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97.22% Marvel: Sex Stories / Chapter 35: Charity Stretch Goals (MJ & Natasha X Hulk)

Capítulo 35: Charity Stretch Goals (MJ & Natasha X Hulk)

Mary Jane agree to help out with a charity even in place of Natasha, though she doesn't learn until far too late what its deal is: being a living onahole for the Hulk to use on stage. Still, MJ goes along with it, as it's all for the sake of charity. And you can't let a charity down, now, can you?


"What did you say Bruce wanted to meet with us about, again?"

"He said it was top secret, so I can't tell you. You know how Bruce can get when it comes to this stuff. He's worried the government is going to tap his burner phones and find his location."

"Then is any of this wise to do?"

Aside from the fact that Mary Jane and Peter were heading to a nearby coffee shop to discuss hero matters with Bruce Banner, it was a normal stroll through New York City. The happily married couple weren't new to such public meetings, as they realized they were in a city where quite a lot of craziness happened even on just the ground level. For anyone surrounding them, any conversations about their double lives could be overheard by strangers as plans for the performative arts.

Well, unless you were talking to Tony Stark or even Steve Rogers. Given their status and fame it was a little more difficult to keep a low profile.

But as governments and other hero groups not in the know were only out there seeking the Hulk to finally conquer the monster, Bruce Banner found it much easier to blend in with the crowd.

"Don't you ever get worried?" Mary Jane asked her husband. "It's not as if people don't know who I am."

"Right," Peter sighed, "but let's also be honest, even if they know you're married, do you think they would believe the real MJ Watson-Parker is married to someone who looks as plain as me?"

"Stop putting yourself down," MJ laughed, "you're much more handsome than you give yourself credit for." She then leaned into Parker's cheek, giving him a peck for the sake of confidence.

As two passersby question if they had seen Mary Jane on the streets of New York, only to brush it off as Peter prophesied, the couple went into the coffee shop, finding Bruce already in a booth.

"Yo, Bruce," Peter said as he and MJ slid into said booth, "how's the low profile going?"

"Can't complain too much," he said as he sipped on a cup of coffee, "although the bagels here are cooked a little too hard. Enough that I wish I could actually turn into the Hulk just to bite into them."

"That seems really over the top," Mary Jane replied.

Then they ordered the bagels.

"...You know what, I take it back," Mary Jane then said, "are we sure they didn't serve us stale ones by accident?"

"I've given up asking that," Bruce said with a laugh. "But let's get down to business."

"Right, business," Peter said, "what brings us here today, Bruce?"

The once proud scientist looked out the window of the coffee shop, letting out a heavy sigh. His gaze then went over to Mary Jane, giving her a warming, trusting smile. "Mrs. Parker, how comfortable are you around TV cameras?"

The redhead cocked her eyebrow at Banner, even as she laughed. "Well that's an unusual question," she said, licking her lips to get the taste of bagel off them, "I'm pretty familiar with the cameras, even if it's not my husband taking the shots." Peter blushed at that, even as he rubbed the back of his head.

"So you're not at all shy about being in a skimpy outfit, being on a stage, just smiling and looking pretty?"

"Not in the slightest," she said, "although I'm quite fine with everything, just shy of getting naked. You could put me in a sling bikini and I'd be as comfortable in a small room of college frat boys if they promise not to touch!"

Bruce pursed his lips. "That's an interesting imaginary scenario."

"Okay, what's this about?" Peter finally asked, puzzled by the questions towards his wife.

"You seriously don't know?" Bruce said with a sincere smile. "I would have thought the Avengers clued you in on it. We're experimenting with certain...means of expanding our reach into other venues. Stuff like charity work."

"Oh! So this would be for charity?" Mary Jane asked. "Then I don't see why I can't help! As long as the money's going for a good cause, I wouldn't mind showcasing my body in front of the world."

It was then that Parker's eyes lit up, having thought about the matter even as his wife already agreed to the terms. "Wait, now I remember," Peter said as he rubbed his chin, "yeah, it's THAT charity event! I thought Natasha was supposed to be there, wasn't she?"

Bruce sighed, lowering his head until all the Parkers could see was the brim of his hat. He even pulled down on it to ensure that he couldn't be recognized by accident. "Let's just say, Natasha had a bit of an incident over the weekend and we haven't heard from her since then. We're sure she's fine, but we also don't know when we're going to hear from her soon. What I do know is time's running short regarding the charity event, and if we don't find a replacement for her soon, well, we might have to call it off."

"How awful…" MJ said, "I can't let something like that happen at all!"

"Yeah, no, I understand that, MJ," Peter said as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "but I'm also very skeptical given the nature of this thing. But...well, if it's for charity, I guess I can't really complain, can I?"

"Thanks, guys," Bruce said as he raised his coffee mug for a self-toast before drinking it, "you're not going to regret this one."

"Why not?" Peter asked as he sat back. "Honestly, compared to hearing Deadpool taking Punisher to hell last week, it's certainly not the strangest thing that could happen around here."

As Peter spoke so casually of the event, both his wife and their friend gave him curious glances. "Look, I don't go to him, he just comes to me and talks about how proud he is about this stuff."


The big day of the event finally arrived, with Mary Jane and Peter arriving early to prepare for the main event. They had met with Bruce, who showed them to MJ's changing room, with the redhead more than happy to get changed in the bikini they had ready for her. Parker's face grew red as he thought about his curvy wife wearing it, especially since this event was meant to happen outdoors in the largest public area in the city: Central Park.

As Peter peeked behind the curtains to see the large crowds in front of the makeshift stage, he turned to Bruce and asked, "Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, given what the plan was originally, this seems pretty excessive."

