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87.04% Multiverse Stories (Multicross: DC, DXD, Marvel, ETC,) / Chapter 153: The Acceptance Of Greed (ATG Jump Build)

Capítulo 153: The Acceptance Of Greed (ATG Jump Build)

(Do be aware that this build is subject to change as some things he has access to immediately and other things he has to earn, and these perks have varying levels of power with his cultivation level.)

Origin: Smooth (-300CP)

Age/Gender: 15/Male

Location/Time: Floating Cloud City (The Day Yun Che Reincarnates)(+100 CP)


Free - Cultivation: ​You are proficient in the Profound Arts, the cultivation style of this world. You start at the second level of the Elementary Profound Realm. Your profound veins are above average, but nothing particularly special. 

You may cultivate up to any level you want, with no restrictions. All of your power, along with any changes made to your veins or body are carried over with full effect in all future worlds. Once you reach Sovereign 10, you can grow Profound Veins in others with an injection of your own Profound Energy, giving them the ability to cultivate.

Free - Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins: ​Discard the purchase for Profound Entrances above. With this perk, you have all of 54 profound veins open, meaning your cultivation is thrice as fast as the average person. This perk is free for those who take ​Genius Doctor​ below.

Free - Wildly Wilful: ​As things happen, you may end up undergoing a lot of things that would leave normal people with broken minds and crushed souls. Not you. You have boundless willpower, meaning you can keep yourself going through pain, terror or horror simply out of sheer stubbornness.

It also helps you in quickly recovering from old trauma, letting you forget and/or move on unbelievably quickly. 

Also, you're good at insulting people.

-100 CP - Sex Fiend: ​You're one. Really, you are. When it comes to wooing others, you have the kind of skills that the very best casanovas in the world would come together to declare you the One True Sex Fiend.

You know just how to talk the right way, how to behave in the short and long term, how to touch them just right, so as to inflame the passions of even the most frigid, hard-to-crack people in the world. You can make them fall in love with you or in bed with you, or both. And yes, you have the skills and endurance to thoroughly satisfy any number of people you may have brought to your bed.

Furthermore, once they do, you find that as a rule, they have no problem with you fucking, or marrying or entering into relationships with any number of other partners, and indeed, your partners tend to grow close by themselves, even getting romantically involved if their personalities fit right. This works on any member of your preferred sex you set your mind at, be they people, spirits, gods or anything in between.

-100 CP - Shadow Demon's Secret Retaining: ​You are a virtually unmatched expert when it comes to the art and science of information suppression. Be it the methods of rooting out spies, simple disguise or concealment or whatever, if you're trying to hide something, a person, an item or just some news, it's very, very difficult for it to get out.

-100 CP - Venerable: ​You're an old warrior, seasoned and experienced, and have comprehended mysteries the youngsters around you can't even imagine. This, as you may imagine, reflects on you. You emanate an aura of raw power, imposing a feeling of your choice in all around you.

You can control this on a minute level, perfectly tuning it for anyone and everyone, but by default it involves positive feelings such as awe and respect in people you have or are likely to have positive feelings about, and negative feelings in those you dislike or are likely to. It works off your power, so the greater the difference between your strength and a target's, the more effective it is.

-200 CP - Well Seasoned: ​These young brats all think they're hot shit. What do they know? You were already old before they were born. But that doesn't mean you're any weaker.

With this perk, your skills remain in top form​, ​regardless of how old you are or how long it has been since you last used them. You never forget a trick, and your talents never wane. You could sit in the lotus position cultivating for half a millennium, and come out twirling your sword, ready to cut down all who oppose you. This perk also prevents you from permanently losing potential through injury. While you can be set back, you can always regain it with time and effort.

-200 CP - Celestial Profound Basic Decency Inducement: ​This world... you don't know what exactly is wrong with it, but you can at least do your part in making it better.

You have the incredible power of making people act like rational human beings. Through a conversation, a beating, or whatever other method you like, you can beat the intricate mysteries of Common Sense and Basic Human Decency into people lacking them, and make it stick.

-200 CP - Powerful Beauty: ​A general rule of this world is that the more handsome/beautiful someone is, the more powerful they are. This applies to you too. As your strength and power grows, so do your looks, and vice-versa. Not just this, but with this perk the baseline of this advancement is set permanently to the absolute peak possible for humanity, meaning you're among the 0.01% of the fittest, healthiest, strongest and most beautiful non-cultivating people on the planet already, and only grow from there.

