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60.37% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 32: Kryptonian Bargain Sale

Capítulo 32: Kryptonian Bargain Sale

Dick was on the ground in the warehouse trying to get the teleport transponders to work; he was hoping that he would be able to bypass the communications jam by turning them on. If he couldn't he wasn't sure what he'd do, as he was too injured to fight let alone try and escape from this place 'I have to get Megan out of her, she won't last much longer without treatment,' he thought to himself as he looked over to his unconscious teammate. Sometimes it was easy to forget how much damage a person like Superman could do if they were unrestrained and had no moral qualms about harming someone —if he was honest it scared him.

Turning the dial counter-clockwise a green button lit up. Daemon quickly pressed the button and the top of the transponder lit up before it connected to the other three transponders that he had previously turned on. On the floor was an empty room, one where Dick suspected the warehouse products would be stored. However, he cast these thoughts away and quickly brought up his communicator "Nightwing to Watchtower can you read me!" He said a little desperately. What followed next were the longest seconds of Dicks life; his heart beat rapidly in his chest as he waited for a reply from the other side.

"This is Batman, go ahead,"

Dick almost felt like laughing he was so relieved though he had a job to do and quickly composed himself "Batman we are in quite a bit of trouble we need backup, the Joker showed up with Bizarro, Miss Martian is down and needs medical assistance!"

"Nightwing! Calm down," Batman replied.

Nightwing took a second to compose himself again as he was still pretty hysteric "The moment we crossed into Bialya we were shot down by anti-air artillery capable of seeing through the ships cloaking, Mark is MIA, once me and Miss Martian reached the storeroom we encountered the Joker who was with Bizarro. Bizarro easily took me and Miss Martian out while the Joker left with something called the Ganali Device," Dick explained as clearly as he could.

"What about the rest of your team?" Batman asked.

"The last we heard from them the auction room had erupted into chaos, without Miss Martian we can't reestablish the link," Dick explained to him.

"We need reinforcements otherwise-"

"Negative, any reinforcements we send won't reach you, there are thousands of villains and even more soldiers surrounding you," Batman said bluntly. As hard as this was for Batman to do he couldn't risk sending any more heroes in just to be killed; they had a shortage as it was so losing even more would be catastrophic for them.

"Move on to Plan Gamma, drop Miss Martian through the teleporter and I'll make sure she receives medical attention," Batman stated.

"Plan Gamma..." Dick said slowly as he tried to confirm whether he was hearing his mentor correctly.

"Affirmative, make sure to destroy everything we can't afford to let anything get into circulation in the underworld," Batman repeated.

"Acknowledged..." Dick said rather sombrely as he put his communicator down. Plan Gamma was the plan if everything goes wrong; Dick was taught by Batman to turn these transponders into one big implosion grenade which should be big enough to destroy the entire palace.

"I guess I'm not getting out of here after all..." he said with a bitter chuckle.


"What are you thinking!!!" Diana shouted at Batman as she spun his chair around —just after he ended the call with Nightwing.

"I'm sorry Diana but we have no choice, the mission was dangerous, to begin with, the team knew that," Batman said with a slight hint of regret.

"I won't allow my sister to be killed while we stand up here and do nothing!" Diana said as she crushed the back of his chair with her grip.

"We can't afford to lose you, Diana!" Batman said uncharacteristically loudly.

"Then send others to go with me," she said as she turned around and walked out of the room leaving Batman to stew in his thoughts.


Mark groaned as he once again thrust into Cassandra who took his dick without making so much as a noise, as he did this Harley pressed herself up behind him and started running her tongue up his neck. That only made him thrust faster as he revelled in the feeling of Cassandra's extremely tight vagina; she also looked back at him with red-tinted cheeks and a blank stare which only stirred him on even further.

"So naughty Marky, taking such an innocent girl's virginity," Harley whispered as she bit and sucked on his earlobe. She started grinding herself on Mark's body softly moaning as her clitoris rubbed against his thigh; she had never experienced such intense pleasure before in her life and all she could do was try to get more of it. Cassandra agreed she started pushing back against Mark and meeting all of his thrusts with thrusts of her own. Her entire body was formed of lean muscle and she had absolute control over all of it —she used it to squeeze her vaginal tunnel around Mark's cock making him groan in approval.

