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71.42% A Different Path (MCU) / Chapter 5: Sixteen Walls?

Capítulo 5: Sixteen Walls?

AUTHOR'S NOTES; TW for no explicit painc attack!

It's been a while, but not long enough for me to feel bad considering all the fics I update. This chapter did actually give me some trouble, compared to other ones. I'm not one for writers block, and I didn't have it per say, but I had to rewrite this a few times.

I don't really have much to say this time, so I'll keep it short. Feel free to check out the rest of the series if you want to read about the MC's interdementional cycle of reincarnation, but all installments can be read separately.

As always, y'all be killing it with the support, particularly comments, which are my favorite fuel for writting. You guys are the best. Seriously. 💙

So, without further ado, I give you the next chapter. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!



"Honey Bear," I murmur, happily leaning into my oldest friend exhaustedly, careful to keep my chest uncurled so as not to aggravate the hole in it. Rhodey had been allowed to escort me and Yinsen on the private jet back to the states after I forced the military to let us go back after only a cursory doctor's examination and debriefing, but this was really the first time I'd had privacy since with my friend since he and his Air Force crew picked Yinsen and I up from the never ending sand, Nova having vanished in a portal of swirling blue and silver sparks just as she had come. And fuck, had I missed him.

"Tones," he greets softly, leaning his head against mine where it's pressed to his shoulder, and I feel myself melt like butter, relaxing for the first time since Nova had vanished. Our position brings me back all those years ago when we were just a way too young kid in MIT raging against the whole world and his dorm mate that had self appointed himself to look out for him since no one else would.

Oddly, despite the desert, our trek through the sand hadn't been awful. Novahna had kept us cool and fed and relatively comfortable using fucking magic of all things.

I've never believed in magIc. Everything in this world has a logical, scientific explanation, even if we haven't discovered it. Or, at least, that is what I thought, but it's something I'm starting to reconsider. I think of big, silver, pupiless eyes that refract light like crystal and long fingered hands cupping my cheeks as ethereal blue light wreaths them, the searing pain in my chest dulling to a low ache within seconds, and I find it terribly convincing evidence that perhaps I was wrong.

"So, an arc reactor in your chest and a mysterious magic savior, huh?" Rhodey states somewhere between I bemused and baffled.

"You don't know the half of it," I grunt. I catch Yinsen's eyes where he's seated across me in the private jet, and he gives me a knowing quirk of the lips. We hadn't informed the millitary that our magic weilding friend was an alien goddess of all fucking things.

Nova had of course denied her status as an actual goddess, but I remember the thick, heaviness in the air when she spoke of Yinsen's family, of knowing death, and I shiver. It hadn't been frightening, not exactly. Her words had been kind, her smile reassuring as she promised him that he would be with them again and that he should live in the meantime. But, in that moment, she'd been utterly otherworldly. The air had gone still, a chill settling in despite the desert outside, and the breath had caught in my lungs as my heart kept skipping over itself, all the hair on my skin raised. I can't forget the way her words echoed around the cave when she'd told him not to waste his life, the reverberation sending tremors into my bones despite her quietness of her words as the glow of her powers lit up dingy cave walls.

"There's more?" Rhodey asks, voice a low rumble under my weight. I flicker my eyes around the jet, catching the subtle reflection of camera lenses and purse my lips together.

"Later," I grumble, letting my eyes close as Yinsen nods. There were many things to think of and plans to make in the meantime.


"Hmmm. Your eyes are red. Tears for your long lost boss?" I tease, fighting a grin at the sight of the one and only Pepper Potts.

"Tears of joy. I hate job hunting," She snarks back, eyes red, and I feel the warmth in my chest war with the ache from the arc reactor.

Pepper had stood by my side for the last decade since I'd taken over Stark industries. She's been there through all the partying and media circuses and overall self destruction, and she's one of the few that saw me as an actual person. She wouldn't kiss my ass or placate me with false platitudes nor would she take any of my shit, and for that, she had my seldom given respect and friendship.