"I know, we sort of expected this to be less...public," Bruce admitted, "but then word of mouth spread when it became apparent we were doing something, so we had to use the park as a stage to even have so many people here."

"Well, I just hope MJ handles it well when she finds out what she'll be doing. Although, actually, why didn't you mention that when you pitched it to her?"

Banner just smirked. "A better question is why didn't you say anything to her?"

"...I might be curious to see how this goes down myself."

"Well boys, how do I look?" Peter and Bruce turned their attention to Mary Jane as she approached them, sporting a pose that best showed off the tone of her curvaceous physique, wearing a yellow and green tie-dyed two-piece. It showed the assets off well, enough so that it seemed Bruce took her comment about wearing next to nothing to heart; the only thing the top covered were her nipples, while the lower half still had enough fabric that it wouldn't feel as though she would have it riding between her folds when she moved. "I have to admit, this feels much more risque than it should if I'm wearing this much," she laughed, "but if it's all for the sake of charity, I don't think I can judge it all that much."

"You certainly" Peter said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Wow indeed," Banner said with a mischievous grin, "it's going to be very nice to share the stage with you, Mrs. Parker."

"Aww, thanks, Bruce," MJ said, giving Banner a hug that, were she not in such a sexy attire, would have been much more friendlier in context.

"Looks like it's showtime," Peter said as he heard the crowd growing wild.

Indeed, a cloud of smoke was forming on the stage, though none of it was made from any particular machine. It was, instead, coming from the ether, as Doctor Strange would make his debut on the platform. He floated overhead, gently landing to his feet while his red cape remained stationary on his shoulders despite the wind blowing about.

With his voice projecting naturally across the large crowd standing in the grass, Doctor Strange spoke out, "Good afternoon, New York! I am the master of the mystic arts, Doctor Stephen Strange! And while I wouldn't normally show my presence in front of a large crowd, for a day such as this, I think those who taught me about my mystic features can cut me one break, wouldn't you agree?"

The crowd laughed. "Now, without further adieu, let's bring out the woman of the hour! You all know her, you love her, America's sweetheart, Mrs. Mary Jane Watson-Parker!"

On that cue, the redhead walked across the stage to meet with the good doctor, smiling and waving out to the crowd. She had never seen such an excited audience in her life, even if they recognized her from both modelling and acting. But she was happy that so many people were out there cheering her on.

"Mrs. Parker, we truly appreciate you coming out here, especially on such short notice," Dr. Strange said to her.

"Well, when I had heard that the other woman wasn't able to show up, I couldn't exactly say no, could I?" MJ asked with an innocent laugh. "Although I have to admit, while I know that I'm here for charity's sake, I don't completely know what the task is that I'm supposed to be doing."

"Hoo boy…" Peter said, sucking on his lower lip. "Bruce, you better hope that she's still okay with this even when she finds out what she's doing."

"That's the secret, isn't it, Peter?" Bruce laughed, his skin suddenly turning a deep shade of green. "Deep down, we're all horny enough to embrace the unknown.

The discussion on stage continued, "Well, we are certainly in for a treat then, aren't we folks?" Strange asked as he received another applause. "Mrs. Parker, you are no doubt familiar with our next guest, as he is a man who is sometimes a face of the people, sometimes a monster of his own creation...yet all at the same time, he is the Incredible...HULK."

Right before Peter's eyes, Bruce began to expand his body, growing almost three times as big as he was in his normal state. When he took on the full transformation of the Hulk, he stomped on stage, much to the confused excitement of the crowd. Mary Jane stood there, looking pretty as she tried her best to guess just what her role in this charity event was supposed to be.

The Hulk let out a mighty roar, even beating his fists against his chest as he looked out at the sea of people here for this occasion. His gaze then fell on the red locks of Mary Jane, with his mouth watering right away. While she looked at the green behemoth, something became increasingly apparent to the model; there was an immense bulge in his purple pants.

"Uh, Doctor Strange," MJ said as she leaned into the master of the mystics, "I don't know if he's going to be able to perform with...that." She pointed to the rising bulge in Hulk's pants, which the crowd could hear slowly ripping away thanks to the amplified sound occurring on the stage.

Stephen could only laugh, "That's the reason we're here, Mrs. Parker: In an effort to raise money, we're seeing just how much dick a normal human being can take from someone as big as the Hulk."

As the crowd was more than happy to watch the action happen, it was then that MJ's eyes went wide enough to show the whites off. She then looked off stage past the Hulk, seeing the smile on her husband as he waved back. That was a sure sign that he knew how much trouble he was in for certain when this was over, assuming she survived any of this.

"Are...are we sure this is such a good idea?" Mary Jane asked, smiling through the fear that was otherwise on her face. "I mean, the Hulk having a massive hard on like that? I think it would kill anyone. In fact, I'm not sure Peter would like it if he knew I was doing...oh." Another glance back at her husband, and she could see that while his hands were in his pockets, he clearly used them to rub away at his crotch. While the green behemoth may not have been the only one sporting wood, it was apparent that he couldn't outdo their friend in terms of size, no matter what they tried.

"Now come on, Mrs. Parker, don't be shy," Strange said to her, "it's all in good fun, and for charity as well! Plus, we have plenty of other surprises as we keep going with the event."

There was a lot of fear consuming MJ's mind, but at the same time she realized it was far, far too late for her to try and back out, especially since so many people made their way here just to attend the festivities, as lewd as it may have been."Well," MJ said with a heavy sigh, "if it's all for charity how can I say n-OH!"


