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Capítulo 39: A Formal Date

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Before we dive into this very relevant SIDE CHARACTER chapter. I need to clarify a misconception regarding the prior Interlude. Listen well! Each Garden DOES NOT represent a Domain Expansion, they represent something else. There will be no 100000 Domain Expansions. But there is more than one. Come on people! Do you think I give out buffs to Akira for free?! Rant over, enjoy lol XD)

(Also to clarify to those only interested in ooga booga PLOT and TEN SHADOWS YAHOOO MAHO-CHAN WHEN!? This chapter's completely skippable for ya'll. I'm not here to waste time for you peeps. I get paid for this you know. (I don't))

Special thanks to SplingoSplongo and Thecentipede for Beta Reading this chappie. I've paid them a hefty amount (0$) and am proud of their contribution!

-Story Start-

-Naomi POV-

Going down the staircase from the 2nd floor of my home, having dried my hair from the post-workout shower, I paused at a call out.

"Nao~!" A familiar cheery tone called out to me.

Staring down, my eyes caught onto the figure of my best friend, waving at me tiredly despite the energetic call out.

Her face smushed onto the dining table, and her long purple hair sprawled like a mess on it as well.

Only the sight of a steaming tea cup made it evident that Mom had invited her in, rather than her sneaking into my home again.

Though, she's shameless enough to still make tea when coming in uninvited.

Making my way towards her, I teased with a smile, "What brought you here so early?"

Poking her face with my finger, I add, "Usually you'd be drooling on your pillow at this hour." 

Her hand shot forward, grabbing my long hair, which was still damp and untied from the shower, and pulled it gently, "Why~ I came here to get a feeling of your silky smooth hair right after a shower~!"

She rubbed it between her fingers, her face twisting in wonder, jealousy evident in her dissecting glare, "What sorcery is this...?"

Gently punching her head, prompting an, "Oww..." I sat beside her.

I smiled gently at her, seeing through her sunny exterior to the concern underneath, "Now, be real with me, Aiko. Mom wouldn't have let you come here on this specific day without good reason."

At that, Aiko sighed and snorted, shaking her head self-deprecatingly, "Ah, I came here to do the opposite of worrying you, and look where that got me, Nao."


Oh... That.

Seeing my souring expression, Aiko lifted her smushed face from the table, masking her early morning exhaustion in the form of that mischievous smirk of hers.

A familiar smirk that never ended well with whatever scheme lay within it.

Though I wouldn't mind Aiko's antics today, she seems keen on lifting my mood.

Honestly, this girl...

My amber eyes met with her purple, as she announced, "We'll be doing some recon! Nao-chan~!"

Narrowing my eyes at her, unconvinced I propose, "Recon? Is that what you told my Mom when she let you in here?"

Rolling her eyes and waving her hand she replied, "I told her I'll be helping you prepare for your date... And we'll be doing just that!"

Leaning my face into my hand, a thin line formed on my face, I firmly state, "I am not going to spy on Akira-sama."

Aiko's expression cringed at my words, as she waved her hand at me dismissively, "Oh, quit that "Sama" nonsense, Nao. The kid's twelve! We're long past that prudish time period."

Sighing deeply, I frown, "And yet, here we are..."

Frowning in vindication, Aiko nodded, repeating, "And yet here we are..."

Lifting a finger, she declared, "But! Think of it as me evaluating your partner. As far as I managed to research, Akira isn't too keen on getting married either. He's dragged it as long as he could. Eventually choosing you."

Evaluating my partner... I doubt she needs to do that, as she seems to know things only a Nara should know.

Aiko always gets what she wants, that's just who she is, though. 

Ignoring my thoughts, Aiko narrowed her eyes at me, leaning her head into her hands as well, "You said Akira agreed to marry you because of your grandfather, right?"

At the mention of my grandfather, Makoto, I couldn't hide the sourness in my expression.

Nevertheless, I nodded, "Yes. He's been adamant about it for years. From the moment they discovered Akira-sama's Kekkei Genkai."

Scratching her head, Aiko mumbled in annoyance, "And I still don't get why you can't just try and make yourself as unappealing as possible if you don't want to marry this kid. Make yourself a nuisance and he'll go choosing a different one, I know for sure there is no shortage of Nara girls much more eager than you."

She's not wrong, but...

I answer immediately, "Fam-"

Her amethyst eyes gain a dangerous glint, "If you say for my family one more time... I'll shave you bald. I know you're stronger, so I'll gang up on you with Kenta."


Giggling at her, I smiled resiliently, "Sorry, Aiko. I can at the very least give it a try. A try doesn't hurt. Besides, if he's horrible, I'll do my best to cut off the engagement."

Aiko's eyes sharpened immeasurably as she stated bluntly, "That's a lie."

"Come on, Nao. How could you even take him seriously...?" Aiko inquired.

I reply immediately, "You know he's a powerful Shinobi. He's stronger than me. His wits, valued in the Nara, aren't too far off from his Shinobi Arts as well."

She rolled her eyes, "There has been no shortage of powerful brats, he's not that impressive in comparison to the other monsters we've had in our history."

"Strong or not, what's important is personality! What if he's dull and boring?" Aiko asserted with certainty.

I reply simply with, "Better than crazy and sadistic."

She pouted, "Pessimistic... Did you try and talk to Nanami-sensei about it?"

Nanami-sensei... I would never burden him with Clan Business.

Shaking my head, I reply sternly, "Aiko. I would never burden Nanami-sensei or anyone outside the clan with this. What could he even realistically do?" I counter asked.

Humming in thought, Aiko frowned, her tone frustrated, "Well... I don't know! He's the most responsible and sensible adult I've seen in this village of eccentric idiots! Even more than Matron Mika! He could probably come up with something...?"

I smile in amusement at her, "He'll first have to figure out that I got engaged in the first place, you know?"

She deadpanned, "Yeah... He's not really good at keeping in touch with people... You know he got a new Genin Team right?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I heard... He's probably forgotten all about us..." I faux lament.

Slamming her fist on the table, Aiko announced as she rose up with a finger in the air, "Never! Nanami-sensei is the greatest!"

I snark at her, with a teasing smile, "Why don't you marry him? Instead of worrying about my engagement?"

Folding her arms under her breasts, Aiko nodded with pure wisdom, her tone regretful, "I would... Unfortunately, I am not in his strike zone... I am an adult now, damn it!"

Leaning my head forward, a nostalgic feeling coursed through me, as I giggled, "Anyone who has to proclaim that they're an adult, isn't much of an adult now are they~?"

