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70% Ron weasley : The lion / Chapter 28: ch 28

Capítulo 28: ch 28

"...and either must die at the hands of the other for neither can live while the other survives."

Harry sat in a chair in front of me, reciting the lines to the prophecy as if he had been listening to them in his head over and over again since Dumbledore finally came clean. I just looked at him, already knowing the words, not reacting.

"You know, a part of me thought that I could disappear. I don't care if half of magical Britain dies or gets enslaved or whatever the hell Tom plans, what has it ever brought me? You, Sirius, and the Order are the only good it's produced." Harry continued, head in his hands.

We were in Grimmauld Place, my home away from Fleur's flat, in the room Harry and I had turned into a study/dueling room. A place we met everyday to study and duel since the summer started, and not like the dueling we had done previously, the type of dueling that could get both of us hurt, badly. Luckily parselmagic has ridiculous healing powers, which Harry has been studying religiously.

"You still don't owe us anything." I agreed with him.

"No. But Voldemort won't leave me alone." Harry answered me. "So now I have no option. I run, he will hunt me. I stay, he will hunt me. What option do I have?"

So he will stay for selfish reasons? Good. I thought to myself. He can't do it for anyone but himself, or he'll get taken advantage of his entire life.

"Not much of one, you're right." I answered him with a small chuckle.

Harry's head snapped up from his hands. I met his emerald green eyes. "Funny?"

I covered my mouth trying to stop before addressing the issue. "Does this really even change anything though?" I asked him. "Before the prophecy, we fought Voldemort at least once a year, consistently. We have always planned on opposing him."

I saw something I hadn't seen on his face in a long time, fear. "Did you see how they dueled?" He asked me with a whisper. "How can we compete with that?"

Ah, that makes sense.

"How do you think they got to where they are?" I rebutted.

His mouth opened to answer but I didn't let him. "They practiced and they learned. Voldemort has warped his body, and probably magic, so much with rituals that he doesn't even look human. Dumbledore just happens to be the second coming of Merlin."

Harry just looked at me as if I was crazy, actually it was a 'how can you be so optimistic' look.

"Look, have you ever heard the term 'iron sharpens iron?'" I asked him. "Dumbledore had Grindelwald to sharpen himself against. Voldemort grew up at the height of Grindelwald and Dumbledore's power. Then he delved into rituals and magic for fifty years before making his play for power." I explained.

"We don't have that much time!" Harry exclaimed standing up. "And we both know we can't rely on Dumbledore to kill him. He's hung up on the prophecy."

"I know mate. It seems like we have two choices." I said with my arms out. "Die, or get more powerful."

He looked at me and his hands found his hips while his eyes turned to the ceiling. "I don't know how you can make it so simple."

I mentally put my wisdom hat on, something I had been working on. "I need you to realize something." I told him and he looked down to meet my eyes again.

"Life is chaos. We are defined by how we navigate that chaos." I began. "Everyone experiences it, and we all combat it by taking responsibility for ourselves. The more responsibility we bear, the more chaos we encounter. Am I making any sense?" I finished with a question.

Harry started pacing. "Yea I follow."

"Good, you, more than anyone, should know how life can challenge us. You never even had a chance to choose the responsibility like the rest of us, it was thrust upon you. Now you can either fold under the weight of it, or square your shoulders and lift that bloody thing up." I said the last part standing up and walking towards him.

"But how!?" He bit back at me.

"We're already doing it, everyday we get a little bit better. If everyday you get half a percent better than the day before. In a year you'll be one hundred and eighty-three percent better than you were last year. And we have no idea how long this war will last." I lied to him.

He nodded his head, looking like he agreed with what I was telling him.

No reason to tell him that we really only have about a year before the shit really hits the fan. I kept the information to myself.

"And we're worried about school and our future on top of it. We'll get there mate." I finished up, and waited for him to respond.

He didn't say anything for a moment, then he stood up abruptly, squared his shoulders and flicked his wrist. His wand shot into his hand and he got a look on his face that I knew meant we were in duel mode.

My own wand shot into my hand and I circled around into the dueling arena.

"Another round?"

I sat down at the table, not tired in the slightest, not like after the Hall of Prophecies. My magic ran underneath my skin, prepared to go another hour or so. My wand had moved to a purr to a full on roar whenever I gripped it.

I took a deep breath and reached for a book in the pile that I had collected from the Black Library.

'Battle Runes: The Art of Offense.' by Phineas Nigellus Black.

I picked this little treasure out of the library because of my curiosity at Voldemort's use of runes with the copper metal pole he conjured to counter my lighting bolt that would have killed his right hand woman.

I opened the book and skipped past the content page until I found the introduction.