Before she could even finish her sentence, the Hulk's purple pants finally ripped off his body, broken by the thick slab of green ham that protruded between his legs. The crowd had a surprised gasp all at once, but cheered with excitement at what was about to occur before their eyes. Mary Jane gulped, biting her ruby lips at the size of his jolly beanstalk. To her own surprise, she was rather excited to take something that was twice as long as her own physique.

"Wow. Oh wow." MJ gulped at the size of the schlong, almost ignorant of the crowd as they chanted for her to "Suck it off". She was still immensely nervous about handling such a huge dick, knowing even with all the times she and Peter had sex, none of it would be preparing her for something that big. "Okay, I guess I'll have to give it a shot."

"That's the spirit!" Doctor Strange said as MJ tried to hold the dick up to her mouth. "Let's give it up for Mrs. Parker, folks, she's being such a good sport right now!"

As she brought the dick's front end to her face, it became obvious to Mary Jane what she was dealing with here. It was already a huge piece of meat, but now that she was using her arms, and whatever strength she could muster, it made her feel as though she were a cartoon caveman about to bite into dinosaur meat.

But that was almost exactly what she was about to endure, as she pushed her lips over the green crown to inject the rod into her mouth. Her eyes shut tighter, her body trembling as she tried to let it slide inside her. She was nervous as her jaw became stretched as far out as it could go, with the girth of the shaft forcing it out even further. Her mouth watered with saliva as it pooled over the lip, not by choice. She had such a strain on her mouth that she couldn't shut it if she tried. Even with the fact her mouth was tight against the shaft, it still didn't feel airtight.

Hulk was visibly enjoying the attempt to get more than just his tip in MJ's mouth, salivating as well. But with his larger body, it could be the equivalent of a huge rain drop splashing on top of the redhead if they weren't careful enough. He remained with his feet planted on the stage, allowing the model to showcase her oral skills, though it was quite clear that she couldn't get so far on his dong.


Mary Jane was offended to be called such a thing, but as it stood, she wasn't able to pop her lips off just to correct him or even defend herself. She could have hoped for Peter to step in, but that likely would have made a much bigger problem than there already was. Especially since she could still see her husband, who continued to work his shaft from under his pants.

While MJ tried to leer at him with an expression that said "You are sleeping on the couch for a month", Hulk grew more impatient with the small woman, enough that saliva splashed on top of her head, drenching the red locks in spit. The wife of Spider-Man trembled with disgust, but was unable to fully process it as Hulk grabbed her by the thong, pulling on it so hard that it ended up riding into her folds.

MJ's cry of weird and aroused pain was muffled by Hulk's cock, making it hard for her to yell for help. "HULK TIRED OF FOREPLAY," he shouted, "PUSH HARDER, PUNY WOMAN!"

"Hulk, she can't exactly move while you have her lifted off the ground," Doctor Strange said quietly to himself. But Hulk ignored him, soon deciding it was time to take the matter into his own hands. Guiding MJ along his dong, he made the redhead realize just how flexible her throat could actually be.

As the crown pushed beyond her uvula, Mary Jane whimpered as the strain of Hulk's dick forced her throat to bulge out, which was impossible for someone of her stature. The green giant didn't care, forcing his hips against Watson's mouth until she was able to stuff his entire length down her gullet.

Peter kept his eyes on his wife, himself nervous about the act that she was about to pull off. While it was inhuman for anyone, even the heroes of this world, to pull off such a feat, the webslinger found the idea incredibly hot, even if he wasn't the one making MJ force her body on such a huge, mossy log. But just to experience it for himself was amazing, so long as it was actually possible for her to take the feet of meat rather than suffer something worse.

Hulk's cock managed to break through the throat just a bit more, though not by too much. When MJ heard the gross, slimy cracking under her chin, she began to sputter out saliva that landed further on the green rod. She was clearly choking on the thickness as it blocked her windpipe, making it a more difficult matter for her to ingest the oxygen. Her eyes were wide with concern, her limbs flailing about as she tried to escape the giant's grasp. Instead, all that did for the redhead was cause her to swing in the air, with the thong bikini riding against her crotch.

As MJ struggled, Hulk could see something coming down from the model's groin, splashing on the black painted stage. As it pooled up on the ground, the behemoth had a hearty laugh to himself. "PUNY WOMAN HORNY FOR HULK COCK," he said, pointing at the embarrassed model, "HULK WILL HAVE TO MAKE TIME FOR USE FOR HOLE LATER."

Mary Jane whimpered, her eyes glassy with fear over how that may feel. If her throat was anything to go by, it would likely end up far more straining on her than this.

"Isn't she being such a great sport, everyone?" Strange asked as he addressed the audience. "Let's give Mrs. Parker a round of applause, she's making a great effort getting through the first portion of this event!"

"Fsst pshn?!" Mary Jane did her best to speak, which was still difficult thanks to how it was lodged in her throat. It was especially worse now that it was so deep she couldn't breathe right, gagging on the beanstalk as Hulk tried to thrust deeper in the hole.

"Right, I guess I should explain just a little more," Strange said as he clapped his hands. Creating an Astral projection of two Visages in the air, one representing MJ and the other the Hulk, he continued, "the first goal for the event was to garner the audience. If we went over a certain capacity, Hulk would be able to get your throat well used and play around with that. If we started getting more donations throughout, the deeper Hulk would go on your dick. And if we achieve those accomplishments, well, he'd be using other holes to please himself and the audience's twisted fantasies."

Despite being called out, the crowd cheered at the explanation, as if they were proud of themselves.