-200 CP - Artisan: ​While a huge part of everything, cultivation is not all there is to life. There are things to enjoy too, such as arts and beauty. This perk gives you exemplary, extreme talent for arts of all kind. Anything you do, you can do unbelievably beautifully and artistically.

More than that, you can pick up any art form and be an absolute Master in a matter of months, if not weeks. Pick up painting and match Leonardo, work on music and be the next Mozart.

-200 CP - Ludicrous Loyalty Enforcement: ​There's something to be said about fanatics. Not that those who follow you are always fanatics, but they do share one trait. No matter what you do, how immoral or monstrous your actions may be, how obviously repugnant your nature and actions may be, it won't affect anyone who follows you at all. Even the more moral people will harden their hearts and obey you, and dismiss all thought of it once they're done.

-200 CP - Genius Doctor: ​You are a peerless expert without equal, when it comes to the arts of healing. Not only can you tell everything wrong with a person with a single glance at them, you also possess an unerring instinct that guides you as to the best possible treatment for said ailment.

For this world, your medical knowledge and skills completely equal the great Medical Saint Yun Gu, unquestionably the best healer on the planet. Just like him, you know long lost techniques to both heal and improve the body, and have an immense knowledge of peripheral skills like refining herbs and animal parts. While you don't start on quite the same level in the future, you're very close, and can catch up rapidly.

Also, you have the ​Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins ​for free, and can grant them to anyone you want, at will. Can't take it back, though.

-300 CP - Craftsman: ​This world has a lot of unique things of its own, from Profound Weapons to things like Arks or Transmission Imprints. They need someone to make them, you know.

You are now an exemplary craftsman and enchanter, an expert at making weapons and items of all kinds. You know how to use Profound Beast cores to make quality weapons, how to set up a Teleportation Array that can move people across an ocean, how to make Spatial Rings, Transmission Jades, and similar things seen in this world.

In future jumps too, you become eminently capable at enchantments, smithing and similar, becoming one of the best enchanters and artificers as appropriate to the local magic or Cultivation system.

-300 CP - Heavenly Blessed: ​You have a way with beings that are beyond mortality. Be it gods, spirits of nature, even devils or other similar beings, you find they all tend to have an inexplicable fondness for you.

Firstly, they always start with a good opinion of you. Unless you knowingly do something to offend them, even the most unreasonable beings tend to be understanding and friendly.

But a more relevant part of this is that such beings are excessively likely to grant you powerful blessings and treasures, even forgiving any transgressions or irregularities. Simply put, if there exists a possibility of something being granted to a mortal by a divine spirit, not only do you find yourself propelled to the absolute front of the waiting list, you also find that such beings go far above and beyond in rewarding you, granting you favors and powers far beyond those they would otherwise bestow, all other things being equal.

This can even, from time to time, go to ridiculous extents, like a spirit granting you something it really shouldn't, even things it might need to survive in the future.

-400 CP - Patient Plans: ​At the uppermost levels of this world, among the great Clans and Sects and Empires, there is quite a lot more to things than just Cultivation. The games played here are lethal, long, complicated, and more often than not extraordinarily filthy in their immorality.

You now have the same ability at such plans as the best there are in this world. You can account for hundreds of factors, gather information and extrapolate more, and set up extraordinarily intricate and robust plans, to bring about whatever events you desire.

You have an extraordinary grasp of the human psyche, of how people act and react to things. You know just what to say, what to do, what strings to pull to achieve the exact thing you desire.

-400 CP - Clever Fiendish Devil's Bullshit Spinning: You're good at lying, Jumper. Not just good, but it's more like you are an artist of the lie. You know just what emotions to fake and how to say things that will convince others of your professed sincerity, and can spin almost endless bullshit while knowing just how to keep it believable.

Also, and perhaps more importantly, this perks also makes it so any supernatural effects aimed to detect your thoughts, emotions or morality will fail, and return generic harmless results.

-400 CP - Divine Godly Deity's Beast Taming Method: ​This world abounds with Profound Beasts, and not entirely because of their own power. As it happens, these beasts can be useful too.

You have incredible skill when it comes to taming these beasts, whether through bribing them with food, subordinating their will with force, or any other means. You know just how to stimulate them, just what they like, their habitats... and what you don't know, you can learn very quickly.

Not just this, but you find that once tamed, your tamed beasts almost never rebel, peacefully working your will for as long as you want them to, barring extreme mistreatment.

