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93.93% I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover / Chapter 31: Vol2-Chapter8-Chaos in the capital

Capítulo 31: Vol2-Chapter8-Chaos in the capital

Hello what's up before what was here at the beginning was pure filler of the chapters and now I decided to remove this and make the chapters much longer, now I just give news and for the moment there is nothing new just an apology for uploading the next chapters late.




I use Chatgpt to translate the story, I write it in Spanish but convert it to English.




"What is that?"


Destruction, explosion, death, injured people, burnt houses, everything was in chaos. The capital was under attack from an unknown enemy who managed to infiltrate the kingdom and launch their assault. Wherever you go, you will find the walking dead, destroying and causing chaos.

Civilians are frightened and trying to hide to save their lives. Everyone is running hastily to escape the enemy's attack, but not many succeeded. Some managed to hide, while others, unfortunately, died at the hands of the enemy.

Soon, the magical knights arrived and began attacking to defeat the enemy army, but their attacks had no effect. The enemy remained standing and continued to attack. The knights had to retreat as they couldn't harm the enemy. Desperation set in, and they started to be defeated.







"Little one, do you like the kingdom?"

"I-I like the kingdom, s-so please stop, please."



The enemy began to laugh maniacally, watching as the little girl curled up, covering her ears to avoid hearing the chaos of the city. She closed her eyes, hoping that all of this might be a dream, but the enemy continued laughing while summoning more monsters to join their army and destroy the capital.


A loud and confident shout filled with determination echoed behind the enemy. He turned around to see a boy with a large sword cutting through his army in seconds, destroying them without leaving a piece behind.

"Just when I thought no one would come, a brat from the Black Bulls shows up."



The enemy moved his hand, pointing towards Asta, causing his army to rise and attack immediately to kill him and turn him into one more in their ranks. He was excited to kill Asta, but his expression of excitement changed to confusion.

"Eh?? What's happening???"

While he was confused, the girl seized the opportunity and ran away from the enemy, reaching Asta and embracing his leg while starting to cry and expressing her fear. Asta patted her head to comfort her.

"Aaaahh, I see now. You're the famous anti-magic user."



After this disdainful declaration, he summoned his army of the undead, which surrounded the enemy and rushed toward Asta to kill him. Asta, witnessing the enemy's attack, placed the girl behind him, becoming serious and ready to counterattack.


*Central area of the royal city*

"Aaah, it's the Silver Eagles' command."

"The army of the magical knights has come to save us."

"Citizens, stay behind us."

"It's the same leader of the order; we are safe."


*West Area*

"What are these things?"

"These beings, even after defeating them, keep getting back up."

"I was just thinking of having a dessert on the way back; it seems we missed the feast."


*East Area*

"They're so disgusting, sister."

"Just seeing them makes me nauseous."


*Northwest Area*

"There are too many."

"Don't they have a weak point?"

"Discovering that will take us a long time."


*North Area*

"These things are being controlled with magic; they're not living humans."




All the magical knights had the same thought and said it simultaneously. Each one began unleashing their strongest attacks to obliterate them. In every location, you could see captains and members of each order destroying the enemies while simultaneously saving the citizens. While all this was happening, Asta continued facing off against the leader controlling the entire army of the undead.


"uf uf uf"

Asta had defeated numerous undead individuals summoned by the enemy in an attempt to kill him. Asta not only defeated the undead but also protected the little girl. After seeing that no more undead were coming, he went straight for the enemy to end the fight once and for all.

He ran to deliver a strike, aiming to eliminate the mana and prevent further summoning and control of the undead. However, just as he was about to deliver the blow, the enemy played his trump card.

"No. 4 Jimmy."

A massive monster emerged from the ground between him and Asta, adorned with straps all over its body, bandages on its arms and legs, and several grotesque eyes on its head.

"You claim they have committed no sins. All those who are ignorant of my power are SINNERS."


From a rooftop not far from Asta's battle, Satoru stood watching as the capital came under attack and the magical knights fought to defend both the capital and its civilians.

"Puah, it looks better than in the anime, but I feel like I'm unnecessary. Well, it was like that from the beginning. I could stay at home sitting on the couch while reading a magazine and picking lint from my belly button, but how boring," Satoru tilted his head while spinning around on the roof.

"What can I do? I could defeat everyone immediately, send Blue and destroy all the undead, expand my dominion, and capture everyone. But I would also capture the magical knights. What a dilemma."

He stops spinning, gazes at the sky for a moment, then lowers his gaze to focus on the Wizard King's castle. He points at it with his right hand and speaks some words.

