi. Heavy Assault."

"Everyone else you already know your teams. Now if you excuse me I will be leaving, I wish you all good luck on your journey from here on out. Your Jonin senseis will be here soon." After reciting the placements, oddly he made a brief closing to their course and walked out of the wooden door, material in hand.



Silence spread around the room, and only the reverb of footsteps down the hall could be heard until it faded away.

"YAHHHA, I'm finally going to be a ninja!! Hey Sak-…huh? Ino have you seen Sakura, I would've figured she's here since she passed you know?" Not everyone has gotten word of the academy student's disappearance, even though an investigation is still active. Although, those who did were confused, how could a civilian Genin go missing overnight? Perhaps she was in part of illegal activities, but that wouldn't make sense since she was a top student, with no background of abuse, suspicious behavior, or mental instability.

"I-I don't know, and I'm worried too, Sakura isn't the type to just miss these kinds of things, placement Genin teams. I tried looking for her in the morning since we walked here together, but her mother wouldn't open the door; I could smell something awful through the window, I didn't go in though. I just figured she left without me." Ino replied. Though they had their moments, Sakura was in the end her best friend, and she herself cares a lot about her friends as well as their well-being. So when Sakura turned up reporting missing, she couldn't help but be in a state of panic.

"Suspicious indeed…we shouldn't make assumptions so quickly though." Murmured a trench coat-wearing boy, while pushing up his spectacles.

"Shino's right, I do find it strange myself, but making ideas in your head only because one person is missing today is a bit absurd," Shikamaru said, but he couldn't help to feel a creeping suspicion that something awful had happened to the girl.

'I wonder…' Sasuke for the second time that day averted his black coal eyes onto the new woman in his section.

Just as he did, Vali turned towards him, slightly leaning her head to the side, signing of confusion. A slight smile adorning her features, and calm crimson eyes staring back at him.


Sasuke stared back impassively for what seemed a while, he then staved off from her view, but not before narrowing his eyes at Vali for a split second.

'I wonder…just who are you.'


-Konoha Academy - Five hours later

Over the course of time, each Genin instructor came in and motioned their students to follow, strangely, all of them gave pitying looks to Team Seven. Sasuke was confused at first why that was, but as time continued he now understood what they meant.

"AHHG, WHERE IS THAT KAKASHI, It's been hours already and we're the only ones left!" The redhead cried, before plunging his head down on the table with humorous tears streaming down his face.

"I hate to admit it, but you're right it is pretty frustrating." A raven replied with a monotone, although there was a hint of straining in his voice.

"EHHH?? What do you mean you hate to admit? Of course, I'm right!"

"Don't worry Naruto I'm sure he'll turn up soon, let's be a little more patient. After all, what if it's a test?" Interrupted a soft voice.

"Haaah Vali, you're my only ally. Maybe you're right, he's a Jonin after all, right?" Naruto said dramatically.


The academy room door opened, giving sight to a tall, silver-haired adult ninja. Clad in a long dark blue body suit, with a dark green vest symbolizing his status as a shinobi. White cloth wrapped around his ankles and right leg, which shared a weapons pouch on top. His dark silver hair was held up in a gravity-defying manner, by a dark blue hitai-ate. The Jonin's left eye was covered in cloth and his face was covered by a mask. He wore a blank look on his features while staring at the three Genin in a judging roaming of eye.

"My first impression of you guys…boring. Meet me outside immediately, don't be late." Then vanished in a cloud of smoke.


"Did he really call us boring…"

"And did he really say to US 'don't be late'!!!"


Standing up they all left the room to stave away the awkward presence that was left.


"Finally you guys made it, about time." Kakashi voiced impassively.

"ARGG NOW HE'S JUST MAKING FUN OF US!!" Naruto angrily stomped out towards the bench in front of the silver's face.

The remaining two followed their hotheaded companion and sat down on both sides of him.

"As you all know my name is Kakashi Hatake. I'm an Elite Jonin of the leaf village, and your sensei, for now, that is. Enough about me, let's Introduce yourselves. Likes, dislikes, dreams, and or goals, you name it. Starting off with….you tomato." He said with disinterest.