-600 CP - Bewildering Brilliance: ​To be the heir of a mighty clan, you must be a great genius like no other, even among the luminaries of your generation. You are undoubtedly one such figure.

Your rate of learning new things, techniques and ideas and even entirely new arts, is something almost beyond imagining. You are a peerless genius, the kind of person who can master entire martial styles, or new fields of magic or practice, in days, weeks at the most.

This doesn't just affect your mind, either. Your body can keep up perfectly with everything your mind learns, growing at an equal pace with every new insight you gain.

-600 CP - Advanced Leveling: ​As your powers grow, as your strength reaches higher and more advanced levels, advancing further becomes ever more difficult.

Not for you. No one knows how, maybe you can somehow access the richer energies and better quality laws of the Higher Realms, maybe you can just grasp certain crucial principles others miss, it depends on the circumstances. But the result is the same.

Where others would require decades, if not centuries to grow through a level, not to mention proportionately higher effort, you simply don't suffer these diminishing returns or bottlenecks. You can advance through even the highest levels of cultivation just as easily and quickly as you grew through the very first ones, while losing none of the benefits.

-600 CP - Body of the Reaction God: ​A very important way used to improve one's strength and abilities in this world is the use of herbs and medicines, and certain other substances such as crystals and other supplements. Lesser known styles even use mystical aspects such as the Mystical Yin or Yang of people, allowing for great benefits through sex.

You are especially fortunate in such things, possessing a body and soul that allows you to reap over thrice the normal rewards from any such methods you use. 

Regardless of whether they affect your body, soul or profound veins, the rewards are immense enough to leave even veteran experts mind-boggled. At the same time, the harmful effects of any poisons or venoms you might have been exposed to are entirely removed. Barring the absolute greatest threats like the Absolute God Slaying Poison, nothing else holds a chance of affecting you.

Inheritances: (Four Free With Smooth Origin)(-500 CP)

Great Way of the Buddha - This is the Divine Profound Art of the Primordial Rage God, which allows one to achieve wonders with the body. It has Twelve Stages, each more difficult to achieve than the last.

This art does not depend in any way on one's profound veins or profound strength, working instead from your soul, and nature itself. Your progress on this path depends on your comprehension of it, with each level unfolding as your comprehension improves.

This art provides you two things to begin with, those being increasing strength, and increased healing ability. Both stem from the power of Heaven and Earth around you flowing into you through the mysteries of this art, enhancing your body dramatically.

At the first level, this art passively gives you a strength of almost two tons, and the ability to heal from all wounds in a couple of days.

At the second level, this art gives you a strength of four tons, and provides significant improvements to your healing speed.

At the third level, this art gives you a strength of ten tons, and increases your durability to the level of pure steel. Your healing abilities enter the realm of active regeneration here, although it will still take hours to deal with grievous injuries. The silver pagoda you manifested so far also turns into a faint gold color.

At the fourth level, this art gives you a strength of fifty tons and you enter the intermediate level of the art. The pagoda becomes a dull gold in color and your blood is slightly tinted gold. Your body now cultivates at all times, providing a slow but steady benefit to you continuously, but fast enough that you could gain a level of Emperor rank in a couple of months even if you do nothing else.

At the seventh level, this art gives you the ability to restore important bodily necessities such as vision but it is impossible to reach this level even at the Sovereign realm while remaining in the Mortal World. Trying will cause your body to explode.

Benefits provided by further levels are unspecified, except that the twelfth level is the peak, and it grants you the original physique of the Rage God.

Nine Profound Exquisite Body - ​Your body is utterly exquisite and unmatched. You have a 'small world' inside you, which allows you to hold far more power within you than would otherwise be possible.

Simply put, you can preserve your Profound Energy without needing to strain your Profound Veins, allowing you to perform techniques and measures requiring any level of Profound Cultivation without suffering the consequences anyone else would suffer in your place.

The inner world in you can hold any quantities of energy of any and all kinds, and you can channel this energy without any damage to your body. But it doesn't generate any energy by itself, requiring you to save it up.

Heart of Snow Glazed Glass - ​Your mind is extraordinary, allowing you to perfectly remember and recall anything you have so much as seen or heard once.

You have incredible comprehensive abilities, allowing you to comprehend any and all techniques, whether or not you're capable of using them. Even techniques restricted to specific bloodlines or sects are open to you, although how well you can use them depends on your other abilities.