"Yeah, well, vacation's over," I add, heading straight for the car, pausing only to pull Happy into a brief but tight hug.Yinsen follows awkwardly as Rhodey tells me he'll catch up as soon as he reports to his superiors. "Pepper, Happy, this is Yinsen, doctor and fellow captive. Yinsen, this is Pepper Potts, and Happy Hogan, my-"

"-minions?" Happy asks, more resigned than anything.

"-babysitters?" Pepper offers cheekily.

"I was gonna say dearest, most trusted friends, but I take it back," I deadpan, sliding into the back of the limo with relief.

Pepper softens, clearly touched but it soon shifts to concern as she tries to convince Happy to take us to the hospital. I put my foot the fuck down, though, demanding cheeseburgers and to go home instead. Besides, Nova had looked over us with her magic, and no doctor would have any idea what to do with a fucking arc reactor in my chest keeping sharpenal from killing me.

I hesitate, wondering if I should call a press conference, but decide to wait, remembering Nova's words. I remember the smirk on her lips as she walked off to battle to buy me time and the way she cared for Yinsen and I, walking along us in the goddamn desert, and I decide the least I can do is follow the only request she really made of me. Besides, shit had definitely not turned out so well for me the last time I didn't heed her warnings well enough. Personally, I'd like to avoid a repeat of this whole shit show, thank you very much.

Let it never be said that Tony Stark didn't learn from his mistakes.

Stepping into my mansion feels like a thousand pounds dropping from my shoulders. I only barely keep from staggering from the sudden relief, feeling my eyelids clench shut at the sudden stinging behind them. "Sir, I am most elated to see you."

I grin tiredly. "Hello, Baby Boy. I missed you, too." And I had. As sad as it sounds, Jarvis had always been more then an AI. He was a friend, a faithful servant. Hell, he was practically my damn kid. I'd carefully crafted his code, pouring all the loneliness and pain and anger and grief I'd felt after the original Jarvis, the butler and closest thing to a father I had, and then my mother and Howard, died.

I glance around, and even if this is home, it feels so odd. After dingy caves and darkness, the bright opulence is startling, almost disconcerting. I let Pepper guide me to the couch, and I slump into it, already wanting to curl up in my bed and sleep forever. Yinsen drops next to me and the awed relief in his eyes like he never actually thought we'd make it, and the tiny smile is good to see. Yinsen snorts, his smile turning wry, "Your home is pretentious, Stark."

I chuckle. "As it should be considering how much it cost." Yinsen barks a soft laugh. Gratefully, I take the burgers Pepper offers and dig in, bliss filling me. For a while, there is silence as Yinsen and I attack the food like starving dogs, but soon enough, it's broken by Rhodey's arrival, having finished reporting to his superiors.

"So, Tony, what the hell happened?" Happy asks bluntly, just as Rhodey takes the seat next to me.

I grit my teeth, ordering Jarvis to check for any listening devices and deal with them. My friends are all straightening in alarm, and Pepper even pales. I turn to them, lips pursed grimly, jaw clenched. "I fucked up. I ignored a warning and paid the price. Jarvis, did you find the evidence?"

"Yes, Sir. I will need longer to root out all of Stane's contacts and those he conducted back deals with. It would be easier if I had access to his personal and professional computer at Stark Industries."

"Wait, hold on!" Pepper chokes, hands fluttering in anxiety. "Your saying Obadiah,-"

"-your godfather-" Happy interrupts with rage.

"-betrayed and sold you to terrorists?" Rhodey finishes, incredulous. It was part of what I hadn't told the military yet. I wanted Stane locked down and cornered because I knew damn well how wealth could be used to get men like us out of almost any unfortunate situation.

"Wait," Yinsen says. "When exactly did you meet Ms. Novahna?"

"Who?" Happy asks and I rub my temples, desciding fuck it. I yank on my bracelet, snapping it open and placing it next to me. Immediately, a swirling portal appears, Nova darting out, swords in hand, my friends excluding Yinsen shreiking in panic at the blatant "fuck you" to science, all scrambling to their feet, Pepper latching onto me and Happy and Rhodey taking up defensive stances and reaching for their weapons.

Quickly, I intervene, not wanting to get my guardian angel shot, or, well, shot again since she had already been shot while having my back in the fight. The reminder makes me a little queasy, even if she hadn't seen him at all that bothered at the time. "Guys! She's a friend!"

