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83.45% The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross) / Chapter 237: Chapter 237

Capítulo 237: Chapter 237

Chapter 237:

–Vali Lucifer–

Clad in his White Dragon Armor, Vali blitzed forward and intercepted another attack from Issei. He was miffed that Issei kept trying to get around him and Thor to attack Layla in the back. The Red Dragon Emperor really seemed to hate her. 

"Give it up, time traveler! I don't know why you hate Layla so much, but your fight isn't with her. It's round 2, and we have a score to settle." Vali said. A mixture of draconic and demonic power was wafting off of him. This time he wouldn't underestimate his opponent and would hit him with everything he had…well almost everything.

Vali was hesitant to activate Juggernaut Drive in the middle of the battlefield. He didn't want his newest allies to get swept up in it. 

A bolt of lighting shimmered through the air and slammed into Issei. He let out a scream of pain as he was once again blasted into a nearby sand dune.

Thor grinned at the second Mjolnir he was holding. He was quickly discovering that having two of them had almost doubled the amount of lighting he could discharge at once. He had become a lot more dangerous. Thor was contemplating how to thank Layla for such a gift. Perhaps he would name his firstborn daughter after her? He threw some more lighting at the warrior clad in red armor as his young comrade swooped in from the side and tried to skewer their enemy with his claws.

Issei shaking managed to avoid the lighting and Vali's claws this time. Inside his armor, Issei was seething. His eyes glanced over towards The Goddess of Angels who was facing off against Thanos nearby. The target of his revenge was so close, and yet he couldn't reach her because a ghost was blocking him! He couldn't understand how it was possible. He KNOWS that he killed Vali! "How!?" Issei screamed in rage. "How are you alive? I killed you!" 

Draconic power erupted off of Issei and he charged forward towards Vali. He was moving so fast that the air ignited from the friction. "Dragon Punch!" He yelled as he tried to punch Vali's head off and kill him again.

In his rage, Issei had forgotten the number one rule of fighting the White Dragon. Never fight the user of Divine Dividing at close range!

Vali reached his hand up and caught Issei's punch. The power behind it immediately weakened.

"Divide! Divide! Divide!" Albion's voice echoed out as Issei's power was ruthlessly divided over and over.

Vali grinned as he clenched his own fist. "Fuck you, that's how!" He lashed out and landed a devastating body blow that knocked the wind out of his opponent and left deep cracks in the red green armor…

–Rias Gremory–

"This is absolutely crazy." She said as she watched the battle unfold on the screens in front of her. 

"I wonder if this is what the Great War was like?" Sona asked next to her. "I've never seen so many beings fighting at once."

"I know right?" Rias said. "This alien Army is massive and terrifying, and yet they're not winning." She had a newfound appreciation for human weapons as she watched the alien army get shredded under never ending tank shells and machine gun fire. The Fallen Angel's were also proving remarkably efficient at switching between skewering Aliens with Lightspears and protecting their human allies at the same time from laser fire. 

Before this, Rias had never understood why the Fallen Angel's were considered such a threat when her brother was so much more powerful than Azazel was. Now she could see that they had flawless coordination and tactics in battle. She knew that the majority of Devils were too arrogant to follow orders and fight as a group. Younger devils, especially, had an almost physical need to stand out and show off their powers. 

A weaker army that had much better coordination would be more than a match for a strong army with practically no coordination. 

And then there were the outliers of course.

"It looks like Layla is going to start getting serious now." Natasha, one of Layla's current lovers, pointed at the screen. Rias watched as Layla rushed forward and tried to stab the purple alien with a Lightspear. To her surprise, the large purple alien actually deflected Layla's attack with a gigantic double bladed sword. The air physically shook around them as they traded blows too fast for the cameras to actually record.

"This guy's strength must be insane to keep blocking full powered strikes from Layla." Steve Rogers commented.

"That's not her full strength." Natasha said to everyone's surprise. "She's conserving her magic in case she needs it."

"It's not?" Sona asked.

"I know she's amazing and can do things like resurrecting the dead. How powerful is Layla?" Rias asked Natasha. 

"You'll see." Natasha playfully smirked at Rias, which made her pout back at the human redheaded spy. Natasha had sort of taken Rias and Sona 'under her wing' these past few days and explained everything about this world to Rias and Sona.