Finally, you're blessed by the heavens, meaning that you can instinctively sense danger in any situation, and look into people's hearts and see if they are good, evil or anywhere in between.

Dragon God's Bloodline - ​You have six drops of the Dragon God's blood in your veins, and his marrow which will produce more, at a glacial pace of like a drop every several years until you're 10% Dragon. This gives you extreme durability, to the extent that your bones are like tempered steel, and you gain a potent regenerative effect, regaining both your strength, health and profound energy ast a rapid pace even in the middle of combat. It also makes you massively more resistant to poisons and other harmful effects.

This perk makes it so that strictly speaking you don't even need to cultivate now. Any powers you possess will continue getting stronger as you grow older, with no upper limits except your lifespan, which is extended to several hundred years.

Finally, once per jump including this jump you can produce a 'Dragon Seed', which you may impart to someone else of your choice through sex. This heals them of any and all injuries or illnesses they may have, and nearly doubles their powers and energies. With time, you can learn to impart it without the sex too, but one person can only benefit from it once. This changes to once every ten years after your chain ends.

Evil God's Profound Veins - ​You have the Profound Veins of the Evil God himself, one of the True Primordial Gods of a Bygone age.

These veins do not provide you any qualitative advantage, in that they are not really much better than human veins when it comes to channeling Profound Power. But in your veins, there exist seven Gates. Each gate may be safely opened at a certain level of Profound Power, so that your body can survive the process.

The first gate multiplies your powers by three fold, the second gate four-fold, and so on. In addition, you also gain mastery of certain Profound Arts as long as the gates are open, one with each gate. These veins also let you absorb the ​Evil God's Seeds​ for various elements as you find them.

Items:(+600 CP For This Section)

Free - Disguise Kit: ​You have a box full of disguise-useful materials of the highest quality. You have everything, from colors to fake hair, everything required for you to pretend to be another person is here. You are also good at using them, so much so that no mundane ways of detection can even tell your appearance is fake, let alone detect who you really are.

-100 CP - Profound Weapon: A sword, a spear, or maybe something exotic like a… ribbon?

Whatever. This is a Profound Weapon of your very own, and the important thing about it is, it's linked directly to your soul.

Meaning you can have it in your hand with just a thought no matter where it may have been an instant ago, and perhaps more importantly, it grows with you. Not only does it perfectly channel any and all energies you can use, it even enriches and enhances them just by being passed through it.

It's also extraordinarily receptive to enhancements of any and all kinds, magical, technological or otherwise.

For this world, it's always exactly one Realm ahead of you, and the growth is similar in the future.

-100 CP - Purple Spatial Ring: ​A spatial ring of the highest quality. Made by the finest experts, this ring holds a pocket dimension exactly 1000 cubic meters in size inside it. You can put anything you can lift into the dimension at will, and retrieve it just as easily. Also, you can have a full list of everything in the ring with a thought.

-100 CP - Assets: ​Going around empty handed isn't exactly a wise idea, you know. Take this. It's a purple coloured card that is most definitely ​not​ a credit card by another name. This is a Black Moon card, which denotes that the bearer has credit with the Black Moon Merchant Guild equal to Ten Million Purple Profound Coins.

This amount is regenerated every month, and you get equal amounts in whatever relevant currencies you encounter in all other worlds.

-200 CP - Acquisition Imprint: ​There is a lot of stuff to be had in this world, it sure would suck if you had to leave it behind or have it stop working. Well, there's no more danger of that for you. This small imprint, upon being placed on an item, grants them complete fiat-backing, letting you have them perfectly functional in future worlds.

-200 CP - Sky Overlord's Emerald Profound Ark: An airship by any other name. This is a Profound Ark of the highest quality and finest make, something that would cost millions of Purple Coins to buy in-universe. It can seat about fifty people, give or take, as it moves extremely fast, covering thousands of miles an hour.

Oh, and one last thing. It doesn't require fuel. At all. However, you can still plug any energy source you have into it, and it gets correspondingly faster.

-200 CP - High Quality Armor: This is Profound Armor, of the very highest quality. To be exact, it's level is always one level higher than your own. This armor looks however you want it to look, but it can block all types of mundane attacks, and also provides significant resistance to magical/supernatural ones.

Bound to your soul, you can summon it at will, and dismiss it back to wherever with a thought too.