"Not cool, Nao," Aiko mumbled unoffended.

I add, "Pfft...It wasn't too long ago when you tried to seduce him every waking moment... A shame, you're so pretty too."

What was left unsaid was how surprisingly uncharming Aiko can be if she genuinely tries to seduce someone.

Shrugging, Aiko stated, "Meh, his loss. Maybe it'll work out, I am not really in a rush to date let alone marry anyone."

Her head turned to me, with a piercing look, "Unlike a certain... Someone."

Sweatdropping at her blunt call out and steering the conversation back to a more uncomfortable topic, I question, "I hope you're still not planning on going on Recon?"

"Oh, and you're coming with me. Unless you want me to confront him and badmouth you." She left no room for argument, a challenging glint in her eyes.

"Sometimes I find it creepy how well you know me, Aiko."

"Oh, the woes of a best friend..." Aiko shook her head in pure regret, as she unceremoniously proceeded to chug the now lukewarm tea.

Lacking any feminine grace in her uncouth chugging.

"...Aiko, your beauty is wasted on you. I already feel bad for your future boyfriend."

"Shut up, brat."

"We're the same age."

"Could've fooled me~!"


"You know, going to see another girl a few hours before his date isn't drawing a pretty picture," Aiko mentioned nonchalantly as she took a bite of the Anpan in her hand.

Taking a bite from my own Cream Pan, I gulp and reply with a deadpan, "Aiko, he's friends with the Yamanaka Heiress, it's common knowledge."

After going out on a reluctant search for Akira-sama in the streets of Konoha, it took a disturbingly short amount of time for Aiko to find him.

For the sake of my own sanity, I decided against asking my scary friend if it was anything other than pure luck that allowed her to locate him.

Upon noticing him walking in a certain direction, we did our best to follow him discreetly.

At least, I did...

Aiko was very blatant in her starring and following.

"Aiko! What are you doing? He'll notice us!" I whisper vehemently, glancing around nervously to see if anyone else or worst of all, Akira-sama, noticed our suspicious behavior.


"It'll be embarrassing when I meet him later today! If he finds out I've been following him it'll be a disgrace!" I emphasize.

"Ex-actly~!" She grinned.

"I'm leaving..." I groan.

"Okay okay! I'll be more sneaky, sheesh... You and your stuffy values." Aiko gave up quickly.

Eventually, we saw him enter Yamanaka Flowers.

"Let's follow him in!" Aiko suggested upon sighting.

"No, that would be too far. You can go in if you want." I rejected her immediately.

"Oh! Come on, Nao! We can just buy some flowers, your mom would appreciate some, wouldn't she?" Aiko argued.

I snorted, "Mom's purely business, she would probably feed them to the Deer."

"All the more reason!"


Growling like an animal for a moment, Aiko collected herself, "Hrgh... Fine, fine! You win! We'll continue our recon in that bakery in front!" She pointed at the bakery just in front of Yamanaka Flowers.

This brought us to this situation, seeing a friendly exchange between Yamanaka Ino and Akira-sama through the glass of the shop across the street.

I couldn't help but frown at their distant interaction.

Not out of any petty emotion or anything.

But because...

"She likes him, or at the very least, is interested." Aiko bluntly stated at the brightness in the Yamanaka Heiress's eyes.

"Yes, so it seems," I answer tiredly.

Turning to me with a teasing smirk, "Oh you bad girl~ You~ Swiping him from the paws of the Yamanaka Heiress, I never knew you had it in you, my prim and proper princess~!"



My closest familial tie to such influence is Grandfather, and even then it is not hereditary.

Smirking back, I replied, "If anyone's a prim and proper princess, it's you. Remind me how many boys confessed to you back in the Academy? All of whom you had rejected?"

Waving me off, as she stuffed herself with Anpan, "I don't know, Losht count at eleven~ They were all childish anywaysh~"

Hah, never change Aiko, never change.


"But, I can't help but feel bad for her." I lowered my head.

Gulping, Aiko replied with a lazy glint in her eye as she scrutinized the half-eaten Anpan in her hand, "Well... Yeah, I guess it is unfortunate. The gal's got no chances right?"

I nodded, "Even if it isn't with me, Akira-sama has no choice but to marry a Nara girl. Given his Kekkei Genkai."

"Hmm..." Aiko hummed, as she thought about my words.

While she was contemplating, I took another blissful bite of my Cream Pan, I let loose an involuntary squeal of, "Shwo Good~"

Lifting her contemplating head, Aiko announced, "He's going upstairs! I-IS THIS WHAT I THINK THIS IS?!" Her scream shook the shop.

I quickly turned to the bakery owner, who threw a bewildered glance at Aiko, I promptly apologized in her name, "I'm sorry, she got a little excited." I bowed.

He waved me off, "It's fine lass, as long as she doesn't repeat the noise."

I nodded, turning to the shocked Aiko as I commanded, "Aiko, get your head out of the gutter, he's going upstairs on his own, Yamanaka-san is still manning the shop on her lonesome."

"O-Oh..." She blinked, slightly embarrassed at her thoughts.

I giggled, "Look at you, Aiko. Even you can be maidenlike if you really tried~"

Red in her cheeks, Aiko shook her head, pointing at the shop, "N-Never mind that! Then what is he doing upstairs in that shop?! They don't have a second floor of wares!"

I shrugged, "Beats me. We'll just have to wait."

"I guess..."


After what felt like a grueling hour of waiting, during which Aiko had finally succumbed to her exhaustion of waking up early in the morning, drooling on the table in a rather embarrassing and uncouth manner.

I would have woken her up, but I find it amusing and oddly relaxing to the nerves to observe her while sipping tea.

So peaceful.

So quiet.

So blissful.

So carefree.

I envy that.

To me, this was a respite for what's to come.

Turning my gaze to the target of observation - Yamanaka Flowers, Akira-sama's figure finally went down the stairs.

Alongside the Patriarch of the Yamanaka, Inoichi himself.

I gently nudged Aiko's shoulder, my tone quiet, "Aiko, Aiko. Wake up, he's making his way out."

"Huh? What? Is it morning already?" She groggily mumbled.

Sighing, I turned to carefully scrutinize Akira-sama's figure that stood before Inoichi.

He bowed to him in gratitude as he waved goodbye to Ino, making his way through the door of the shop.

Finally, he left it, entering the street.

In his hands, I could make out a scroll.

Narrowing my eyes, I could read the title:

"The Mindscape And The Inner World - A Yamanaka Study," I repeated.