"'Runes, a set of lines written on the fabric of the universe that when fed with the magic inside of us, can overrule the natural order of things. The most common use is found in warding, the specificity they can provide is invaluable in the field. Wards are not so hard to cast, but they are difficult to keep up for an extended period of time and require upkeep ...unless runes are involved. It is not unexpected then that very best curse breakers are simultaneously the most knowledgeable in the art. Even then, they use it defensively.

There is, of course, offensive capabilities that only a handful of people in history have utilized. Rowena Ravenclaw would be the most famous example. While Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor are the most famous duelers to ever live, there is evidence to suggest that Ravenclaw could not only compete, but defeat the duelers on even grounds. Their recorded duels in the Headmasters Log of Hogwarts are the stuff of legends, it is too bad that we, headmasters, are unable to reveal the secrets of the Log.

Only the quickest thinkers are capable of properly using Runes, something Ravenclaw was notorious for. While I have not achieved the proficiency described to me in the Log, I have gained enough ability to propel me to the top of the magical education system in the world, such is the power of Runes.

This book contains the basic principles of the art, master them. The Runes themselves will be easy to memorize and learn, as the offensive runes are limited in number. The important details are how they work in tandem together, that is where you will find your glory.'"

I turned the page, interested immediately. The author threw me off for a moment because of his reputation as the worst headmaster Hogwarts has ever seen. Now he caught my attention.

"'What you need to remember is that Runic clusters can only be in the magically significant numbers, for example three or seven. Offensively these are the only clusters that you will focus on, any more than that would be too taxing and take too long to apply in battle. Only one Rune will work, but is easily countered by your opponent if they have even a small knowledge of the language.

After that, it is fairly simple to know that Runes work best with Transfiguration, as this is the easiest, and most effective, way to apply the runes in the heat of battle. A conjured arrow or sword can have a cluster of runes designed to either pierce through physical objects with greater ease or to explode upon impact to send shrapnel flying through the air.

The following pages contain the Runes I found most appropriate for offense, and past that are my own spells that I frequently used during my duels. Enjoy, son of Black.

Toujours Pur.'"

I turned the pages and found that the list of relevant offensive runes only consisted of about fifty runes.

My mind was already running through the possibility that runes would provide. Like Voldemort, I could use it for defense, while also turning it into a trap and distraction that would lead into my more elemental offense. Sure it was only a supplementary aspect of dueling but the implications were huge.

Is it possible to put runes on a Protego or a Deflecting spell, so that it can influence physical attacks? If so, then you could create a nearly impenetrable defense that took less effort and didn't obstruct your field of view… I thought to myself about one of the flaws of constantly using the earth and the elements to protect myself. Then I could use the elements where they shined, offense. My excitement rose at the book's contents.

"Oh hell yes."


The world warped around me with the activation of the portkey that doubled as a note from my great aunt Muriel.

Fleur and I landed gracefully on the ground as the world righted itself. I felt her arm grab the crook of my arm and step closer to me. I looked in her direction, she was dressed in beautiful silver robes, a little too formal for the occasion in my opinion.

I would never tell her that. I thought to myself. I enjoy the view.

She caught my eye and smiled, reading my mind no doubt, before leaning in to whisper in my ear. "You look ravishing too." She told me.

She was right of course. I was also dressed in a very well tailored black peacoat, something I had taken to wearing all the time, over my high class robes with red accents in them. My hair was held perfectly by magic, there wasn't a strand out of place. And I had a new addition to appearance, a well-trimmed, two-week old, beard that faded perfectly into my haircut.

I finally looked past her appearance to where we landed.

We landed on a path facing the direction of an estate. The landscape around us was well-maintained and there was a wall that ran around about three acres of the land.

Wales, most likely. I thought looking around at the terrain around the house.

I started walking forwards towards the direction of the front door. We had to pass around a fountain, with a sculpture of a nundu in the middle of it, the water running out of it's roaring mouth.

Coincidence? I thought to myself about the fountain and my patronus. Or intentional? But how would she know?

The front door opened as we approached, and on the other side stood a house elf dressed in an imitation of a butler. It was actually hilarious to look at.

"Hello sir and madam, mistress is waiting this way." Said the house elf as he turned and began walking at a little quicker pace than I would expect.

"Thank you." I told the elf as I followed.

"Oh no sirs, it is my pleasure."

Ahh there is the house elf speech I was looking for. My mind supplied at the response.

"What is your name?" Fleur asked as we walked through the house.

Marble floors. I thought to myself as I realized that I had never been to what was obviously the ancestral home of the Prewetts. It's gorgeous.

"Wobbly be's my name." The now named Wobbly replied. "It's just down this hall."