MJ could only sigh, shaking her head. She had to remind herself that a lot of this would be for charity, so she may as well do her best to play along and help raise those funds.

The good news, at least for everyone but the model in the center of it all, was that Hulk was able to breach her throat, finally getting through to the other side. By that point Mary Jane's throat barely looked like one, having grown so stretched out that it made it impossible for her to move her head around, ending up stiffened straight by the veiny green dick.

Doctor Strange soon pulled out an Astral projection of a fundraising thermometer, indicating where in their goals they currently sat. While Mary Jane wasn't able to see anything beyond the Hulk's crotch, she could hear excitement coming from the crowd, as though something had been accomplished. The thermometer was just inches from the final tipping point, with Stephen looking smug about it.

"We're hitting our first goal, everyone," Strange said with excitement. "Now, with the first portion of her body penetrated by the Hulk, let's continue with more goals!" With the snap of his fingers, the fundraising thermometer grew as well, increasing in its height to grow almost as tall as the stage itself. Mary Jane was worried, wondering how far she would be pushed on the big green dong.

"HRRRRGH!" MJ whined as she felt the shaft bury itself deeper in her body, with the crown now pressing through her torso. Her hands pushed against her chest as Hulk continued to dangle her by her thong, with the rod stretching her out to fit the thickness through her build. She tensed up as a result, shivering even though she had nothing to latch onto.

Peter kept gawking in awe of MJ's body, how despite being so thin compared to Hulk's girth, she was able to stretch her torso out with ease. At the same time, he was so busy staying in the shadows backstage that he couldn't help but whack off to the action occurring on stage. Strange was able to keep himself from enjoying the perverse nature of the act, though Parker just assumed there was some trick the mystic had up his sleeves that allowed him to avoid putting himself out there in public.

Hulk had started to rock Mary Jane against his cock, moving her back and forth to try and force himself deeper down her torso. Her intestines sawed against his member in doing so, with the giant pulling so far back that one could see the difference in her shape when she was free of the thick slab versus when it was deep down her throat.Thanks to more astral projections by the good doctor, he was able to show off closeup views to the crowd at large, as they were able to see the angles that were most impressive to them.

Without thinking, Hulk ended up managing to pull his entire length out of MJ's mouth, which showcased the amount of saliva that had been building up in her throat. Several strands of the oral fluid bridged her lips and tongue to the tip, which ended up shooting a surprisingly powerful string of precum into her face. Between that and the saliva downpour that she experienced, the redhead honestly had no clue which was worse to be coated in.

One thing was certain, Mary Jane was growing used to the big green shaft as it burrowed deeper inside her body. As it started pushing against her chest to expand it for his thickness, the bikini top tightened up as a result, until the strings were finally forced to untie from her body. When that happened, her breasts dangled over the stage, which brought embarrassment to the model's mind.

MJ grabbed hold of her bosom, holding it against her chest, but with the girth of the Hulk's rod that made it push into her boobs. Her misshapen torso ended up getting worse the deeper that the rod pushed into the model, which made the Hulk's use of the thong pointless after a while. Now she was mostly covering the huge dong, right up until her crotch.

The fundraising thermometer grew the more money the crowd donated, which meant it was time now for Mary Jane to feel the full force of the shaft penetrate her other holes.

After Doctor Strange made the announcement, Mary Jane had been pulled off of Hulk's cock by the behemoth, gasping desperately for air. "W-Wait a second!" Mary Jane cried out. "That can't be possible! You're expecting the Hulk to push me all the way through this dick?!"

"Nobody actually thought you were able to get as deep as you did already, right?" Strange asked with a smug smirk, hearing the crowd chant for more.

"Ugh, fine," MJ groaned as she rolled her eyes, "Let's just get this over WPHHHH!" Hulk forced the redhead back on his cock, managing to get through with a smooth glide. The crown ended up meeting with the model's sphincter, grabbing hold of her arms by pinching them with his fingers. As strong as the Hulk was, at least she could be thankful that he wasn't about to try and break her arms.

Even the Hulk's lightest ounce of strength was a bit much for Mary Jane, as the pull on her arms was incredibly rough. His hips pumped forward, though her lips were barely anywhere near the base, showing how far she was even with the dick pummeling her asshole from the inside. Her saliva spilled out from her mouth, so much so that it began to collect at her chin, with a long strand dangling over the stage. As Hulk continued to buck away at her body in the hopes of penetrating her completely, the crowd picked up the loud suction noises that managed to escape her ruby lips, while the saliva swung about with every thrust from the behemoth.

As Peter continued to tug his dick as he watched the action from offstage, he could see the fear in her eyes, worried that she would be completely broken when it finally did break through her rectum. Parker wasn't able to give her a look that at least assured her that things would be all right, but he was trying for it.


Mary Jane tensed up as the dick punched through her asshole, with the green cock visibly sticking out the other side of her pale skinned rump. Her body shook violently from the response of what felt like taking a massive dump, her asshole new to such a huge expansion from a massive rod protruding through her like that.

"Bet you can't do that to your girls, right, fellas?" Doctor Strange asked, which received a mixed reaction. Half of the crowd seemed to find it funny, the other half seemingly embarrassed that they couldn't get it done like the green giant could.


"He certainly could," Strange said, rubbing his chin as he thought to himself, "but I wonder if it would be so much more fun to make him work for that."

Hulk didn't quite utilize Mery Jane in such a fashion right away, though he did let go of MJ's limbs, which fell limply by her side. Even though she only had them pinched in on, that still took a lot out of her. She could barely move her legs, either, forced to remain on the dong without even being allowed to make an attempt to pull herself off.