"GAHH I'M NOT A- haaah, whatever. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like to eat ramen, train, and learn interesting things. I dislike the three minutes it takes to cook ramen, hypocrites, and snakes, and not snakes as the animal, snakes as in people who act and go against their allies. My goal and dream is to become the greatest Hokage ever known to the Leaf! Also, I would like to learn more about my heritage and eventually bring back the Uzumaki Clan!" The redhead cheered. He's always been aware of his bloodline ever since he awakened his Kekkei Genkai on that nightmare of a night. Although it was one of his depressing memories, it did serve him well as he developed his Adamantine Sealing Chains. From then on Naruto had a newfound determination to bring his clan back into light, and show the world the power of the Uzumaki clan. He trained every day, making use of his new resolve and molding his skills to be the best.

'Emm, admiral indeed, looks like he cares about others and seems to be a genuine person, easy to get along with. Perhaps Lord Hokage was right. He reminds me of…Ahhh, whatever we'll see.' Thought Kakashi.

"Very good. You next chibi Kurenai."

'Emm ok I see, so he's judging us and our compatibility with each other by our presentations.' Sasuke thought. Each time his red-headed teammate talked about their given question, the Jonin gave calculative looks while doing so, even if it was hidden well, the raven has a skill in deciphering individuals.

"Okay, my name is Vali Lui, I'm originally from Kirigakure, but my family…moved to the Land of Fire a few years before the war. After some…circumstances I came to this village and took the test to become a Genin. I like making friends, sweets, and fighting. I dislike wasting my time, arrogant people, and perverts. A dream I have is to be the best ninja around, and my goal in life is to be a savior to the innocent!" Vali exhilarated. Vali's background is mostly unknown to the masses, but seeing as she was taken in by Ms. Yuhi after a mission, everyone has reasoned that she's trustworthy enough to become a hidden leaf ninja.

'Not too bad, maybe not as admirable, but respected nonetheless. Doesn't seem to counteract Naruto's personality as well. This is surprisingly going well.'

"Hmm good, and last but not least Mr. Casanova go ahead."

'The only positive reaction he gave was Naruto's introduction. A man of friendship and morale it seems. Rather hard to fake.' Sasuke deduced.

"…Okay, My name Is Sasuke Uchiha, heir of the Uchiha Clan. I like spending time and cooking with my mother, battling and inventing new jutsus. I Dislike anyone who harms my mother or people I care about, traitors, and two-faced individuals. My goal is to help and protect the weak. Though the dream I have will become an actuality, I will find my brother and bring the justice he deserves, while also restoring the Uchiha clan to its former glory." Said the raven blankly. Sasuke needed his sensei to come to think highly of him if he wanted to achieve his revenge on his brother. Acting out and revealing his true plans will bring suspicion as well as watch over him. Every lie had to be carried with truth and plausibility to work, but also using his dislike for two-faced people as a crutch will make everything believable, but what he didn't notice was a pair of eyes watching him intently after finishing.

'Similar ambitions and likes as the rest. Although the part with his brother might be concerning, he worded it very well and I can understand the position he's in. I see a lot of myself in him, this team just might be it.' Thought the elder.

"Well now that's aside, we'll meet each other bright and early tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. for your real Genin test, okay!" He cheered, with a disturbing eye smile fitting his face.

"First of all for our sake never do that again, second of all…WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'REAL TEST' I THOUGHT WE WERE ALREADY GENIN???" Naruto cried hysterically. How many tests were there? The original test, the backing out test, now this? Come on now!

"Yeah, what's up with that I thought we only had to take only one?" Vali put in a while with a thoughtful expression.

"Well yes, you all did the ACADEMY Genin test, but that is just a whole ruse to see who's worthy or not. Although, we Jonin get to test if you're really Genin material. Think of this as your real test, now if you excuse me I think we all have important things to do. Also, I would take this test very seriously, after all, there is only around a 33% chance of each student passing. Well, that's it see ya." Then proceeded to disappear in a small, powerless tornado, with a book in hand.