"Tony? Are you well?" Nova tilts her head curiously, and I realize she's not really looking at me, or anything in particular, like the guns still aimed at her are entirely beneath her notice and my health isn't. I ignore the way that makes my heart thump.

"Relax, everyone. This is Novahna, my guardian angel, a goddesss from Asgard." Nova furrows her brow, but curtsys, and I notice the stunning blue gown she's wearing, accented by bits of gleaming armor. Just then, the portal behind her flares and starts to glow a deep green and black, and another figure slips in behind her, the same hottie from the club. "And that's her friend?"

She smiles sweetly and my heart pinches oddly again. It must be the shrapnel. "This is the incredible Prince Loki, second in line to the throne of Asgard, god of mischief and magic among other things."

"… What the fuck?" Rhodey says emphatically.

Nova shrugs, bemused as she vanishes her weapons away with a flick of her wrists. "Right, well. We're more like aliens than gods, if it helps."

It doesn't.


It takes a while for explanations to be had, but the aliens are actually pretty cooperative, answering questions with bemused expressions. Loki, a prince of all things, takes vindictive joy in saying especially out of pocket things and watching us mortals lose our shit.

Yeah, I can see him being a god of chaos.

"Okay, fine. Alien gods. Whatever. But why? Why help Tony and seek him out?" Pepper asks, and I lean forward, having wanted to hear the answer as well.

Nova shrugs, examining the alchol in her cup before downing it without even a twitch despite the fact that it would have put even my borderline alcoholic self on my ass. "I told Tony I wanted to be his friend, but I suppose it's more than that. Jarvis, you made sure this room was secure correct? I don't want many to know this next information."

Jarvis confirms the security and I narrow my eyes. Both she and Loki had faked the seats to either side of me. I think Nova wanted to support me, but the way Loki kept leaning into my space with heavy litdded eyes and inviting smiles told me that he just wanted to fuck me. Or fuck with me, I honestly couldn't tell. But, it wasn't important now since I'd finally know what she wanted. People always had ulterior motives. Just wanting to be friends was too good to be true. 

I ignore the pang of hurt the thought brings. She didn't owe me anything.

Loki steps in when Nova pauses, his eyes dark with a slight hint of warning. His smile is still lazy and playful, but his shoulders tense. "Now, now, mortal, don't go demanding things from gods. That's dangerous."

The threat is obvious, the room chilling but I can also see the feirce, protectiveness he has for his companion. It reminds me of Rhodey and I.

"Peace, Loki," Nova murmurs, leaning across me to take his hand briefly before turning crystalline eyes to me. "You see, I'm also a god of foresight. I've seen some things to come, and I foresaw what

Tony would do now that he is free, and… I genuinely admire you for it. I had wanted to prevent your pain, but alas, I'm not a real god with omnipotence and omniscience. What you do next will change the world and put you in a certain position in the future, and I want to help. You have a spine of steel and a heart of gold. It made me want to be your friend, Tony. That is why I sought you out."

My mind whirls. Is she… psychic? Seriously?

"What he would do? Tony, what exactly are you planning?" Pepper says, baffled, clearly not even wanting to address the whole "god who can see the future" thing.

I smirk, "I'm gonna build a suit, of course."

Nova grins. 'He will take responsibility and protect all the innocents he can. He'll change the whole world." She seems to grow impossibly gentler as she looks back at me. "Should you need help, Tony, I will be there."

I believe her.


Loki and I say our goodbyes soon after. I make sure to tell Tony that even if he wishes to stop making weapons and alter his company's goal, it would be better to have politics on his side, and to placate the military, if possible. He agrees, and decides to make normal armor for them instead of cutting all contracts.

Loki and I stop to visit Jor. The sweet boy was an absolute dear as usual and was quickly warming up to me. Then, Loki had to head back to the palace before the All-Bastard noticed his escapade with me.

I, however, had someone to track down.

"Yo," I said cheerfully to the red suited man, portaling onto the top of the zamboni.

"What the- is that hair natural?" He sputters, but doesn't stop chasing his victim across the ice.

I grin. "Yeah, I'm built differently. Being an alien does that."