Mark had almost reached his peak and so he started to thrust at a faster rate though despite that Cassandra still didn't make a sound, yet her face told Mark all he needed to know and he kept going even faster. Harley started rubbing herself on Mark as well and she was quickly reaching her end —just seeing Mark dominate such a cute and innocent girl was pressing all the right buttons for her. 'I'll have to convince him to do this to Ivy,' she thought to herself as she grabbed Mark's chin and turned it right before she pressed her lips against his.

Mark quickly erupted inside of Cassandra shooting her full of his cum. He also felt a warm liquid pour down his thighs as Harley clenched and wrapped herself around his body; she had orgasmed extremely hard and started squirting all over him —she still hadn't stopped.

Mark withdrew his cock from Cassandra and watched as a stream of his cum came flooding out of her 'That feels a lot better...' he thought to himself as he breathed a sigh of relief. He then stood up and felt slightly sheepish as he watched all three girls sprawled out over the floor "Should probably get out of here now," he said to himself, though considering how he got inside it was unlikely he'd be able to get out the same way with all three of them.

"I guess it's Plan B."

He brought both hands out before summoning both a red and blue sphere; he grew them both until they were as large as he could make them and then slowly started to bring his hands together as he merged them 'This is never easy...' he thought to himself as he merged both spheres to form a new purple sphere.

Purple electricity was sparking all over the place as he held the large sphere in his hand "That looks pretty, can I touch it," Harley asked as she went to reach for the sphere.

"No! Are you stupid, what about this makes it look safe to touch!" Mark asked.

Harley shrugged her shoulders "You never know until you try," she replied.

Mark sighed before going back to what he was doing and launching the purple sphere straight towards the ceiling. The purple sphere passed through the ceiling like it wasn't even there leaving a circular hole in its wake "You guys stay here I'll go check it the coast is clear and I'll come back and get you," he said but instantly realised he was talking to two unconscious girls and Harley —So it's clear they weren't listening.

"You got it Marky!" She said as she tried to jump on him completely disregarding what he said before.

Luckily Mark knew what kind of person Harley was and he quickly flew up following in the wake of his Purple Sphere. It carved through the nigh-indestructible ceiling and the earth that lay above it until it opened up into the auction room, and Mark flew in right after it.

As Mark looked around the auction room he saw numerous people flying and even more shooting at each other with heat vision "What the hell did I miss?" He said to himself. However, his gaze then drifted towards something that made his blood boil.


"PLEASE HELP ME!" Donna cried out in fear of what was just about to happen to her. The man above her leered at her as he opened his mouth and licked his lips revealing a disgusting set of teeth.

He unbelted his pants and let his penis flop out of his underwear; the stench of his penis almost made Donna retch as its smell filled her nostrils. She tried to struggle some more but the number of men that had held her down began to grow until she struggled to move at all "TO HADES WITH ALL OF YOU!!!" She screamed though she was punched in the face by one of the men holding her had punishment. The man above her stroked himself to hardness as he grinned at her.

"Aw what's a matter little  Princess afraid you might-"

Donna wasn't sure what was happening, but when she recovered her vision from being punched in the face the man above her was missing the top half of his body —only his two legs remained stood upright. The men that were holding her down were all lacking their heads and shoulders; she was covered in blood but was no longer being held down by the disgusting criminals.

Floating down in front of her was her lost teammate Mark who quickly knelt next to her and brushed off all of the body parts and flesh that had fallen onto her. "Wonder girl are you okay?! What the hell happened here?" He asked with concern as he looked at the state she was in —her clothes had been all but torn from her body and she was covered in bruises and blood.

Mark looked at Donna who was shaking —her breath was hitching as if she couldn't take a full breath. Mark had seen what was about to happen to her and it was understandable; especially for a girl who had come from Themyscira where only women lived on the island. She had probably never experienced the threat of rape before; despite Mark not liking the heroes he did feel bad for her. Even more so when she clung to Mark's shirt and started to sob —from a mixture of sadness and relief.

Mark rubbed her back "Don't worry it'll be fine now," he whispered to her. Though in his mind he considered whether or not she would be able to recover quickly enough to help him deal with everyone in here 'Probably not...' he thought to himself as he lifted her up and quickly flew to the hole he had created —using his meta-powers to push people away as he did.

"Stay down there until I come and get you, also try not to fight with the girls down there, despite how annoying she is we are friends," he told her before he went to lower her into the hole.

"Mark wait..." she said as she gripped tightly onto his shoulder.

"What is it?" He asked

"The criminals, the Joker somehow gave them all Kryptonian powers," she informed him as she wiped the tears away from her eyes.