"Did he just say…"

"33% chance…."


All of them were dumbfounded by the chance to become real shinobi, though the new 'Genin' had a feeling it was specifically this test.


A young man was seen wandering through merchant stands and businesses along a district. He seemed to be deep in thought as the man absentmindedly walked on the stone path, ignoring the loud shouts and hollers of people around him.

'I know that she hasn't shown any active suspicious behavior, but her presence here is problematically coincidental. Sakura is rather annoying but still is a straight-A student nonetheless. Goes missing right when she comes to Konoha from an A-Ranked mission filled with known Jonin. The contents of the mission are still unknown to the general public. All we know is that it has connections with a thing that has been killing leaf shinobi.' Sasuke was weirded out by the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about this mysterious girl. He knew it was silly to pin a situation like Sakura's onto her, but the fake acting and lack of information is what caught him.

"Ugh, whatever. Mother told me to bring some fruits home on my way, but it's way too early." He murmured to himself. The raven decided to waste time by eating his breakfast in a little indoor café. Sasuke walked over to a booth, and placed his sword on the table, he sighed before grabbing the menu to look for an order.

"Look over there, it's Sasuke Uchiha~." Uttered a purple-haired woman.

As soon as they said Sasuke's name he focused in and sensed two kounichi assuming to be off duty.

"Emm, it's crazy how he doesn't have a girlfriend seeing how handsome he is, maybe I should…" Replied the other with an ebony colored tress.

"Calm down I heard he's not even a Genin yet you pedo!" whispered harshly the purplette.

"Haah, but you were just… never mind." The other said in a dejected tone. 

'These looks are both a curse and a blessing I tell you. I might be able to gain the favor of others, but peace can never be an option can it?'

"H-Hello what can I get for you?" A stuttering voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

Turning to them Sasuke saw a girl in a work uniform along with a clipboard and pen in hand.

"Hmm, some cool tea, along with Mitarashi Dango would be nice."

"Alright, t-thank you for ordering." She blushed again before quickly moving away.

'…Really? This has to be a joke.' He deadpanned.

Leaning back in the seat, Sasuke thought about his skills and arsenal and how well they were developing.

'Haaah, what I should do later. Perhaps experiment with that weird black fire release I couldn't use half a decade ago, maybe my coils are well developed enough to use it now.'

"Is that you Sasuke?" The raven heard the voice of his new team member calling out his name while walking over.

The familiar black in color kimono, with silver thorn-like patterns placed on the cloth brought a small narrowing of eyes. Without an invitation, she plopped herself in front of him with a calm, cheery smile upon her features.

"What do you want?" Sasuke replied politely. He was already uneasy about her, and spending private time with a person like that didn't interest him. No matter how beautiful she was...Huh? 

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to say hi to my new teammate! Perhaps even go over our strategy for tomorrow." Vali calmly said.

"No, I mean what do you want from me? You were glancing at me earlier in the academy. Is there something you want to know? Maybe you know me from somewhere, or maybe you've heard some information on me." Impassive eyes bore into her, trying to dig out a hole through her mask.

"…Oh my did you really catch that, how.. embarrassing. Well, I just thought you were…cute you know." Vali replied, averting her eyes from his and onto her lap while carrying a bashful look on her face.

'That again. That fake embarrassment and chakra fluctuation. What purpose are you doing this for?'

"Thank you, for the compliment, you're attractive yourself. Haaahh, and I apologize for acting out right now. Things around here have been on edge, especially with that civilian girl disappearance that is." Doing a curt bow in apology. While keeping his attention on her face, once again testing the ravenette's facial features for any suspicious movement.

"No, it's quite okay, even I myself find it strange. And between you and me, I'm kind of worried for my well-being too. We don't know much about this criminal motive. Whether they're after civilians or even women ourselves. After all, we don't have a clan to back up and promote our disappearances."

"Yes, you're right. Strange indeed."


"U-Um here is your order Sasu- I mean sir. Would you like something to miss?" The brunette waitress pulled them both out of their silence. While placing his order on the table.

"No thank you, I was just about to head off." Said Vali.

