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52.17% Difficult to deal with (GL) 难缠gl,作者鱼霜 翻译版 / Chapter 12: Chapter 12 [Announcement]

Capítulo 12: Chapter 12 [Announcement]

12 Announcement

On the first day of renting a house, Lu Zhenqiu accompanied Jin Shuilan to watch eight episodes of the TV series. In her dreams, all she saw was Chen Shimei. On the second night, she ate a cake with Jin Shuilan. The two of them played games until after eleven o'clock. In her dreams, they were all playing games.

When She woke up and went to the kitchen to get a drink of water, she saw the study door open and the sound of the keyboard coming from the door.

Jin Shuilan does not use a mechanical keyboard, and the noise is not very loud, but in such a quiet late night, she can still hear it.

Lu Zhenqiu speculates that her typing speed should be very fast. She used to talk to Tang Yingxia in the middle of the night, and Tang Yingxia both While typing, Tang Yingxia later said that voice chatting would affect her thoughts and speed. She wondered when Tang Yingxia and Yu Wen voice chat had this problem.

Lu Zhenqiu pursed her lips, put down her water glass, and went back to her room lightly. She guessed that Jin Shuilan was working and didn't want to disturb her. When she passed the study, a voice came from inside: "Zhenqiu?"

It was Jin Shuilan who called her.

Lu Zhenqiu walked to the door of the study, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Teacher Jin, I got up to pour a glass of water, did I disturb you?"

Jin Shuilan opened the door of the study room.

She is wearing beige cotton pyjamas, which are a bit loose. Jin Shuilan is thin and tall, with long hair stuck behind her head with a pen. Lu Zhenqiu doesn't know if she scratched her hair while typing. The light in her eyes filled her whole body with a feeling of laziness and looseness. Lu Zhenqiu saw the study through her shoulder.

The study room was large, almost like a room. There were two rows of bookcases, almost full of books. Lu Zhenqiu's sharp eyes saw that there was a row full of Jin Shuilan's books. She suddenly remembered that when Jin Shuilan published her first book, she sold 80,000 copies of the special signature book (This special signature book means 特签书,特签=book with the author's signature and a sentence that is meaningful to the book. It is signed by the author and then passed to the factory to bind together. It is usually used to increase the sales of the book)in the first half hour. The sales volume shocked the editor of the magazine. Later, an additional hundreds of thousands of copies were added. From then on, Jin Shuilan rarely had a special signature book probably because she was afraid of signing it.

Now her specially signed book has become a collectible and is difficult to buy. Lu Zhenqiu bought a set before. Later, when Hua Luo went to her place and saw it she liked it so much that she would touch it every time. One time when Hua Luo celebrated her birthday, she gave it to Hua Luo as a birthday present.

The one she bought was the first one. Jin Shuilan followed her gaze and saw the bookcase at the back and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Lu Zhenqiu came back to her senses and smiled politely: "Teacher Jin has a lot of books."

Jin Shuilan nodded: "They are all miscellaneous books, you can like them Find a book to read inside."

Lu Zhenqiu said: "Thank you, Teacher Jin."

However, she did not step in but stood there. Jin Shuilan lowered her eyes and looked at Lu Zhenqiu's toes. A pair of light white sandals, with her toes exposed. On the outside, maybe because she felt embarrassed, her toes kept curling up and spreading out when she talked, which is extremely cute.

Seeing this scene, Jin Shuilan felt a little relieved from the feeling of depression caused by Lu Zhenqiu's unfamiliarity. She asked, "You can't fall asleep?"

"Just fell asleep." Lu Zhenqiu didn't lie. She took cold medicine before going to bed, so she was easily sleepy, but her mouth was dry in the middle of the night. She doesn't know if she ate too much cake.

Jin Shuilan nodded: "Then go back and rest early."

Lu Zhenqiu felt relieved: "Then Teacher Jin should also rest early."

Jin Shuilan looked at her for two seconds: "Okay."

Lu Zhenqiu left the door of the study and returned to the room. Maomao followed her. It walked in and lay down beside her bedside as if to protect her.

Lu Zhenqiu rubbed Maomao's head and pressed it against her. She didn't dream in the second half of the night, but she could occasionally hear the sound of typing on the keyboard from next door.

Jin Shuilan was no longer at home. She didn't know what Jin Shuilan was doing out there, whether she was doing a morning walk and sent a message to Jin Shuilan.