Rias of course found herself falling in love with this version of Earth immediately. How could she not? It had aliens, alternate dimensions, superpowers, and so much more. For an Otaku like her, this place was amazing. Not to mention, her parents weren't here to hold herself back from living her life the way she wanted to. 

She did miss her peerage, but she also had to admit to herself that she was enjoying this break from them. It was no secret that every member of Rias's peerage had deep rooted psychological issues that she was NOT equipped to deal with on her own! She did her best, but she was not a professional Psychologist. It didn't help that all of her peerage members refused to see one as well…

"Somethings going on with the mothership. Oh shit, it does have an Independence Day Death Laser! That's not good!" The voice of Ironman echoed in everyone's intercoms. They could hear explosions and cursing in the background as he and his sister did their best to fight off six powerful aliens at once.

Rias's attention was drawn to one of the screens. For some reason, the Mothership was changing its form. Giant sections of alien metal were parting to the sides at the front of the ship. A gigantic tube slid out of the parted sections and Rias realized that she was looking at the largest cannon she had ever seen. It had to be the size of a skyscraper at least! Even worse, she could see that it was aimed at the joint army of Fallen Angels and Humans! The massive cannon started to glow with an eerie blue light. All of Rias's instincts as a Devil were telling her to run away from such a weapon.

Red lights flashed and alarms blared across the bridge of the Helicarrier!


"That canon will wipe out the army! We have to bring that ship down now!" Fury yelled in panic. 

"More than that, sir!" Maria Hill shouted out as she looked at the scanners. "The amount of energy building up is more than 1000 nuclear power plants can produce in a year! It's basically a Death Star cannon!"

"Motherfucker!" Fury cursed. "Get a bird in the air with a nuke on it right now! Make that all the nukes, actually!" 

"We can't!" Even if we nuked the ship, the fallout would hit all the troops down there anyway. We also won't have enough time to even get a bird in the air before that cannon fires." Steve said with a grimace.

Rias had never felt so truly powerless. If her older brother was here, he could severely damage the giant ship in a single attack. Even utilizing her full power, Rias knew that she would barely be able to scratch the paint. She glanced to the side and saw that Sona was also grimacing. Similar thoughts were probably racing through her friend's mind as well.

All she could do was watch the holographic screens in front of them and pray that something or someone intervenes.

"Don't worry everyone, I got this. TENGAI SHINSEI!" 

Rias tilted her head when she heard Layla yell in Japanese over the comms. She wondered what that was about?

"Wait!? Why is the cannon changing where it's aiming? It's suddenly pointing towards the sky! Oh my god! What is that! What the fuck, Layla!?" Ironman's voice echoed again over the feed. He was freaking out–and for a good reason.

"Oh my god…She actually can do it. I thought Layla was saying she could summon meteors to scare us…" Sona said with shock and awe in her voice.

Rias gazed out the windows of the Helicarrier and up into the sky. Her jaw dropped in shock at what she saw. 


A few minutes earlier…

Thanos was strong. The MCU didn't do him justice because his physical strength was off the charts! He was rippling with muscle and definitely had even more Strength than I did. Thankfully, I was faster than him and had a much wider array of abilities than he did.

Thanos fought like a slightly stronger, more intelligent Hulk. I was therefore fighting him in a similar manner as I'd done against the Zombie Hulk. Death by a thousand cuts as I continuously nicked him with my Lightspears while we rapidly traded blows. His giant sword had cut me a few times, but being The Gamer made it look like those wounds were instantly healing up. On top of that, I was constantly refilling my HP with my Purger of Darkness for only a few hundred MP at a time.

Sands kicked up in all directions as I flapped my wings hard and rocketed towards Thanos for another clash. I thrust purple Lightspear in my right hand towards his eyes, while I stabbed towards his stomach with the spear in my left hand.

Thanos grimaced at my cheap tactic of attacking two places at one when he only had one sword to block with. He did the obvious move and blocked the spear aimed at his head. To my surprise, he reached down and caught my second spear before it could stab him in the stomach. 

There was a sizzling sound as my super hot Lightspear burned against his hand. A human's hand would have turned to ash in a second, yet he was still holding strong. 

"You're proving to be quite annoying!" Thanos kicked forward and nailed me in the stomach. I let go of both my spears and let out a grunt of pain as I flew backwards a few dozen meters.