Aiko mumbled as she stretched her tired limbs, slowly regaining her bearings from her recent slumber, "I-Isn't that related to the Yamanaka Secret Jutsu?"

Shaking my head, I mention, "While it could be, I doubt it's something that discloses the Hiden itself. We the Nara have a special cooperative relationship with the Yamanaka, so study material is easily shared. An example would be a collaborative study of the Akimichi Pills between our clans. Though I'd argue that scroll isn't something anyone can easily gain access to."

Stroking her nonexistent beard, Aiko mumbled, "Then it was a strictly "Business" meeting?" She made air quotations with her hands.

"...Maybe?" I shrugged.

"Hmm, I knew it. He's gonna be dull and boring. All dice, no spice." Aiko sighed tragically as she rose up from the table.

"And what was my response when you mentioned that possibility in the first place?" I smiled lightly.

Rising up alongside her, I nodded and smiled gratefully to the bakery owner, "Thank you for the hospitality. The pastries were delicious."

I quickly cleaned up the irritating mess, mostly induced by Aiko before I went off.

Pausing in his work, the owner smiled back, "It's always a pleasure that fine young women like yourselves enjoy my work. Come back anytime."

"Oi, dude. She's taken!" Aiko smirked good-naturedly pointing at me with her thumb.

Is she with me or against me?

Sometimes it's hard to tell...

"Thank you, and will do. Please ignore her." I ignored her as I nodded to the owner.

With that, we decided to leave into the busy and crowded street.

"Let's hurry up! Or we'll lose him!" Aiko rushed me.

I shook my head with an apologetic smile, "Aiko."

She tilted her with a questioning look.

"I need to get back home. We've wasted too much time. The date is in three hours. Mom wants me back in one. I need to pretty myself up."

"Almost 16 and yet to get to your rebellious phase... Oh, how I pray for that day to come..." Aiko laments loudly.

Rolling my eyes at her, I give her a tight hug, prompting a surprised squeak.

Holding her close, I genuinely thank her, "Thank you for lightening my mood. For trying to ease me into it."

"I love you so so so much, and I'm so happy to know that regardless of how this turns out, I know going forward that you have my back... And I hope you know that you have mine as well."

Aiko sniffed, tearing up, "W-Where did that come from!? D-Do you want me to cry?!" She tightened the hug herself.

I giggled, as I let go, giving her a bright smile, "You already are~"

"Oh screw you! You got dramatic all of a sudden! Like you were being sent out to war or something!" She rubbed her eyes with her sleeve.

"Say..." I mentioned as we ignored the odd onlooker or passerby glancing at us and cooing.

"Yeah? D-Don't get suddenly emotional on me like that again! I. Was. Not. Ready!" She repeated.

I genuinely question, "I haven't told Kenta about my situation. Did you tell him perchance?" I tilted my head.

"Nope, haven't told him," Aiko answered immediately.

I nod, "Should I tell him...? He'll be really hurt if he discovered it on his own." Hesitation was evident in my tone.

"Hurt would be putting it mildly. Besides, Nao, He's our friend and teammate isn't he?" Aiko mumbled.


I nod, "Alright, I'll tell him when he's back from his mission. Though, it's a long one right?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I think he'll miss seeing the Chunin Exams, it's a Midterm Mission. A shame, his reactions are always fun to see~"

"Hmph, got that right."

A comfortable moment of silence later, and Aiko turned to me.

Frowning, concern laced Aiko's expression, "You got an opinion of him? Haven't gotten the chance to ask. You know a bit more than me about him, same clan and all." Her tone was cautious as if she feared the answer might upset me.

Tilting my head, I replied tiredly, "Surface level at most. Just because we're the same clan doesn't mean I know him intimately. Aiko, we're a big clan." I state matter of factly.

Before she reacts, I add, "I mean with the exception of seeing him running around with these creatures he can summon and the other clan heirs, what I do know is his level of significance to a degree. And what he's capable of thanks to Grandfather."

With a hint of distaste and bitterness, I elaborated, "He's been describing him in such flowery and annoying terms, that I'd preferred to ignore what he's saying in favor of judging for myself."

Nodding, impressed, Aiko commented, seeming eager to bring back a lighter tone to the conversation, "Wise, young Naomi. Very wise."

"Oh, stop it."

"Remind me where your date meeting spot is going to be?" Aiko questioned.

"Hmm? Oh, It's at... I've heard they've got amazing Tamagoyaki!"

"...Who orders Tamagoyaki in that kinda joint?" Aiko cringed.


"You look positively stunning, Naomi." An older, happy tone echoed from behind me.

I turned my head to see the smiling figure of my Grandfather, whom I addressed.

I inquire politely, "Grandfather, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Naomi, don't move, I'm still tying your hair." Mom chastised quickly.

He approached his figure now visible through the reflection of the mirror in front of me.

I met his eyes in the mirror, searching for any sign of hidden motives behind his amused expression.

"Gah! Such coldness! Where has the cute little girl who used to chase me around gone?!"

I rolled my eyes at his antics, ignoring his words.

Seeing my indifference, he relented, "Nevertheless, as your Grandfather and the organizer of this formal engagement meeting, I do deserve to catch a glimpse of my granddaughter in one of her life's most pivotal moments do I not?"

"I suppose," I answer.

He nodded, turning to Mom, who was as excited as he was, "Rina, where is my son? We have much to finalize."

"He's currently speaking with Shikaku-sama, making the final touches for the matter you agreed upon." Mom threw me a suspicious and knowing look.

A hint of pleasant surprise crossed his expression and his smile broadened, his tone grew firm and formal, "Phenomenal... Naomi, I trust you know to behave yourself?"

"Of course, Grandfather," I reply immediately.

He nodded, turning and intending to leave.

...Is that really it?

He came all the way here just to see me?

I highly doubt that.

He doesn't care about me that much.

It's far more likely he was trying to warn me.

"Grandfather," I called out.

He turned immediately at my calling of his title, "Yes, Naomi?"

An expectant look on his face, as his smile grew amused.

"If I may be so rude, would you mind offering me some advice regarding Akira-sama? No one I am acquainted with knows him better than you do."

Mom's face glowed and Grandfather's smirk only grew more gleeful and amused at my request.

He hummed, lifting a finger, "Don't try to seduce him." His eyes twinkled with amusement, but there was a sharpness behind them that made me uneasy.

"T-That was not my intention!" I declared loudly, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment and indignation.

Mom giggled and Grandfather chuckled at my embarrassment.