"Alright excuse me then." Replied the waitress before walking off.

"I hope we can talk again sometime Sasuke. Getting to know you is…quite pleasuring." Vali finished, before taking a stride out of the café, with even steps.

Behind her, Sasuke sat. A pressuring relief fell off of his shoulders as he watched her depart, taking sips of tea while burning his eyes on the back of her head.

'How pleasuring indeed.' The raven thought, with a small smile of competitive excitement radiating from it.


-Konoha - Uchiha Compound

-10:47 P.M

Resting on an alleviated purple chair with a royal-like appearance, Sasuke was busy searching for clues throughout the "Elemental Nations Clans & History" book relating to his mysterious black-in-color flames. Frustratingly, nothing has popped up. Even asking his mother was useless as she was stumped too. He was trying to find some clues to help his training when utilizing the black inferno.

"Looks like risk will be the biggest key in training this power," Sasuke said, before getting up and walking towards the Uchiha training grounds.


Under the moonlight, a black figure grew in size as he came closer into view. With a mix of grey, purple, and, black clothing, Sasuke sat crossing sitting on an open field with the moon staring at him in return.

"Find the energy, secure the energy, release the energy." The raven murmured with closed eyes and even breathing. Digging deep into himself, searching for this unknown source of power.

Out of his view, a whitish grey and black aura spread around him on the ground in the shape of a Moon. In the vicinity of the aura, the greenery around him corroded into dead plants and grass. From the look of it, the energies density could crush a person and deprive them of air; but for Sasuke, it felt like second nature, like it was a part of him.

Soon the raven opened his eyes showing his deep endless pits of black, but what was strange was that under those eyes were purplish-grey-like markings turning up into the corners. His skin seemed lighter and smooth, his muscles felt tighter and indestructible, and along his forehead stood a black Crescent moon-like tattoo, but what changed the most was his presence. It appeared bottomless, like a forever-going void with no end. It was pressurizing, calm, and powerful. Sasuke felt like…a God. A powerful one at that, one with full control.

"What…is this- this power?" Sasuke muttered in disbelief. This was his first time retaining chakra in this type of way. It was up until he read a passage in "Energies & Basics of Power" which he found in his clan's library, to utilize this type of training. Although he was not expecting anything related to this, it was strange, deathly so.

"I feel light, rejuvenated, but also inhuman. Never mind that I came here to test my new ability; but with this… I wonder if-" He trailed off as he continued with his theory.

Sasuke put up his hand, palm up, and concentrated on forming that same irregular fire before. Suddenly, the raven formed a shocked expression. Instantly the flames erupted from his palm, with a ire mist flowing off the outer zone, acting like ice. The fire itself was a void-like black, radiating lustrous power.

'Why was this so easy to form unlike before? It must be the energy I collected, but what's so different between regular chakra and this? Hahhh no matter, I will study that later. I should see the capabilities of this power.' Sasuke thought.

An object released from his shoulder, taking the appearance of a bone. In one hand, Sasuke held the bone inside and used his new chakra to combine with his bloodline. Soon the former pristine white bone, slowly turned…whiter? Instead of changing aspects, the bone in turn became more similar to snow than before; but this time it was surrounded by a black aura with black markings engraved on it. Using more chakra, the unrecognizable object lifted from Sasuke's hand and levitated beside him. Finally, the raven shot the creation into a boulder.

"I-I…how..this is.." The raven was in utter shock after seeing the result of his actions. Instead of destroying the large rock, which he expected. The bone disintegrated into ash completely in turn!

Sasuke looked down at his palm and stared with mixed emotions. After a minute or so, he clenched his hands and started chuckling?

Soon his chuckles turned into an ominous laughter, which slowly grew in volume. His eyes seemed deranged in delight, with a gleeful smile on his features.

"HAHAHAHAA, BROTHER IT SEEMS LIKE IT IS MY DESTINY TO KILL YOU. WITH THIS GROWTH IN STRENGTH YOUR CHANCES IN SURVIVAL COME CLOSE TO NONE, AHAHAH." A rare instance of insanity broke free from Sasuke's usually stoic demeanor, with arms rising up and his head looking at the starry night.