-300 CP - Heavenly Poison Pearl: ​The second of the world's greatest cultivation aids, and one of the most useful items on this list. This pearl has the power to interact perfectly with all kinds of poisons, herbs and plants. It can neutralize even the worst mundane poison effortlessly, and even the vast bulk of higher level poisons and venoms with the same ease. Magical or divine poisons are also within its power to remove, but they may take more time, depending on how bad it is. 

This is for other people. The master of this pearl is completely immune to poison of all kinds. It can also produce its own poison, called the Heaven Wounding Thought Severing Poison. This poison can instantly melt mortals, and can also severely wound immortals.

Beyond this, it has a limitless storage space which you can access by thought alone, and the power to perfectly refine any herbs or medicines you may encounter. Finally, this pearl can sense the aura of any potent medicinal items, and guide you to them.

-300 CP - Mirror of Samsara: ​A device that opposes the laws of fate and reincarnation. This is quite possibly the most powerful item on this list, but in its own, subtle way. Its most permanent effect is that it tampers with destiny, providing you with absolutely unbelievable luck.

Your luck is almost a tangible thing, so much so that you could factor it into your plans and be remarkably certain to come out ahead. You come across long lost treasures without even looking for them, can be assured that something that's only available for a couple of days in multiple decades will definitely be there when you need it, suitably powerful help arrives to rescue you just as you need it, and so on. Even those associated with you or have your favor share in this, primarily through the fact that you seem to always arrive just in the nick of time to save them.

Beyond the luck, this mirror arrives you to, from time to time, say once a year, achieve minor impossibilities. The limits of what is possible and what isn't bend for you, letting you do something like master the final stages of an extremely advanced martial art without knowing anything about the basics of it, and so on. Finally, once a jump, you can use this mirror to completely defy fate and the heavens. You can skip one person through the cycle of reincarnation, completely skipping whatever rewards or punishments they earned and bring them back. This is resurrection, for all intents and purposes. And yes, it can be you, without losing the mirror even. Can be done once a decade post-chain.

-300 CP - Universal Thorn: An item capable of violating the laws of space. This item provides you perfect

teleportation across any distance, even across planets, galaxies and/or dimensions.

You just need to know the location well, and this thorn can take you there, completely ignoring any protections or obstructions. You can also take any number of people or items you want with you, but they can only be unattached items. No moving buildings or fields.

-300 CP - Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword: A sword born with the universe, this is an item of the purest

Yang energy, a weapon without peer. It is the First Sword, King and Ancestor of all swords. And it is an item just as powerful as one would imagine with the name.

With the sword in hand, there is no one superior to the wielder, no one who can stand against you. No supernatural powers work on the wielder, be they magical, poisons or reality twisting. One mortal with this weapon in hand could tear down the heavens virtually unopposed.

Your immunity lasts as long as this sword is drawn and in your hand.

-300 CP - Heavenly Time Pearl: ​This pearl is one of the two greatest aids to Cultivation in the whole universe. The way it works is simple. It has a pocket dimension inside, which holds the power of limitless time itself. In this dimension, time moves much faster, meaning one day in the outside world is equal to one hundred years inside the pearl.

This pearl has fused with you completely, and has recognized you as its master. This means that you can go in and out of its inner dimension at will, and can also take anyone you want with you, in any numbers you want. The inside has breathable air and limitless space, but nothing to eat or drink except what you take in.

-400 CP - Star and Night Wonder Realm: A pocket realm of your very own! This is a small object, ranging between the size of a toy to a house, which, on it's inside, contains a space many thousands of times the total surface area of Blue Pole Star, or for you, Earth.

The inside is completely livable, and possesses a wide variety of mundane flora and fauna. You can bring more, of course. Things like sunlight and air are all taken care of magically. You can enter any point in this realm at will, but can only leave where you entered from.

Finally, you have complete control over the inside of this realm, and can change it however you want.

-400 CP - Cultivation Spot: The best space to practice cultivation, bar none. This is a small forest clearing, about the size of a small lawn. The important thing about it is that this place is full of the best and richest possible energies, letting a person cultivate much more easily and rapidly than anywhere else.

To be clear, this place always has the energies and laws of exactly one realm above whatever you deploy it in, which changes as you move to different realms. Post jump it can become a warehouse attachment, in which case it's always one realm above what you have currently cultivated to.

-400 CP - Power Concealing Talisman: A small, intricate amulet, this is a powerful magical device that you can use to pretend to be weaker than you are. Using this amulet you can set your cultivation level to any level lower than your actual one, and that is what you have, for all intents and purposes.