"Well, that's too bad~! Naomi~! You're not playing your role~!" He retorted in amusement, throwing a disturbing hint and warning in the mix.

Collecting myself with an exhale, my cheeks still a little red, I replied firmly, "Akira-sama is still twelve. I am of the right to retain myself until he is of age and we have married."

He frowned, faux sadness in his tone, "Such a stickler for the rules... Did she inherit that from you, Rina?"

Mom snorted at his insinuation, having finished tying my hair, "You know as well as I do that's one of Gen's virtues."

He shook his head, "At times, I wonder which of you two is actually my offspring..."

Turning to my frowning self, he genuinely stated, "Regardless, I have business to attend to. Do try and enjoy yourself, Naomi. I made sure to convey the date plan to Akira properly. He's rather lackluster when it comes to matters unrelated to Shinobi Arts, you see... But don't tell him I said that~!"



And lackluster he was...

Suppressing a shiver from going down my spine, I tried my best to wipe the displeased frown from my expression at his act and replace it with a polite smile.

I could not fault him, maybe my expectations were too high, considering just who he was.

In reality, his status manages to veil the obvious.

That he was, after all, still just a 12-year-old boy.

In hindsight, I should've expected this...

-Flashback Start-

A reservation at the fanciest traditional Akimichi Restaurant.

I should not have expected less, was the thought that crossed my mind when I first heard it from Grandfather.

Turning my head to scan my surroundings, I could see many well-dressed individuals on the restaurant grounds, both outdoor tables and inside.

The soft murmur of conversation and the accompanying warm silence enhanced by the decorations and staff added to the refined and traditional atmosphere of the restaurant.

Men in fancy suits, and the select few dressed in kimonos.

Women in similar dress codes wore pretty dresses but mostly kimonos.

Mom's insistence on me wearing a kimono over a lovely dress was well-grounded.

I approached the pretty hostess who wore a kimono herself, greeting her with a polite smile, "Good afternoon, is there a reservation for Nara Akira?"

Mirroring my expression, she nodded, "Yes. He's already waiting for you inside, Miss Nara."

I tilt my head in thought.

Good, he's punctual.

"Come with me, I'll take you to your table." She gestured for me to follow.

Nodding, I thanked her, "Thank you very much."

Entering the restaurant's interior at her guidance, I marvel at the fancy decorations and smell.

The restaurant's interior was a blend of traditional aesthetics with subtle modern touches, from the luxurious paper lanterns to the hand-carved wooden furniture that mixed with the more modern painting and electrical appliances.

"Huh?" I squeak as I pause.

The hostess turns to me, worry lacing her gaze.

At the corner of my eye at a far-off table, I caught the figure of a lone girl.

She had positioned herself at a table that was only visible when entering the restaurant.

Waving at me madly, her dress not anywhere near fitting for the dress code of this place was Aiko.

Catching me off guard, she gave me a thumbs-up and a reassuring gaze, as if saying, "I'm here."


This girl.

I couldn't stop myself from giggling at her.

Honestly, it's not that big of a deal...

But, I can't lie and say she doesn't help.

"I take it that Miss is your friend?" The hostess glanced at Aiko with a hint of unease.

"Not at all... My, it might just be the first time I've ever met her. How odd for her to wave at me with such familiarity." I shook my head, a smirk of amusement on my face.

Without giving her the pleasure of taking a peek at my smug expression, I proceeded forward, following the hostess.

Eventually, I stood a decent distance away from Akira-sama.

He sat on the table, an aloof, almost lazy expression on his face as he leaned his head on his hand, wearing a fancy suit fit for his size.

Nara men... I shook my head.

Regardless, with him being so up close instead of the occasions I saw him from afar, I couldn't help but notice how small he was.

Making this all the more reassuring.

The hostess had politely left me to introduce myself to him, so I whispered a quick word of gratitude and approached.

With a genuine smile on my face, instead of a polite one, thanks to Aiko's surprising interference.

I greeted him, bowing at a 30-degree angle, "Good afternoon, Akira-sama."

At my greeting, his head turned to me, and immediately I felt his dissecting gaze.

Ignoring that, I continued, giving him the title and name he was supposed to recognize according to Grandfather, "I am Nara Naomi, Makoto-sama's Granddaughter."

Then... Silence.

His gaze was uncomfortable, and dissecting, looking me over from top to bottom.

It felt like those lecherous gazes...

-Flashback End-

"Oh, I'm sorry for starring." He called out, bowing genuinely.

I held my tongue, only sighing at his lack of decorum or subtlety.

At the very least, conceal your gaze properly...

But I am not in a position to lecture Akira-sama, young as he is, even in this setting.

Then, he elaborated, sweatdropping and genuinely apologetic, "I just had to double-take if I've ever seen you. To be honest, up till now I was still skeptical whether you existed or not." He gestured for me to take a seat in front of him.

At his words, I lowered my guard slightly, as I followed his gesture and sat down, repeating his words, "Whether I existed or not? Surely in this day and age, he could have shown you a photograph?"

He sighed agonizedly, "Even then it could be fake... You know how your grandfather is, right?" He chuckled lightly, a hint of skepticism in his tone.

I see...

My grandfather.


Then... His prior prolonged invasive gaze made sense.

"I suppose I do. It wouldn't be out of character for Grandfather to cause such mischief." I hummed neutrally.

At the sudden silence, he coughed and rose up, bowing formally himself, "Sorry for making us start on the wrong leg... I am Nara Akira, and it is an honor to finally meet you." He smiled politely.

I shook my head, raising my arms in a placating gesture, "No, no. It is my fault for coming so guarded. I should praise you for managing to sense my distress. Thank you for your concern."

I need to keep an open mind, he's still just a kid.

Even if it was a lecherous gaze, I should be more forgiving, at least, lightly nudge him that this was improper behavior as my station allows.

But, he's pleasantly courteous.

That earns him some points.

I smiled politely, nodding my head, "And likewise. It is my pleasure to be your partner in this engagement."

Nodding, he quickly lifted the menu, waving it around, "I hope you came hungry, cause the stuff on here is just ridiculous." He stated in good humor.

Catching his underlining financially related complaint with narrowed eyes, I comment, "You came back from a rather hectic mission, had you not?"

His expression darkened.

I swiftly retracted my question, "Ah, I apologize. I should not have asked when it was so recent. It's just, as far as I had heard, you've had no casualties."

He waved me off, with a bitter smile, "It's fine, whatever Makoto told you, it seems he's spared some details. But yeah, I got paid enough to afford this kind of place."