"One day, you and I will fight to the death. I don't give a damn if you can seal me or restart the timeline to prevent your plan from being destroyed. It's been 68 times, but I'm still as stubborn as a mule, and I'll keep frustrating your plans."

"I don't care if we fight endlessly in an infinite loop, as long as everyone is alive, that's enough for me."

After delivering his war declaration, he watches Asta's battle, seeing him wounded and tired. He was on the verge of losing, but then he receives support from Noelle and Leo to aid him in the fight. Satoru sighs and looks to another side, where Charmy is protecting the food store, as he suggested earlier. Her magical power increases to defend the store, and Satoru lets out a small chuckle at this.

"Here's the million-dollar question: should I make my contribution to the story and change the course of history, or leave everything as it is in the manga? Part of me thinks it's okay to leave it the same because everyone will have their character development, but how boring is it not to do anything."

While contemplating how to change the story and how it will continue, Satoru senses something and takes off into the sky. He looks back at the spot he was before, and a shadow appears there to take him away.

"It seems the old lady made her appearance. Oh, I want to see Charmy beat her up."

Satoru smiles at this scene and heads straight to the location to witness it from the front row.


*Several minutes later and from a pretty nasty beating from Charmy*.

"Damn you sure hurt her bad."

"Serves her right for trying to destroy the beautiful barbecue joint."

"You're damn right Charmy, I think she needs you to break a few ribs, dislocate her arms, break her nose, give her a black eye in the other eye and knock out a few teeth, what do you think?"

"It seems like the right thing to do."

"All yours, Charmy, and take care of that emo prince, okay?"

"Yes, Captain."


Satoru disappears from the battle scene and returns to his previous building.

"Quite the beating she got. All this for trying to destroy the place. Hahaha, it was funny how she stared at my beautiful face, and then bang, a punch that sent her flying, and then bang, another wind magic punch. Hahahaha."



A loud scream of anger, desperation, and sadness is heard. Satoru looks toward the source of the scream and sees the enemy trapped in lion-shaped flames. Fuegoleon takes his grimoire and is surprised to see that it only has one page.

"But how sad, you only have one page."

Fuegoleon turns to the right and sees Satoru, who has a sad expression because of the enemy's grimoire, but he's surprised that he didn't sense Satoru approaching.

"Friend, you make me quite sad."

Satoru was sincere with his words. In this world, a grimoire is essential, but having only one page is truly unfortunate. The enemy starts to panic and scream loudly. Asta arrives and gives words of encouragement. In desperation, the enemy decides to reveal their true plan.

"Our goal was you, Fuegoleon Vermillion."

After saying these words, magic appears beneath their feet, about to engulf them and kidnap them. However, Fuegoleon receives a kick that pulls him out of the hole. He falls to the ground and turns to see Satoru, still in the hole being swallowed, with his hands in his pockets and a medallion in his left hand.

"What a beautiful necklace. Let me take care of it for you, hehe. By the way, arrivederci, my dear friends."

And thus, Satoru was swallowed by the hole and disappeared from the location. Everyone watched as Satoru sacrificed himself for Fuegoleon, but Asta and Noelle were concerned about this.

"Vice Captain Satoru" x2

After Satoru was swallowed, he appeared in another place with various spells and seals. Satoru doesn't pay much attention and turns around to see a person.

"It can't be. Is it you? Ohh."










"By the way, what was your name?"


"Where did you send him? Tell me where Satoru is."

Fuegoleon grabs the enemy angrily, wanting to know where they were going to take him and, moreover, where Satoru is. However, the enemy simply started laughing. They were planning on how to make him talk, but Asta runs towards a group of the undead and performs a slash, sending bodies flying. However, one hidden enemy manages to escape and appears on a roof nearby.

"The plan failed, and I thought I could hide well, but it doesn't matter. We managed to defeat a vice-captain, and that's progress, but it's all over."

The enemy removes the mask of one of the undead, revealing their true face, confident about Satoru's death and thinking about how to proceed with their plan. Suddenly, they hear a voice behind them.

"According to you, why do you say it's over?"

"What?? How are you alive?"

The enemy is completely confused to see Satoru standing in front of them with such calmness and his hands in his pants' pockets.

"I'm alive and kicking, and your friend ended up worse."


*Dimension where they took Satoru*.

"Aaarghh my whole body hurts."