Although that didn't seem to matter to her, as the redhead felt immensely aroused as the dong forced her rectal cavity to rub against her vagina, pushing down on it as it stretched her torso out. That caused her fluids to pump out of her vagina as a result, which splashed onto the stage floor. Her voice remained muffled, though the gagging she experienced from choking on the rod had finally died down now that she had loosened up to the big green rod. Even discounting the string of saliva that dangled off her chin, repeatedly breaking off after numerous hard swings, the crowd could see how much MJ drooled as it all collected on Hulk's shaft, amazed that her body was even capable of creating that much in the way of oral fluids.

At some point, though Mary Jane couldn't remember when, Hulk squeezed his big meaty hand around her torso, which brought her down tightly on the dong. It wasn't quite as rough as when she was being trained to loosen up, but it was still a familiar feeling to her, even if it only happened within the last...five minutes? Hour? She honestly had lost so much track of time that she didn't know how long this charity event had gone on for.

"Well, that seems to be a lot of fun," said a studious Doctor Strange, "but I think we can make this a bit more fun." He expanded the size of the fundraising thermometer once again, while making an announcement, "The more funds we raise for charity, the bigger Hulk's dick grows! Bigger and even thicker! What do you say, dear audience?"

The crowd was possibly at its loudest when Strange made that suggestion, with Mary Jane growing worried. She tried her best to push herself off the dick to protest, but even when she was able to raise her arms and push against the massive cock, it was fruitless. Hulk's grip on her body was too much for her, and no matter how much she tried, she couldn't budge out of his grip.

The thermometer raised higher by the second, slowly hitting its first goal of expanding Hulk's dong. The big green monster growled loudly, with his rod quaking against MJ's innards. The redhead worried about what was about to transcend through her torso as the cock erupted, preparing to burst through her.

"HULK ABOUT TO MAKE MILK!" he cried out seconds before the eruption.

As the first strings of semen shot from his dick, Hulk roared like a wild animal as he yelled at the sky, with MJ holding onto the rod for dear life as he kept cumming. Doctor Strange vanished when he saw the cum aimed in his direction, letting it splash across the stage instead. He then appeared next to Peter, who himself was doubled over after letting his own cum shoot out a foot away from where he stood offstage.

"Are we enjoying ourselves?" Strange asked, much to the fright of Peter after he hadn't expected his presence right away. "Or did you shoot your web fluids out by mistake?"

"Yeah, sure, like I haven't had MJ ask that before," Peter replied, brushing the sweat off his forehead and his bangs slicked back. "What gives here, Strange? You really want to keep this show going?"

"It's all for charity, after all," Stephen replied, "and if people are willing to keep paying to see your wife get railed, who am I to stop it?"

"You know, that just...made me realize something? What charity is all this money going towards?"

"The Martha Stark Foundation, of course."


"Yup. Did you really think all of Tony's money was completely funneled into the service? He's rich and wealthy, but it's not bottomless, either."

"I'm just gonna pretend I heard none of that," grumbled the photographer.

"Actually, I'm rather surprised you haven't been taking any pictures during all this. I guess you've been a little preoccupied."

"You can say that again. Though even if I could take pics, I doubt the Bugle would allow them to even get published."

"Right. But those pictures would still go for a pretty penny."

With Strange making that suggestion, Peter realized the opportunity was still there. "Yeah, I'll be trying to get some good angles where I can," Peter said, sighing with shame as he left the stage to find the perfect shots of his wife being banged by the horny green giant.

The redhead remained on Hulk's schlong, his grip loosened on her body as he relaxed after such a release. Sighing with relief, Mary Jane was more than relieved to catch a break, finally wiping the long strand of saliva from her chin. She even started to push herself off the dong once more, although even with as little strength as she could muster, she could only inch herself slowly from the shaft. As her internal organs massaged against his length, it only ended up keeping the dick erect, slowly rising back to its stiffest state.

This also kept Bruce Banner from changing back to the Hulk, which was a bit more of a blessing to him as it would raise awareness of his identity as a human being once again. Whether the public knew about his dual identities was uncertain to him at this point, as it seemed to fluctuate depending on the time of the month. But even if Hulk himself couldn't get the words out, Bruce himself was thankful that she was keeping him as the beast, even if she didn't realize it.

But Mary Jane did finally get herself off of Hulk, landing squarely on the line of cum as she sat in a fetal position. The fall was harsh on her rump, and she needed a break, but the crowd was still cheering her on, begging for an encore. While her face was drenched in precum and spit, her makeup a great big mess, she could feel her asshole expanding when she didn't squeeze it in. Her anus was left a gaping mess, unable to close it back up without feeling the wind blow into her tunnel.

And yet, MJ felt proud of herself. Her asshole was able to take in the length of the Hulk's rod, as well as his thickness. The crowd clearly demanded more, illustrated by the growth of Strange's thermometer. She was a bit afraid, but as the giant green dick grew larger, she realized she was in for much more trouble.

In fact, his trunk may have grown an extra inch or two out, making her asshole obsolete. However, she had another wild idea that may or may not end up raising funds for the charity.

"Okay, you horny bastards," Mary Jane said, trying to stand on her legs even as they trembled to hold her up, "you want more? You want me to take that big, fat green dick again?!" The crowd reacted in kind. "Okay, tell you what, then. If the next goal is hit, I'll let the Hulk stick it in my pussy!"

The audience was awestruck by the suggestion, even with Peter staring wide eyed by his own wife acting so daring about the Hulk's expanded dong. But as he tried to blend in with the crowd to snap his photos, he could barely contain the slight chub in his pants at the thought of how wild that could get. He supposed that he couldn't possibly be the only one with that response, but now wasn't the time to whip it out and shoot his webs around.