Again with Grandfather...

"I see... I'm glad you are in good health regardless of the mission's outcome. Though I may not look it, I am Chunin and have experienced my fair share of failed missions." I stated empathetically, hiding the annoyance beneath.

And to my surprise, he replied with a teasing tone, "Considering your Makoto's relative, I'd be more surprised if you weren't at least Chunin."

I frowned, causing his eyes to widen for a moment, I stated patiently, "I would appreciate it if we did not talk about Grandfather any longer."

Blinking, he nodded sheepishly and obediently, though the confused yet evaluative gaze was crystal clear.

Then, an awkward silence enveloped us at my request.

He took it as a cue to call for the waitress, ordering his food, "I'll have the Toro Tartare for the starter and a Wagyu Beef Tataki for the Main Course."

"Anything to drink with that, sir?" The kimono-clad waitress tilted her head in question.

Akira beamed at being called "Sir", for but an instant, but quickly collected himself.


Not even remotely.



Hmm... Aiko was right, it's a little hard to take him seriously with the age gap.

Even with his achievements and title at the forefront of my mind.

"Erm... Surprise me?" He replied after a moment of contemplation.

Turning to me, Akira asked, "What'll you be having, Naomi-san?"

I blinked, lowering my gaze to the menu, and giving it a quick look I locked onto an item of great interest.

Smiling at the waitress, "No starter, just Tamagoyaki."

Blinking at my choice, the waitress repeated, "Tamagoyaki, Miss? Are you certain?"

"Yeah, are you certain?" Akira echoed the waitress's question, his tone held a hint of disappointment.

Barely holding onto my etiquette, I huffed in indignation, "Yes. I am certain."


"You're taking part in the upcoming Chunin Exams?" I asked after the food had arrived, making sure to wipe my face with a napkin after each bite.

I was conflicted about whether to feel irritated or relieved he was more excited about the food right now than about talking with me.

Regardless, he seemed to be content with the silence, but I wasn't.

...Nara men.

Though, our moods were certainly lifted thanks to the outstanding food.

"Yup. Though I'm a bit angry at the fact my teammate is being replaced for it." He replied, lifting his gaze from his plate.

I poked my face, tilting my head, "Aren't you tired? The Chunin Exams are hosted every median. If the mission was too rough on you, shouldn't it be wiser to rest?"

Waving me off, he stated confidently, not a hint of arrogance in his tone, "I'll be fine. I outclass the competition by magnitudes, it's better if I just get it done and over with as soon as possible."

I can't argue his point, considering he's stronger than me by Grandfather's own admission and even capable of pressing him, the Chunin Exams shouldn't serve as an obstacle for him.

...I would have asked why he was in a rush, but that would be a rather insensitive question considering his position.

I'll hold my tongue.

He hummed rather awkwardly, "So..."

Lifting an inquisitive eyebrow at his hum, he asked me a question.

To my surprise.

"Any hobbies? What do you like to do? That kinda stuff." He seemed to have gradually loosened formality.

He's trying.

Smiling, I tease, no condescension in my tone, "And where did you get that line of questioning from? Your Jonin-sensei?"

He blinked, surprise evident in his expression at my sudden shift in tone.

Though he seemed to appreciate it, as he replied bluntly and sarcastically, "Yes. I hear women swoon at a glance at his exposed face."


I excitedly point out, my tone coming out more animated than I'd have liked it to be, "Hatake-san is your Sensei right? How is he?"

Judging by the deadpan on Akira-sama's face, he noticed my animated expression as well.

Sighing, his expression darkened, "...He's a bit of a problem."

"Sorry..." I smiled apologetically at him, sweat glistening on my forehead.

Akira replied with a wry grin, scratching the back of his head, "It's fine. He's not that bad..."

Getting back to his question I replied easily, "As for hobbies... With the exception of Shinobi-related work and training. Reading Literature and visiting Tamagoyaki spots and Bakeries in the village and out."

Humming for a moment, he inquired, "Forgive me if this is a little too personal..." His words came out laced with hesitation and mild concern.

I smiled, "If it's too much, I'll tell you." I gestured for the boy to carry on.

Nodding at my agreement, he probed, "What... Kind of literature, do you read?"


My cheeks were tinged red as I whispered, "Umm... R-Relationship Novels."

His jaw dropped onto the table.

...Wait! This is mortifying...

"No! No! No! Not those kinds of Relationships! The more innocent kind!" I clarified, flailing my hands wildly.

O-Oh, dear.

I've embarrassed myself... Again.

Akira's eyes narrowed sharply at me, stating something completely scandalous and against all proper etiquette, "Now I know where you got the infatuation with Kakashi-sensei from... I need to find a way to ban him from all libraries selling questionable literature."

Ignoring most of his statement, with the exception of the outlandish claim against me, I muttered in outrage, "I-Infatuation?!"


After calming myself down with dessert and having managed to singlehandedly break the ice with Akira-sama, I am relieved to say he's tolerable despite being a little annoying and mischievous.

He's done well in probing my boundaries and making sure to not touch on things I might be uncomfortable with.

A respectful awareness I was appreciative of.

But that is thus far... Considering he didn't talk much.

Though, when we did converse, it was short and in part amusing, but once we were done, silence overtook us.

Again, it seemed like I was the only one bothered by the silence, at least outwardly.

Following Akira paying the bill and me at least contributing by leaving the tip, Akira-sama guided me to our next destination.

The Nara Forest.

Not Shikaku-sama's private section, but rather the Deer Sanctuary within available to only the Nara and select guests.

Not a bad choice at all, though the praise would be directed at Grandfather who orchestrated this.

Aiko's tears of dismay at me leaving for an area she has no access to left her quite devastated.

Her dumb expressions, which I had a glimpse of during my meal with Akira, were definitely helpful.

I'll have to treat her to something later...

As I rubbed the head of a fawn I caught a glimpse of an odd sight.

Akira standing before a large male deer, the deer towering over him.

"Rudolph's Better." He stated matter of factly.

"Rudolph?" I repeat.

Waving his hand dismissively, he states, "Just my pet deer."

"You get your own Deer? I envy your position as the son of Shikaku-sama." I couldn't help but exclaim.

"Oh yeah, Shikamaru has got it good..." He nodded sagely.

"Though I am surprised none of my friends followed us during this date." He mentioned with a contemplating look at the cloud-filled blue sky, as a nice breeze passed us by.

"Maybe they are and we hadn't noticed them? Though I doubt I'd fail to notice a couple of little Genin following me." I propose.