"… What the intergalactic 

fuckery?" Deadpool shrieks. "I thought aliens weren't supposed to be shitting on us until a few years from now."

I snicker. "You know how it is."

"Timeline and alternate universe bullshit!" He says in perfect understanding, turning the zamboni as the man begs for mercy, both of us ignoring it.

"On the bright side, that hysterical mouth of yours won't be getting sewn shut," I offer cheerfully,

He beams, "You- you I like. Gold star for you, sexy alien lady! Ima start praying to you cuz that ass must be divine!"

I snort, not questioning how he knew any of that. Trans-dimensional beings like us were just like that. "Anyway, I came to notify you that we're going to be best friends."

"Hell, yeah," Deadpool yells, head shorting a goon across the arena. Huh, wait did he just pull that gun out of a pocket dimension?- He turns to address the readers. "Can you guys believe this shit?"

"Hey," I pout. "Don't address the readers without permission. It's rude!"

Deadpool gasps. "A fourth wall break inside a fourth wall break? That's like, sixteen walls!"

I wheeze, trying not to die of laughter. "Anyway, I came to give you a hint about where Francis is."

Deadpool tackles me off the amboni, swinging me around cheerfully. "Blind people make the best friends!"

I give Wade his info, reminding him to be on time for the Battle of New York and handing him my litteral magic friendship bracelet before heading out. It was the start of a beautiful friendship. 

Deadpool just shoots me aq thumbs up, getting back on the zamboni and screaming at his future victim as he continues to chase him….slowly around the ice rink, in one of the deadass most creative murder attempts I've ever seen in my many lives, "Tell me where your fucking boss is or you're going to die!… In five minutes!"

The scene has me bursting into random fits of laughter even days later, especially because he really didn't need the information since I'd already given it to him.

Ah, Deadpool was a riot.


"King Odin, do you care to tell me why Prince Fenrir has been stripped of the gifts I gave him," I ask, my smile razor sharp. 

The feasting hall goes silent, Thor, Frigga, and Loki all freezing with their utensils still raised, eyes wide. Odin and I had been in a Cold War since I'd become the ambassador to Asgard for Vanaheim, a war of twisting, backhanded comments and biting politeness concealing utter contempt. My position as a diplomat meant that Odin could only be so reckless against me, but of course, the opposite was also true. Even I couldn't outright disrespect him.

Ofon wasn't the war mongering conquer of his youth, and he, and Asgard as a whole, weren't as battle ready as they were even 1000 years ago. They've had a huge decrease in population, too, with less Aesir being born and many others leaving to travel the wider galaxy. So, while Odin did rule the nine realms, the closest planets with life to earth, he couldn't actually afford pissing off his vassals, especially not Vanaheim, who I genuinely think could kick Asgards ass nowadays.

Ah, politics, my old frenemy.

"My dear, I appreciate your concern, but my… grandson-" Heh, he twitched. "-has me to care for him."

Meaning; Mind your business, bitch.

"Hmm, but, Your Highness, you can't be expected to take note of such things in your advanced and wise state," I add cheerily. "I didn't expect you to concern yourself."

Meaning; You senile, old, neglectful, fucker, suck a dick and keep your nose out of it. Fuck off with that pretending to care shit.

Odin did something that was more a baring of teeth then a smile. "Child, your youth and fire are most brilliant."

Meaning; Insolent brat, you're barely 25 years. By Asgardan standards, you are an actual fetus.

"Still, indulge me. I am merely a diplomat showing the Vanir's adoration to the royals of your blood."

Meaning; Dickwad, you can't shit on the gifts given by a fucking ambassador! Are you so fucking stupid you don't know that? And can you at least pretend that Loki is your fucking kid, even if many of us suspect otherwise?

The goblet in Odin's hand creaks, the metal bending violently. I smile my prettiest smile even as Frigga sighs and Loki's head smacks into the table with force while Thor just gapes, eyes going back and forth between his Father and I.

"I will make sure your gifts are returned to Fenrir," Odin grits out.

I beam.


"You mad woman. Must you antagonise the All-Father?" I ask Nova, exasperated.

She smiles, a real smile, something sweet and gentle, unlike the mocking grin she wore all evening. "I think I showed great restraint!"