[Teacher Jin, have you gone for a walk? ]

At the end, she sent another message: [I just wanted to ask, do you want to bring you breakfast? ]

Jin Shuilan was sitting in the conference room. The meeting hadn't started yet. The corners of her eyes were slightly red and she kept rubbing her head. She was listening to Zhao Siran on the phone. There was a bit of noise around her. In addition, she didn't have a good rest last night, so she had a cold face and lowered her eyes. The jawline was taut, and the whole body exuded the aura of being kept away from others, cold and distant.

The editor who had worked with her several times couldn't help but swallow when he saw her like that and moved back for fear of getting frostbite. (This means that Jin Shuilan had this aura and caused the surroundings to be cold. When the editor was next to her, it felt very cold. Thus, the editor wanted to move away from her)

"What did she say?" the editor whispered to the colleague next to him, who was responsible for the art and page layout design. The artist muttered: "What can you say? Teacher Jin's attitude seems to be angry."

The editor said: "Nonsense, can you not be angry?? If it weren't for the fact that we have cooperated with Teacher Jin several times, do you believe that we would receive a lawyer letter when we came here?"

The art editor trembled when he heard this.

It seems like Jin Shuilan would do it.

This person is very moody and has a lot of rules and regulations, but she is capable. She is a person who is fed by God. (Born with talent) She is a real talent. When their magazine signed the first Yuri novel by Jin Shuilan, they were laughed at by colleagues in the circle. Many of them thought they were crazy. How much money could Yuri Publishing make? When the sales came out, they were dumbfounded, even they were dumbfounded. Because of the special signature, the book sold 200,000 copies for the first time.

After the return, the special signature was changed to ten minutes, and hundreds of thousands of copies were sold. After that, she returned for the third time signed a five-minute special, and sold hundreds of thousands more copies. It was rumoured that Jin Shuilan did nothing in those two years, she was so busy signing special signatures.

Since then, she has not had any special signature for her published works. Even though the number of normal signatures ( Normal signature =亲签 = signature only, no special sentence, one the book itself would have "Jin Shuilan") was very small, her sales were still unparalleled.

She was ranked alongside the top romance and danmei (bl)gods, and her fans often jokingly called her the Three Gods in a circle.

Naturally, the circle is the author's circle. Jin Shuilan's cliff-like sales (unable to be compared) make everyone in the industry envious. That time was just to test the waters, so the royalties were not high. This also caused their magazine to make a lot of money at that time, and they continued to cooperate for the next two years.

Several new books have been published, and this time they were talking about the one that Jin Shuilan has not yet written. It has already been sold for film and television. Several publishing houses are ready to make a move. They all give a total quotation + royalties. Generally speaking, the price of publishing is the number of first copies multiplied by the royalties. , but Jin Shuilan is different, she also has a total quotation, and the total quotation is extra money.

The total price quoted to Jin Shuilan this time was six million plus an initial print run of 100,000 copies and an 18% royalty.

In the circle, this offer had not been made before, and it was their magazine that made a lot of money based on that, and they were confident. Other colleagues in the industry backed down one after another. They all backed down when they saw this condition, so the boss was inflated, and even before signing the contract, It was proposed to deduct four points of royalties and give 14% of the royalties.

When they heard the news, they were stunned. They could imagine Jin Shuilan's attitude after knowing this. Sure enough, when they opened the conference room this morning, Jin Shuilan was sitting at the conference table with a dark face and didn't speak. The atmosphere alone made her feel heavy.

It makes people breathless.

Jin Shuilan clasped her hands on the desk, and knocked: "Has the discussion come to fruition?"

The editor-in-chief is Zhao Siran. She has worked with Jin Shuilan several times. She was Jin Shuilan's docking editor at first. In the past two years, she almost lived across from Jin Shuilan when he was pushing for manuscripts and watching her write, so their relationship was better than others.

Zhao Siran shook her head: "I could not contact the boss."

The boss probably knew that Jin Shuilan was not happy, so she let go of the contract and left, asking her to clean up the mess. Zhao Siran grimaced. It was true that she had a good relationship with Jin Shuilan, but lowering it by four points? You don't need to think about it to know that it's impossible! Might as well kill her, it would be so much faster!