He shook his head, "I wouldn't underestimate them, some of them are exceptionally good at sneaking around. My dumb teammate managed to sneak up on a princess with a bright orange get-up..."

"I see..." I replied with a hint of confusion.

Tilting his head, he continued, "But, even they couldn't sneak up on me. Yeah, there's no way. I'm extremely adept at noticing if someone is following me."

Placing a finger on his chin, he recalled, "Earlier today a prime example. I mean, I'm not a stranger to others looking my way, or even following me around. But there was this purple-haired girl... She couldn't have been more obvious. Though she didn't seem malicious so I let it slide."

I smiled politely, hiding the sweat on my forehead, "Oh, is that so? Did she look like she knew you noticed her?"

Damn it, Aiko.

At least he hadn't noticed me...

I pray he's bad at remembering faces.

He shook his head, "It's better to never let your pursuer know that you know that they are pursuing you."

I snorted, "That's quite the tongue twister, Akira-sama."

"Drop the "Sama" maybe?" He offered.

I shook my head, smiling, "I'm afraid I cannot do that, not yet."

Giving me a strange look, he shrugged and surrendered the mute argument, a subtle smile tugging at the corners of his lips.


The setting sun cast an orange hue in the once-blue sky, and a pleasant atmosphere enveloped us amid our walk.

The pleasantness was only subdued by the slight flashes of wariness in Akira-sama's expression.

Probing him, only solicited a, "I just feel a bit odd that no one interrupted us thus far. Or someone spying on us at the very least."

Aiko must have lost us by now...

Nonetheless, our walk continued with a prolonged silence.

Which hadn't bothered me as much as it did earlier.

Akira-sama's blunt question cut through the silence, his tone light yet disagreeing, "...Did you have to chastise those kids? I mean, they were just playing around."

I shook my head in disagreement, patiently explaining, "It's for their own good."

A frown of vindication took hold of my expression, at the memory of the boys in my own class back in the academy, "Regardless if it is good practice or not, using the Transformation Jutsu to buy ill-mannered things is absolutely detestable."

Sighing, I added, "Even considering the fact that they are curious children, no girl will look their way if such behavior takes root so early on. Better to be stern with them when they're young."

An impressed hum escaped him, shaking his head, "Fifteen years of age, and already speaking like my Aunt." He waved around the bag with a stack of papers inside of it.


I couldn't help but beam at the compliment, subduing my wide smile with a small one, "Yoshino-sama is a veteran Chunin and an amazing woman. I thank you for the compliment."

He raised an eyebrow at my words, but I dismissed it.

Eventually, we arrived at the gate to my home.

Pausing before them, I bowed politely, as etiquette guided and smiled lightly, "Today has been enjoyable, Akira-sama."

Though, as enjoyable and at times frustrating as it was.

Going by this date alone, it is difficult to see him in any light other than that of a slightly more mature than his age, little brother.

His maturity primarily stems from his expertise in Social Etiquette.

...Grandfather, had... Trained him well.

Or maybe the responsibility lay in his parents or Eiichi-sama's tutelage?

Still, he has demonstrated that he is well-educated.

 ...It went well, more than I expected.

That's why... I thinly suggested a follow-up.

I doubt my family would have appreciated it were I not to suggest it myself, and instead of that decided to wait for Akira-sama to do so himself.

I behaved as well as I could and as much as my family expected of me, and that, in essence... Should be enough.

I planned on offering one in case Akira-sama left without a word or suggestion.

Tilting my head, I suggested, "I hope it won't be too much trouble to meet with you again, Akira-sama?"

The hesitation on his face was clear.

I frowned at that.

It felt like a stab to my self-esteem and a pang of fear and concern was tremored in my heart.

His answer had softened the blow, "I have Chunin Exams coming up, so I'll be preoccupied with that... As long as you aren't on a mission or anything of that nature, I'd like for another outing with you, it was indeed enjoyable." He smiled politely, bowing as I had.

I nodded, relief softening my voice, "Settled then."

He nodded as well.

On a more pleased note, I continued curiously, "Have you met the competition yet? You certain you'll be fine?" I teased.

Waving lightly with his hand, he shook his head, "They've been arriving in batches, but I hadn't the chance to take a glimpse at them."

He scratched his head, "The last of them should be arriving in the next three days I believe, or so Naruto told me when I saw him helping out with the living quarters."

A silent mumble I caught onto left Akira's breath, "...He should really get to making his own one-man handyman company. Thousands of you can get anything done."

Coughing, he teased back, "It'll be a breeze. So easy in fact, I think it'd be preferable if you didn't even come to see it. You'll fall right to sleep."

I rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking, "Farewell, Akira-sama. And good luck to you. I hope to see you soon."

"Likewise. Naomi-san... Also, drop the "Sama"." He stated bluntly.

Turning around and shaking my head, I went ahead back home.

Passing through the paved walkway, I couldn't help but notice an eery silence.

A silence accompanied by the light echo of my steps on the coarse ground and the distancing footsteps of Akira-sama.

I could make out some kind of racket in my home, perhaps Mom and Dad had guests.

It is not a farfetched occurrence.

I find it likely Grandfather had cleared his schedule to await my result.

A bothersome thing...

Opening the door with a creak, my eyes were greeted with...



"HAH?!" I squeaked so loudly, that I found it likely the whole neighborhood heard my surprised cry.

Before me, was a collection of my family, relevant influential figures in my family, and much, much more.

My parents.

My close cousins and nephews.

Shikaku-sama, Yoshino-sama and Shikamaru-sama.

Even the Elders, Grandfather included were present.

The more concerning guests, were the Yamanaka and Akimichi Patriarchs, their wives and even children being present.

My home was never filled to the brim to this degree, as the table of delicacies and treats was barely visible in the figurative sea of people.

""CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT! NAOMI! AKIRA!"" Most of the guests yelled at my stupefied figure.

One of the silent few, being a glaring and brooding Yamanaka Heiress.

While the Akimichi Heir seemed to be... Crying tears of joy?

A sight that further twisted my gut.

"Oh, you piece of..." Akira-sama's voice, came out in a rather uncouth and rude manner, stopping himself short of completing that sentence.

His figure suddenly appeared beside mine, presumably rushing here at my screech.

His eyes locked firmly onto my Grandfather's giddy and gleeful figure, as he waved in a cheery manner at Akira-sama.

Akira-sama's gaze quickly shifted to Shikaku-sama and Yoshino-sama, a betrayed look in his eye, clearly.