With as much strength as she could muster, Mary Jane turned her back to the horny Hulk, bending over as she spread her cheeks apart. "All right, Hulk. You want to breed with me? Then make it worth the ride!"

Hulk stared at MJ's vagina, how it leaked out a thick string of fluids that dangled between her legs. The vaginal region of the redhead hungered for more, especially after her rectum had been pressed hard into her reproductive organs. The green giant grinned menacingly, the veins on his cock throbbing hard. He approached the model from behind, grabbing her body once more by squeezing it in his hand. His thumb couldn't help but fondle her breasts, playing around with them like tiny little bumps. It was an odd feeling for the redhead while she was stuck in his grip, though at least this time she was a bit more willing and understanding of the predicament she was in.

With his other hand, Hulk held his cock up, pointing it to the sky as he brought MJ over the crown. As the remnants of his seed still oozed from the urethral slit, the model at least knew she was in for something. Though whether her vagina was going to be able to handle such a thing straight from the start was a mystery, one that still frightened her, but she was also more than willing to find out.

Hulk then slammed Mary Jane down on his cock, with the redhead crying out loud enough that the reverb from the astral audio projection was blown out. The crowd's ears weren't pleased with that, but they recovered after seeing the lower portion of her belly expand outwards. It was still impressive to those watching that she was able to get the crown and glans that far into her without much more pressure applied to her, thanks to how wet and thick her lubricants had become inside her canal. But that wasn't about to stop Hulk.


"Oh good lord, who taught him those words…" Strange murmured. "I'll have to pay Deadpool another visit, I think…"

Up until now, the crowd had been getting into the actions purveyed by the big green giant, no matter how much stretching Mary Jane had gone through. When the astral audio projected out to them picked up the hard, wet schlicking sounds that came from her vagina, however, it was a much different feeling for their ears. Discomfort settled in, as if that were where they drew the line on the actions Hulk put the redhead through. Yet they understood they were the ones that pressed her there in the first place.

But then they heard MJ's voice, vibrating from the stage as Hulk pumped his fist harder around her torso, and they grew excited yet again.

The redhead's teeth chattered together as the giant kept using her to pleasure his cock, with repeated pumps from the cock going against her stomach lining. Her canal, and by that extension her womb, also went through quite a bit of punishment as well, as the tight grip Hulk had on the woman's body was far too tight. Whether he knew that or was ignorant was beyond him, as he kept pumping the model to pleasure his rod.

The more aggressive that he grew with her body, the more Mary Jane's stomach stretched out. While his rod may not have been protruding through her body as he intended, it made her belly stretch so far out that the lining of her skin went all the way up to his pointer finger. The crowd saw it for themselves, in awe of how stretchy the red haired model was.

Even Peter found himself inspired by her insane body structure, wondering if it was possible that she had some kind of deranged superpower of her own that he had no knowledge of. Perhaps a fling with Reed he wasn't aware of.

That thought that Hulk might not be the only one that MJ had been with slipped away from Peter's mind as he snapped back to reality from his red haired bride's scream of unusual bliss, as though being abused like a cock toy were actually arousing her. And it may very well be the case, as his wife's fluids were growing so badly that a thick trail of grool hung out of the folds, sticking to the green giant's veins where it wasn't able to get inside the woman.

"AGH! Oh fuck! Oh, yes! Hulk, your dick is so good! It's destroying my pussy! Fuck, I think it's in my womb now! Why don't you go ahead and wreck that too, you bastard?!" Peter was surprised by the insult she had thrown Bruce's way, aware that this side of their friend wasn't tolerant of such name calling. It certainly wasn't the best way to address him.

Indeed, Hulk growled into MJ's face, hitting her with a sick whiff of his breath that almost made her want to vomit. Mary Jane managed to hold it back, but the deathly gaze in his eyes was enough to let her realize she crossed a line with him. Though whether Bruce could understand that too was worth pondering later.

Hulk squeezed his thumb over MJ's stomach, as though he intended to guide his cock away from the stretched belly and towards other regions of her torso. Her eyes went wide as the thumb pressing down seemed to work as well as intended, guiding its way upwards on her torso. The crowd seemed to like that one, as though they wanted to see the cock protrude the model's mouth the same way it had gone all the way through her ass moments prior.

There was a part of Peter where he wanted to look away from everything, and yet he wanted to see just what sort of punishment and torture his wife could tolerate until either their friend was finished with the antics, or her mind completely snapped from an accidental squashing.

The further into Mary Jane's body the rod drilled, it managed to squeeze through with ease. Hulk's grip on her torso loosened as a result. This allowed him to stuff his girth deeper in her, squeezing tightly against her innards. Even with the stretching her anus took from the oral service before, it was still something of a rough ride, as the womb traveled alongside his shaft like a thick condom. Thus it made the trip a bit more difficult, though it was about to become a bit more interesting when Doctor Strange's magic did its work once again.

"AHHHHHH! Oh my GOD!" MJ sucked her lower lip as both length and girth expanded inside her once again. "It's growing! It's growing in my pussy! It's so much cock! So much cock! Ohhhh! I don't know if I can handle more of this!"

MJ whimpered, which some of the members of the audience seemed to like. There was something oddly inspiring seeing the curvy redhead getting stretched by a thick cock with nothing she can do to stop it. Especially as they anticipated another push through her lips. What they wouldn't expect is an additional part of her to come up with the shaft as well.