Other magazines gave 20% royalties, but the total quotation was not as high as theirs, so Jin Shuilan chose them. If the royalties were only 14%, why choose their magazines?

Jin Shuilan is not a philanthropist!

Jin Shuilan looked at her and knocked on the table. The other people who came to the meeting felt nervous. The editor who was about to speak held back her words and her face turned red.

"Then I won't sign it." After Jin Shuilan got up, Zhao Siran hurriedly shouted: "Teacher Jin..."

Jin Shuilan turned her head, and Zhao Siran smiled: "Let's talk about it."

If she leaves the magazine today and her colleagues find out that she has not signed the contract, not only the magazine will be laughed to death, but her colleagues may also be unable to sit still. Jin Shuilan glanced sideways: "What are you talking about? We haven't seen each other for a few days. Do you think I became Buddha immediately? Also lowering it by four points, how can I lower it? 14% of the royalties, You treat me as a Buddha, and I don't care about anything in the world?"

When she said a word, Zhao Siran shrank her shoulders a little, The boss is too ruthless, they can still talk with one or two points, four points, whimsical and idiotic!

She said: "Don't worry, did you catch up on the manuscript and didn't sleep last night?"

The corners of Jin Shuilan's eyes were reddish, and there were faint dark circles under her eyes. It looked like she hadn't slept well. Zhao Siran said, "Go to the lounge and sleep for a while. I'll go to the boss's house to find her!"

Zhao Siran thought that the contract must be signed today no matter what happens.

Jin Shuilan didn't sleep all night. She came here in the morning and was going to go back to sleep after signing the contract. Who knows this would have happened. She nodded when she heard Zhao Siran's words, and Zhao Siran got up and said, "I'll take you to the lounge."

There was a lazy sofa in the lounge, which was just right for lying down. Zhao Siran followed her into the lounge and said to the others: "Go to work first."

When the others went out, Zhao Siran settled Jin Shuilan, and just about to turn around, Jin Shuilan's phone beeped twice, she lowered her head and saw the message from Lu Zhenqiu asking her if she would like to make an extra breakfast.

Jin Shuilan's brows were tinged with tenderness, and her eyes became less sharp.

The whole person's demeanour suddenly changed. Zhao Siran looked more curiously, but she didn't dare to ask. Instead, she quietly closed the lounge door and left.

Jin Shuilan lay on the lazy sofa and replied to Lu Zhenqiu: [I am having a meeting outside, you can eat breakfast by yourself. ]

Lu Zhenqiu waited for Jin Shuilan's message and was making breakfast. Maomao was eating dog food on the balcony. She sent back an emoji to Jin Shuilan and put down her phone. After breakfast was ready, she carried her to the balcony.

The window was half open, the sun was warm and the wind was gentle, While eating breakfast, she looked down at the crowds on the road not far away, and she heard the sound of Mao Mao chewing food, which gave her a sense of belonging and peace of mind at this moment.

She had lived in the house for a long time before feeling like this, but on the third day after moving in, she already liked it very much.

Lu Zhenqiu ate breakfast and went to work on the script. Her voice was almost good. She installed all the equipment and started recording. Although Jin Shuilan was not at home, she still closed the door tightly. Her voice collided in the room. After two years She didn't record the script, so she felt like she wouldn't be able to come in for a while. She had been recording for two hours to stabilize her feeling. After finally recording a short audition, it was already noon.

Lu Zhenqiu sent the recorded file to Ji Zibo, When she received the message within a few seconds, she thought it was Ji Zibo, but she didn't expect it was Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu: [Didn't you sign the contract? ]

With a confused sentence, Lu Zhenqiu typed: [What? ]

Xiaoyu: [Sanshui Platform, didn't you sign a contract? ]

Lu Zhenqiu frowned: [I Signed it. ]

Xiaoyu sent a link: [Why is your name not included in the official announcement? ]

Lu Zhenqiu clicked on the link, It was Weibo official announcement, announcing the four newly signed streamers, and there was only one new anchor in the entertainment section, called Lou Yifeng, Lu Zhenqiu read Weibo twice, but didn't see her name and photo.

gxyx gxyx

This chapter is so hard to translate :( it took me more than an hour to finish.

This book focuses on Mary Sue's daily life. Qiuqiu has just broken up, so it will take some time. It will develop together with her career line.

Thank you list:

Thank you EmpathicWan for 1 power stone

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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