Mark sighed but nodded "Let's hope it doesn't end the same way as last time," he said with a smirk before dropping her down the hole. He then stood back up and cracked his neck only to immediately get slammed in the back by a weapon of some sort. He was thrown across the auction room before stopping himself and landing on the stage 'What the hell was that?' He thought to himself as he looked across the room scanning for his assailant.

A girl with white hair and a black and orange bandana stood where he was, and in her hands was a red staff that she twirled around her.

"You should be paying attention boy!"

A voice said from behind him as a dagger was pierced through his back and he was held up into the air. Mark turned his head and saw Deathstroke who had removed his mask and was grinning at him while he held him up with a single hand.


The thunderbolt struck them both and travelled through the dagger launching Deathstroke away. Mark felt the familiar power surge through his body as his muscles grew larger and lightning danced across his body; he removed the dagger from his back and looked at it —a dagger capable of piercing his skin should be something he held onto. He formed a sheath on his clothing and placed the dagger inside; the wound it made was taking a while to heal but Mark was able to focus on the surface damage to prevent any more bleeding.

He turned around to look at Deathstroke and scowled. The man had already picked himself up but was quickly sent back down by another lightning bolt that Mark sent his way sending him crashing into a wall. "Pay attention, old man!" He said as he got ready to send another one but he found himself having to dodge the girl with the red shaft who was now flying towards him.

Mark ducked and weaved while flying in the air, as he avoided the girl's spear that was swung and thrust at him "Take him down Ravager!" He heard someone shout which encouraged the girl even more.

Mark then zipped forward and grabbed the middle of the staff before she could swing it; the staff disconnected into three separate sections 'Shit!" He thought as he was hit in the face by the end piece. While he expected it to hurt he hadn't expected it to launch him across the room "What the hell is that thing?" Mark said to himself as he picked himself up.

Deathstroke and Ravager landed in front of Mark both having access to Kryptonian powers. Mark charged at Deathstroke who was in the lead, he sent a stream of lightning ahead of him forcing the older man to dodge; Mark took advantage of that and used his power to pull Deathstroke slightly so that he was horizontally in the air.

Not expecting such a manoeuvre Deathstroke was completely helpless when Mark slammed his first straight into his stomach as hard as he possibly could. The old man spat out blood before he was launched through every wall of the palace and nearly a mile outside; Ravager who saw it happen screamed as she charged at Mark now using her three-section staff like nunchucks and whipping them at Mark in various directions making them hard to track.

Mark decided if she was gonna use a weapon then he should as well; he unsheathed his dagger and as she went to hit him in the head he used his superior speed to move to the other side and bring the dagger down in her hand. Though much to his surprise Ravager moved her hand to the side just before it made contact though he did draw a little blood. This happened another two times with Ravager seemingly being able to move at the last moment 'Alright I guess it's the hard way,' he thought before summoning a blue sphere with his free hand and sending it skidding across the floor like a football towards Ravager.

He then zoomed above her and flipped bringing his leg down in an axe kick; the gravitational pull from the blue sphere stopped her from making any drastic movement so Mark was able to connect with the kick and it sent her straight down to the sphere it's self which started to grind against her face. He then kicked her as hard as he could in the stomach launching her the same way he sent her father. Mark breathed a sigh of relief 'That probably would've been a lot harder had they not been unbalanced from their new abilities,' he thought to himself. He remembered when he first got his Viltrumite powers that he had a little difficulty controlling himself and had to work on regaining his dexterity.

Mark looked down on the ground and saw the three section staff that Ravager had been fighting with 'It couldn't hurt,' he thought to himself as he picked it up. While he didn't have much experience with this kind of weapon he had used a staff before so as long as he didn't disconnect it then he should be able to use it. He tucked the unconnected staff in his waistband for now; he looked out towards the chaotic room that was quickly filling with corpses as they all tried to fight each other.

If what Donna said was true and all of the people in here have Kryptonian powers then Mark couldn't let a single one leave alive. He pressed the centre of his chest where his suit was housed and it quickly engulfed his body.

*Maximum Strength*

"Time to get to work."

(AN: We are coming up on the climax of the Arc where all the fighting is gonna start. After this things are gonna slow down as I feel like I've been rushing stuff and adding too much, so Mark is gonna relax for a bit after this. Anyway for those of you who guessed it, he does now have Playful cloud and the Inverted Spear of heaven, though he probably won't have the second one after this arc. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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