Shikaku made a gesture to Akira that they'll speak on this later, a reassuring and lazy smile on his face.


A shiver went down my spine.

...This, is all too sudden.

All in my face.

Breaking off an engagement now would be... Nigh impossible.

And an embarrassing prospect, even for Akira-sama were he to wish it.

This will be a publicized event, certainly, judging by the people present.

It was at that thought, that my words rang ever true, at a guest that almost appeared out of nowhere...

His voice boomed like thunder over the noise of the house, "Congratulations on your engagement, Nara Akira and Nara Naomi. May your union be everlasting, filled with joy, love, and happiness." Lord Hokage smiled gently.

He gestured at Akira and me, who stood side by side, equally shocked. "Love and marriage are like a fire. Give each other space to breathe and warmth to thrive, and you will live happily together, serving both yourselves and the village, united."

"I will take my leave now, as intruding further would be in bad taste. Enjoy yourselves, everyone. I must return to my paperwork," he said with a sigh, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Uttering a final enigmatic sentence, "I am counting on you both."


Shadow Clone, or not.




This, was not even marriage.

Far from it, it was just the first date, of an engagement, finalized or not.

Excessive... Why? Why are they all here?!


...I was easing into it!

This is...

Ah, I can't calm down.

My face is red.

A sharp tug on my sleeve jolted me from my panic.

I turned to see the resolute and steely expression of Akira-sama, as he whispered, "Don't worry... I know this looks insane, and it is."

He shook his head, "That damn Makoto... I let my guard down. He even got Lord Hokage into this."

He locked eyes with me, suddenly, he looked much older than his appearance as he reassured my nerves, "Trust me. If you wish for this engagement to end, I will soon have the capability to cut it off, with minimal damage done to both of us. Don't ask why, just trust me on this."

Trying to catch my breath and calm myself, I nodded hesitantly, "O-Okay. I just need a moment..."

"Oh~ Our lovely couple is already whispering sweet nothings to each other~!" Makoto's voice rang aloud as he approached us.

Only to be grabbed forcefully by Yoshino-sama, reigning him in, "Any inappropriate insinuations to the children won't be tolerated. They're embarrassed enough as is." She stated firmly and empathetically.

He stuttered, appearing fearful of Yoshino-sama, "B-But I have to hand them the keys and news!"

She glared at him, "Don't make this any harder on them than necessary. Are you trying to act against your own interests, Makoto? We, as the parents will be privately speaking with the kids."

"Hmph, Killjoy." Grandfather pouted.

Seeing the expectant look on the faces of his friends, Akira sighed turning to me, "Will you be alright."


I smiled, reigning in the turmoil and trying my best to adapt to the sudden, albeit inevitable arrival of my fate, "Yeah... Something like this would have eventually happened."

If I could have been at least alerted to the Engagement Party, I could have resolved myself.

To something of this scale...


-Akira POV-

"Is this your way of announcing to the other fearful clans that I am not going to be a Genocidal Clan Murderer?" I bluntly and patiently asked Uncle and Aunt as I sat before them in a private room.

I am well aware of the fear concerning me.

Brought into existence thanks to the gaping void and wound Uchiha Itachi had inflicted on the Village.

A... Creative resolution was proposed by none other than the Hyuga Clan of all people.

Ironically, they are one of the clans more in favor of my existence, out of pride if anything.

This resolution essentially solves two issues:

(1) Passing on my Kekkei Genkai to embolden and bolster the Village Power.

(2) Fear regarding my loyalty and concerns about the possibility of going rogue.

The answer is simple.

What is a more surefire way of keeping a man loyal, than a wife and children of his own?

Frankly, I was aware of this discussion and floating opinion for a year or so.

All the clans were in favor of this solution, even the most fearful and hateful towards me, the Inuzuka Clan.

Whom, Shikaku has been giving the silent treatment and has slowly been cutting ties due to the Clan Head's stubborn and antagonistic fear towards me.

Even with Lord Hokage's intervention and word, the trauma "Geniuses" inflicted on Konoha is not to be underestimated.

Some whisper that should it have been Lord Fourth - Namikaze Minato, then they would have listened wholeheartedly.

Some are even bold and comfortable enough to state that the Uchiha Massacre would not have happened on his watch.

Trust and respect in Hiruzen Sarutobi have been dwindling for years now...

Uncle nodded, "Exactly. I did try to keep it as low profile as possible, the initial plan was for all Clan Heads to be present for your official engagement, but we managed to settle with Lord Third's presence."

I blinked, pinching my forehead, "Are you certain this is an engagement and not a marriage?"

This was still beyond excessive.

Auntie replied gently, her tone soft and genuine, "It's the best we could do. They had wanted you to get married to a Nara Girl and have children as soon as possible. Shikaku had managed to soften it to an engagement and extended your time... The party was offered and organized by Makoto and despite surprising Shikaku and myself at the boldness of it, it served its role well."

...I doubt he would have gone that far if the girl I had chosen wasn't Naomi.

He seems to derive pleasure from torturing even his relatives.

He never ceases to disgust me.

...Not as disgusting as what I just managed to glean from Auntie's words.

My eyebrow twitched, "Are you telling me that they wanted me to impregnate a woman at this age? How is it that this is the first I've heard of this appalling idea?" My tone came out slow and frustrated.

Uncle sighed tiredly, "Calm down. That was the initial idea. I put a stop to it right away. As you can see, I've managed some consensus."

I repeated, rage beneath my tone, but I kept tight control of my tone, "Consensus? On what right do other clans get to order you around and decide on my fate?"

The prospect of an arranged marriage never bothered me that much.

But the prospect of others trying to decide my fate because they're pissing their pants at my existence... Bugs me to no end.

Especially when they wanted me to do something so disgusting just for the sake of solidifying my "Loyalty" and lowering my "Risk Level".

"They don't. They'd be troublesome if I didn't agree to something, especially when so many clans unite on one agreement, even the Hokage was against us in this regard."

I folded my arms, "Just troublesome? Then ignore it! Why agree to an offer like this?" I waved around the keys to my new... Home.

"Because there's nothing to gain, only to lose in this situation. The consensus Shikaku reached grants us plentiful time to think of something, or for you to gain enough influence to cut this off yourself." Auntie interjected.

Uncle pointed out, lifting a finger, "You will marry Naomi, or in case that does not go well, a different Nara Girl at the age of 16. That is non-negotiable for now. Your wife will have to bear your child by the time you are 17."