I grunted, but the pain quickly faded. I scoffed at him as I wiped his boot marks off my outfit. "You're annoyed? I'm the one who's dealing with this dumb alien invasion!" I yelled at him. 

Thanos glanced off into the distance and grinned at the war going on between his army and our own. "I admit, I didn't expect the people of Terra to put up such valiant resistance. The Chitauri will fight to the end regardless. Your army will fall before the endless horde!" He declared.

I took a second to inspect the battle going on myself. It was chaos at this point. The Chitauri had crossed the desert and the long range war had become a close range slugfest between which armies had the most firepower. Tanks on both sides were blasting each other. American soldiers and Chitauri grunts were unloading their weapons like ammo was going out of style. The casualties were devastating for the Chitauri, but at least 1000 National Guard and a few hundred of my Fallen Angel siblings had perished so far as well. I could only revive one person a day, so it would take me years for me to revive everyone. That is, if I wasn't sure I could persuade Lady Death to let me resurrect more people at once.

"Don't be so sure about victory just yet, Mad Titan! You haven't seen everything that I can do yet. Besides, I don't think your army is doing as hot as you think it is." I could see Sif fighting amongst the human army. She was glowing like the sun and every swing of her sword was slaughtering over a hundred Chitauri. Considering how fast she could attack, she was dealing devastating damage. Her power had come a long way.

Thanos frowned at me before he sighed. The tension in his body disappeared and he shrugged at me. "Maybe you are right. I severely underestimated you and your allies. Once again I thank you, Layla of the Fallen. You've shown me that the people of this world won't surrender without an extreme show of force." He said while smiling at me. His eyes were shining with cruelty.

I furrowed my brows. His tone made it seem like he still had some way to win this war. He was clearly outclassed by me in close combat. He was covered in cuts and burns while I was still in perfect health–only a bit low on MP from constantly healing myself.

His forces were losing on all fronts. Issei was getting owned by Vali and Thor. Hela was currently struggling against Kokabiel's onslaught. And Thanos's Children were getting blasted and tossed around by an enraged Ironwoman with her brother supporting her. 

What did he have left?

Thanos placed his hand to his ear. "Destroy this entire continent. We're done playing around!"

My eyes widened at his words! I looked in the sky towards his ship and saw that it started shifting before my eyes. Large sections folded and shifted out of the way as a massive barrel slowly started to emerge from the ship.

Thanos chuckled. "I am strong, and my army is powerful. However, we aren't invincible. Sometimes we come across civilizations that put up valiant struggles against us. In those situations, we use this weapon to soften up the planets that resist us. In the end, everyone will bow to me. If I have to destroy a continent or two first, that's of no concern to me." He explained with a malicious grin on his face. 

The massive gunbarrel started to glow an ominous blue and I could sense a tremendous amount of power being concentrated into one area! I could hear Tony and the others shouting in my ear about the weapon as well. 

[How are you going to block that?]

I didn't think I could, to be honest. I could try opening a portal to absorb the attack and transfer it somewhere else, but I wasn't sure I could open a portal big enough to absorb what was essentially a Death Star Laser!

I had another plan though! I quickly summoned two more Lightspears to my hands.

Thanos chuckled at me. "Still want to fight?" He sheathed his sword back over his shoulder. "Don't bother, it's pointless. In a moment I'll be teleported back onto my ship to watch the fireworks." He said.

I shook my head. "Don't be so sure. Our fight is not over yet, I just need to take care of your ship first." 

"And how will you do that?" He asked me with a grin.

"I just need to get my MP back up a bit first." I replied. "Then you'll see."

He looked curious. "MP?"

I smirked at him before I spun and threw my Lightspears one after another. They tore through the air faster than the speed of sound as they homed in on their targets who were nearby fighting Ironwoman. Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive, the weakest of his children. Both of my Lightspears caught them both by surprise and put larger holes through both of their torsos. They both died before they knew what hit them.

{+6500 MP!}

"Noooo!!" Thanos raged at the sudden loss of two of his children. He glared at me in fury! "You whore! You'll pay for that!"

I felt my MP reserves fully restored and then some. I turned back to Thanos and smirked as I focused all of my power into my Rinnegan!


"Tengai Shinsei!" I called loudly. A split second later, the sky itself parted as a giant meteor, even bigger than the mothership, appeared in the sky directly above it!


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