"You didn't, you really, really, didn't," I groan, but I can't help the twitch of my lips as she giggles. My dearest companion wraps me in a hug, holding me gently, one hand cupping my head and bringing it to rest against her own. I slump into her hands, boneless.

Part of me kind of hates her for the easy way she gives her affection. Her ssoothing hands and soft kisses in my face are merely the way she shows her platonic love. But, the other part of me that craved connection in any form, the lonely person who everyone but mother, and perhaps my brother, scorned, basked in her never ending loyalty and benevolence, as though it were the sun. Nova always seemed to heal and break my heart in turns, but I would never, could never, bring myself to distance myself from her.

The pain was nothing compared to the gift of every moment in her presence. Even if her friendship was all I'd ever have, it was more than I deserved.

"Loki," Nova says, a little sharper than I'm used to hearing from her. I come back to myself, still forehead to forehead with her, mercurial eyes staring into my green ones. "Why are you sad?"

I smirk, knowing that look meant she was getting ready to fight someone on my behalf. I pull her tighter into me, curling my finger in locks of moonlight. "It's nothing."

She scowls. "Were you thinking something disparaging about yourself again? I swear, Loki, I will-"

I laugh, burying my face into her shoulder. "Starlight, I am fine."

 She grumbles, but doesn't pull away, rubbing a path of warmth along my spine. I turn and press my mouth against her jaw, a chaste kiss and her brow furrows, and for a moment I wonder if she's actually picked up on my true feelings, but she can be quite thick headed about her effect on others at times, despite being an empath. Something about deep platonic love and romantic love being quite similar in essence. Don't ask me how that works, her explanation for it never makes sense to me.

Oblivious as always, she merely kisses my cheek in return, her smile sweet again. I don't know if it makes me want to cry or laugh.


Today ,Loki and I were playing- ahem, training with the X-Men. Our magic and the variety it gave to our abilities, plus our enhanced bodies were proving a rather effective counter to the poor fuckers. I dance out of range of adamantium claws, grinning as I dodge fire and ice and lightning and- Whoa! Was that lady phasing through shit? Cool!

"This is so much fun!" I yell, dodging Cyclops interdementional energy- (What the FUCK?!)- and leaping over a very shiny Colossus. 

"Indeed," Loki calls back, cheerfully stabbing Wolverine and flinging a young Rougue away with considerably less force than he uses on older Jubilee.

"You two are nuts," Storm groans when I punch her across the lawn.

"Hey! It's not often we get to battle with people who genuinely don't want to kill us! And no offense, but you aren't really a big enough threat to us for this to be anything but play fighting," I admit sheepishly, batting aside the kid using ice rather gently.

"That's still pretty freaking offensive," Jean Grey mutters. As she tries to overpower my magic with her telekinesis, I don't stop moving. Unlike her, it's not enough of a strain for me to require all my attention.

"Do not be discouraged mortals! Nova and I have centuries of experience more than you. And we are warrior of great strength on top of that. In fact, I know of very few who, even on Asgard, come close to our skill."

I nod, drop kicking Scott again. "Yeah, you'd actually fair pretty well against most other Aesir, and they are known for their battle skill. Don't sell yourself short."

"That's a little comforting," Logan grunts as he tackles me, but a quick lightning strike makes him easy to get away from.

"Hey, I have a question, Ms. Nova," one of the younger kids calls, not participating in the all out brawl Loki and I were holding. "How come your accent keeps switching?"

"Actually, yeah, that is a good question," someone else says.

I hum. The answer was that I had reincarnated multiple times in different places and picked up those accents, creating an amalgamation of different ones that I inadvertently shifted between or combined, but I wasn't really going to tell them that, so I mix the truth with lies. "I lived in many places, adapting those accents naturally, in my youth. They just sort of slip out on their own. The spell that allows us to speak and understand earth languages can have an odd effect as well. On Asgard, Loki doesn't really sound British, it's just how his speech presents itself here. My shifting accents are presented as you hear it, but are also not exactly how I sound."

"So, you don't really sound like a southern American, a California girl, a New Yorker, and a British mix, with some more accents thrown in there, but that's just how we hear you ?" Rogue asks, trying to distract me from the ice boy.