We followed the elf obediently and stepped into what looked to be a sitting room. There was a table which had a couple glasses on it, and a clear container of what had to be firewhiskey. The chairs were of a fine quality and the rug on the floor was a bear at some point in its life.

And there was my great-aunt Muriel sitting down in a chair that screamed 'I'm important.'

"Ronald! Hello, how long has it been?" She said as she stood up surprisingly fast for a woman of her age.

"I'm fine Aunt Muriel, this is Fleur Delacour, my better half." I answered her and introduced my date.

"Hello. Muriel Prewett." Muriel said as Fleur smiled at her. "Well sit down, sit down. Wobbly, some tea please. Would you two like anything to eat before lunch?"

"No thank you. We'll wait for lunch." Fleur answered for both of us.

"Ok then we can get down to business then. You two have had a very eventful two years wouldn't you say?" Muriel asked.

So she keeps tabs on us. I deduced.

Fleur and I both chuckled at this and I chose to answer this time. "Just trying to keep up with the times." I said vaguely.

Muriel smiled at our reactions. "Oh yes, and dark times they are. But that is the way of things, there are always dark times. Now tell me, are you involved in all of this mess because you believe in the cause or because of your loyalty to the boy-who-lived and your family?"

Wow we really are getting right down to it. There isn't a lot of dancing around in the wizarding world is there?

"Both." I answered her immediately. "I would never abandon my family and friends to that monster, and I could never sit back and watch as that mad man killed good people." Which was true, considering how backwards the wizarding world was on cultural issues, and my past life. Our beliefs did not line up.

"And you darling?" Muriel asked Fleur.

Fleur didn't answer immediately and I felt a spike of worry. Have I forced her into this? For something she doesn't believe in.

"Had I stayed in France, I would have likely never taken up my wand against him. That is because we never believed him to be a true threat. It wasn't until I started working at Gringotts that I realized how dangerous he is. Even now my main reason to fight is Ron, but I also realize that I fight for survival, as he despises my heritage." Fleur had started leaning forward and adopted a thinking pose as she rested her chin on her head.

Aunt Muriel just sat there smiling the whole time. "Good, you're both honest at least. I remember Gideon and Fabian had a very similar answer when I asked them. You're willing to stand up for what you believe in, a very Prewett thing to do."

I nodded to her as she confirmed why I was actually here. I expected her to be a better player of the game, honestly. I thought as she basically revealed all of her cards as the conversation went on.

"What is the point of all this Aunt Muriel?" I asked her. "You've never had an interest in me or any of my siblings. Why now?"

The smile slowly faded from her face. "Well to be honest with you, I've always thought your mother was a bitch."

My jaw dropped and my eyebrows frowned. I heard a snort to my right and turned to see Fleur doing a terrible job at hiding her smile and giggles. Soon enough she gave up and it turned into a full on laugh.

"And don't get me started on Arthur." Muriel added.

Fleur's laughter intensified and it became contagious. I couldn't help but laugh with her. I also secretly agreed with my great-aunt on all accounts

"You've effectively been disowned as a Weasley. Making you my only real candidate for the position of Heir of the Ancient and Noble House of Prewett." She told me and Fleur's laughs came to a halt. "When I heard the news, well I couldn't help but do a little digging about you, Ronald. And what did I find? Gone was the boy in the shadows of his older brothers. Instead, a young man who has done nothing but cast his own shadow, not only on his brothers, but the boy-who-lived as well. Good enough OWL's to get an apprenticeship in all subjects, and taking his NEWT's two years early. I am impressed, Ronald." Muriel had nothing but praise apparently.

"That is flattering." I admitted.

"Admittedly, I had heard rumors of you from my good friend Giselda Marshbanks. You know she runs the exams for the Ministry you know. Anyway, the thing that really did it for me was a picture I saw of you standing next to Albus in the aftermath of the whole fiasco with that jumped up half-blood."

She knows Voldemort is a half-blood. "Wait, you know that Tom is a half-blood?" I asked her curiously.

"Oh sure, dear. It was revealed during his first little war." She answered me.

"It's common knowledge?" I managed to get out. She nodded in confirmation. "Then why do the pure-bloods follow him?" I sputtered out confused.

"Magic is might." Her simple response came quickly.

What the fuck? I couldn't help but think to myself. That means that the old families just what ...didn't care? What the fuck!?

"Which is why you've brought me here. You see how young and powerful I am." I deduced out loud.

"Magic is might." Fleur echoed beside me.

"Yes of course." Muriel answered quickly.

I looked to Fleur, a confused look on my face. This whole conversation had been so...simple. The whole thing felt a little off. I appreciate her honesty, but what am I missing?