"HAHA…hahaa..ha." Sasuke's pleasuring expression turned into one filled with hate, and his once emotion-held eyes turned dead now remembering the existence of his former brother.

"You…Itachi Uchiha. Will pay what's due for what you committed."


For a couple more hours the raven created more weapons and abilities with the newfound power he calls "Lunar Manipulation" for he discovered his ability under the moon and the similarities you would see between the two.

Sasuke's engraved bone he created is now called "All-killing ash" with the ability to dismantle any biotic or abiotic beings with a single wound.

Another creation was "Hollow Release" which was able to emit total black, corrosive flames that burned forever. With the ability to never be extinguished, along with it's unfathomably hot temperature. So far he hasn't created any forms of the release seeing his limited time, but in the near future that will be his first project.

Lastly, the raven created "Moon's blessing" which was made by infusing his new energy with his limbs and chest making them lighter. Meaning enhanced speeds, improved strength, and higher jumping ability. Ever since finding out about this skill, he's kept a reasonable amount of Lunar chakra inside his structure.

"At this pace, I will become the strongest. No, I will become…a God." Sasuke said as sleep captured him into the next day.


-Konoha - Streets of District Seven-

-4:30 A.M

Long red hair flapped in the cooling wind of the rising sunny sky. The orange contrast of dark blue and bright red revealed unique colors, signifying the upcoming morning. The figure with red wore a black jacket with dark purple lining, and similar color purple pants sharing with his eyes. With kunai & shuriken strapped on his figure, he seemed battle-ready; but his mood betrayed his appearance. The look of sadness and anger filled the redhead's eyes. The reason was all around him, hateful gazes and whispering curses flew his way from the population.

Between the few weeks he's becoming a Genin, disappearances of Jonin, Chunin, and Genin Ninja of the leaf all erupted on different occasions. Which he can tell the general public blamed upon him. To a point where he has been investigated, but came out as innocent. Even still many don't believe his case, either out of desperation, cowardice, or unquenched hate for him. Right now the village issued a caution to those who patrol alone, now requiring two or more individuals out at all times.

"Hahhh, when will these villagers learn the true me, the me who would fight for them, the me who would kill for them? Not the one who would kill them…" Naruto said in disappointment. He's always tried to be cheery and kind to all, but with all this, he still couldn't modify their way of thinking brought an overwhelming amount of dismay.

"Perhaps it will always stay the same. Is this what Grandpa always means when he says 'Endure until the end'? When he says 'Don't ever give up'? Maybe…maybe not..who knows; but what if I don't? what if I leav-no I shouldn't think like that, this village needs me." Right?


-Konoha - Uchiha Compound

- 4:45 A.M

Muffled footsteps resounded through the hallways, as a well-built frame of a teen came into view. Opening the door, a long raven-haired individual was revealed. Grabbing a nutrition bar, and water they slipped on their shoes and went to open the door until a voice called out to them.

"And where do you think you're going this early?" A woman with equally raven hair said strictly. Her appearance looked as if she crawled from the bed itself. With messy hair, red sleepwear, and house slippers.

'And what's with his presence? It's so...powerful.' She thought. From the looks of it he seemed different, but not at the same time. 

'And what's with that purple underling and moon-like thing on his forehead? If its his new choice of appearence go him, It does look good on him as well.' All questions which she planned to bring up later since he was clearly in a rush.

"To my exams mother, did you honestly forget? Hahhh, seriously I expected more of you." He replied in a playful tone with cool features.

"Hehe..I forgot abou- wait what do you mean by that!? Hmph, don't talk to your mother that way. Little Sasu~" The woman mocked in turn.

"Ugh you're unbearable."

"Yeah yeah cry about it, just hurry with your test and be back before noon, I need to teach you some arts in poisons, and that requires us to go outside. Anyways i'll be sleeping for the time being, see you Sasu~" Sasuke's mother degraded once again before leaving in sway to her room.


'Time to become a real Genin of the leaf.' He thought before closing the door behind him.


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