Nope, that's how I sound. "Yes," I lie.

"Fascinating! Now that I'm looking, I can feel the slight odd influx of your brainwavvves, although I promise, I'm not reading them," Professor X adds quickly at Loki's dark look. We were using our magic to guard our heads, but we hadn't made our minds imperceptible to Professor X, just unreadable. Loki is still touchier about it than I am, though.

"Actually, Proffesor, I did have a question for you," I ask, standing among the collapsed X-Men, my boot resting on Colossus's head, the other officially too tired to rise. "There is someone who has had their memories and personality forcibly altered with science and torture, essentially turning them into a puppet. Do you think you would be able to help rehabilitate them and remove a conditioned trigger response?"

The leader of the X-Men looks quite troubled by my words, but he doesn't hesitate. "I do believe I might be able to help, although I cannot guarantee it. If given the opportunity, though, I would certainly like to try."

I breath a sigh of relief. "Wonderful. I will bring them to you as soon as possible, and while I am certain your lot could keep them in check, you would still need to be careful in case they lash out as they are not currently responsible for their actions and have above normal human capabilities."

"Of course. I'll make arrangements to help them heal," the Professor offers generously, and I shoot him a grateful grin.

Well, that takes care of Bucky.


"Sup," I offer nonchalantly from Nick Fury's office chair, eating his stash of chocolates chip cookies remorselessly. 

"Who the hell are you?" He growls out as he, Hill, Coulson, Widow, and Hawkeye all pull their weapons on me. I chew louder, just to be annoying as I give him a deadpan stare.

"I am your end! Mwahahaha- 

Nah, I'm just fucking with you. My name is Novahna. Hi."

"How did you get in here?" Widow asks coldly.

"I can portal," I answer bluntly. "And I came with a warning. SHEILD has been infiltrated by HYDRA who are very not dead. Particularly, you might recognize a certain Secretary Alexander Goodwin Pierce as their current leader." I raise my hand for silence as they go to interrupt, talking right over them. "Uh, no. I'm on a time crunch, so you lot will have to wait until I'm finished speaking or miss critical info. Last person who ignored my warning ended up being held by terrorists in the goddamn desert, so I suggest you listen. If I had to guess, I'd say about 12% of your agents are compromised, unless it's actually 88%, at which point, you should all just retire because really, how the fuck– Anyways, this is the point where you accuse me of lying and question how I got my information, yada, yada, and shit. The answer is that I have badass powers, clearly. As for if I am lying, it doesn't really matter, because you paranoid fuckers will have to investigate and do your spy shit anyways."

I take another bite of cookie as my audience gapes, throwing one at Hawkeye when he manages to open his mouth. "Nope. Still talking. Still my turn. Now, this is the point where you question why the hell I am helping you. Well, I know none of you guys are compromised, and I know that you guys will be able to clean up your agency. And I need SHEILD clean, or at least cleaner than this mess. Also, I want you to owe me. I'm not nefarious or anything like that, but a lot of shit is going to hit the fan in the next few years and I want your agency to actually be useful to help deal with it. It's all saving the world type shit, you know?"

I take another bite, smirking when know one even bothers to open their mouth. "See, me personally? I'd find me a telepath to verify everyone's allegiance, cough, Professor X, cough, a telepath with decent morals and in need of an agency with government backing to help them, but whatever. I hope y'all figure it out, okay, bye."

And with that, I form another portal and step back into Asgard, allowing the agents a clear view of the golden palace and glistening bifrost as I land on it, thoroughly satisfied with my recent productivity, and utterly unbothered by the chaos and questions left in my wake.


I snap awake at the feeling of someone summoning me via bracelet. One portal later, and I'm back in Tony's Malibu mansion. "Jarvis?"

"Ms. Nova, I believe Sir is having a panic attack in the shower and has summoned you there."

I grimace. "Got it. Leave it to me."

I follow the directions to the shower only to find a shivering wreck of a genius, curled up and naked on the shower floor, trembling like a leaf in a hurricane despite the scalding water.

Quickly, I turn off the shower and drop a towel on his body, calmly speaking until he seems to recognize me, choking out something vaguely resembling my name, eyes locked on me as far as I can tell.