"So where do we go from here?" I asked, thinking of springing the trap she laid.

"Does that mean you accept?" Muriel asked me.

"I don't even know what I'm accepting yet." I answered truthfully.

"You renounce the Weasley name, completely, and you accept the heirship and all it entitles." Muriel was once again being vague. "It's as simple as signing paperwork, and some other ...confidential family magic."

I looked to Fleur and back to her.

"Can I have my lawyers look at the paperwork?"

"You don't have any lawyers love."

Fleur told me just as we walked into her flat. I snorted and chuckled as I threw the paperwork down.

I walked towards her and brought my hands to her cheeks like I normally do when I kiss her. "That's why I have a beautiful, smart, independant…"

"Fine, I will look into it." Fleur said as she pecked me on the lips. "But I require payment." She added with a sultry grin on her face.

I put a look of revulsion on my face. "Ewww."

"Take your clothes off." Fleur said crossing her arms.

I would have continued my teasing of her but for some reason a wave of ...something… hit me. "I have something to tell you." I heard myself say.

Fleur noticed my mood and demeanor change immediately. Her face morphed, becoming more angular and the temperature in the room rose sharply.

"Who is she?" She asked me jumping to conclusions.

My brain short-circuited, confused that she would immediately think THAT.

"What? No! No! Nothing like that." I exclaimed in protest. "I would never ever ever ever cheat on you. You absolutely never have to worry about that." I told her.

Her face, once again, morphed back into the normal stunningly beautiful woman that it normally was. "Sorry." She said as her face and ears burned red in embarrassment. "I know you would never do that. Why would you start a conversation like that!?"

Oh shit. I thought in response.

"We're getting off topic. I really have something to tell you." I told her getting back on topic and getting myself out of trouble.

I grabbed her and pulled her into the air, her legs wrapped around me immediately. "But not here." I told her as I moved her into the bedroom and threw her on the bed.

"Rougher please, Mr. Prewett." Fleur said as she lifted her ass into the air and wiggled it around."Are you going to take me now?"

I looked at the most perfect sight I had ever seen ever and it took all of my will power to give in to her request.

Instead I jumped on to the bed beside her, she swung a leg over and positioned herself on top of me.

"Oh, so I will take you tonight?" Fleur kept the teasing up.

Can she be serious for one second? I thought getting a little aggravated.

"I'm not from this universe."

That actually made her pause. A frown appeared on her face. "Huh?" She mumbled intelligently.

"This is what I'm trying to tell you." I told her.

She slowly started to slide off of me and rested on to her side. "What do you mean you're not from this universe?" She asked.

"That was a bad way to say that, that's not entirely true. Let me start from the beginning." I began. "You remember that day in the Great Hall, when we locked eyes and I walked up to you?"

"Yes, you told me that the first task was dragons. It was the first time I found out." She answered me.

"Yea well a few days before that, something happened to me right before Harry's name flew out of the Goblet of Fire." I told her. She didn't answer any questions so I just kept going. "Before Harry's name flew out of the Goblet, I was just Ron Weasley but as soon as it flew out, I became the Ron Weasley you know now."

"I am not following, love." Fleur said with a cute, perfect, look on her face.

"I received the memories of a twenty-four year old man from another universe in the span of a second." I said dropping the bomb.

At this point she had pulled her legs underneath her and sat on them just looking at me. I knew she heard me because I could see her face scrunch up as she tried to process the information. Her mouth moved to speak but then shut again as she looked around the room and explored the possibilities.

I always expected to be panicking when I told her. I thought to myself as I observed her. But it happened before her, and I'm the only me she's ever known. It doesn't really change anything.

"Well that makes sense." Fleur said staring off into space.

"What makes sense? Talk to me love." I asked trying to give my anxiety a break.

"That makes sense why you are so much more mature." Fleur answered. "Wait, so do you still have the old Ron Weasley's memories?"

"Yes, the best way I can describe it is that we 'merged' together. I can remember both childhoods, both sets of parents, siblings, and I can remember going to university in the United States in that other life." I answered her, deciding to be completely honest.

Then she frowned. "Well that's interesting."

"You're not mad?" I asked and immediately felt stupid.

She smiled at me as she realized how I thought she would react. "No silly. I'm not mad, a little disappointed you didn't tell me earlier, but it doesn't really matter in the end."

Of course she's not mad. She knows us, she doesn't care about the past, only our future. She's fucking perfect.

I grabbed her and pulled her into a deep kiss, which got even deeper when she reacted and got involved.

I pulled back. "Here's the really interesting part."

She gave me a look that screamed 'really there is more?'

"We're all book characters."

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