He pointed at the keys in my hands, "To that front, you have been gifted a home. It is officially yours and Naomi's. You may sell it within two years of living in it should you desire it."

"...Kicking me out already huh?" I mumbled.

Auntie smiled sadly, shaking her head, "You are officially living there. You'll have to show your face around your new home a couple of times, but essentially you may continue to live and sleep here. Regardless of this consensus, you will always be my and Shikaku's son. And our home is your home."

"Why age 16, though..." I couldn't help but wonder.

"It was Eiichi's projection on the age where you would have grown too strong or too influential to force into such things." Shikaku offered with a smug smirk.

Oh... Wait.

"Is the agreement final?" I repeat with a twinge of hope and excitement.

Smirking and sensing where I was going with this, Uncle nodded, "Yes, signed and written with Lord Third's signature."


What a relief.

This is reversible, until 16 is plenty of time.

...He didn't know about Jeff's Domain nor Rudolph when he made that growth projection, now did he?

The 10th one, need not be mentioned.

...Okay, I'm fine.

Nevertheless, I'll have to consult the smartest person I know about this whole situation, a contingency is always preferable.

Again, arranged marriage isn't the problem here.

It's the outsider clans who shove their noses where they don't belong...


Well, one problem at a time.

Chunin Exams and the whole mess is the priority, if it goes according to plan, the outcome should be favorable towards me and even this situation.

Reluctantly lifting my eyes, and smiling lightly, I ask, "Do we at least get separate rooms?"

They nodded in unison, Uncle responding, "Makoto assured us that was the case, he showed us your new abode, so I can confirm."

"...Believing whatever Makoto is assuring you of, is your first mistake, Uncle."


Uncle, in fact, could not confirm.

How I wished that I was wrong.

The thin line and deadpan expression on Naomi towering beside me, her eyes dead as they glared aimlessly at the Lone Bedroom with a Lone bed.

Being as filthy rich as he was, I am so bloody certain that Makoto simply rented a dummy house to show my parents, while this was the actual real house Naomi and I were getting.

"You mind sleeping back in your home? I'll set up a second bed this night, and I doubt you'll manage to fall asleep under such a ruckus." I offered politely.

For the first time since the rare times I've managed to irritate the polite and formal girl, her voice came out mechanical and loose, "Yes. I think I'll do that."

Stopping at the door, she turned and bowed, "Thank you. Akira-sama. And Goodnight."

Okay, formality mode is never truly inactive with her, it seems.

I could see the slight hesitation in her steps as she tried to keep herself composed during her leave.


Poor girl.

She's strong, but I think this was a bit much for her all at once.

...And for me for that matter.

I made the shadowgraphic hand sign of a rabbit head, uttering, "Rabbit Escape."

A familiar negligible drop in my chakra was felt.

Liquid shadows moved in rapid-fire motion as they twisted into many Whiskers Clones.

Most of whom I had dismissed, leaving nearly a hundred of them manifested.

Making the shadowgraphic hand sign of a toad with my hands, I muttered, "Toad."

Jeff announced his presence with a mighty croak and bellow.

"Not in the mood buddy, we've got work to do," I stated.

He tilted his head, at the noticeable lack of enemies.

Taking out my wallet from the shadows, I drop a few Ryo bills on the ground.

Pointing at the Whiskers Swarm, I elaborated, "Split into two groups. One group fetches a Bed Building Manual, the other group fetches the materials needed. Jeff will join the material group to carry a decent load himself. Original Whiskers, you stay here and study the Manual that will be brought back, I will dismiss your clones and clone new ones with your knowledge. I need this bed ready by dawn."

Without further prompting, the Whiskers ran out the door, leaving me, Original Whiskers, and...


Narrowing my eyes at him, I threatened, "Don't test me."

'Should. You. Not Be. Training. For Big. Exam.' He posed the question.

"I get to take breaks. You don't. Now chop chop, Jeff!"

He attempted to slap me with his tongue.

I dodged, because unfortunately for him...

He's too low-level.

To Be Continued!

-Omake Start-

Title - Naomi Discovers The Lord Of The House (Canon)

-Naomi POV-

...It took me a while to digest this whole situation.

I couldn't help but enter my new home for the second time ever, with Aiko by my side.

She was furious and insisted on meeting Akira right this instant.

My fervent refusals were dismissed, as expected.

...Oh dear, I'll have to explain to him about the whole spying thing.

"...I want to hide in a corner. And stay there. Forever." I mumbled with rosy cheeks.

"No way I'm letting you do that Nao!" Aiko slammed the door open.

"...Disgraceful," I repeated mechanically as I entered the abode.

Standing proudly, her hands on her hips, Aiko mumbled, "Now... Where is the little smug kid?"

"...He could be busy preparing for the Chunin Exams." I absentmindedly hazarded a guess.

Aiko rushed forward, passing by the couch, pausing, as she screeched.

"W-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" She roared in indignation.

After yesterday, nothing can surprise me, so I calmly approached.

Turning my head, my eyes widen at a truly bizarre sight.

A large toad, sprawled on the couch like a deadbeat husband.

Ten empty bottles of sake on the floor.

"THAT'S HIS KEKKEI GENKAI!" She announced the obvious.

At the mess in our new home, I awaken from my depressed and groggy state, my eyes shoot towards the garden area, noticing a meditating Akira-sama, his postured body leaning on a tree.

"I'll have to nicely set up some ground rules. It seems Akira-sama is as much of a little boy as he appears to be..."

-Omake End-

-Author Note Start-

Hello ladies, gentlemen, others, aliens, and 4th dimensional beings!

I have missed you! Which is why I was late!

Hope this chapter was interesting and not a nappy nap time for you (It could be)

But I am to be the bearer of great news to yall!

The next Chapter is the Chunin Exams! 100% Confirmed.

All the in-between slice of life shiet that happened is gonna be Omakes.

Buckle up, strap yourself.

Wash your hands, brush your teeth.


I'll do my best to NOT FUMBLE this important af arc.

What will stay the same?

What will change?

Who will win? (Nah, i'd win).

Who gets Nue's power?

What the fuck was that weird ass interlude and is it gonna be relevant for the next arc. (Sorta, it's relevant for the rest of the fic lol).

Also, the political crap will play a role POST Chunin Exams.

So that's on the backburner once more after making a little cameo here.

Anywho cya people!

Love you <3

Nice day!

Bu bye!

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

I fought off a seething life-ending migraine through sheer brute force and masculinity. i was not crying in my bed as i twisted in agony. Not at all. Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-

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