"Hello, Tony," I reply gently. He reaches out his hands and I take them, pressing one to my chest and entwining my fingers with his, relieved he is seeking touch rather than avoiding it. "Can you follow me? Deep breath in, hold, and then out. In, hold, out. Good, you're doing so well. Just like that-"

I sit for what must be a solid 10 minutes on the wet bathroom floor helping Tony Stark through a massive panic attack. Eventually, he manages to calm down enough to be self deprecating, his head falling to his knees although he doesn't pull away. "Fuck, I'm pathetic."

I glare. "Shut the hell up. Trauma doesn't make you pathetic or weak. I'll kick your ass if you try to say otherwise."

He snorts. "Anyone tell you you talk funny? What's with. the fake accent?"

I huff, allowing the deflection. "None of them are fake…. Or perhaps they all are?"

Gently, I take his hands and help him up, securing the towel around his waist and leading him to his room without batting an eye, nonchalantly bringing him his clothes and makeing myself busy while he dresses. Then, I grab a towel and started drying his hair, more on autopilot than anything, far too used to taking care of people with emotional and or physical wounds like this. Then, I usher him to the kitchen.

Tony comes along without protest, quiet and drained, and like he thinks I'm gonna start firing off insults the second he lets his guard down. Instead, I ask, "Where's Yinsen?"

It takes a moment, but Tony soon replies, his voice a little raspy. "He… needed to go get his credentials and paperwork sorted so he can go back to working as a doctor."

I nod, dancing about Tony's kitchen which was mercifully stocked with ingredients. I decide on crepes. Comfort food soothes the soul and gods, the man has a sweet tooth. I start throwing things together while Tony struggles with himself before eventually blurting, "Why?"

"You called me," I point out, gesturing to his arm where the bracelet is still missing.

"I called… so you came? Just like that?" He asks. I reach out to press on his shoulders gently, head in my best approximation of eye contact even though I can't see his eyes too clearly.

"Yes. You need me? I'll be there. Just like that," I tell him firmly, before continuing to make crepes, occasionally asking Tony to read labels or verify what something is if I can't tell by touch or scent or taste. I make a ridiculous amount of crepes with all sorts of toppings, knowing that Yinsen will be covered when he gets home before digging into my own fruit and chocolate monstrosity with glee while Tony piles on blueberry after blueberry in his crepe, along with almost everything else on the table.

"They waterboarded me… when they wanted to get me to build their weapons… That's why…" Tony says abruptly, trailing off. 

I nod, understanding why the shower triggered him. "I see. I spent a long time very scared of basements for a similar reason. Or of people touching my neck. There were actually many things I developed trauma responses to."

Tony looks up sharply. "How did you get over it?"

"Time, mostly," I answer, chewing thoughtfully. "There isn't a quick fix. Sometimes, you'll think you are fine and then years later, wake up screaming from nightmares. Or maybe you'll catch sight of something innocuous and ordinary and find yourself unable to get air into your own lungs. Time and therapy helps. Friemds you can trust to work through those fears with you helps more."

"That sucks," Tony replies, his voice cracking and I nod, smiling sadly, my hands skimming the counter to find the whip cream. 

"You don't really look at things directly too often, do you? Why is that?" Tony suddenly asks, and I feel my lip twitch into a smile. Oh, this would be funny.

"Because I'm blind," I respond cheerful to Tony!s dead silence.


"Yes," I reiterate. "Not entirely, though. I have perhaps 20% of my sight right now?"

I grin at the choked noise he was making. "B-but you- In the cave! And, the bullets-"

I smirk. "I am blind, but a blind badass nonetheless."

I smile wide, enjoying the chaos the reveal of my poor eyesight always causes, no matter how many times, or life times, I do it. Turning peoples' concept of reality on its head was always a good time. As Tony pelts me, and Jarvis, who had apparently never directly informed Tony of my declaration of a visual impairment, having assumed he had known, I summon back his bracelet from the floor of the bathroom, passing it to him. Tony clicks it back on without stopping for breath, and I eat my crepe happily as I'm interrogated about "space magic bullshit."


AN; 💙 let me know if there was someone you wanted to show up. I'll make it happen 💙

Also, tell me how you liked it and ship requests.

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