You can regain all your power simply by taking it off, and in future worlds you can choose any number or quantity of your powers to suppress, partially or completely.

-600 CP - Glorious Crimson Pellet Box: ​Pills, pellets and crystals are a cornerstone of cultivation. Even one or two powerful pills can redefine the fates of entire clans or sects, as it so happens.

You have something completely amazing, in that regard. This is a box, about the size of a shoebox, though it can grow bigger as required. You can put any biological or chemical substances in it, like flowers, grass, animal parts or fruits, it takes them all. Once placed here, the item is replicated over and over, until you have exactly nine hundred and ninety nine extra ones, and the original.

This works on any and all items drawn from any living beings, but no other. Also, no item that has been replicated once, or has been created with this box in the first place, may be replicated.

-600 CP - Supreme Emerald Spirit Garden: ​This is a garden worthy of being in legends, Jumper. A vast expanse of earth richly covered with grass, located in either an attachment to your warehouse, one of your other pocket dimensions or on a real world spot of your choice, this has exactly as much space as needed for its purposes. Which are twofold. Firstly, it has a sample of every plant in this setting remotely associated with medicine or cultivation, barring absolutely rare, once-in-a-millennium examples. It's always a sample just enough for one use.

The important thing is, it will always have this one sample, no matter how many times it is taken out. Also, you may plant any of the super-rare plants it doesn't have, and they gain this replication property as well. Speaking of which, this garden can support any and all plants in the absolute prime of their health, no matter what exotic nourishment they might normally require. The garden looks after itself.

-1,000 CP - Evil God's Seed: This is one of the elemental seeds of the Evil God, or a perfect copy of it, your choice. It gives you an affinity for one element, your choice, unmatched anywhere in Heaven or Earth at its height. You receive no damage whatsoever from this element, no matter the type or scale or nature, be it mortals, gods or demons trying to hurt you with it. It doesn't matter if it's a kitchen flame or fires from the depth of hell or anything in between, it does no damage to you.

At the same time, your control over the element is nothing short of ludicrous. The scale at which you can control it depends on both your innate profound power and how much time and effort you put into it, but you start out capable of controlling it on a personal level, such as tossing small fireballs or singular lightning bolts. You'd be surprised how quickly you can train it up, though.

Your control extends over all forms and aspects of an element, meaning that the fire seed lets you control even magical or divine flames, while the water seed lets you control ice and vapor too. As a matter of fact, this seed makes it so any elemental controlling abilities you have automatically develop these aspects, letting you control the exotic versions just as well and the the same scale as

the base one.

In addition, this seed assists you in mastering any techniques related to the element you discover, to the extent that you can grasp even the most advanced and complex techniques and skills in hours at most, and master them to unparalleled extents in weeks, if not days.

While you don't need them to use the seeds bought here, those with the Evil God's Profound Veins get these at a discount. Known examples so far are Fire, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Water and Darkness. Don't go spreading around information about that last one, though.

(Chosen Seeds: Fire And Darkness)


+11,000 CP - Against The Clock: For every tenth purchase of this your time here is extended by a half a year. This time will only affect the main jump and will not touch the scenarios. Should you stay long enough you will want a power or species that makes you truly immortal.

Evil God's Gates:

1st Realm: ​Evil Soul

Skill Unlocked: ​Falling Moon Sinking Star

You can compress vast amounts of Profound Energy in one place, and release it in a mighty, devastating burst.

2nd Realm: ​Burning Heart

Skill Unlocked: ​Sealing Cloud Locking Sun

A defense skill. This skill creates a powerful barrier, which can hold out against even massively powerful attacks. It's strength depends on the power you put into it.

3rd Realm: ​Purgatory

Skill Unlocked: ​Destroying Sky Decimating Earth

You can release your energy in a wide burst, which decimates a huge area around you, depending on the power put into it.

4th Realm: ​Rumbling Heaven

Skill Unlocked: ​Moon Star Restoration Unknown

5th Realm: ​Hades

Skill Unlocked: ​Unknown

The details about the sixth and seventh gate are entirely unknown, except that they exist.

The immunity an ​Evil God Seed​ provides you is a conceptual immunity to all damage from that element and those associated with it. For example, someone with a Water seed would be immune to both Ice and Vapor too, as well as the pressure at the bottom of the ocean.

Any items, if lost or destroyed, will be restored in an year's time, unless the item text says otherwise.

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