That would take a bit of time to witness, as even with the length on him, Hulk was unable to fit his thickness through her throat, even after that had managed to fit through earlier when he used her mouth to pleasure his beanstalk. The growth his rod had experienced thanks to numerous large donations accepted thanks to Strange's suggestion was too much for it to handle now, though that wasn't going to stop the behemoth from fulfilling his goal.

"Come on!" MJ shouted, as though she were trying to encourage the behemoth. "Come on you stupid giant buff asshole! Don't you want to - GHHHK! Stuff me full?! Try it! I dare you!" Even as MJ gave him a serious look to go with her demand, she was worried on the inside. Any additional pummeling in her body could do a great amount of harm to her, and she knew that. But she had to keep reminding herself that all of this was still for the sake of charity.

It still wasn't enough for Hulk to get his crown to penetrate her throat, so she was going to have to hit the gas on how badly she could verbally abuse the green behemoth. "What's wrong, Hulk? Is your dick too small to go all the way through me?" she asked, even as she could still see lots of length sticking out of her pussy. "Such a small prick for a small brain! Ooooh, look at how bad you are with your dick size! Do you want me to tell you about how even Peter is bigger than you?!"

Hulk's green irises shrank in, gasping audibly that even the crowd heard it. It was then they realized Mary Jane fucked up, but as they could see her grinning through messed up eyeliner, it seemed as though that were the plan.

Even as Hulk put more power into his pumps, the redhead smiled with delight, ready to experience the tight squeeze that would come from her throat bulging more than it had before. The giant huffed through his teeth as he worked harder to slam MJ down on his dick, even pulling her up so far that his tip was the only thing still inside her cunt, with several strands of saliva breaking off of the shaft when enough distance was made between it and the rest of his length. That much force was enough to finally get his dick and the living condom surrounding it through her throat, with the redhead coughing and gagging as her wind pipes were blocked up now, eyes bulging from her skull with how hard she had to cough it all up as a result.

When the shaft finally did push through her throat, that meant it was time for it to be exposed to the outside world by way of coming out of her lips. Once the Hulk pumped hard enough for it to protrude the mouth, Mary Jane, as well as the audience, was stunned to see the cock covered in a thin, pink substance. It was disgusting, yet the audience found it unnaturally hot at the same time. Even Doctor Strange was surprised to hear the throngs of people happy to see her stuffed so much with Hulk's cock that any normal human being may never even get this far in the way of survival.

"It does make one wonder if women are much more flexible than we think," Strange said as he rubbed his chin at the view on stage.

It was impressive to anyone at the event that they could see Mary Jane impaled on the shaft like that, yet she could still manage to raise her arm up and give the audience a thumbs up, indicating that she was still alive in spite of her insides being destroyed by the rod's rough ride.

Hulk let go of MJ and his cock, letting it fling forward on the stage. The redhead yelped as her body hit the ground with a thud, only for it to spring off the floor and bounce about until it was in a state of stiffness. The model felt a little sick as a result of that ride, but held it down once more. As she was floating in the air parallel with the stage, she worried how that would come out while her pussy was lodged on a cock outside her mouth.

As Peter snapped the images wildly, Hulk laughed silently to himself as he bent his knees to watch the cock bounce about more and more. The redhead certainly felt like she would vomit after that, but tried to keep herself from doing so. Even after all the humiliation she had endured throughout the show, this would have been the worst thing for her to be covered in chunks rather than have her womb end up detached from her body thanks to the green giant.

The bouncing would stop, but Hulk wasn't finished with MJ and his dong. Without using his hands, the green giant pumped his hips forward, swinging from the side shot as he let the audience watch Mary Jane bounce back and forth on his cock while the redhead's body slid back and forth, with only the womb keeping it in place.. The redhead's body twitched, but she showed no other signs of movement at the time. Peter felt she had reserved herself to the cock, as though she was happy with her place. Admittedly, there was no way for the webslinger to compete with such a shaft, so he may as well just be around for the ride.

Hulk moved his hips faster and faster, enough that Mary Jane bounced around like a rubber ball tied to a paddle, with the impact of the thrusts, as well as the immense lubrication of her muff, causing her body to slide around. The crowd ate it up, even chanting for him to cum inside the redhead while she remained lodged on his dong. It would happen regardless, but the sooner the better, especially as Doctor Strange took note that they had reached the next goal towards their donations.

As Hulk let out a mighty roar, Mary Jane felt the shaft vibrating through her body as the seed began to work its way to the urethral slit. The redhead whimpered, even as she knew that her fate was sealed. She closed her eyes while trying to relax, even as she could only imagine what would happen next. And that means of being at peace would only last so long for her.

Mary Jane choked as the seed flooded her womb, stretching it out in the same manner as a condom while Hulk roared loudly. The Doctor fixed the reverb this time, keeping a casual expression as he watched on at the strangeness before him. The redhead's womb expanded so much that it began to weigh her down, growing on top of her face as the shaft bent. Her head rested on the ground as a result, with her body slowly slipping towards the tip while her vaginal fluids coated the big green dick.

With the crowd applauding the big explosion that occurred, Hulk pulled his cock out of Mary Jane, whose body remained in place while the womb condom kept her in place. She ended up laying flat when he was finished, with the green giant doubling over as he panted with exhaustion. MJ's eyes were half shut, one of them twitching as she sighed as well, worn down by the violent reaming she had witnessed up until now. With her womb draining of Hulk's massive fluids, the stage was covered in even more of the milky substance, hoping that she would at least be able to push her organ back in place.