The person in this place is all hurt, with broken bones the left hand all bent, the right leg all mangled and balled up, plus he has lots of bruises and a broken nose


*Back with Satoru*

"Yeah, sorry, but I got tired. So why don't you just die already?" Satoru tilts his head to the left, displaying a warm smile on his face. With his left hand, he gathers mana and delivers a powerful blow to the enemy's stomach, causing them to hunch over, spit blood and saliva, and open their eyes. The force of Satoru's blow sends them flying, crashing into another building.

"Alright, one down, only six more to go."

"Six??? Vice Captain Satoru, are you sure?"

"Shorty, pay attention to your surroundings, and the rest of you, why don't you come out already?"

At that moment, five unknown figures appeared, wearing white hooded robes with peculiar eyes on their tunics.

"Well, well, listen up, shorty, tsundere princess, and the kid whose name I don't know. Face them and show your power. Go beyond your limits."

After saying that, he sat on the rooftop and watched the battle. Asta, Leo, and Noelle were surprised to have to face these new enemies with considerable mana. Fuegoleon, standing there, was also perplexed, so he decided to help them. However, he started to float and was sent to another building.

"Leave them be; they can handle it. Even if it were you who got caught, they'd still manage. Alright, kids, get started."

And thus, Asta began cutting through the magic the enemies were launching, Leo attacked with his fire magic, and Noelle supported from behind with defensive moves. They were gradually succeeding, helping each other, attacking simultaneously. Everything was going well until now, but they weren't strong enough.

An enemy attack was shot towards Leo, and Asta was too far away to react. Asta tried to defend himself, but it seemed impossible. He closed his eyes, expecting the impact, but nothing happened. When he opened his eyes, he discovered that the attack had stopped in front of him. Leo experienced the same phenomenon. Noelle, witnessing this, was surprised but felt the magical power and turned towards where Satoru was.

And there was Satoru, sitting with a drink in his right hand, his left hand extended towards them, emitting a blue glow.

"You almost had it, but that's enough. Let the professionals take over. Now rest and just watch."

Satoru stood up, stretched his waist, the sound of his backbones cracking. After that, he looked at the enemies and released some of his magical power.

"Hehehe, let's take out the trash. [Cursed Technique: Blue Amplification]"

A black sphere appeared in Satoru's palm, rapidly spinning and turning blue. He threw it into the sky, and it began to grow rapidly. Everyone watched in astonishment at the amount of mana it occupied. Suddenly, they felt their bodies becoming heavy as if something was pulling them.

"Alright, let's gather the enemies."

With a hand gesture, everything around them started to come together—stones, wood, dead bodies, even enemies and allies. Asta plunged his sword into the ground to resist, Leo held onto Asta to avoid being blown away, Fuegoleon used his magical power to create fire fists and pin them to the ground, while Noelle hid in a building and held on as tight as she could to avoid being blown away.

The enemies tried to resist the attack and not get blown away, but they couldn't. Eventually, they were sucked into the blue sphere. Satoru saw that he had caught them all, then threw the blue sphere towards a building on his left. It went fast and collided with the building, causing it to collapse. The enemies were there, lying on the ground, in pain from the impact.

"But how weak, couldn't handle it."

Satoru sighed at defeating them with a single move. He thought they might provide more of a challenge.

"And here's where the other captains and members arrive, then Mr. Christ the King shows up, illuminating the whole place to take away his allies."

As if the world heard him, the captains arrived at that moment.

"If not for the six eyes, I would genuinely believe it was the work of God."

The captains and members saw the disaster that had occurred. They noticed the injured but alive novices and Fuegoleon. Then they looked at Satoru, who pointed to his left, where the defeated enemies were in a building, covered in debris. But what caught their attention more was the trail of destruction from the center where Satoru was to them because everything there was destroyed.

And the world responded to Satoru's prayer, and a person arrived where the enemies were. However, they couldn't see who it was due to the intense light shining on them. Everyone tried to see, even Satoru, who put on his dark glasses because of the strong light emitting, and in a flash, they disappeared along with the enemies.

Everyone was shocked and tried to find them, but found nothing. They decided to attend to the wounded and help the capital. Meanwhile, Satoru turned to look at one side, removed his dark glasses, and saw another flash of light.

"As the saying goes, changing the order of factors doesn't alter the product, as long as you have a time magician who bothers you every time you try to change the story."

And Satoru jumped off the building, walking towards the other magic knights to see what he could do.


<Author: Here is the story, sorry for not uploading the chapter; I'm trying to see if I can upload it daily, which is why it takes me a while, besides some issues. I hope you like the chapter. Support the story, and well, arrivederci.>

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