Strange came back onto the stage, making the fundraising thermometer vanish. "I think we've had our fair share of fun for today," Stephen said, "but more than anything, we've raised quite a lot in the way of funds. So with that we conclude our festivities-"

The mystic found himself interrupted as the ground beneath them quaked for a brief moment. The others in Central Park felt it as well, with Hulk looking around with concern as though he sensed a challenge on its way. Which would be a shame for him, given he was too spent from cumming to give enough of a damn to save the day. Peter went to change into Spider-Man, only to freeze up in place as he looked in awe of the sight coming their way.

Everyone recognized Fin Fang Foom as he loomed over the trees on his way to the opening in the park where the event took place. He was something to behold, unusually beautiful in his size yet immensely threatening in his scaly look. However, that wasn't the only thing that caught their attention. As many were able to see the underside of the huge dragon, they could also see the big, scaly cock that protruded from his sheath. They unfortunately also saw that there was another redhead underneath, impaled on the shaft in a manner that the crowd had already witnessed.

"Wait, is that...Natasha?" Peter squinted to get a better look, but he could indeed recognize the Russian spy on the far end of the big dick, her body trembling as she bounced around with every step that Fin Fang Foom took until he was in the right position. As the womb deflated of its seed, MJ caught a good glimpse of the dragon, gulping in terror at the size of the beast. His cock caught her attention, and at this point in her day all she could do was groan and roll her eyes in frustration. Even she saw where this was bound to go.

"Fin Fang Foom," Strange said to the dragon, "to what do we owe this rare occurrence?"

"Nothing too much," Fin Fang Foom said as he raised one of his front legs up, "though hold down any urge to attack me. That goes double for you, Hulk."

The Hulk just looked at him with anger, knowing that any other day he could take him. But judging by how Black Widow was already an ornament on his shaft, any means of fighting could end up bad for her.

"No, I had heard about your little event," Fin said, "and had wanted to see for myself how this woman would hold up. And as I can see, she's been broken in quite well by our green little friend here."


"In any case, I wish to offer a little money to your charity of choice," said Fin as he reached for his back, pulling off a small bag that he landed at Strange's feet. Cautious, the mystic used his magic to inspect the bag, opening it up to show quite a large amount of gold and treasures.

Perplexed and morally puzzled, Strange said to the dragon, "Well, that's quite a lot of gold. But I don't think we can take it, seeing as most of it's likely stolen."

Rolling his eyes, Fin said to the mystic, "Don't worry, I've checked, the families of those who owned those fortunes are long dead, they won't be coming for it anytime soon."

"That's besides the point…"

"Now, I would like to have something in return. I believe it's only fair that for giving such a generous donation that I be allowed an opportunity to have my use of the stunning redhead, yes?"

Peter gulped after getting enough shots of Natasha reamed on his cock, seeing that she had been stuffed ass first with the rest of his dong protruding through the mouth. He wasn't so fond of the suggested use of his wife, but even if he, Hulk, and Strange were to try and take on Fin Fang Foom, there was no way they could save her with his size.

Aware of this as well, Strange had no choice but to use his magic to levitate Mary Jane off the stage, floating her over to the dragon. Her womb had returned to its place inside her stomach, though swallowing down the inflated sack that caused her belly to swell a bit instead.

Fin grabbed MJ, holding her up to study her as if she were a new toy to play with, which she may as well have been. She sat on his scaly palm, unable to do much but burp up some of Hulk's jizz. Foom hummed. "Yes, I think that this one will do just fine," he said, "just perfect to keep my other red haired prize company."

"I don't get any say in this, do I?" Mary Jane asked.

"Not if you wish for me to take back my donation."

"For the love of god…" It grew annoying on the redhead that everyone was able to use the charity to weaponize it against her, but she couldn't resist no matter what the cause. Fin then held her in his hand properly, bringing her lips to his scaly shaft as he attempted to push her through.

"Mmmph, yes, that certainly does feel like a nice fit," Fin said, pumping the redhead around to test her durability. "Ah, splendid, Hulk, you did a good job with this one."


Despite Fin having a larger rod than Hulk, Mary Jane's body stretched and bulged with ease, having adjusted to such a proportion for a huge, fat dong. The saliva from her mouth helped work her around with ease. It was certainly a familiar feeling, as if she were experiencing the first time with the Hulk all over again, only without a thong to hold her over the stage while she swallowed the rod down her gullet.

As she rode down the rod, Mary Jane could see herself getting close to Black Widow, seeing the blank gaze in her eyes. It was as though she were dead inside as a result of being on the rod for so long, having experienced blast after blast of cum shot erupting through her body and shooting out of the tip. Sometimes, MJ imagined, she was at the far end to feel the seed travelling through her mouth.

MJ's lips soon met with Natasha's, the two forced to make out. It wasn't a terrible feeling, and at least they kept company with one another, being naked over the audience of the charity event. As she settled on his rod, Fin Fang Foom relaxed himself, only to twitch as he stood in place. The people in the crowd backed away from the giant dragon, worried that he was bound to cum on them without warning.

MJ and Black Widow worked their tongues against his rod, feeling the scales on him as they tried to lock together. It was mostly out of the surreal passion they felt being impaled on Fin's cock, which stuck out from the model's asshole. In spite of all that, she was still able to flex her anus on the shaft, just to feel how much it could gape inside her asshole.

"Well, I feel good for the moment. Don't worry," Fin said to the crowd, "your humans will return to you soon enough. I just have a century of pleasure that I need to take care of." The dragon then went about his way, with MJ and Natasha bouncing around on his dick.

Peter just sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm sure I'll see her again," Peter sighed, "but sex is definitely never going to be the same."

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